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Created September 14, 2023 17:27
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API diff: Microsoft.tvOS.dll


Namespace Security

Type Changed: Security.SecKeyAlgorithm

Added values:

EcdsaSignatureDigestRfc4754 = 76,
EcdsaSignatureDigestRfc4754Sha1 = 77,
EcdsaSignatureDigestRfc4754Sha224 = 78,
EcdsaSignatureDigestRfc4754Sha256 = 79,
EcdsaSignatureDigestRfc4754Sha384 = 80,
EcdsaSignatureDigestRfc4754Sha512 = 81,
EcdsaSignatureMessageRfc4754Sha1 = 82,
EcdsaSignatureMessageRfc4754Sha224 = 83,
EcdsaSignatureMessageRfc4754Sha256 = 84,
EcdsaSignatureMessageRfc4754Sha384 = 85,
EcdsaSignatureMessageRfc4754Sha512 = 86,
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