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Last active April 26, 2020 19:55
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An utility to rank games by a team in a certain year without revealing the game results.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" An utility to rank games by a team in a certain year without revealing the results.
The data source and its copyright:
__author__ = "Lex Vorona"
import sys, getopt
import requests
import json
from datetime import datetime
weights = {
'goal': 100.0,
'shot': 10.0,
'chance': 20.0,
'powerplay': -5.0,
'shorthand': 50.0,
'penalty': 1.0,
winner = 1.0
def rank(game):
score = 0.0;
if not game['goals'] is None:
score = score + int(game['goals']) * weights['goal'] * winner
if not game['opp_goals'] is None:
score = score + int(game['opp_goals']) * weights['goal']
if not game['shots'] is None:
score = score + int(game['shots']) * weights['shot'] * winner
if not game['shots_against'] is None:
score = score + int(game['shots_against']) * weights['shot']
# score = score + int(game['chances_pp']) * weights['chance'] * winner
# score = score + int(game['opp_chances_pp']) * weights['chance']
# score = score + int(game['goals_pp']) * weights['powerplay'] * winner
# score = score + int(game['goals_against_pp']) * weights['powerplay']
# score = score + int(game['goals_sh']) * weights['shorthand'] * winner
# score = score + int(game['goals_against_sh']) * weights['shorthand']
if not game['pen_min'] is None:
score = score + int(game['pen_min']) * weights['penalty']
if not game['pen_min_opp'] is None:
score = score + int(game['pen_min_opp']) * weights['penalty']
return score
def rank_games(team, year):
url = ',o:team,goals,o:goals,faceoffs won, line, losses, margin, ou margin, ou streak, overtime, penalties, penalty minutes, period scores, playoffs, shoot out, shots on goal, o:shots on goal, site, total,penalty minutes,o:penalty minutes@(abbreviation={} and season={})'.format(team, year)
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'curl',
page = requests.get(url, verify=False, headers=headers)
raw = page.text.replace('json_callback(', '').replace(');\n', '').replace('\t', '').replace('\'', '"')
data = json.loads(raw)
# Uncomment to see field indexes
# print([[i, data['headers'][i]] for i in range(len(data['headers']))])
data = data['groups'][0]['columns']
stats = [{
'date': data[0][i],
'opp': data[1][i],
'goals': data[2][i],
'opp_goals': data[3][i],
'shots': data[16][i],
'shots_against': data[17][i],
'pen_min': data[20][i],
'pen_min_opp': data[21][i],
} for i in range(len(data[0]))]
for game in sorted(stats, key=rank, reverse=True):
print('{} vs {}'.format(nice_date(game['date']), game['opp']))
def nice_date(date):
return datetime.strptime(str(date), '%Y%m%d').strftime('%b %d, %Y')
def main(argv):
usage = ' -t <team> -y <year> -w <winner premium>'
global winner
team = 'VAN'
year = '2018'
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"ht:w:y:",["team=", "winner=", "year="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-h':
elif opt in ("-t", "--team"):
team = arg
elif opt in ("-y", "--year"):
year = arg
elif opt in ("-w", "--winner"):
winner = float(arg)
rank_games(team, year)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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