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Created March 22, 2020 13:54
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Response to a security audit

Trusted courts

Chain of trust is interntional. It has (at least) the following usages:

  • District courts may trust supreme courts. This trust is unconditional.
  • A court may trust an automated exchange. If no absolute trust, it could not function.

So, in my opinion, your response to trusted courts is invalid. If you have any response, please respond.


You say: "i does not represent the index position of the court id to untrust, it represent the position of the id in the _trustees input court list."

i represent the position in the _trustees list which are courts to untrust. What is the error?

Zero owner address

"When setting the new owner address for a court: The new owner address should be verified to be different than zero address."

What if the user wants to make a court not controlled by anybody anymore?


"No owner is constrained to follow the id returned by createIntercourtToken, this function can simply be removed if the developers do not intend to use it."

Without this function it would become impossible to ensure that two intercourt tokens created by different owners are distinct.

Please respond.

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