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Created November 6, 2022 05:47
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class ApiClient {
final Dio dio;
final NetworkInfo networkInfo;
final FlutterSecureStorage secureStorage;
String? accessToken;
/// The base options for all requests with this Dio client.
final BaseOptions baseOptions = BaseOptions(
connectTimeout: 5000,
receiveTimeout: 3000,
receiveDataWhenStatusError: true,
followRedirects: true,
headers: {"content-Type": "application/json"},
baseUrl: kDomain, // Domain constant (base path).
/// Is the current access token valid? Checks if it's null, empty, or expired.
bool get validToken {
if (accessToken == null || accessToken!.isEmpty || Jwt.isExpired(accessToken!)) return false;
return true;
required this.dio,
required this.networkInfo,
required this.secureStorage,
}) {
dio.options = baseOptions;
// Runs before a request happens. If there's no valid access token, it'll
// get a new one before running the request.
onRequest: (options, handler) async {
if (!validToken) {
await getAndSetAccessTokenVariable(dio);
// Runs on an error. If this error is a token error (401 or 403), then the access token
// is refreshed and the request is re-run.
onError: (error, handler) async {
if (tokenInvalidResponse(error)) {
await refreshAndRedoRequest(error, handler);
} else {
// Other error occurs (non-token issue).
/// Sets the current [accessToken] to request header.
void setHeader(RequestOptions options) =>
options.headers["authorization"] = "Bearer $accessToken";
/// Refreshes access token, sets it to header, and resolves cloned request of the original.
Future<void> refreshAndRedoRequest(DioError error, ErrorInterceptorHandler handler) async {
await getAndSetAccessTokenVariable(dio);
data:, options: Options(method: error.requestOptions.method)));
/// Gets new access token using the device's refresh token and sets it to [accessToken] class field.
/// If the refresh token from the device's storage is null or empty, an [EmptyTokenException] is thrown.
/// This should be handled with care. This means the user has somehow been logged out!
Future<void> getAndSetAccessTokenVariable(Dio dio) async {
final refreshToken = await "refreshToken");
if (refreshToken == null || refreshToken.isEmpty) {
// User is no longer logged in!
throw EmptyTokenException();
} else {
// New DIO instance so it doesn't get blocked by QueuedInterceptorsWrapper.
// Refreshes token from endpoint.
try {
final response = await Dio(baseOptions).post(
data: {"token": refreshToken},
// If refresh fails, throw a custom exception.
if (!validStatusCode(response)) {
throw ServerException();
accessToken =["accessToken"];
} on DioError catch (e) {
// Based on the different dio errors, throw custom exception classes.
switch (e.type) {
case DioErrorType.sendTimeout:
throw ConnectionException();
case DioErrorType.connectTimeout:
throw ConnectionException();
case DioErrorType.receiveTimeout:
throw ConnectionException();
case DioErrorType.response:
throw ServerException();
throw ServerException();
bool tokenInvalidResponse(DioError error) =>
error.response?.statusCode == 403 || error.response?.statusCode == 401;
bool validStatusCode(Response response) =>
response.statusCode == 200 || response.statusCode == 201;
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