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Last active May 18, 2021 00:42
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oneoff: a utility for managing exploratory project dirs
# oneoff: a utility for managing exploratory project dirs
# This exists because I needed something to fill the gap between `mkdir
# ~/Projects/some-project` and `mktemp -d`.
# I got tired of having to think of a name as the very first step every time I
# wanted to kick some code around, and as `~/tmp` began to fill up with `foo`
# and `asdf` dirs I realized something had to change or I'd lose it.
# With oneoff, the workflow becomes:
# .oO( inspiration! )
# [me@home ~]$ oneoff new 'tinkering with some new library'
# [me@home ~/Projects/oneoffs/pikidono]$
# .oO( hack hack hack... )
# ~ several days later ~
# [me@home ~]$ oneoff ls
# 1 butonoba 2019-05-29T10:01:48-07:00 xml parsing
# 2 moyohuse 2019-06-01T13:30:10-07:00 neural networks
# 3 pikidono 2019-06-03T22:27:17-07:00 tinkering with some new library
# [me@home ~]$ oneoff cd 3 # or pikidono
# .oO( hack hack hack )
# .oO( ... hey, this thing looks like it might actually pan out! )
# [me@home ~/Projects/oneoffs/pikidono]$ oneoff promote
# enter project name: librarian
# [me@home ~/Projects/librarian]$ cat
# # librarian
# tinkering with some new library
# Pretty cool!
# /!\ FYI: Requires jq
# /!\ FYI: Source this file in your shell profile
# (i) Tip: alias oo='oneoff'. It's quick to type and it's also the sound one
# might make when one has a cool idea.
# Config
# Location of oneoffs directory
# Name of per-oneoff metadata file
# Location of "real" project directory
# Internal helpers
# Generate a short string of lowercase chars (just for aesthetics)
# Hat tip to @cincodenada for the "pronounceable-ish" implementation
function _oneoff_generate_id() {
paste \
<(tr -dc 'a-z' < /dev/urandom | tr -d 'aeiou' | fold -w1) \
<(tr -dc 'aeiou' < /dev/urandom | fold -w1) \
| head -n4 | tr -d '\t\n'
# Given an ID or an index, return the path for the matching oneoff directory
function _oneoff_resolve_dir() {
local id_or_index=$1
if [ -z "${id_or_index}" ]; then
local dir="$(pwd)"
if [[ "${id_or_index}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
# It's an index! Convert it to an id
id_or_index=$(sed "${id_or_index}q;d" <(ls "${ONEOFF_HOME}") 2>/dev/null)
if [ -z "${id_or_index}" ]; then
# Uh, but wait, it's not a valid index
>&2 echo 'error: index does not match any oneoffs'
return 1
local dir="${ONEOFF_HOME}/${id_or_index}"
if [ ! -e "${dir}/${ONEOFF_FILE}" ]; then
>&2 echo "error: target dir isn't a oneoff"
return 1
echo "${dir}"
# Commands
# Change to a oneoff's directory
function oneoff_cd() {
local dir="$(_oneoff_resolve_dir "$1")"
[ $? -eq 0 -a -n "${dir}" ] || return 1
cd "${dir}"
# Print metadata for a oneoff
function oneoff_info() {
local dir="$(_oneoff_resolve_dir "$1")"
[ $? -eq 0 -a -n "${dir}" ] || return 1
cat "${dir}/${ONEOFF_FILE}"
# List oneoffs
function oneoff_ls() {
local index=1
for dir in ${ONEOFF_HOME}/*/; do
echo -n $index
echo -n '|'
echo -n "$(basename ${dir})"
echo -n '|'
jq -r '"\(.createdAt)|\(.description)"' < "${dir}${ONEOFF_FILE}"
index=$((index + 1))
) 2>/dev/null | column -t -s '|'
# Create a oneoff
function oneoff_new() {
local description=$1
local id=$(_oneoff_generate_id)
local dir="${ONEOFF_HOME}/${id}"
mkdir -p "${dir}"
cd "${dir}"
jq -rn '{
createdAt: $createdAt,
description: $description
}' \
--arg description "${description}" \
--arg createdAt "$(date --iso-8601=seconds)" \
git init
# Promote a oneoff to a real project
function oneoff_promote() {
local dir="$(_oneoff_resolve_dir "$1")"
[ $? -eq 0 ] || return 1
local name=$2
if [ -z "${name}" ]; then
# Prompt if not provided
# Weird, but allows promotion of cwd
echo -n 'enter project name: '
read -r name
if [ -z "${name}" ]; then
>&2 echo "error: missing project NAME"
return 1
local project_dir="${PROJECT_HOME}/${name}"
if ! mkdir -p "${project_dir}"; then
>&2 echo "error: couldn't promote to that project name (is it taken?)"
return 1
# We're going to move the whole oneoff dir
rmdir "${project_dir}"
# Possibly generate a from oneoff metadata
if [ ! -e "${dir}/" ]; then
cat <<EOF >
# ${name}
$(jq -r .description < "${dir}/${ONEOFF_FILE}")
mv "${dir}" "${project_dir}"
cd "${project_dir}"
# Delete a oneoff
function oneoff_rm() {
local dir="$(_oneoff_resolve_dir "$1")"
[ $? -eq 0 -a -n "${dir}" ] || return 1
# A visual hint, since we're about to delete this sucker
echo "${dir}"
rm -rfI "${dir}" && cd "${HOME}"
# Prints usage documentation
function oneoff_usage() {
echo "Usage: oneoff [-h] COMMAND"
echo "Manage exploratory project directories."
echo "Commands:"
echo " cd [ID|INDEX] Change to a oneoff's directory"
echo " info [ID|INDEX] Print metadata for a oneoff"
echo " ls List oneoffs"
echo " new [DESC] Create a oneoff"
echo " promote [ID|INDEX] [NAME] Promote a oneoff to a real project"
echo " rm [ID|INDEX] Delete a oneoff"
echo "Options: "
echo " -h Show this usage message and exit"
# Main
function oneoff() {
while getopts ":h" opt; do
case "${opt}" in
h) oneoff_usage && return 0 ;;
\?) oneoff_usage >&2 && return 1 ;;
shift $((OPTIND -1))
[ -z "${cmd}" ] && oneoff_usage && return 0
case "${cmd}" in
cd) oneoff_cd "$@" ;;
info) oneoff_info "$@" ;;
ls) oneoff_ls ;;
new) oneoff_new "$@" ;;
promote) oneoff_promote "$@" ;;
rm) oneoff_rm "$@" ;;
*) oneoff_usage >&2 && return 1 ;;
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