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Last active September 15, 2020 16:26
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// 1 3 800
// 1 2 500
// 2 3 500
// 1 70
// 2 40
// 1 3
public static class Station {
int city;
int price;
int capacity;
public Station(int city, int price, int capacity) { = city;
this.price = price;
this.capacity = capacity;
public static class Destination {
int city;
int cost;
public Destination(int city, int cost) { = city;
this.cost = cost;
public static int minimumAmount(int N, int C, int[][] roads, int[][] fuels, int A, int B) {
// visited boolean array 1 to N
boolean[] visited = new boolean[N + 1];
visited[A] = true;
int[] costs = new int[N + 1];
costs[A] = 0;
int[] fuelPrice = new int[N + 1];
for (int[] fuel : fuels) {
fuelPrice[fuel[0]] = fuel[1];
// pathQueues: pq array with each element = [city, price, capacity]
Comparator<Station> priceComparator = (s1, s2) -> {
return s1.price < s2.price ? -1 : 1;
PriorityQueue<Station>[] pathQueues = new PriorityQueue[N + 1];
pathQueues[A] = new PriorityQueue<>(priceComparator);
pathQueues[A].add(new Station(A, fuelPrice[A], C));
// make list of cities and neighbors
ArrayList<Destination>[] neighbors = new ArrayList[N + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < N + 1; i++) {
neighbors[i] = new ArrayList<Destination>();
for (int[] road : roads) {
Destination dest = new Destination(road[1], road[2]);
// queue
Queue<Destination> queue = new LinkedList<>();
// add city A to queue
queue.add(new Destination(A, 0));
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
Destination curCity = queue.remove();
ArrayList<Destination> curNeighbors = neighbors[];
for (Destination dest : curNeighbors) {
int fuelNeeded = dest.cost;
int totalCost = costs[];
PriorityQueue<Station> curQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(pathQueues[]);
// trying to pay the cost with cheapest price -> higher
while (fuelNeeded > 0) {
if (curQueue.isEmpty()) {
totalCost = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Station curCheapest = curQueue.remove();
if (curCheapest.capacity > fuelNeeded) { // this station covers the cost
totalCost += curCheapest.price * fuelNeeded;
curCheapest.capacity -= fuelNeeded;
fuelNeeded = 0;
curQueue.add(curCheapest); // still having some capacity
} else {
totalCost += curCheapest.price * curCheapest.capacity;
fuelNeeded -= curCheapest.capacity;
if (!visited[] || (visited[] && totalCost < costs[])) {
costs[] = totalCost;
if (fuelPrice[] != 0) { // current city has a station
curQueue.add(new Station(, fuelPrice[], C));
pathQueues[] = curQueue;
visited[] = true;
queue.add(new Destination(, dest.cost));
return costs[B];
public static int maximizeEffective(int M, int[][] ads, int[] values) {
int[] maxVals = new int[M + 1]; // 0 to M
Map<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> endToIndices = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < ads.length; i++) {
int end = ads[i][1];
if (!endToIndices.containsKey(end)) {
endToIndices.put(end, new ArrayList<>());
for (int end = 1; end <= M; end++) {
maxVals[end] = maxVals[end - 1];
if (endToIndices.containsKey(end)) {
for (int index : endToIndices.get(end)) {
int start = ads[index][0];
int value = values[index];
if (start > 4) {
maxVals[end] = Math.max(maxVals[end], value + maxVals[start - 5]);
return maxVals[M];
public static int[] getTimes(int[] times, int[] directions) {
int length = times.length;
int[] output = new int[length];
Queue<Integer> enterQueue = new LinkedList<>();
Queue<Integer> exitQueue = new LinkedList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (directions[i] == 0) {
} else {
// 0: not used, 1: entering, 2: exiting
int state = 0; // not used by default
int curTime = 0;
while (true) {
if (state == 0) {
int nextEnter = times[enterQueue.peek()];
int nextExit = times[exitQueue.peek()];
if (nextEnter < nextExit) {
state = 1;
} else {
state = 2;
if (state == 1) { // entering
int curEnter = enterQueue.poll();
curTime = Math.max(times[curEnter], curTime);
output[curEnter] = curTime++;
if (enterQueue.isEmpty()) break;
// if the curent time is not previous time to next enter, reset state to unused
if (curTime < times[enterQueue.peek()]) {
state = 0;
} else {
int curExit= exitQueue.poll();
curTime = Math.max(times[curExit], curTime);
output[curExit] = curTime++;
if (exitQueue.isEmpty()) break;
// if the curent time is not previous time to next exit, reset state to unused
if (curTime < times[exitQueue.peek()]) {
state = 0;
while (!enterQueue.isEmpty()) {
int curEnter = enterQueue.poll();
curTime = Math.max(times[curEnter], curTime);
output[curEnter] = curTime++;
while (!exitQueue.isEmpty()) {
int curExit = exitQueue.poll();
curTime = Math.max(times[curExit], curTime);
output[curExit] = curTime++;
return output;
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