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Last active February 14, 2018 03:37
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import collections
def flatten(thing):
Given an arbitrarily nested list, flattens it into a giant list.
thing (:obj:`list`):
Generator of elements found within the original :obj:`list` as a stream of elements.
for foo in thing:
if isinstance(foo, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(foo, basestring):
for bar in flatten(foo):
yield bar
yield foo
import unittest
from flattener import flatten
class FlattenTest(unittest.TestCase):
""" Test cases for flattener.flatten method """
def testEmptyList(self):
""" Test case: Flatten an empty list. Should return empty list """
foo = []
assert list(flatten(foo)) == foo, 'flatten an empty list did not return an empty list.'
def testSimpleList(self):
""" Test case: flatten an already flattened list. Should return original list """
foo = [1, 2, 3, 4]
assert list(flatten(foo)) == foo, 'flatten a shallow list did not return same shallow list.'
def testComplexList(self):
""" Test case: flatten a complex list, of varying types """
foo = [[1, 2, [3]], 4]
assert list(flatten(foo)) == [1, 2, 3, 4], 'flatten complex list from interview question did not return [1, 2, 3, 4].'
def testDifferingTypesList(self):
Test case: flatten a list of varying types.
Note, this case showed a critical bug when not checking for string types, which are iterables.
foo = [1, [2.0, 'three', ['four', ('five', 'six')]]]
assert list(flatten(foo)) == [1, 2.0, 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six'], 'flatten mixed type list did not return flattened list.'
if __name__ == "__main__":
unittest.main() # run all tests
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