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Last active September 29, 2015 16:32
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docker rails starter
#! /bin/bash
# Include the app's bin directory to $PATH:
export PATH=/usr/src/app/bin:$PATH
set -e
# The container was invoked without any particular command... we must check if is a new development environment, install whatever we need to install, and then run the default command:
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
# Install bundler unless already present.
# If using the official ruby image with gems in a mounted data volume,
# the first run will not find bundler installed.
which bundle || gem install bundler --version "$BUNDLER_VERSION" --no-rdoc --no-ri
# Check if the app dependencies are met, or install them - using bundler:
bundle check || bundle
# Check if the database is initialized, or else try a database setup:
rake db:migrate || rake db:setup
# Set the default command:
set -- rails s -p 3000 -b "$@"
# Run the given/default command:
exec "$@"
#! /bin/bash
set -e
# 1: Agregar los binstubs a $PATH:
export PATH=/usr/src/app/bin:$PATH
# 2: Esperar a que algún otro container termine de inicializar
# los datos comunes (gems compartidos, base de datos)
if [ -z "$APP_SETUP_WAIT" ]; then APP_SETUP_WAIT=5; fi
while [ -f /usr/src/app/tmp/app-setup-is-busy ]
echo "Waiting $APP_SETUP_WAIT seconds for app setup process to finish..."
# 3: "Apartar" el proceso de inicialización:
touch /usr/src/app/tmp/app-setup-is-busy
# 4: Checar o Instalar dependencias con Bundler:
bundle check || bundle
# 5: "Liberar" el proceso de inicialización:
rm -rf /usr/src/app/tmp/app-setup-is-busy
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
set -- ruby service-a.rb "$@"
# ejecutar el comando o el default:
exec "$@"
# App gems and configuration:
gems: &app_base
image: ruby:2.2.3
volumes: [ ".:/usr/src/app", "/usr/local/bundle" ]
working_dir: /usr/src/app
command: "true"
webuno: &app
<<: *app_base
volumes_from: [ gems ]
entrypoint: /usr/src/app/
command: ruby service-a.rb
ports: [ "4567:4567" ]
<<: *app
command: ruby service-b.rb
ports: [ "4568:4567" ]
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