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Last active October 24, 2018 22:45
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  • Save vrubiolo/3dcf509a08a8f6c474672e1080994ea5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vrubiolo/3dcf509a08a8f6c474672e1080994ea5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Packer error when Docker builder is used w/ an image not having /bin/bash included
$ cat vincent-dap.json
"_comment":"Vincent's Docker test",
"builders": [
"type": "docker",
"image": "jetty:9.4.7-jre8-alpine",
"commit": true
"provisioners": [
"inline": ["echo \"Hello World!\""]
$ sudo PACKER_LOG=1 packer build vincent-dap.json
2018/10/24 15:16:29 [INFO] Packer version: 1.3.1
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Packer Target OS/Arch: linux amd64
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Built with Go Version: go1.11
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Detected home directory from env var: /home/vrubiolo
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for qemu
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-iso
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for alicloud-ecs
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for digitalocean
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for null
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-ovf
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for lxc
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for profitbricks
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for scaleway
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for oracle-classic
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for oracle-oci
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for parallels-pvm
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for vmware-vmx
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for amazon-chroot
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for file
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for hyperv-vmcx
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for oneandone
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for parallels-iso
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebs
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for googlecompute
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for lxd
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for triton
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for vmware-iso
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for azure-arm
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for docker
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for ncloud
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for openstack
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebssurrogate
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for cloudstack
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for hyperv-iso
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebsvolume
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for amazon-instance
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for puppet-server
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for chef-solo
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for converge
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for puppet-masterless
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for windows-shell
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for chef-client
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for file
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for powershell
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for ansible
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for salt-masterless
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for shell
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for ansible-local
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for windows-restart
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for alicloud-import
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for checksum
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for docker-save
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for docker-tag
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for vagrant
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for vagrant-cloud
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for vsphere-template
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for artifice
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for docker-import
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for googlecompute-import
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for manifest
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for vsphere
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for amazon-import
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for compress
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for docker-push
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for googlecompute-export
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Detected home directory from env var: /home/vrubiolo
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Attempting to open config file: /home/vrubiolo/.packerconfig
2018/10/24 15:16:29 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: /home/vrubiolo/.packerconfig
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[profitbricks:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-profitbricks vmware-iso:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-iso ncloud:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-ncloud amazon-instance:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-instance qemu:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-qemu lxc:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-lxc cloudstack:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-cloudstack scaleway:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-scaleway amazon-ebs:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebs oneandone:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-oneandone parallels-iso:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-iso oracle-classic:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-oracle-classic vmware-vmx:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-vmx lxd:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-lxd triton:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-triton hyperv-iso:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-hyperv-iso oracle-oci:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-oracle-oci file:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-file amazon-chroot:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-chroot hyperv-vmcx:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-hyperv-vmcx azure-arm:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-azure-arm digitalocean:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-digitalocean null:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-null virtualbox-ovf:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf parallels-pvm:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-pvm googlecompute:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-googlecompute amazon-ebsvolume:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebsvolume virtualbox-iso:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-iso alicloud-ecs:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-alicloud-ecs amazon-ebssurrogate:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebssurrogate docker:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-docker openstack:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-openstack] PostProcessors:map[manifest:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-manifest vsphere:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vsphere docker-save:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-save compress:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-compress docker-tag:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-tag vagrant:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant vsphere-template:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vsphere-template googlecompute-import:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-googlecompute-import amazon-import:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-amazon-import docker-push:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-push checksum:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-checksum vagrant-cloud:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant-cloud artifice:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-artifice docker-import:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-import googlecompute-export:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-googlecompute-export shell-local:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-shell-local alicloud-import:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-alicloud-import] Provisioners:map[chef-solo:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-solo ansible:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible puppet-server:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-server converge:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-converge file:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-file powershell:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-powershell ansible-local:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible-local windows-shell:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-shell chef-client:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-client shell:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell puppet-masterless:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-masterless shell-local:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell-local salt-masterless:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-salt-masterless windows-restart:/usr/local/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-restart]}
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Detected home directory from env var: /home/vrubiolo
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Setting cache directory: /home/vrubiolo/Documents/Work/IBM_ICP4D/Dev/packer/packer_cache
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Detected home directory from env var: /home/vrubiolo
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Loading builder: docker
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Current exe path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Creating plugin client for path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Starting plugin: /usr/local/bin/packer []string{"/usr/local/bin/packer", "plugin", "packer-builder-docker"}
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Waiting for RPC address for: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 [INFO] Packer version: 1.3.1
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Packer Target OS/Arch: linux amd64
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Built with Go Version: go1.11
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Detected home directory from env var: /home/vrubiolo
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Attempting to open config file: /home/vrubiolo/.packerconfig
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: /home/vrubiolo/.packerconfig
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Detected home directory from env var: /home/vrubiolo
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Setting cache directory: /home/vrubiolo/Documents/Work/IBM_ICP4D/Dev/packer/packer_cache
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 args: []string{"packer-builder-docker"}
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Detected home directory from env var: /home/vrubiolo
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Plugin address: unix /tmp/packer-plugin455360819
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Waiting for connection...
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Serving a plugin connection...
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Loading provisioner: shell
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Current exe path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Creating plugin client for path: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Starting plugin: /usr/local/bin/packer []string{"/usr/local/bin/packer", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-shell"}
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Waiting for RPC address for: /usr/local/bin/packer
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 [INFO] Packer version: 1.3.1
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Packer Target OS/Arch: linux amd64
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Built with Go Version: go1.11
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Detected home directory from env var: /home/vrubiolo
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Attempting to open config file: /home/vrubiolo/.packerconfig
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: /home/vrubiolo/.packerconfig
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[] PostProcessors:map[] Provisioners:map[]}
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Detected home directory from env var: /home/vrubiolo
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Setting cache directory: /home/vrubiolo/Documents/Work/IBM_ICP4D/Dev/packer/packer_cache
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-shell"}
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Detected home directory from env var: /home/vrubiolo
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Plugin address: unix /tmp/packer-plugin530122882
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Waiting for connection...
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Serving a plugin connection...
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Build debug mode: false
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Force build: false
2018/10/24 15:16:29 On error:
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Preparing build: docker
docker output will be in this color.
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Waiting on builds to complete...
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Starting build run: docker
2018/10/24 15:16:29 Running builder: docker
2018/10/24 15:16:29 [INFO] (telemetry) Starting builder docker
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 [DEBUG] Docker version: 17.12.1-ce
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 [DEBUG] Container will be committed
==> docker: Creating a temporary directory for sharing data...
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Detected home directory from env var: /home/vrubiolo
2018/10/24 15:16:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:29 Executing: /usr/bin/docker [pull jetty:9.4.7-jre8-alpine]
==> docker: Pulling Docker image: jetty:9.4.7-jre8-alpine
 docker: 9.4.7-jre8-alpine: Pulling from library/jetty
 docker: Digest: sha256:429f7969b0e873cbb31338cc11ff071a6030670f90182f08ca613a10f9b77b20
 docker: Status: Image is up to date for jetty:9.4.7-jre8-alpine
==> docker: Starting docker container...
2018/10/24 15:16:30 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:30 Starting container with args: [run -v /home/vrubiolo/.packer.d/tmp/packer-docker667121910:/packer-files -d -i -t jetty:9.4.7-jre8-alpine /bin/bash]
 docker: Run command: docker run -v /home/vrubiolo/.packer.d/tmp/packer-docker667121910:/packer-files -d -i -t jetty:9.4.7-jre8-alpine /bin/bash
2018/10/24 15:16:30 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:30 Waiting for container to finish starting
 docker: Container ID: 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271
==> docker: Using docker communicator to connect:
2018/10/24 15:16:31 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:31 Running the provision hook
2018/10/24 15:16:31 [INFO] (telemetry) Starting provisioner shell
==> docker: Provisioning with shell script: /tmp/packer-shell981636601
2018/10/24 15:16:31 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:31 Opening /tmp/packer-shell981636601 for reading
2018/10/24 15:16:31 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:31 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:31 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:31 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:31 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:16:31 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:31 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:16:32 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:32 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:16:34 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:34 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:34 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:34 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:34 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:16:34 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:34 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:16:34 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:34 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:16:36 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:36 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:36 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:36 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:36 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:16:36 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:36 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:16:37 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:37 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:16:39 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:39 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:39 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:39 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:39 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:16:39 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:39 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:16:39 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:39 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:16:41 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:41 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:41 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:41 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:41 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:16:41 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:41 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:16:42 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:42 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:16:44 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:44 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:44 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:44 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:44 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:16:44 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:44 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:16:44 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:44 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:16:46 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:46 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:46 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:46 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:46 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:16:46 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:46 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:16:46 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:46 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:16:48 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:48 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:48 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:48 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:48 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:16:48 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:48 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:16:49 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:49 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:16:51 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:51 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:51 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:51 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:51 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:16:51 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:51 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:16:51 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:51 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:16:53 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:53 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:53 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:53 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:53 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:16:53 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:53 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:16:54 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:54 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:16:56 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:56 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:56 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:56 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:56 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:16:56 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:56 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:16:56 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:56 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:16:58 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:58 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:58 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:16:58 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:58 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:16:58 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:58 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:16:59 packer: 2018/10/24 15:16:59 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:01 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:01 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:01 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:01 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:01 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:01 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:01 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:01 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:01 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:03 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:03 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:03 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:03 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:03 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:03 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:03 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:04 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:04 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:06 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:06 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:06 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:06 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:06 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:06 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:06 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:06 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:06 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:08 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:08 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:08 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:08 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:08 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:08 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:08 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:09 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:09 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:11 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:11 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:11 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:11 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:11 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:11 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:11 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:11 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:11 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:13 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:13 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:13 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:13 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:13 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:13 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:13 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:14 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:14 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:16 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:16 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:16 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:16 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:16 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:16 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:16 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:16 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:16 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:18 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:18 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:18 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:18 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:18 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:18 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:18 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:19 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:19 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:21 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:21 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:21 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:21 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:21 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:21 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:21 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:21 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:21 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:23 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:23 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:23 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:23 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:23 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:23 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:23 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:24 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:24 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:26 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:26 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:26 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:26 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:26 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:26 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:26 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:26 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:26 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:28 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:28 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:28 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:28 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:28 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:28 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:28 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:28 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:28 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:30 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:30 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:30 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:30 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:30 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:30 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:30 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:31 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:31 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:33 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:33 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:33 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:33 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:33 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:33 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:33 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:33 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:33 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:35 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:35 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:35 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:35 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:35 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:35 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:35 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:36 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:36 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:38 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:38 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:38 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:38 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:38 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:38 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:38 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:38 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:38 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:40 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:40 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:40 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:40 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:40 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:40 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:40 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:41 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:41 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:43 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:43 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:43 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:43 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:43 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:43 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:43 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:43 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:43 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:45 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:45 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:45 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:45 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:45 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:45 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:45 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:46 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:46 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:48 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:48 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:48 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:48 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:48 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:48 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:48 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:48 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:48 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:50 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:50 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:50 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:50 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:50 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:50 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:50 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:51 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:51 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:53 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:53 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:53 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:53 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:53 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:53 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:53 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:53 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:53 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:55 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:55 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:55 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:55 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:55 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:55 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:55 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:56 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:56 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:17:58 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:58 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:58 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:17:58 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:58 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:17:58 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:58 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:17:58 packer: 2018/10/24 15:17:58 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:00 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:00 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:00 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:00 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:00 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:00 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:00 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:00 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:00 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:02 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:02 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:02 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:02 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:02 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:02 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:02 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:03 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:03 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:05 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:05 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:05 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:05 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:05 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:05 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:05 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:05 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:05 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:07 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:07 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:07 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:07 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:07 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:07 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:07 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:08 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:08 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:10 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:10 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:10 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:10 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:10 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:10 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:10 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:10 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:10 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:12 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:12 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:12 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:12 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:12 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:12 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:12 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:13 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:13 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:15 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:15 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:15 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:15 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:15 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:15 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:15 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:15 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:15 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:17 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:17 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:17 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:17 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:17 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:17 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:17 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:18 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:18 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:20 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:20 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:20 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:20 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:20 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:20 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:20 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:20 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:20 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:22 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:22 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:22 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:22 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:22 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:22 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:22 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:23 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:23 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:25 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:25 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:25 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:25 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:25 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:25 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:25 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:25 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:25 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:27 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:27 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:27 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:27 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:27 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:27 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:27 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:28 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:28 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:30 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:30 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:30 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:30 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:30 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:30 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:30 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:30 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:30 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:32 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:32 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:32 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:32 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:32 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:32 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:32 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:32 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:32 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:34 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:34 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:34 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:34 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:34 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:34 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:34 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:35 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:35 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:37 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:37 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:37 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:37 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:37 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:37 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:37 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:37 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:37 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:39 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:39 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:39 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:39 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:39 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:39 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:39 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:40 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:40 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:42 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:42 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:42 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:42 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:42 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:42 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:42 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:42 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:42 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:44 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:44 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:44 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:44 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:44 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:44 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:44 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:45 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:45 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:47 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:47 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:47 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:47 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:47 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:47 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:47 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:47 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:47 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:49 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:49 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:49 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:49 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:49 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:49 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:49 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:50 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:50 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:52 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:52 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:52 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:52 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:52 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:52 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:52 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:52 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:52 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:54 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:54 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:54 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:54 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:54 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:54 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:54 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:55 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:55 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:57 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:57 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:57 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:57 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:57 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:57 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:57 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:18:57 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:57 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:18:59 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:59 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:59 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:18:59 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:59 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:18:59 packer: 2018/10/24 15:18:59 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:00 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:00 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:02 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:02 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:02 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:02 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:02 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:02 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:02 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:02 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:02 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:04 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:04 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:04 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:04 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:04 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:04 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:04 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:05 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:05 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:07 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:07 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:07 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:07 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:07 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:07 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:07 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:07 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:07 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:09 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:09 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:09 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:09 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:09 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:09 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:09 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:09 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:09 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:11 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:11 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:11 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:11 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:11 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:11 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:11 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:12 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:12 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:14 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:14 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:14 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:14 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:14 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:14 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:14 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:14 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:14 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:16 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:16 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:16 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:16 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:16 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:16 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:16 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:17 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:17 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:19 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:19 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:19 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:19 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:19 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:19 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:19 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:19 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:19 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:21 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:21 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:21 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:21 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:21 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:21 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:21 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:22 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:22 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:24 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:24 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:24 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:24 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:24 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:24 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:24 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:24 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:24 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:26 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:26 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:26 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:26 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:26 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:26 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:26 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:27 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:27 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:29 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:29 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:29 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:29 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:29 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:29 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:31 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:31 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:31 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:31 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:31 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:31 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:31 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:32 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:32 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:34 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:34 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:34 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:34 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:34 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:34 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:34 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:34 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:34 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:36 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:36 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:36 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:36 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:36 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:36 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:36 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:37 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:37 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:39 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:39 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:39 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:39 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:39 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:39 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:39 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:39 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:39 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:41 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:41 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:41 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:41 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:41 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:41 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:41 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:41 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:41 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:43 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:43 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:43 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:43 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:43 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:43 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:43 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:44 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:44 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:46 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:46 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:46 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:46 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:46 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:46 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:46 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:46 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:46 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:48 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:48 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:48 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:48 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:48 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:48 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:48 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:49 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:49 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:51 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:51 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:51 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:51 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:51 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:51 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:51 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:51 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:51 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:53 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:53 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:53 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:53 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:53 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:53 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:53 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:54 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:54 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:56 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:56 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:56 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:56 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:56 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:56 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:56 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:56 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:56 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:19:58 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:58 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:58 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:19:58 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:58 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:19:58 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:58 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:19:59 packer: 2018/10/24 15:19:59 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:01 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:01 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:01 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:01 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:01 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:01 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:01 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:01 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:01 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:03 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:03 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:03 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:03 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:03 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:03 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:03 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:04 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:04 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:06 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:06 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:06 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:06 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:06 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:06 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:06 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:06 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:06 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:08 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:08 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:08 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:08 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:08 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:08 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:08 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:09 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:09 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:11 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:11 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:11 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:11 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:11 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:11 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:11 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:11 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:11 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:13 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:13 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:13 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:13 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:13 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:13 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:13 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:14 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:14 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:16 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:16 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:16 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:16 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:16 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:16 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:16 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:16 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:16 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:18 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:18 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:18 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:18 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:18 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:18 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:18 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:19 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:19 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:21 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:21 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:21 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:21 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:21 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:21 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:21 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:21 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:21 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:23 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:23 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:23 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:23 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:23 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:23 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:23 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:23 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:23 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:25 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:25 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:25 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:25 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:25 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:25 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:25 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:26 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:26 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:28 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:28 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:28 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:28 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:28 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:28 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:28 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:28 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:28 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:30 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:30 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:30 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:30 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:30 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:30 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:30 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:31 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:31 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:33 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:33 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:33 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:33 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:33 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:33 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:33 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:33 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:33 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:35 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:35 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:35 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:35 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:35 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:35 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:35 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:36 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:36 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:38 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:38 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:38 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:38 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:38 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:38 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:38 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:38 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:38 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:40 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:40 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:40 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:40 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:40 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:40 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:40 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:41 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:41 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:43 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:43 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:43 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:43 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:43 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:43 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:43 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:43 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:43 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:45 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:45 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:45 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:45 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:45 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:45 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:45 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:46 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:46 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:48 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:48 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:48 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:48 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:48 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:48 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:48 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:48 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:48 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:50 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:50 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:50 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:50 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:50 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:50 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:50 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:51 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:51 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:53 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:53 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:53 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:53 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:53 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:53 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:53 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:53 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:53 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:55 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:55 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:55 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:55 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:55 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:55 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:55 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:56 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:56 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:20:58 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:58 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:58 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:20:58 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:58 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:20:58 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:58 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:20:58 packer: 2018/10/24 15:20:58 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:21:00 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:00 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:00 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:00 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:00 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:21:00 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:00 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:21:01 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:01 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:21:03 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:03 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:03 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:03 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:03 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:21:03 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:03 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:21:03 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:03 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:21:05 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:05 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:05 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:05 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:05 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:21:05 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:05 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:21:06 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:06 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:21:08 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:08 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:08 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:08 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:08 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:21:08 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:08 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:21:08 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:08 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:21:10 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:10 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:10 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:10 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:10 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:21:10 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:10 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:21:11 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:11 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:21:13 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:13 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:13 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:13 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:13 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:21:13 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:13 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:21:13 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:13 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:21:15 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:15 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:15 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:15 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:15 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:21:15 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:15 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:21:15 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:15 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:21:17 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:17 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:17 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:17 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:17 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:21:17 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:17 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:21:18 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:18 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:21:20 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:20 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:20 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:20 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:20 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:21:20 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:20 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:21:20 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:20 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:21:22 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:22 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:22 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:22 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:22 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:21:22 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:22 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:21:23 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:23 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:21:25 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:25 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:25 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:25 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:25 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:21:25 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:25 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:21:25 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:25 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:21:27 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:27 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:27 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:27 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:27 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:21:27 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:27 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:21:28 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:28 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:21:30 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:30 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:30 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:30 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:30 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:21:30 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:30 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:21:30 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:30 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:21:32 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:32 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:32 [INFO] 33 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2018/10/24 15:21:32 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:32 Copying to /tmp/ on container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271.
2018/10/24 15:21:32 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:32 Copied 33 bytes for /tmp/
2018/10/24 15:21:33 packer: 2018/10/24 15:21:33 Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
2018/10/24 15:21:33 [INFO] (telemetry) ending shell
==> docker: Killing the container: 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271
2018/10/24 15:21:33 [INFO] (telemetry) ending docker
2018/10/24 15:21:33 ui error: Build 'docker' errored: Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running

2018/10/24 15:21:33 Builds completed. Waiting on interrupt barrier...
2018/10/24 15:21:33 machine readable: error-count []string{"1"}
2018/10/24 15:21:33 ui error:
==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors:
2018/10/24 15:21:33 machine readable: docker,error []string{"Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running\n"}
2018/10/24 15:21:33 ui error: --> docker: Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.
2018/10/24 15:21:33 [INFO] (telemetry) Finalizing.
Build 'docker' errored: Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running

==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors:
--> docker: Retryable error: Error uploading script: Failed to set owner of the uploaded file: exit status 1, Error response from daemon: Container 4d3323b4c29ac02351f8444c70eb08c8310403ec597284d57b88489f2ce5b271 is not running
==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.
2018/10/24 15:21:33 waiting for all plugin processes to complete...
2018/10/24 15:21:33 /usr/local/bin/packer: plugin process exited
2018/10/24 15:21:33 /usr/local/bin/packer: plugin process exited
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