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Created August 14, 2019 10:48
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SVN Command Quickref

Basic commands


  • add files

    svn add
  • add all which are not in SVN

    svn status | grep '?' | sed 's/^.* /svn add /' | bash

Workdir status

  • show current revision & last change date

    svn info

List changes

  • list changes ignoring unknown new files

    svn status|grep -v "?   "
  • list pending deletes

    svn status|grep  "D  "
  • List changes in repo

    svn log
  • List changes in revision

    svn log -v -r 88853


  • create stash for all local changes

    svn diff > '/home/user/shared/work2016/20161201_msgs/patch/res.patch'
    svn revert --depth=infinity .
  • apply stash (from patch file)

    svn patch '/home/user/shared/work2016/20161201_msgs/patch/res.patch'
  • Create patch for diff between revisions

    svn diff -r123:124 path/to/my_project > ~/my_project_changes_123_124.patch


Merging - basic commands

  • merge change from a given revision and branch to current working directory.

    svn merge -c 892


  • resolve theirs

    svn resolve --accept=theirs-full file/path
  • Conflict - "local dir unversioned, incoming dir add upon update"

    $ svn resolve --accept working logs
    Resolved conflicted state of 'logs'
    $ svn revert logs
    Reverted 'logs'
    $ svn status
  • Resolve as working copy

    svn resolve --accept=working file/path

Merging - see also

Commit corrections

  • Revert selected commit - remove commit from chain of changes

    svn merge -c -13455 .
  • Revert all local changes

    svn revert --depth=infinity .
  • Revert add

    svn revert --recursive example_folder


  • add files to changelist

    svn changelist 'MYCHANGE01' file1
    svn changelist 'MYCHANGE01' path/to/file/file02.txt
  • commit changelist

    svn commit --changelist 'MYCHANGE01' -m "deleted files"


  • in SVN:
    • clean status info:
      • svn cleanup
    • plus optional local revert:
      • svn revert --depth=infinity .
  • in Eclipse: Update to HEAD


  • Commits per user

    svn log -v --xml | grep '<author.*/author>' | sort $* | uniq -c | sort -rn
  • Lines per user

    svn ls -R | egrep -v -e "\/$" | xargs svn blame | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -r


  • List ignores - with subdirectories

    svn pg -R svn:ignore .
  • list ignores - only current directory

    svn pg svn:ignore .


  • List externals:

    svn propget -R svn:externals .
  • Update externals from a file:

    echo "url1:link LONG\ -\ FILE\ Path.xlsx" >newexterns.txt
    echo "url2:link@11456 extname" >>newexterns.txt
    cat newexterns.txt
    svn propset svn:externals . -F newexterns.txt

Clean password cache

cd ~/.subversion/auth/svn.simple/ && rm * && cd -
# or
rm $HOME/.subversion/auth

Flow patterns

See also

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