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Last active October 12, 2020 07:25
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Swift Closures
import UIKit
// External closure declaration
// Closure with arguments
let sampleClosure :(String) -> (String) = { value in
return "sample closure return value"
// Caliing closure externally
let closureReturn = sampleClosure("damn this is how you call external closure")
// Closure as an argument of a function
func someFunction(msg str:String, someClosure: (String) -> (String)) -> Void
let getReturnValue = someClosure("adada")
print ("function executing")
// Calling a function with closure in it
someFunction(msg: "sample msg", someClosure: {
value in
for i in 1...10
print(i, value, separator: "->", terminator: "\n")
return "someClosure return value"
// Tailing closure
someFunction(msg:"sample msg"){ value in
print("Tailing closure", value)
return "tailing closure return"
// Auto Closure
// Closure as an argument of a function
func autoReleaseExample(msg str:String, someAutoClosure:@autoclosure () -> ()) -> Void
print ("function executing")
autoReleaseExample(msg: "blah blah", someAutoClosure: (
print("Auto Release is Working")
// Auto closure with arguments and return values
// Closure as an argument of a function
// "_" Specify the no argument required when calling the method/function
func autoReleaseExample2(_ someAutoClosure:@autoclosure() -> (String)) -> Void
print ("function executing")
autoReleaseExample2("auto release closure wiithout empty argument name")
// Escaping and Non-Escaping Closures
var closureArr:[() -> ()] = []
func escapingClosureExample(escapingClosure:@escaping () -> ()) -> String {
// Escaping closure will be executed after the the retrn statement
DispatchQueue.main.async {
print("this dispatch queue is executing")
print("about to execute the return statement")
return "returning the function"
escapingClosureExample {
print("excute escaping closure")
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