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Last active March 23, 2019 17:18
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Development Entrypoint for PHP
#! /bin/sh
# The Docker App Container's development entrypoint.
# This is a script used by the project's Docker development environment to
# setup the app containers and databases upon runnning.
set -e
: ${APP_PATH:="/usr/src"}
: ${APP_SETUP_LOCK:="$APP_TEMP_PATH/setup.lock"}
: ${APP_SETUP_WAIT:="5"}
# 1: Define the functions lock and unlock our app containers setup processes:
lock_setup() { mkdir -p $APP_TEMP_PATH && touch $APP_SETUP_LOCK; }
unlock_setup() { rm -rf $APP_SETUP_LOCK; }
wait_setup() { echo "Waiting for app setup to finish..."; sleep $APP_SETUP_WAIT; }
# 2: 'Unlock' the setup process if the script exits prematurely:
trap unlock_setup HUP INT QUIT KILL TERM EXIT
# 7: Specify a default command, in case it wasn't issued:
if [ -z "$1" ]; then set -- php artisan serve --host= --port=8000 "$@"; fi
if [ "$1" = "php" ] || [ "$1" = "artisan" ] || [ "$1" = "phpunit-watcher" ] || ([ "$1" = "yarn" ] && [ "$2" = "run" ])
# 3: Wait until the setup 'lock' file no longer exists:
while [ -f $APP_SETUP_LOCK ]; do wait_setup; done
# 4: 'Lock' the setup process, to prevent a race condition when the project's
# app containers will try to install gems and setup the database concurrently:
# 5: Check if the composer dependencies are met, or install
composer install \
--ignore-platform-reqs \
--no-interaction \
--no-plugins \
--no-scripts \
# 6: Check yarn dependencies, or install:
if [ "$1" = "yarn" ] && [ "$2" = "run" ]
check-dependencies || yarn install
# 7: Check if the database exists, or setup the database if it doesn't, as it
# is the case when the project runs for the first time.
# We'll use a custom script `checkdb` (inside our app's `bin` folder), instead
# of running `rails db:version` to avoid loading the entire rails app for this
# simple check:
php artisan migrate
# 8: 'Unlock' the setup process:
# 9: Execute the given or default command:
exec "$@"
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