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Created June 13, 2018 22:31
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function MakeArray(size) {
for (var i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
this.length = size;
this[i] = 0;
function N(X) // cumulative normal distr N(x)
{ //approximation from Hull chapter 10
var x, k, y, gamma;
if (X == 0) {
return 0.5;
else {
if (X > 0) {
x = X;
} else {
x = -X;
with (Math) {
gamma = 0.2316419;
k = 1 / (1 + gamma * x);
y = 1 - ((1 / sqrt(2 * PI)) * exp(-x * x * 0.5) * (k * 0.319381530 + k * k * (-0.356563782) +
k * k * k * 1.781477937 + k * k * k * k * (-1.821255978) + k * k * k * k * k * 1.330274429));
if (X < 0) {
return 1 - y;
return y;
function N(X) {
var A1 = 0.31938153,
A2 = -0.356563782,
A3 = 1.781477937,
A4 = -1.821255978,
A5 = 1.330274429,
L, K, W;
with(Math) {
L = abs(X);
K = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.2316419 * L);
W = 1.0 - 1.0 / 2.5066282746310002 *
exp(-L * L / 2.0) * (A1 * K + A2 * K * K + A3 * K * K * K + A4 * K * K * K * K +
A5 * K * K * K * K * K);
if (X < 0) {
return 1.0 - W;
} else {
return W;
function DN(x) // finds derivative of cumulative normal distr N(x)
var pi, y;
with(Math) {
pi = 3.14159;
y = exp(-x * x / 2) / pow(2 * pi, 1 / 2);
return y;
function BSput(S, X, sigma, q, r, Tdays)
// Calculates Black-Scholes price of Eur put
var p, d1, d2, T;
T = Tdays / 365; // Time in years
with(Math) {
d1 = (log(S / X) + (r - q + sigma * sigma / 2) * T) / (sigma * sqrt(T));
d2 = (log(S / X) + (r - q - sigma * sigma / 2) * T) / (sigma * sqrt(T));
p = exp(-r * T) * X * N(-d2) - exp(-q * T) * S * N(-d1);
} //end with(Math)
return p;
function BScall(S, X, sigma, q, r, Tdays)
// Calculates Black-Scholes price of Eur Call
var c, d1, d2, T;
T = Tdays / 365; // Time in years
with(Math) {
d1 = (log(S / X) + (r - q + sigma * sigma / 2) * T) / (sigma * sqrt(T));
d2 = (log(S / X) + (r - q - sigma * sigma / 2) * T) / (sigma * sqrt(T));
c = exp(-q * T) * S * N(d1) - exp(-r * T) * X * N(d2);
} //end with(Math)
return c;
function BSdeltaCall(S, X, sigma, q, r, Tdays) {
var c, d1, d2, T;
T = Tdays / 365; // Time in years
with(Math) {
d1 = (log(S / X) + (r - q + sigma * sigma / 2) * T) / (sigma * sqrt(T));
c = exp(-r * T) * N(d1)
} //end with(Math)
return c;
function BSdeltaPut(S, X, sigma, q, r, Tdays) {
var c, d1, d2, T;
T = Tdays / 365; // Time in years
with(Math) {
d1 = (log(S / X) + (r - q + sigma * sigma / 2) * T) / (sigma * sqrt(T));
c = exp(-r * T) * (N(d1) - 1)
} //end with(Math)
return c;
function BScallderivative(S, X, sigma, q, r, Tdays)
// Calculates the derivative with respect to
// sigma of the Black-Scholes price of Eur Call
var c, d1, d2, T;
var dc, dd1, dd2; // derivatives with respect to sigma of c, d1, d2
T = Tdays / 365; // Time in years
with(Math) {
d1 = (log(S / X) + (r - q + sigma * sigma / 2) * T) / (sigma * sqrt(T));
d2 = (log(S / X) + (r - q - sigma * sigma / 2) * T) / (sigma * sqrt(T));
dd1 = (T * (sigma * sigma / 2 - r - q) - log(S / X)) / (sigma * sigma * pow(T, 1 / 2));
dd2 = dd1 - pow(T, 1 / 2);
dc = exp(-q * T) * S * DN(d1) * dd1 - exp(-r * T) * X * DN(d2) * dd2;
} //end with(Math)
return dc;
function BScallvolatility(S, X, guess, q, r, Tdays, c) {
// Calculates the volatility from an initial guess when all
// other parameters are known (including the price c)
var approx = guess;
with(Math) {
for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) // implementing Newton's method
approx = approx -
(BScall(S, X, approx, q, r, Tdays) - c) /
BScallderivative(S, X, approx, q, r, Tdays);
return approx;
function BSPrice(Type, S, X, T, V, IR) {
var r = 0.0;
if ((typeof IR) === 'number') {
r = IR;
if (Type == 'call') {
return BScall(S, X, V / 100.0, 0.0, r, T);
return BSput(S, X, V / 100.0, 0.0, r, T);
function BSDelta(Type, S, X, T, V, IR) {
var r = 0.0;
if ((typeof IR) === 'number') {
r = IR;
if (Type == 'call') {
return BSdeltaCall(S, X, V, 0.0, r, T);
} else {
return BSdeltaPut(S, X, V, 0.0, r, T)
function BSImpV(Type, S, X, T, c, IR) {
var i, approx = 5,
tol = 0.00001,
sig = 0.5,
sig_u = 5,
sig_d = 0.0001,
r = 0.0;
if ((typeof IR) === 'number') {
r = IR;
if (Type == 'call') {
with(Math) {
i = 0;
err = BScall(S, X, sig, 0, r, T) - c;
while (i < 32 && abs(err) > tol) {
if (err < 0) {
sig_d = sig;
sig = (sig_u + sig) / 2.0;
} else if (err > 0) {
sig_u = sig;
sig = (sig_d + sig) / 2.0;
} else {
return sig;
err = BScall(S, X, sig, 0, r, T) - c;
i = i + 1;
return sig;
} else {
with(Math) {
i = 0;
err = BSput(S, X, sig, 0, r, T) - c;
while (i < 32 && abs(err) > tol) {
if (err < 0) {
sig_d = sig;
sig = (sig_u + sig) / 2.0;
} else {
sig_u = sig;
sig = (sig_d + sig) / 2.0;
err = BSput(S, X, sig, 0, r, T) - c;
i = i + 1;
return sig;
function AmPut(S, X, sigma, Q, r, Tdays, Nofnodes)
//Calculation of Eur and Am Put using BINOMIAL TREE
//Function also returns the value of Amer Put in a normal way.
var T, dt, a, b2, u, d, p, q; //q=1-p the rest see in Hull p.337
//do not confuse q with dividents Q
P0 = new MakeArray(Nofnodes);
P1 = new MakeArray(Nofnodes); //American Put Prices
// In array P0[*]
//we keep stock prices and in P1[*] american option prices
// at a fixed moment P0[0] is the lowest stock price
//i.e. P is a vertical section of the tree (tree isgrowing from
//left to right see picture in Hull
T = Tdays / 365; // Time in years
dt = T / (Nofnodes - 1); //Number of time intervals is Nofnodes -1
with(Math) {
a = exp((r - Q) * dt);
b2 = a * a * (exp(sigma * sigma * dt) - 1); //b2=b^2
u = ((a * a + b2 + 1) + sqrt((a * a + b2 + 1) * (a * a + b2 + 1) - 4 * a * a)) / (2 * a);
//u=exp(sigma*dt); OLD CoxRossRubinstein where prob can be
d = 1 / u;
p = (a - d) / (u - d);
q = 1 - p;
if ((q > 0) && (p > 0)) //positive probabilities, calculate the prices
//calculation of terminal prices and values of the option
//at time i*dt prices are S*u^j*d^(i-j) j=0,1,...i
var i = Nofnodes;
with(Math) {
P0[0] = S * pow(d, i - 1);
} //i is the number of prices
if (P0[0] <= X)
P1[0] = X - P0[0];
P1[0] = 0;
for (j = 1; j <= i - 1; ++j) {
P0[j] = P0[j - 1] * (u / d);
if (P0[j] <= X)
P1[j] = X - P0[j];
P1[j] = 0;
//End of calculation terminal prices of Am Option
// Calculation of dt-period discount rate
with(Math) {
var daydiscount = exp(-r * dt);
//going backwards through the tree
//Calculating American Put
for (k = Nofnodes; k >= 1; --k) //changing time
for (l = 0; l < k - 1; ++l) //changing entries for stock prices
//and opt prices using nodes from the previous t
P0[l] = P0[l] * u; //put new stock price
P1[l] = (q * (P1[l]) + p * (P1[l + 1])) * daydiscount;
//check for early exercize
if (P1[l] < (X - P0[l])) //then exercize
P1[l] = X - P0[l];
return P1[0]; //returns american put price
} else //negative probabilities Do Not Exist in Our Approximation
alert('Negative probabilities, Increase Volatility');
return "error";
} //end AmPut
function EurPut(S, X, sigma, Q, r, Tdays, Nofnodes) {
//Calculation of Eur Put using BINOMIAL TREE
var T, dt, a, b2, u, d, p, q; //q=1-p the rest see in Hull p.337
//do not confuse q with dividents Q
Q0 = new MakeArray(Nofnodes);
Q1 = new MakeArray(Nofnodes); //European Put Prices
// In array Q0[*]
//and in Q1[*] european option prices
// at a fixed moment Q0[0] is the lowest stock price
//i.e. P is a vertical section of the tree (tree isgrowing from
//left to right see picture in Hull
T = Tdays / 365; // Time in years
dt = T / (Nofnodes - 1); //Number of time intervals is Nofnodes -1
with(Math) {
a = exp((r - Q) * dt);
b2 = a * a * (exp(sigma * sigma * dt) - 1); //b2=b^2
u = ((a * a + b2 + 1) + sqrt((a * a + b2 + 1) * (a * a + b2 + 1) - 4 * a * a)) / (2 * a);
//u=exp(sigma*dt); OLD CoxRossRubinstein where prob can be
d = 1 / u;
p = (a - d) / (u - d);
q = 1 - p;
if ((q > 0) && (p > 0)) //positive probabilities, calculate the prices
//calculation of terminal prices and values of the option
//at time i*dt prices are S*u^j*d^(i-j) j=0,1,...i
var i = Nofnodes;
with(Math) {
Q0[0] = S * pow(d, i - 1);
} //i is the number of prices
if (Q0[0] <= X)
Q1[0] = X - Q0[0];
Q1[0] = 0;
for (j = 1; j <= i - 1; ++j) {
Q0[j] = Q0[j - 1] * (u / d);
if (Q0[j] <= X)
Q1[j] = X - Q0[j];
Q1[j] = 0;
//End of calculation terminal prices of Am Option
// Calculation of dt-period discount rate
with(Math) {
var daydiscount = exp(-r * dt);
//going backwards through the tree
//Calculating Eur Put
for (k = Nofnodes; k >= 1; --k) //changing time
for (l = 0; l < k - 1; ++l) //changing entries for stock prices
//and opt prices using nodes from the previous t
Q0[l] = Q0[l] * u; //put new stock price
Q1[l] = (q * (Q1[l]) + p * (Q1[l + 1])) * daydiscount;
//no check for early exercize
return Q1[0];
} // end if positive probabilities
else //negative probabilities Do Not Exist in Our Approximation This is
//from old times
alert('Negative probabilities, Increase Volatility');
return "error";
} //end EurPut
function AmCall(S, X, sigma, Q, r, Tdays, Nofnodes)
//Calculation of Eur and Am Put using BINOMIAL TREE
//Function also returns the value of Amer Put in a normal way.
var T, dt, a, b2, u, d, p, q; //q=1-p the rest see in Hull p.337
//do not confuse q with dividents Q
P0 = new MakeArray(Nofnodes);
P1 = new MakeArray(Nofnodes); //American Put Prices
// In array P0[*]
//we keep stock prices and in P1[*] american option prices
// at a fixed moment P0[0] is the lowest stock price
//i.e. P is a vertical section of the tree (tree isgrowing from
//left to right see picture in Hull
T = Tdays / 365; // Time in years
dt = T / (Nofnodes - 1); //Number of time intervals is Nofnodes -1
with(Math) {
a = exp((r - Q) * dt);
b2 = a * a * (exp(sigma * sigma * dt) - 1); //b2=b^2
u = ((a * a + b2 + 1) + sqrt((a * a + b2 + 1) * (a * a + b2 + 1) - 4 * a * a)) / (2 * a);
//u=exp(sigma*dt); OLD CoxRossRubinstein where prob can be
d = 1 / u;
p = (a - d) / (u - d);
q = 1 - p;
if ((q > 0) && (p > 0)) //positive probabilities, calculate the prices
//calculation of terminal prices and values of the option
//at time i*dt prices are S*u^j*d^(i-j) j=0,1,...i
var i = Nofnodes;
with(Math) {
P0[0] = S * pow(d, i - 1);
} //i is the number of prices
if (P0[0] >= X)
P1[0] = P0[0] - X;
P1[0] = 0;
for (j = 1; j <= i - 1; ++j) {
P0[j] = P0[j - 1] * (u / d);
if (P0[j] >= X)
P1[j] = P0[j] - X;
P1[j] = 0;
//End of calculation terminal prices of Am Option
// Calculation of dt-period discount rate
with(Math) {
var daydiscount = exp(-r * dt);
//going backwards through the tree
//Calculating American Put
for (k = Nofnodes; k >= 1; --k) //changing time
for (l = 0; l < k - 1; ++l) //changing entries for stock prices
//and opt prices using nodes from the previous t
P0[l] = P0[l] * u; //put new stock price
P1[l] = (q * (P1[l]) + p * (P1[l + 1])) * daydiscount;
//check for early exercize
if (P1[l] < (P0[l] - X)) //then exercize
P1[l] = P0[l] - X;
return P1[0]; //returns american call price
} else //negative probabilities Do Not Exist in Our Approximation
alert('Negative probabilities, Increase Volatility');
return "error";
} //end AmCall
function EurCall(S, X, sigma, Q, r, Tdays, Nofnodes) {
//Calculation of Eur Call using BINOMIAL TREE
var T, dt, a, b2, u, d, p, q; //q=1-p the rest see in Hull p.337
//do not confuse q with dividents Q
Q0 = new MakeArray(Nofnodes);
Q1 = new MakeArray(Nofnodes); //European Call Prices
// In array Q0[*]
//and in Q1[*] european option prices
// at a fixed moment Q0[0] is the lowest stock price
//i.e. P is a vertical section of the tree (tree isgrowing from
//left to right see picture in Hull
T = Tdays / 365; // Time in years
dt = T / (Nofnodes - 1); //Number of time intervals is Nofnodes -1
with(Math) {
a = exp((r - Q) * dt);
b2 = a * a * (exp(sigma * sigma * dt) - 1); //b2=b^2
u = ((a * a + b2 + 1) + sqrt((a * a + b2 + 1) * (a * a + b2 + 1) - 4 * a * a)) / (2 * a);
//u=exp(sigma*dt); OLD CoxRossRubinstein where prob can be
d = 1 / u;
p = (a - d) / (u - d);
q = 1 - p;
if ((q > 0) && (p > 0)) //positive probabilities, calculate the prices
//calculation of terminal prices and values of the option
//at time i*dt prices are S*u^j*d^(i-j) j=0,1,...i
var i = Nofnodes;
with(Math) {
Q0[0] = S * pow(d, i - 1);
} //i is the number of prices
if (Q0[0] >= X) //here is the change from call to put
Q1[0] = Q0[0] - X; //here is the change from call to put
Q1[0] = 0;
for (j = 1; j <= i - 1; ++j) {
Q0[j] = Q0[j - 1] * (u / d);
if (Q0[j] >= X) //here is the change from call to put
Q1[j] = Q0[j] - X; //here is the change from call to put
Q1[j] = 0;
//End of calculation terminal prices of Eur
// Calculation of dt-period discount rate
with(Math) {
var daydiscount = exp(-r * dt);
//going backwards through the tree
//Calculating Eur Put
for (k = Nofnodes; k >= 1; --k) //changing time
for (l = 0; l < k - 1; ++l) //changing entries for stock prices
//and opt prices using nodes from the previous t
Q0[l] = Q0[l] * u; //put new stock price
Q1[l] = (q * (Q1[l]) + p * (Q1[l + 1])) * daydiscount;
//no check for early exercize
return Q1[0];
} // end if positive probabilities
else //negative probabilities Do Not Exist in Our Approximation This is
//from old times
alert('Negative probabilities, Increase Volatility');
return "error";
} //end EurCall
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