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Last active October 14, 2019 19:59
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BOLT nearest neighbour
// const shaukote = require('./shaukote');
const { performance } = require('perf_hooks');
function closestStraightCity(c, x, y, q) {
let resArray = []; // ["city",..,q]
// HashX: {
// '1': [city:[y,prev,next],city:[y,prev,next],...]
// '2': {city:[y,prev,next],city:[y,prev,next],...}
// }
// HashY: {
// '1': {city:[x,prev,next],city:[x,prev,next],...}
// '2': {city:[x,prev,next],city:[x,prev,next],...}
// }
// {
// '1': {
// london: { y: 1, prev: null, next: 'warsaw' },
// warsaw: { y: 2, prev: 'london', next: 'hackerland' },
// hackerland: { y: 3, prev: 'warsaw', next: 'city2' },
// city2: { y: 4, prev: 'hackerland', next: null }
// },
// '2': { city3: { y: 5, prev: null, next: null } }
// }
const hashX = {};
const hashY = {};
const hashC = {};
for (let i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
!hashX[x[i]] ? (hashX[x[i]] = [[y[i], c[i]]]) : hashX[x[i]].push([y[i], c[i]]);
!hashY[y[i]] ? (hashY[y[i]] = [[x[i], c[i]]]) : hashY[y[i]].push([x[i], c[i]]);
hashC[c[i]] = [x[i], y[i]];
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(hashX)) {
value.length > 1 ? value.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]) : null;
let tmpObj = {};
for (const [i, el] of value.entries()) {
let assign = {
[el[1]]: {
y: el[0],
prev: !i ? null : value[i - 1][1],
next: i === value.length - 1 ? null : value[i + 1][1],
Object.assign(tmpObj, assign);
hashX[key] = tmpObj;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(hashY)) {
value.length > 1 ? value.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]) : null;
let tmpObj = {};
for (const [i, el] of value.entries()) {
let assign = {
[el[1]]: {
x: el[0],
prev: !i ? null : value[i - 1][1],
next: i === value.length - 1 ? null : value[i + 1][1],
Object.assign(tmpObj, assign);
hashY[key] = tmpObj;
// TODO: ✅ сформировать ответ
for (const qCity of q) {
let tmpRes = [];
// if n<m push "NONE" for m[i] where i > n.length-1
if (hashC[qCity]) {
let x = hashC[qCity][0];
let y = hashC[qCity][1];
// TODO: сразу проверять min(tmpRes,newTmpRes)
// если равны -> сравнивать по алфавиту
// в итоге избавмся от tmpRes.sort()
? null
: tmpRes.push([y - hashX[x][hashX[x][qCity].prev].y, hashX[x][qCity].prev]);
? null
: tmpRes.push([hashX[x][hashX[x][qCity].next].y - y, hashX[x][qCity].next]);
? null
: tmpRes.push([x - hashY[y][hashY[y][qCity].prev].x, hashY[y][qCity].prev]);
? null
: tmpRes.push([hashY[y][hashY[y][qCity].next].x - x, hashY[y][qCity].next]);
if (!tmpRes.length) {
} else {
tmpRes.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);
let min = tmpRes[0][0];
tmpRes.filter(e => e[0] === min);
// TODO: alphabetically smaller name (i.e. 'ab' < 'aba' < 'abb')
// просто a[1] < b[1] не работает, почему?
// (a, b) => (a[1] < b[1] ? -1 : 1) - alphabetically sort function.
// TODO: разобраться с str.localCompre()
tmpRes.sort((a, b) => (a[1] < b[1] ? -1 : 1));
// console.log(tmpRes);
// !tmpRes.length ? resArray.push('NONE') : resArray.push();
} else {
// console.log(hashX);
// console.log(hashY);
// console.log(hashC);
// console.log(resArray);
return resArray;
// const n = 5;
// const m = 5;
// const c = ['x', 'ab', 'aba', 'abb'];
// const x = [2, 1, 2, 3];
// const y = [2, 2, 3, 2];
// const q = ['x'];
// const res = ['ab'];
// big numbers
const n = Math.pow(10, 5);
const m = Math.pow(10, 5);
const c = Array.from(Array(n), (el, index) => 'city-' + index);
const x = Array.from(Array(n), (el, index) => index);
const y = Array.from(Array(n), (el, index) => index);
const q = Array.from(Array(m), (el, index) => 'city-' + index);
let start =;
closestStraightCity(c, x, y, q);
// shaukote(c, x, y, q);
let end =;
console.log(`Execution time:${end - start} ms`);
module.exports = closestStraightCity;
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