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Last active June 9, 2020 03:22
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LeetCode Playground
// Problem 1290: Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer
// Link:
// Solution 1: using an array to store the values, multiply each value by its bit later
func getDecimalValue(_ head: ListNode?) -> Int {
if head == nil { return 0 }
var headCopy = head
// an array stores all the values
var vals = [Int]()
var bit = 1
while let h = headCopy {
bit *= 2
headCopy =
// iterate over the values,
// for each value multiply it with the its bit and add to the sum
return vals.reduce(0, { (sum, val) -> Int in
bit /= 2
return sum + val*bit
// Solution 2: bit shifting
func getDecimalValue(_ head: ListNode?) -> Int {
if head == nil { return 0 }
var headCopy = head
var sum = 0
while let h = headCopy {
sum = sum << 1
sum += h.val
headCopy =
return sum
// Problem: 876: Middle of the Linked List
// Link:
// Solution 1: traverse through the list to get the length, then calculate the mid index,
// traverse again and keep moving the head til index to get the result
func middleNode(_ head: ListNode?) -> ListNode? {
if head == nil { return nil }
var headCopy = head
// calculate the length of the List
var count = 0
while let h = headCopy {
count += 1
headCopy =
let mid = count / 2
// traverse until the mid index, then return the head
var headResult = head
for i in 0..<mid {
headResult = headResult!.next
return headResult
// Solution 2: Have 2 heads,
// 1 slow-running head: result head
// 1 fast-running head: traversing to the end
func middleNode(_ head: ListNode?) -> ListNode? {
if head == nil { return nil }
if head!.next == nil { return head }
var headCopy = head
var headResult = head
var count = 1
while headCopy != nil && headCopy!.next != nil {
// slow runner
if count % 2 == 1 {
headResult = headResult!.next
// fast runner
headCopy = headCopy!.next
count += 1
return headResult
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