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Last active November 8, 2022 23:06
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Git Command Quickref


  • show config value

    git config --global
  • edit all config values

    nano ~/.gitconfig

SSH config

  • generate keys - see generating a new ssh key

    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
  • copy pub key to clipboard

    cat ~/.ssh/ 
  • or

    cat ~/.ssh/
  • start SSH agent (Linux)

    eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
  • add key to local ssh agent

    ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519		
  • add key to GitHub

See Adding a new SSH key to your github account.

  • activate access to GitHub via ssh

    ssh -T
    (select "yes")


  • clone repo via ssh (if configured)

    git clone
  • clone repo via HTTPs

    git clone
  • make new dir and init

    git init foo
  • init repo in current dir

    git init


  • add single file to staging

    git add about.html
  • add all files to staging

    git add .

Change executable flag

  • list files with executable/read/write flags

    git ls-files --stage
  • activate executable flag (from 644 to 755)

    git update-index --chmod=+x <file-name>
    ex. git update-index --chmod=+x


  • interactive commit

    git commit --interactive
  • commit old but not staged

    git commit -a
  • commit with editor for message

    git commit
  • commit with message from CLI

    git commit -m "Commit message"
  • add and commit

    git commit -am "Add more lives"


  • show log of changes

    git log
  • show log (compact format)

    git log --oneline
  • or

    git log --pretty --oneline
  • show modified files in log

    git log --stat
  • show log with single comment and modified files

    git log --oneline --stat
  • show changes (diff) for entries in log

    git log --patch
  • show only 3 last log entries

    git log -3
  • filter entries basing on dates

    git log --since="2018-08-15"
    git log --until="2018-08-15"
    git log --since="2 days ago"
  • filter entries basing on commit message

    git log --grep="paddle"
  • graph of changes for branches

    git log --graph


  • show introduced changes except staged

    git diff
  • show introduced changes in staging area

    git diff --staged
  • show differences between current and past version of file

    git diff e2fdef3ba engine.js
  • show differences between 2 versions of file

    git diff e2fdef3ba b732187 engine.js

Current status

  • show list of modified files

    git status


  • retrieve selected revision from repo to local copy

    git checkout f3121788
  • return to current revision

    git checkout master
  • verify which revision is current

    cat .git/HEAD


  • show available branches

    git branch
  • or

    ls .git/refs/heads
  • list branches with latest changes

    git branch -vv
  • create new branch

    git branch new_branch
  • switch to branch

    git checkout new_branch
  • return to "trunk"

    git checkout master
  • delete branch

    git branch -d new_branch
  • create branch and switch to it

    git checkout -b new_branch
  • merge changes from branch to master

    git checkout master
    git merge hotfix-001
  • correct merge conflict

    git mergetool variables.js
  • apply branch changes to new base

    git checkout new_feature
    git rebase master
  • cherry pick - merge single commit

    git cherry-pick e6f4c858af
  • rebase branch in interactive mode

    git rebase -i new_long_feature   
  • show branch history

    git show --summary >release.log     

Correct commit

  • add to last commit and modify it's description

    git commit --amend
  • remove file from staging area

    git reset draw.js
  • return to clean working dir (revert local changes)

    git checkout .
  • revert local changes in single file

    git checkout engine.js
  • revert last commit

    git reset HEAD~
  • revert commit in history

    git reset HEAD~1
  • revert commit, keep changes in staging

    git reset --soft HEAD~
  • revert commit, do not keep changes

    git reset --hard HEAD~
  • list base changes

    git reflog
  • go back to base version from reflog

    git reset --hard HEAD@{3}
  • revert last commit, keep history

    git revert HEAD
  • list changes in selected revision

    git show HEAD~1
  • compare current version with selected revision (verify revert)

    git diff HEAD~2
  • show changes in last commit

    git show HEAD
  • compare branches in log

    git log master..new_long_feature
  • or

    git log master..origin/master

Remote repos

  • check address of remote repo

    git remote -v
  • or

    git config --get remote.origin.url
  • more verbose

    git remote show origin
  • add remote repo to existing working dir

    git remote add origin
  • add nth remote repo to existing working dir

    git remote add nth-node
  • rename remote node

    git remote rename nth-node secondary_node
  • remove link to remote node

    git remote rm secondary_node

Pushing changes to remote repos

  • note: push requires remote repo connected, it can be done via

    git remote add origin {remote-path}
  • first push

    git push --set-upstream origin master
  • push local changes to remote repo

    git push origin master:master
  • subsequent push

    git push
  • push from branch

    git checkout new_long_feature
    git push --set-upstream origin new_long_feature:add_scoreboard


  git push --set-upstream origin local-branch-name:remote-branch-name


  git push secondary
  git push origin my_local:my_remote

Remote repos - other

  • fetch latest changes

    git fetch
  • fetch from selected remote host

    git fetch origin
  • show log of remote repo

    git log origin/master
  • merge latest changes from remote with local repo

    git merge origin/master
  • fetch & merge changes

    git pull
  • fetch, merge & rebase changes

    git pull --rebase


  • list tags

    git tag
  • show changes in tags

    git show v.0.3
  • create tag

    git tag v.0.4 2ffb638
  • create tag with author, date and description

    git tag -a v.0.6
  • list tags with filtering

    git tag -l 'v.0.2*'
  • delete tag

    git tag -d v.0.5
  • push single tag to remote repo

    git push origin v.0.6
  • push all tags

    git push --tags


  • put changes to stash & revert local changes

    git stash
  • list changes in stash

    git stash list
  • put changes to stash with change description

    git stash save refactoring_of_mouse_move_handler
  • show changed files in selected stash

    git stash show stash@{0}
  • e.g.

    git stash show <stash-id>
  • show changed files with diff in selected stash

    git stash show -p stash@{0}
  • apply changes from selected stash

    git stash apply stash@{1}
  • apply most recent stash & delete it (requires clean file)

    git stash pop
  • delete (drop) selected stash

    git stash drop stash@{1}
  • delete all stashes

    git stash clear


  • edit local excludes (not saved to repo)

    nano .git/info/exclude
  • website for generation of gitignore files


  • define alias "co"

    git config --global checkout
  • use alias "co"

    git co
  • define alias "s"

    git config --global alias.s status
  • use alias "s"

    git s
  • to list defined aliases check config section "alias"

    nano ~/.gitconfig
  • define alias to filter log with grep ('!' starts a script)

    git config --global alias.flog '!git log --oneline| grep'
  • use grep alias

    git flog paddle


  • create patch file for selected commit (and only this commit: -1)

    git format-patch -1 6cec3f5
  • create patch for differences between current and selected branch, save output to given "patches" dir, saves changes that are in current branch but not in given branch

    git format-patch a_big_feature_branch -o patches
  • apply changes (& commit) from patch to selected branches

    git checkout a_big_feature_branch
    git am patches/0001-a-nice-change.patch
  • or just check for conflicts

    git apply --check ../001-a-nice-change.patch
  • or apply without commit

    git apply ../001-a-nice-change.patch   

Git Flow Extensions

  • how to install
  • how to use git flow extensions:

Clean local repo

  • prune local branches

    git remote prune origin
  • clean work dir

    git checkout -- .
    git clean -f -d

See also

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