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Created August 14, 2018 17:11
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// LaunchController.swift
// ToyPhotoGallery
// Created by Voxels on 7/2/18.
// Copyright © 2018 Michael Edgcumbe. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
/// Class that launches potentially asynchronous launch services and signals when the expected services
/// have been successfully launched, or sends a failed to launch notification if the time out is reached
class LaunchController {
/// The resource model we use to create the gallery model
var resourceModelController:ResourceModelController
/// An array of notifications we need to receive before confirming that launch is complete
var waitForNotifications = Set<Notification.Name>()
/// An array of notification names for those we have already received
var receivedNotifications = Set<Notification.Name>()
/// The duration, in seconds, that the launch controller waits before timing out
var timeoutDuration:TimeInterval = 60
/// A timer used to push launch forward if a service is not reached
var timeoutTimer:Timer?
/// Flag to indicate of the error reporting service has been launched
var didLaunchErrorHandler = false
/// We use the debug error handler until we have the Bugsnag service
var currentErrorHandler:ErrorHandlerDelegate {
return didLaunchErrorHandler ? BugsnagInterface() : DebugErrorHandler()
deinit {
init(with modelController:ResourceModelController) {
resourceModelController = modelController
if FeaturePolice.showAPIKeys {
show(hidden: [])
Calls the launch method for each service, retains any services that need to stay alive,
and assigns the notification names we need to receive before posting a *DidCompleteLaunch* notification
- parameter services: An array of *LaunchService* that need to be launched
- parameter center: the *NotificationCenter* to deregister and post *DidCompleteLaunch* on
- Returns: void
func launch(services:[LaunchService], with center:NotificationCenter = NotificationCenter.default) {
startTimeOutTimer(duration:timeoutDuration, with:center)
waitForLaunchNotifications(for: services, with:center)
attempt(services, with:center)
// MARK: - Launch Control
extension LaunchController {
Registers for *DidCompleteLaunch* notification for each service in the given array
- parameter services: an array of *LaunchService* that should be checked for waiting to complete the launch
- parameter center: the *NotificationCenter* to deregister and post *DidCompleteLaunch* on
- Returns: void
func waitForLaunchNotifications(for services:[LaunchService], with center:NotificationCenter = NotificationCenter.default) {
services.forEach { (service) in
waitIfNecessary(service, with:center)
Attempts to launch each of the services in the given array and handle the error if the launch fails
- parameter services: an array of *LaunchService* that need to be launched
- parameter center: the *NotificationCenter* used to post the *DidLaunch...* notification
- Returns: void
func attempt(_ services:[LaunchService], with center:NotificationCenter = NotificationCenter.default) {
services.forEach { (service) in
do {
try service.launch(with:service.launchControlKey?.decoded(), with:center)
} catch {
let errorHandler:ErrorHandlerDelegate = didLaunchErrorHandler ? BugsnagInterface() : DebugErrorHandler()
handle(error: error, with:errorHandler)
Adds a check for services that the controller should wait for before sending a final *DidCompleteLaunch* notification
- parameter service: A *LaunchService* that needs to be checked for delaying the final *DidCompleteLaunch* notification
- parameter center: the *NotificationCenter* to deregister and post *DidCompleteLaunch* on
- Returns: void
func waitIfNecessary(_ service: LaunchService, with center:NotificationCenter = NotificationCenter.default) {
var shouldWaitForDidCompleteNotification = false
if service is RemoteStoreController {
shouldWaitForDidCompleteNotification = true
if service is ErrorHandlerDelegate {
shouldWaitForDidCompleteNotification = true
if service is BucketHandlerDelegate {
shouldWaitForDidCompleteNotification = true
if shouldWaitForDidCompleteNotification, let name = didLaunchNotificationName(for: service) {
register(for: name, with:center)
Adds a notification to the set of received notifications and compares the set to the notifications we are waiting for to the notifications we have received. If the *receivedNotifications* are verified against the *waitForNotifications*, the *galleryModel* is constructed.
- parameter notification: The notification received
- parameter center: The notification center to post a *DidFailLaunch* notification to, if necessary
- Returns: void
func checkLaunchComplete(with notification:Notification, for center:NotificationCenter = NotificationCenter.default) {
if verify(received: receivedNotifications, with: waitForNotifications) {
resourceModelController.delegate = self
let fetchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.secretatomics.launchcontroller.fetch", qos: .userInteractive, attributes: [.concurrent], autoreleaseFrequency: .inherit, target: nil)
fetchQueue.async { [weak self] in
guard let strongSelf = self else {
} strongSelf.resourceModelController.remoteStoreController, for: ImageResource.self, on:fetchQueue, with: strongSelf.resourceModelController.errorHandler, timeoutDuration:strongSelf.timeoutDuration)
Verifies that we have received all of the expected *DidCompleteLaunch* notifications
- parameter receivedNotifications: a set of the notifications the class has received since launch
- parameter expectedNotifications: a set of the notifications that we expect to receive before launch is complete
- Returns: True if all the expected notifications have been received, false if an expected notification hasn't been received
func verify(received receivedNotifications:Set<Notification.Name>, with expectedNotifications:Set<Notification.Name>)->Bool {
for expected in expectedNotifications {
if !receivedNotifications.contains(expected) {
return false
return true
Signals that launch is complete with the *DidCompleteLaunch* notification. Resets the notification registration and time out timer for self
- parameter center: the *NotificationCenter* to deregister and post *DidCompleteLaunch* on
- Returns: void
func signalLaunchComplete(with center:NotificationCenter = NotificationCenter.default) {
reset(with: center) Notification.Name.DidCompleteLaunch, object: nil)
Signals that launch has failed with the *DidFailLaunch* notification. Resets the notification registration and time out timer for self
- parameter reason: an optional *String* to include as the reason for failure
- parameter center: the *NotificationCenter* to deregister and post *DidCompleteLaunch* on
- Returns: void
func signalLaunchFailed(reason:String?, with center:NotificationCenter = NotificationCenter.default) {
reset(with: center)
guard let reason = reason else { Notification.Name.DidFailLaunch, object: nil)
let notification = Notification(name: Notification.Name.DidFailLaunch, object: nil, userInfo: [NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey:reason])
Resets the notification sets and *timeOutTimer*, removes self from the notification center
- parameter center: the center to remove observer status from
- Returns: void
func reset(with center:NotificationCenter = NotificationCenter.default) {
receivedNotifications = Set<Notification.Name>()
waitForNotifications = Set<Notification.Name>()
timeoutTimer = nil
// MARK: - Launch Time Out
extension LaunchController {
Starts the time out timer that posts a *DidFailLaunch* notification after the duration has elapsed
- parameter duration: the TimeInterval that the class should wait for before posting the failure notification
- parameter center: the *NotificationCenter* to deregister and post *DidCompleteLaunch* on
- Returns: void
func startTimeOutTimer(duration:TimeInterval, with center:NotificationCenter = NotificationCenter.default) {
timeoutTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: duration, repeats: false, block: { [weak self] (timer) in
let reason = "Launch timed out after \(String(describing:self?.timeoutDuration)) seconds"
self?.signalLaunchFailed(reason: reason)
// MARK: - Error Handling
extension LaunchController {
Handles the error with the *errorHandlerDelegate* if one is present or an instance of *DebugErrorHandler* if the error handler hasn't been init
- parameter error: The error that needs to be handled
- parameter handler: The error handler reporting the error
- Returns: void
func handle(error:Error, with handler:ErrorHandlerDelegate?) {
guard let handler = handler else {
let debugHandler = DebugErrorHandler()
if FeaturePolice.shouldAssertWarnings {
// MARK: - Notifications
extension LaunchController {
Removes self from the notification center observers
- parameter name: The notification name to deregister
- parameter center: The notification center to deregister from
- Returns: void
func deregisterForNotification(_ name:Notification.Name, with center:NotificationCenter = NotificationCenter.default) {
center.removeObserver(self, name: name, object: nil)
Registers self for the given notification names and assigns the handle(notification:) selector
- parameter name: The notification name to register
- parameter center: The notification center to register with
- Returns: void
func register(for name:Notification.Name, with center:NotificationCenter = NotificationCenter.default) {
deregisterForNotification(name, with:center)
center.addObserver(self, selector:#selector(handle(notification:)), name: name, object: nil)
Assigns a *didLaunch...* notification name to a LaunchService
- parameter service: the *LaunchService* that needs to be checked for completion
- Returns: a Notification.Name for the *LaunchService* or nil if none is assigned
func didLaunchNotificationName(for service:LaunchService)->Notification.Name? {
if service is RemoteStoreController {
return Notification.Name.DidLaunchRemoteStore
} else if service is ErrorHandlerDelegate {
return Notification.Name.DidLaunchErrorHandler
} else if service is BucketHandlerDelegate {
return Notification.Name.DidLaunchBucketHandler
return nil
Handles incoming notifications
- parameter notification: the notification received from the default *NotificationCenter*
- Returns: void
@objc func handle(notification:Notification) {
switch {
case Notification.Name.DidLaunchErrorHandler:
didLaunchErrorHandler = true
case Notification.Name.DidLaunchRemoteStore:
case Notification.Name.DidLaunchBucketHandler:
case Notification.Name.DidLaunchSharedCached:
checkLaunchComplete(with: notification)
handle(error: LaunchError.UnexpectedLaunchNotification, with:currentErrorHandler)
// MARK: - GalleryViewModelDelegate
extension LaunchController : ResourceModelControllerDelegate {
Delegate method called when the *ResourceModelController* successfully updated
- Returns: void
func didUpdateModel() {
resourceModelController.delegate = nil
Delegate method called when the *ResourceModelController* failed to update
- parameter reason: an optional *String* to include as the reason why the update failed
- Returns: void
func didFailToUpdateModel(with reason:String?) {
resourceModelController.delegate = nil
signalLaunchFailed(reason: reason)
// MARK: - View
extension LaunchController {
func showGalleryView(in rootViewController:UINavigationController, with resourceModelController:ResourceModelController) throws {
let galleryViewModel = GalleryViewModel(with: resourceModelController)
guard let galleryViewController = UIStoryboard.init(name: StoryboardSchemaMap.Main.rawValue, bundle: .main).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: StoryboardSchemaMap.ViewController.GalleryViewController.rawValue) as? GalleryViewController else {
throw ViewError.MissingViewController
galleryViewController.refresh(with: galleryViewModel, for: .vertical)
rootViewController.pushViewController(galleryViewController, animated: false)
func showReachabilityView(in rootViewController:UINavigationController) {
// TODO: show reachability view
print("show reachability view")
static func showLockoutViewController(with window:UIWindow?, message:String?) {
let lockoutViewController = LockoutViewController(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
lockoutViewController.message = message
window?.rootViewController = lockoutViewController
showFatalAlert(with: message ?? "Please contact the developer if you see this message.", in: lockoutViewController)
static func showFatalAlert(with message:String, in viewController:UIViewController?) {
guard let viewController = viewController else {
// No further recourse. The app is dead.
fatalError("Missing root window view controller")
let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "Fatal Error", message: message, preferredStyle: .alert)
let okAction = UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default) { (action) in
alertController.addAction(okAction), sender: nil)
// MARK: - API Key Security
private extension LaunchController {
Debug method used to print the bytes for an array of *LaunchControllerKey* encrypted by the Obfuscator class
- parameter keys: an array of *LaunchControllerKey* to print to the console
- parameter handler: The *LogHandlerDelegate* responsible for displaying the string
func show(hidden keys:[LaunchControlKey], with handler:LogHandlerDelegate = DebugLogHandler()) {
for key in keys {
let bytes = key.generate(with:Obfuscator.saltObjects())
handler.console("Key for \(key):")
handler.console("Decoded string:")
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