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Created August 4, 2022 23:55
import sys
import math
from operator import itemgetter
from functools import partial
def range(start, stop, step=1.):
"""Replacement for built-in range function.
:param start: Starting value.
:type start: number
:param stop: End value.
:type stop: number
:param step: Step size.
:type step: number
:returns: List of values from `start` to `stop` incremented by `size`.
:rtype: [float]
start = float(start)
stop = float(stop)
step = float(step)
result = [start]
current = start
while current < stop:
current += step
return result
# membership functions
def up(a, b, x):
a = float(a)
b = float(b)
x = float(x)
if x < a:
return 0.0
if x < b:
return (x - a) / (b - a)
return 1.0
def down(a, b, x):
return 1. - up(a, b, x)
def tri(a, b, x):
a = float(a)
b = float(b)
m = (a + b) / 2.
first = (x - a) / (m - a)
second = (b - x) / (b - m)
return max(min(first, second), 0.)
def trap(a, b, c, d, x):
first = (x - a) / (b - a)
second = (d - x) / (d - c)
return max(min(first, 1., second), 0.)
# hedges
def hedge(p, mvalue):
"""Generic definition of a function that alters a given membership function
by intensifying it in the case of *very* of diluting it in the case of
*somewhat*. """
mvalue = float(mvalue)
if not p:
return 0.0
return math.pow(mvalue, p)
very = partial(hedge, 2.)
extermely = partial(hedge, 3.)
somewhat = partial(hedge, 0.5)
slightly = partial(hedge, 1. / 3.)
def fuzziness(domain, func):
"""The fuzziness of a fuzzy subset is the degree to which the values
of its membership function cluster around 0.5
>>> fuzziness(range(-10, 30, 1), profitable)
:param domain: the domain of the function
:type domain: list
:param func: membership function
:type func: function
:returns: fuzziness value
:rtype: float
domain_size = float(len(domain))
delta = lambda x: x if (x < 0.5) else (1.0 - x)
result = (2. / domain_size) * sum([delta(func(val)) for val in domain])
return result
def approximate(fuzz, n, domain):
hw = fuzz * (max(domain) - min(domain))
return partial(tri, n - hw, n + hw)
# fuzzy database queries example
companies = [
('a', 500, 7), ('b', 600, -9), ('c', 800, 17),
('d', 850, 12), ('e', 900, -11), ('f', 1000, 15),
('g', 1100, 14), ('h', 1200, 1), ('i', 1300, -2),
('j', 1400, -6), ('k', 1500, 12)
profit = itemgetter(2)
sales = itemgetter(1)
percentages = map(float, range(-10, 30, 1))
profitable = partial(up, 0., 15.)
high = partial(up, 600., 1150.)
fand = min
def ffilter(predicate, items):
snd = itemgetter(1)
return filter(
lambda x: snd(x) != 0.0,
map(predicate, items)
def p1(company):
value = profitable(profit(company))
return (company, fand(value, 1))
def p2(company):
a = profitable(profit(company))
b = high(sales(company))
return (company, fand(a, b))
def p3(company):
a = somewhat(profitable(profit(company)))
b = very(high(sales(company)))
return (company, fand(a, b))
# shoe example
sizes = range(4, 13, 0.5)
short = partial(down, 1.5, 1.625)
medium = partial(tri, 1.525, 1.775)
tall = partial(tri, 1.675, 1.925)
very_tall = partial(up, 1.825, 1.95)
#small = partial(down, 4., 6.)
def small(size):
return down(4., 6., size)
#average = partial(tri, 5., 9.)
def average(size):
return tri(5., 9., size)
#big = partial(tri, 8., 12.)
def big(size):
return tri(8., 12., size)
#very_big = partial(up, 11., 13.)
def very_big(size):
return up(11., 13., size)
#fl.near(20, fl.range(0, 40, 1))(17.5)
near = partial(approximate, 0.125)
around = partial(approximate, 0.25)
roughly = partial(approximate, 0.375)
rules = [
(short, small),
(medium, average),
(tall, big),
(very_tall, very_big)
def updated_func(val, func, size):
first = func(size)
return (val * first)
def rulebase(height):
updated = []
for input_func, output_func in rules:
val = input_func(height)
partial(updated_func, val, output_func)
rulebase_function = lambda s: sum([r(s) for r in updated])
return rulebase_function
def centroid(domain, membership_function):
fdom = map(membership_function, domain)
first = sum([a * b for (a, b) in zip(domain, fdom)])
second = sum(fdom)
return first / second
def shoe_example(h):
result = centroid(sizes, rulebase(h))
return result
def centroid_example():
domain = map(float, range(0, 10))
membership_function = partial(trap, 2, 3, 6, 9)
return centroid(domain, membership_function)
def mand(funcs, val):
return min([func(val) for func in funcs])
def price_example(man_costs=13.25, comp_price=29.99):
Pricing goods (Cox, 1994).
The price should be as high as possible to maximize takings but as low as
possible to maximize sales. We also want to make a healthy profit (100%
mark-up on the cost price). We also want to consider what the competition
is charging.
rule1: our price must be high
rule2: our price must be low
rule3: our price must be around twice the manufacturing costs.
rule4: if the competition price is not very high then our price must be
around the competition price.
prices = range(15., 35., 0.5)
high = partial(up, 15., 35.)
low = lambda p: 1 - high(p)
not_very = lambda v: 1 - very(high(v))
our_price1 = centroid(prices, partial(mand, [high, low]))
our_price2 = centroid(
partial(mand, [high, low, around(2.0 * man_costs, prices)]),
our_price3 = centroid(
mand, [
high, low, around(2.0 * man_costs, prices),
lambda p: not_very(comp_price) * around(comp_price, prices)(p)
print our_price1, our_price2, our_price3
if __name__ == '__main__':
height = float(sys.argv[1])
size = shoe_example(height)
print 'For height of %.2f the shoe size is %.2f' % (height, size)
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