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Created May 20, 2011 07:29
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JS: CLI argument parser.
/** Command-line options parser (
Copyright 2011 Valeriu Paloş ( All rights reserved.
Released as Public Domain.
Expects the "schema" array with options definitions and produces the
"options" object and the "arguments" array, which will contain all
non-option arguments encountered (including the script name and such).
[«short», «long», «attributes», «brief», «callback»]
! - option is mandatory;
: - option expects a parameter;
+ - option may be specified multiple times (repeatable).
- Parser is case-sensitive.
- The '-h|--help' option is provided implicitly.
- Parsed options are placed as fields in the "options" object.
- Non-option arguments are placed in the "arguments" array.
- Options and their parameters must be separated by space.
- Either one of «short» or «long» must always be provided.
- The «callback» function is optional.
- Cumulated short options are supported (i.e. '-tv').
- If an error occurs, the process is halted and the help is shown.
- Repeatable options will be cumulated into arrays.
- The parser does *not* test for duplicate option definitions.
// Sample option definitions.
var schema = [
['f', 'file', '!:', "Some file we really need.",
function(data) {
console.log("Hello: " + data);
} ],
['t', 'test', '!', 'I am needed also.'],
['d', '', '', 'Enable debug mode.'],
['', 'level', ':', 'Debug level (values 0-4).'],
['v', 'verbose', '+', 'Verbosity levels (can be used repeatedly).'],
// Parse options.
try {
var tokens = [];
var options = {};
var arguments = [];
for (var i = 0, item = process.argv[0]; i < process.argv.length; i++, item = process.argv[i]) {
if (item.charAt(0) == '-') {
if (item.charAt(1) == '-') {
tokens.push('--', item.slice(2));
} else {
tokens = tokens.concat(item.split('').join('-').split('').slice(1));
} else {
while (type = tokens.shift()) {
if (type == '-' || type == '--') {
var name = tokens.shift();
if (name == 'help' || name == 'h') {
throw 'help';
var option = null;
for (var i = 0, item = schema[0]; i < schema.length; i++, item = schema[i]) {
if (item[type.length - 1] == name) {
option = item;
if (!option) {
throw "Unknown option '" + type + name + "' encountered!";
var value = true;
if ((option[2].indexOf(':') != -1) && !(value = tokens.shift())) {
throw "Option '" + type + name + "' expects a parameter!";
var index = option[1] || option[0];
if (option[2].indexOf('+') != -1) {
options[index] = options[index] instanceof Array ? options[index] : [];
} else {
options[index] = value;
if (typeof(option[4]) == 'function') {
option[2] = option[2].replace('!', '');
} else {
for (var i = 0, item = schema[0]; i < schema.length; i++, item = schema[i]) {
if (item[2].indexOf('!') != -1) {
throw "Option '" + (item[1] ? '--' + item[1] : '-' + item[0]) +
"' is mandatory and was not given!";
} catch(e) {
if (e == 'help') {
console.log("Usage: ./«script» «options» «values»\n");
for (var i = 0, item = schema[0]; i < schema.length; i++, item = schema[i]) {
var names = (item[0] ? '-' + item[0] + (item[1] ? '|' : ''): ' ') +
(item[1] ? '--' + item[1] : '');
var syntax = names + (item[2].indexOf(':') != -1 ? ' «value»' : '');
syntax += syntax.length < 20 ? new Array(20 - syntax.length).join(' ') : '';
console.log("\t" + (item[2].indexOf('!') != -1 ? '*' : ' ')
+ (item[2].indexOf('+') != -1 ? '+' : ' ')
+ syntax + "\t" + item[3]);
console.log("\n\t (* mandatory option)\n\t (+ repeatable option)\n");
console.error("Use the '-h|--help' option for usage details.");
// Continue with your script...
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