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Last active March 30, 2023 13:59
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open System.IO
#I @"/lib/mono/gtk-sharp-3.0"
#r "atk-sharp.dll"
#r "gio-sharp.dll"
#r "glib-sharp.dll"
#r "gtk-sharp.dll"
#r "gdk-sharp.dll"
module Tarot =
let mutable handSize = 5
let shuffle a =
let swap (a: _[]) x y =
let tmp = a.[x]
a.[x] <- a.[y]
a.[y] <- tmp
let rand = new System.Random()
Array.iteri (fun i _ -> swap a i (rand.Next(i, Array.length a))) a
let filenames = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles ("/home/alan/Downloads/Hexen2.0/fullLarge","*.jpg")
Tarot.shuffle filenames
let w = new Gtk.Window "Hexen 2.0"
let gridView = new Gtk.Grid ()
w.Add gridView
let hand =
|> name -> File.Open(name, FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read))
|> (fun i -> new Gtk.Image (i) )
|> Array.iter (gridView.Add)
hand |> Array.iter(fun f -> f.Close())
w.ShowAll ()
w.DeleteEvent.Subscribe(fun _ -> Gtk.Application.Quit())
Gtk.Application.Run ()
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