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Created January 26, 2016 23:55
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# I DID NOT CREATE THIS SCRIPT, /u/shaloham did on
# Email notification settings
$smtpserver = "something" #replace
$smtpport = 25
# Main loop
while (1 -eq 1)
# Get username
$u = (Get-WMIObject -class Win32_ComputerSystem | select username) | Out-String
$u = $u.split("\")
$u = $u[1]
$u = $u.trim()
$path = "C:\Users\" + $u
# work on debug file
# First test if we can write to it
if (-Not (Test-Path c:\temp\cryptodebug.txt) -or (Get-Item 'c:\temp\cryptodebug.txt').length -lt 5kb) {
$path + " | " + (Get-Date) >> C:\temp\cryptodebug.txt
else {
Remove-Item C:\temp\cryptodebug.txt -force
# Look for files matching the usual ransom note names
$results = Get-ChildItem $path -include "*HELP_DECRYPT*","*RESTORE_FILES*","*DECRYPT_INSTRUCTION*","*DecryptAllFiles*","*how_decrypt*","*help_to_save_files*","*help_restore_files*","*INSTRUCTIONS_*","*_YOUR_FILES*" -recurse
$measured = $results | measure
$count = [int]::Parse($measured.Count)
if ($count -gt 0) # if one or more ransom notes found...
# Email support@, flagged to also reach on call tech
$emailMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
$emailMessage.From = " <>" #replace
$emailMessage.To.Add( "" ) #replace
$emailMessage.Subject = "URGENT! Cryptowall detected on " + $env:COMPUTERNAME
$emailMessage.IsBodyHtml = $true
$emailMessage.Body = "<p>File found is " + $[0] + " in dir " + $[0] + ". Here's how to unbreak:</p>
<p>Run Malwarebytes. Talk to user, find out where it came from. When threat is removed, proceed to cleanup:</p>
<p> - Disable read only attribute on c:\users\[user] and all subfolders/files </p>
<p> - Restore files from backup or shadow copy (if available, you're backing up right?)</p>
<p> - Check mapped locations (e.g. shares on server, dropbox) for encrypted files and ransom notes</p>
<p> - Re-enable Workstation service, remap drives, reboot</p>
<p> - Find and delete all ransom note instances</p>
<p>...Just rebuild the machine, shit's fucked</p>"
# Print debug info to log
"Cryptowall detected on " + $env:COMPUTERNAME >> C:\temp\cryptodebug.txt
"Cryptowall detected"
# Auth
$SMTPClient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient( $SmtpServer , $SmtpServerPort )
$SMTPClient.EnableSsl = $false
$SMTPClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential( "" , "whateverYourEmailPasswordIsThisIsntSecureAtAllLol" ); #replace
# Send email
$SMTPClient.Send( $emailMessage )
# Stop it from doing any more damage
# -----Find dropbox, if exists:
$dropboxPath = get-item -path ($path + "\Dropbox*")
# -----Disconnect mapped drives
net use /delete /y *
# -----Disable workstation service (service handles SMB shares)
Stop-Service -Name lanmanworkstation -Force
Set-Service lanmanworkstation -startupType Disabled
# -----Set documents/desktop/downloads/music/pics/videos to read only to prevent further encryption
Get-ChildItem -path ($path + "\Documents") -Recurse | % { $_.IsReadOnly=$true }
Get-ChildItem -path ($path + "\Desktop") -Recurse | % { $_.IsReadOnly=$true }
Get-ChildItem -path ($path + "\Pictures") -Recurse | % { $_.IsReadOnly=$true }
Get-ChildItem -path ($path + "\Music") -Recurse | % { $_.IsReadOnly=$true }
Get-ChildItem -path ($path + "\Videos") -Recurse | % { $_.IsReadOnly=$true }
Get-ChildItem -path ($path + "\Downloads") -Recurse | % { $_.IsReadOnly=$true }
Get-ChildItem -path ($dropboxPath) -Recurse | % { $_.IsReadOnly=$true }
return # Exit the loop
# Wait () seconds before checking again
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