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Created February 21, 2017 15:35
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Paranoia Helper for Parent-Child edit functionality
# frozen_string_literal: true
module ParanoiaHelper
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
module ClassMethods
# This method generates an instance method with the name: associated_sym.to_s.pluralize.
# Example:
# class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# belongs_to :role
# collection_for_edit :role
# end
# If the class defines a scope with a custom name, then that can be passed in with the options hash with the key 'name_prefix'
# like so:
# class Store < ActiveRecord::Base
# belongs_to :sales_person, class_name: User.to_s
# collection_for_edit :sales_person, nil, name_prefix: :salesmen
# collection_for_edit :sales_person, -> { User.salesmen }, name_prefix: :salesmen # This is equivalent to the above
# end
# The method will evaluate the scope_block if specified to get all the values for the edit dropdown. If the scope_block is nil,
# the method will try to deduce it from the association. Again, if there is a scope defined for the association class with the
# same name as option 'name_prefix' or the pluralized version of the associated symbol, then that will be used to fetch all
# records for the dropdown
def collection_for_edit(associated_sym, scope_block = nil, options = {})
scope_name = (options[:name_prefix] || associated_sym.to_s.pluralize).to_s.to_sym
method_name = "#{scope_name}_for_edit".to_sym
define_method method_name do
associated_model = send(associated_sym)
all_records = case scope_block
when nil
association_class = self.class.reflect_on_association(associated_sym).class_name.constantize
association_class.respond_to?(scope_name) ? association_class.send(scope_name) : association_class.all
associated_model.present? && associated_model.deleted? ? [associated_model] + all_records.to_a : all_records.to_a
end unless instance_methods(false).include?(method_name)
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I think you can use an if statement for the scope_block.

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