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Created April 20, 2021 01:43
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Convert Pascal Voc to DOTA formart
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import glob
import os
import shutil
def read_label(xml_file: str):
tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
root = tree.getroot()
list_with_all_boxes = []
filename = root.find('filename').text
for boxes in root.iter('object'):
cx = float(boxes.find("robndbox/cx").text)
cy = float(boxes.find("robndbox/cy").text)
w = float(boxes.find("robndbox/w").text)
h = float(boxes.find("robndbox/h").text)
angle = float(boxes.find("robndbox/angle").text)
name = str(boxes.find("name").text)
list_with_single_boxes = [cx, cy, w, h, angle, name]
return filename, list_with_all_boxes
def rotatePoint(xc,yc, xp,yp, theta):
xoff = xp-xc;
yoff = yp-yc;
cosTheta = math.cos(theta)
sinTheta = math.sin(theta)
pResx = cosTheta * xoff + sinTheta * yoff
pResy = - sinTheta * xoff + cosTheta * yoff
# pRes = (xc + pResx, yc + pResy)
return xc+pResx,yc+pResy
def read_images(img_path, label_path):
# img = cv2.imread(img_path)
# resized_img = cv2.resize(img, (512, 1024))
# cv2.imshow('resized_img', resized_img)
_, boxes = read_label(label_path)
blank_img = np.zeros((600, 800, 3))
box = boxes[0]
cx, cy, w, h, angle = box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3], box[4]
p0x,p0y = rotatePoint(cx,cy, cx - w/2, cy - h/2, -angle)
p1x,p1y = rotatePoint(cx,cy, cx + w/2, cy - h/2, -angle)
p2x,p2y = rotatePoint(cx,cy, cx + w/2, cy + h/2, -angle)
p3x,p3y = rotatePoint(cx,cy, cx - w/2, cy + h/2, -angle), (int(p0x), int(p0y)), 3, (255,0,0)), (int(p1x), int(p1y)), 3, (0,255,0)), (int(p2x), int(p2y)), 3, (0,0,255)), (int(p3x), int(p3y)), 3, (255,255,0))
cv2.imshow('img', blank_img)
def convert_voc2dota(folder_path, folder_out_path):
image_paths = glob.glob(f"{folder_path}*.png")
for image_path in image_paths:
base_path = f'{os.path.dirname(image_path)}'
file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_path))[0]
label_path = f"{base_path}/{file_name}.xml"
_, boxes = read_label(label_path)
with open(f'{folder_out_path}/{file_name}.txt', 'w') as f:
for box in boxes:
cx, cy, w, h, angle = box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3], box[4]
p0x,p0y = rotatePoint(cx,cy, cx - w/2, cy - h/2, -angle)
p1x,p1y = rotatePoint(cx,cy, cx + w/2, cy - h/2, -angle)
p2x,p2y = rotatePoint(cx,cy, cx + w/2, cy + h/2, -angle)
p3x,p3y = rotatePoint(cx,cy, cx - w/2, cy + h/2, -angle)
name = box[5]
if angle <= math.pi / 2:
f.write(f"{str(p3x)} {str(p3y)} {str(p0x)} {str(p0y)} {str(p1x)} {str(p1y)} {str(p2x)} {str(p2y)} {name} 0\n")
f.write(f"{str(p1x)} {str(p1y)} {str(p2x)} {str(p2y)} {str(p3x)} {str(p3y)} {str(p0x)} {str(p0y)} {name} 0\n")
def split_data_have_label(src_path, out_path):
image_parent = os.path.join(src_path, 'images')
label_parent = os.path.join(src_path, 'labelTxt')
image_paths = glob.glob(f"{image_parent}/*.png")
out_image_parent = f"{out_path}/images"
out_label_parent = f"{out_path}/labelTxt"
os.makedirs(out_image_parent, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(out_label_parent, exist_ok=True)
count = 0
for image_path in image_paths:
file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_path))[0]
label_path = f"{label_parent}/{file_name}.txt"
with open(label_path, "r") as f:
if f.readline() != "":
count += 1
shutil.copy(image_path, f"{out_image_parent}/{file_name}.png")
shutil.copy(label_path, f"{out_label_parent}/{file_name}.txt")
print(f"{count} images have labels")
def train_val_split(src_path, out_path, val_ratio=0.1):
Split valid data based on the n-th first images
os.makedirs(out_path, exist_ok=True)
image_parent = os.path.join(src_path, 'images')
label_parent = os.path.join(src_path, 'labelTxt')
image_paths = glob.glob(f"{image_parent}/*.png")
out_train_parent = f"{out_path}/train"
os.makedirs(out_train_parent, exist_ok=True)
out_val_parent = f"{out_path}/val"
os.makedirs(out_val_parent, exist_ok=True)
out_image_train_parent = f"{out_train_parent}/images"
out_label_train_parent = f"{out_train_parent}/labelTxt"
os.makedirs(out_image_train_parent, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(out_label_train_parent, exist_ok=True)
out_image_val_parent = f"{out_val_parent}/images"
out_label_val_parent = f"{out_val_parent}/labelTxt"
os.makedirs(out_image_val_parent, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(out_label_val_parent, exist_ok=True)
val_num = int(val_ratio * len(image_paths))
count = 0
for image_path in image_paths:
file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_path))[0]
label_path = f"{label_parent}/{file_name}.txt"
if count < val_num:
shutil.copy(image_path, f"{out_image_val_parent}/{file_name}.png")
shutil.copy(label_path, f"{out_label_val_parent}/{file_name}.txt")
count += 1
shutil.copy(image_path, f"{out_image_train_parent}/{file_name}.png")
shutil.copy(label_path, f"{out_label_train_parent}/{file_name}.txt")
count += 1
print(f"train dataset: {len(image_paths) - val_num} images\nvalid dataset: {val_num} images")
def main():
# img_path = '/mnt/Data/Project/ShipDetection/Data_Ship/AnnotatedData/20190308_060133_ssc10_u0001[DL].png'
# label_path = '/mnt/Data/Project/ShipDetection/Data_Ship/AnnotatedData/20190308_060133_ssc10_u0001[DL].xml'
# label_path = '/home/vpoat/Desktop/vis2.xml'
# read_label(label_path)
# read_images(img_path, label_path)
# folder_path = '/mnt/Data/Project/ShipDetection/Data_Ship/AnnotatedData/'
# out_folder = '/mnt/Data/Project/ShipDetection/Data_Ship/DOTA_annotated_format/labelTxt'
# convert_voc2dota(folder_path, out_folder)
# train_val_split('/mnt/Data/Project/ShipDetection/Data_Ship/DOTA_truncated_splitted_1024/',
# '/mnt/Data/Project/ShipDetection/Data_Ship/DOTA_truncated_splitted_1024/')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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