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Created September 14, 2015 18:49
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@directive = angular.module('ui-commons.autosave', [])
@directive.directive 'autosave', ['formHandler', 'promiseTrackers', '$timeout', (formHandler, promiseTrackers, $timeout) ->
restrict: 'A'
require: ['form', 'autosave']
controller: ($scope) ->
submitExpr = null
tracker = null
currentPromise = null
formDelay = null
validate = null
@init = (formCtrl, expr, trackerName, validating, delay) ->
submitExpr = expr
tracker = promiseTrackers(trackerName || formCtrl.$name)
validate = validating || false
form = formCtrl
formDelay = delay || 1000
@withTimeout = (fn, delay) ->
if currentPromise
$timeout.cancel currentPromise
currentPromise = $timeout fn, delay || formDelay
@submit = (properties) ->
tracker.addPromise (() ->
if validate
formHandler.validate $scope[form.$name], () ->
$scope.$eval submitExpr, $changes: properties
$scope.$eval submitExpr, $changes: properties
compile: (cElement, cAttributes, transclude) ->
pre: (scope, formElement, attr, ctrls) ->
ctrls[1].init ctrls[0], attr.ngSubmit, scope.$eval(attr.autosave), scope.$eval(attr.autosaveValidate), attr.autosaveDelay
getRestrictedAutosaveDirective = (restriction) ->
autoSaveFieldDirective = [() ->
restrict: restriction
require: ['?ngModel', '^?autosave']
compile: (cElement, cAttributes, transclude) ->
pre: (scope, input, attr, ctrls) ->
if ctrls[1] && !attr.autosaveNone
autosave = (changes) ->
ctrls[1].withTimeout () ->
, attr.autosaveDelay
if ctrls[0]
scope.$watch attr.ngModel, (newVal, oldVal) ->
if newVal && !angular.equals(newVal, oldVal) && ctrls[0].$dirty
input.on 'change', (e) ->
@directive.directive 'input', getRestrictedAutosaveDirective('E')
@directive.directive 'textarea', getRestrictedAutosaveDirective('E')
@directive.directive 'select', getRestrictedAutosaveDirective('E')
@directive.directive 'checkbox', getRestrictedAutosaveDirective('E')
@directive.directive 'radio', getRestrictedAutosaveDirective('E')
@directive.directive 'autosaveField', getRestrictedAutosaveDirective('A')
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