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Created May 28, 2024 08:52
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  • Save vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/3363b149a5352170e575b80e14716939 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/3363b149a5352170e575b80e14716939 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
diff --git a/old/dotnet/IDE/obj/common/bgen/bgen.AssemblyInfo.cs b/new/dotnet/IDE/obj/common/bgen/bgen.AssemblyInfo.cs
index 040c265..18adcc4 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/IDE/obj/common/bgen/bgen.AssemblyInfo.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/IDE/obj/common/bgen/bgen.AssemblyInfo.cs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ using System.Reflection;
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute("bgen")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyConfigurationAttribute("Debug")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute("")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute("1.0.0+c642f20b719067b874d07f5e6a38ca0d77dee161")]
+[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute("1.0.0+8c39f793ac24b7d18250cd02709b95b96ff041c4")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute("bgen")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute("bgen")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute("")]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/IDE/obj/common/bgen/bgen.sourcelink.json b/new/dotnet/IDE/obj/common/bgen/bgen.sourcelink.json
index 4045d0d..c65c076 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/IDE/obj/common/bgen/bgen.sourcelink.json
+++ b/new/dotnet/IDE/obj/common/bgen/bgen.sourcelink.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/old/dotnet/ios/SourceLink.json b/new/dotnet/ios/SourceLink.json
index 482566c..301a42d 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/ios/SourceLink.json
+++ b/new/dotnet/ios/SourceLink.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"documents": {
- "/Users/builder/azdo/_work/1/a/change-detection/tmp/src/xamarin-macios/src*": "*"
+ "/Users/builder/azdo/_work/1/s/xamarin-macios/src*": "*"
diff --git a/old/dotnet/ios/doc/Microsoft.iOS.xml b/new/dotnet/ios/doc/Microsoft.iOS.xml
index ac32c51..3b647ed 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/ios/doc/Microsoft.iOS.xml
+++ b/new/dotnet/ios/doc/Microsoft.iOS.xml
@@ -147412,6 +147412,238 @@
+ <member name="P:GameController.GCMouse.ClassHandle">
+ <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
+ <value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
+ <remarks>
+ Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
+ This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
+ It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor">
+ <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> with default values.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
+ <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
+ <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
+ This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
+ When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
+ The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
+ Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
+ With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
+ </para>
+ <para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
+ <para>
+ In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
+ If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
+ Typically the chaining would look like this:
+ </para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ //
+ // The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
+ // No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
+ //
+ // This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
+ //
+ [Export ("initWithFrame:")]
+ public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
+ {
+ // Invoke the init method now.
+ var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
+ if (IsDirectBinding) {
+ Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
+ } else {
+ Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
+ }
+ }
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle)">
+ <summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
+ <param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
+ Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
+ </para>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications">
+ <summary>Notifications posted by the <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> class.</summary>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This class contains various helper methods that allow developers to observe events posted in the notification hub (<see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter" />).</para>
+ <para>The methods defined in this class post events that invoke the provided method or lambda with a <see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs" /> parameter, which contains strongly typed properties for the notification arguments.</para>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidConnectNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidConnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidDisconnectNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidDisconnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
<member name="P:GameController.GCColor.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
@@ -149023,247 +149255,6 @@
- <member name="P:GameController.GCMouse.ClassHandle">
- <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
- <value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
- <remarks>
- Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
- This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
- It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor">
- <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> with default values.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSCoder)">
- <summary>A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.</summary>
- <param name="coder">The unarchiver object.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>This constructor is provided to allow the class to be initialized from an unarchiver (for example, during NIB deserialization). This is part of the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSCoding" /> protocol.</para>
- <para>If developers want to create a subclass of this object and continue to support deserialization from an archive, they should implement a constructor with an identical signature: taking a single parameter of type <see cref="T:Foundation.NSCoder" /> and decorate it with the <c>[Export("initWithCoder:"]</c> attribute.</para>
- <para>The state of this object can also be serialized by using the <see cref="M:Foundation.INSCoding.EncodeTo(Foundation.NSCoder)" /> companion method.</para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
- <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
- <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>
- This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
- This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
- When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
- The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
- </para>
- <para>
- This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
- Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
- With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
- </para>
- <para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
- <para>
- In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
- If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
- </para>
- <para>
- The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
- Typically the chaining would look like this:
- </para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- //
- // The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
- // No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
- //
- // This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
- //
- [Export ("initWithFrame:")]
- public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
- {
- // Invoke the init method now.
- var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
- } else {
- Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
- }
- }
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle)">
- <summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
- <param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>
- This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
- Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
- </para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="T:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications">
- <summary>Notifications posted by the <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> class.</summary>
- <remarks>
- <para>This class contains various helper methods that allow developers to observe events posted in the notification hub (<see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter" />).</para>
- <para>The methods defined in this class post events that invoke the provided method or lambda with a <see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs" /> parameter, which contains strongly typed properties for the notification arguments.</para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidConnectNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidConnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidDisconnectNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidDisconnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
<member name="P:GameController.GCMouseInput.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
@@ -272478,7 +272469,7 @@
<param name="height">The height of the projection volume.</param>
<param name="zNear">The near edge of the projection volume.</param>
<param name="zFar">The far edge of the projection volume.</param>
- <rereturns>The resulting SCNMatrix4 instance.</rereturns>
+ <returns>The resulting SCNMatrix4 instance.</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@)">
@@ -272532,7 +272523,7 @@
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@)">
- Creates an perspective projection matrix.
+ Creates a perspective projection matrix.
<param name="left">Left edge of the view frustum</param>
<param name="right">Right edge of the view frustum</param>
@@ -272547,7 +272538,7 @@
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
- Creates an perspective projection matrix.
+ Creates a perspective projection matrix.
<param name="left">Left edge of the view frustum</param>
<param name="right">Right edge of the view frustum</param>
@@ -272564,14 +272555,14 @@
Build a scaling matrix
- <param name="scale">Single scale factor for x,y and z axes</param>
+ <param name="scale">Single scale factor for x, y and z axes</param>
<returns>A scaling matrix</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Scale(SceneKit.SCNVector3)">
Build a scaling matrix
- <param name="scale">Scale factors for x,y and z axes</param>
+ <param name="scale">Scale factors for x, y and z axes</param>
<returns>A scaling matrix</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Scale(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
@@ -272648,7 +272639,7 @@
Calculate the inverse of the given matrix
<param name="matrix">The matrix to invert</param>
- <returns>The inverse of the given matrix if it has one, or the input if it is singular</returns>
+ <returns>The inverse of the given matrix if it has one.</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown if the SCNMatrix4 is singular.</exception>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Transpose(SceneKit.SCNMatrix4)">
@@ -273619,7 +273610,7 @@
<member name="F:SceneKit.SCNVector3.UnitZ">
- /// Defines a unit-length SCNVector3 that points towards the Z-axis.
+ Defines a unit-length SCNVector3 that points towards the Z-axis.
<member name="F:SceneKit.SCNVector3.Zero">
@@ -273907,7 +273898,7 @@
<returns>The transformed vector</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNVector3.TransformVector(SceneKit.SCNVector3@,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@,SceneKit.SCNVector3@)">
- <summary>Transform a direction vector by the given Matrix
+ <summary>Transform a direction vector by the given matrix.
Assumes the matrix has a right-most column of (0,0,0,1), that is the translation part is ignored.
<param name="vec">The column vector to transform</param>
diff --git a/old/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/CoreML/MLCustomModel.g.cs b/new/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/CoreML/MLCustomModel.g.cs
index b898d84..9739174 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/CoreML/MLCustomModel.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/CoreML/MLCustomModel.g.cs
@@ -58,6 +58,20 @@ namespace CoreML {
[ProtocolMember (IsRequired = false, IsProperty = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "GetPredictions", Selector = "predictionsFromBatch:options:error:", ReturnType = typeof (IMLBatchProvider), ParameterType = new Type [] { typeof (IMLBatchProvider), typeof (MLPredictionOptions), typeof (NSError) }, ParameterByRef = new bool [] { false, false, true })]
public partial interface IMLCustomModel : INativeObject, IDisposable
+ [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
+ public unsafe static T? CreateInstance<T> (MLModelDescription modelDescription, NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> parameters, out NSError error) where T: NSObject, IMLCustomModel
+ {
+ var modelDescription__handle__ = modelDescription!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (modelDescription));
+ var parameters__handle__ = parameters!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (parameters));
+ NativeHandle errorValue = IntPtr.Zero;
+ T? ret;
+ IntPtr __handle__;
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (T)), Selector.GetHandle ("alloc"));
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.NativeHandle_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle_NativeHandle_ref_NativeHandle (__handle__, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithModelDescription:parameterDictionary:error:"), modelDescription__handle__, parameters__handle__, &errorValue);
+ ret = global::ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetINativeObject<T> (__handle__, true);
+ error = Runtime.GetNSObject<NSError> (errorValue)!;
+ return ret;
+ }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
[Export ("predictionFromFeatures:options:error:")]
[Preserve (Conditional = true)]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/Foundation/NSCoding.g.cs b/new/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/Foundation/NSCoding.g.cs
index 28672d6..a41d6bc 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/Foundation/NSCoding.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/Foundation/NSCoding.g.cs
@@ -53,6 +53,15 @@ namespace Foundation {
[ProtocolMember (IsRequired = true, IsProperty = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "EncodeTo", Selector = "encodeWithCoder:", ParameterType = new Type [] { typeof (NSCoder) }, ParameterByRef = new bool [] { false })]
public partial interface INSCoding : INativeObject, IDisposable
+ [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
+ public unsafe static T? CreateInstance<T> (NSCoder decoder) where T: NSObject, INSCoding
+ {
+ var decoder__handle__ = decoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (decoder));
+ IntPtr __handle__;
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (T)), Selector.GetHandle ("alloc"));
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.NativeHandle_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle (__handle__, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), decoder__handle__);
+ return global::ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetINativeObject<T> (__handle__, true);
+ }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
[Export ("encodeWithCoder:")]
[Preserve (Conditional = true)]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs b/new/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
index 00d5b72..d9470e6 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ namespace GameController {
[SupportedOSPlatform ("tvos14.0")]
[SupportedOSPlatform ("maccatalyst")]
[SupportedOSPlatform ("macos")]
- public unsafe partial class GCMouse : NSObject, IGCDevice, INSCoding, INSSecureCoding {
+ public unsafe partial class GCMouse : NSObject, IGCDevice {
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
#if ARCH_32
#pragma warning disable 649
@@ -88,30 +88,6 @@ namespace GameController {
- /// <summary>A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.</summary>
- /// <param name="coder">The unarchiver object.</param>
- /// <remarks>
- /// <para>This constructor is provided to allow the class to be initialized from an unarchiver (for example, during NIB deserialization). This is part of the <see cref="Foundation.NSCoding" /> protocol.</para>
- /// <para>If developers want to create a subclass of this object and continue to support deserialization from an archive, they should implement a constructor with an identical signature: taking a single parameter of type <see cref="Foundation.NSCoder" /> and decorate it with the <c>[Export("initWithCoder:"]</c> attribute.</para>
- /// <para>The state of this object can also be serialized by using the <see cref="Foundation.INSCoding.EncodeTo" /> companion method.</para>
- /// </remarks>
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- [DesignatedInitializer]
- [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
- [Export ("initWithCoder:")]
- public GCMouse (NSCoder coder) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
- {
- #if ARCH_32
- throw new PlatformNotSupportedException ("This API is not supported on this version of iOS");
- #else
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- InitializeHandle (global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (this.Handle, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), coder.Handle), "initWithCoder:");
- } else {
- InitializeHandle (global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_IntPtr (this.SuperHandle, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), coder.Handle), "initWithCoder:");
- }
- #endif
- }
/// <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
/// <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
/// <remarks>
@@ -177,21 +153,6 @@ namespace GameController {
- [Export ("encodeWithCoder:")]
- [SupportedOSPlatform ("ios14.0")]
- [SupportedOSPlatform ("macos")]
- [SupportedOSPlatform ("tvos14.0")]
- [SupportedOSPlatform ("maccatalyst")]
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- public virtual void EncodeTo (NSCoder encoder)
- {
- var encoder__handle__ = encoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (encoder));
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle (this.Handle, Selector.GetHandle ("encodeWithCoder:"), encoder__handle__);
- } else {
- global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSendSuper_NativeHandle (this.SuperHandle, Selector.GetHandle ("encodeWithCoder:"), encoder__handle__);
- }
- }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
public static GCMouse? Current {
[Export ("current", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource.g.cs b/new/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
index e5dbcf0..06a227a 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
@@ -73,6 +73,15 @@ namespace MetalPerformanceShaders {
public partial interface IMPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource : INativeObject, IDisposable,
+ [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
+ public unsafe static T? CreateInstance<T> (NSCoder decoder) where T: NSObject, IMPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource
+ {
+ var decoder__handle__ = decoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (decoder));
+ IntPtr __handle__;
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (T)), Selector.GetHandle ("alloc"));
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.NativeHandle_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle (__handle__, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), decoder__handle__);
+ return global::ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetINativeObject<T> (__handle__, true);
+ }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
[Export ("purge")]
[Preserve (Conditional = true)]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource.g.cs b/new/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
index e5c3630..13b8f47 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
@@ -66,6 +66,15 @@ namespace MetalPerformanceShaders {
public partial interface IMPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource : INativeObject, IDisposable,
+ [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
+ public unsafe static T? CreateInstance<T> (NSCoder decoder) where T: NSObject, IMPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource
+ {
+ var decoder__handle__ = decoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (decoder));
+ IntPtr __handle__;
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (T)), Selector.GetHandle ("alloc"));
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.NativeHandle_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle (__handle__, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), decoder__handle__);
+ return global::ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetINativeObject<T> (__handle__, true);
+ }
[Preserve (Conditional = true)]
nint Gamma {
[Export ("gamma")]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/temp.xml b/new/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/temp.xml
index 9fe72e7..70647fa 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/temp.xml
+++ b/new/dotnet/ios/generated-sources/temp.xml
@@ -47,15 +47,6 @@
<summary>The LZBitmap compression format.</summary>
<remarks>This compression algorithm is only available on Apple devices.</remarks>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.ShapePoint">
- `emitterShape' values. *
- </member>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.ModePoints">
- `emitterMode' values. *
- </member>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.RenderUnordered">
- `renderOrder' values. *
- </member>
<member name="F:LocalAuthentication.LAStatus.AuthenticationFailed">
Authentication was not successful, because user failed to provide valid credentials.
diff --git a/old/dotnet/ios/ref/Microsoft.iOS.xml b/new/dotnet/ios/ref/Microsoft.iOS.xml
index 7d55649..2e9c4da 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/ios/ref/Microsoft.iOS.xml
+++ b/new/dotnet/ios/ref/Microsoft.iOS.xml
@@ -147195,6 +147195,238 @@
+ <member name="P:GameController.GCMouse.ClassHandle">
+ <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
+ <value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
+ <remarks>
+ Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
+ This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
+ It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor">
+ <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> with default values.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
+ <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
+ <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
+ This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
+ When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
+ The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
+ Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
+ With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
+ </para>
+ <para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
+ <para>
+ In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
+ If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
+ Typically the chaining would look like this:
+ </para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ //
+ // The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
+ // No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
+ //
+ // This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
+ //
+ [Export ("initWithFrame:")]
+ public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
+ {
+ // Invoke the init method now.
+ var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
+ if (IsDirectBinding) {
+ Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
+ } else {
+ Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
+ }
+ }
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle)">
+ <summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
+ <param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
+ Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
+ </para>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications">
+ <summary>Notifications posted by the <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> class.</summary>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This class contains various helper methods that allow developers to observe events posted in the notification hub (<see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter" />).</para>
+ <para>The methods defined in this class post events that invoke the provided method or lambda with a <see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs" /> parameter, which contains strongly typed properties for the notification arguments.</para>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidConnectNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidConnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidDisconnectNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidDisconnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
<member name="P:GameController.GCColor.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
@@ -148806,247 +149038,6 @@
- <member name="P:GameController.GCMouse.ClassHandle">
- <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
- <value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
- <remarks>
- Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
- This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
- It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor">
- <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> with default values.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSCoder)">
- <summary>A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.</summary>
- <param name="coder">The unarchiver object.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>This constructor is provided to allow the class to be initialized from an unarchiver (for example, during NIB deserialization). This is part of the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSCoding" /> protocol.</para>
- <para>If developers want to create a subclass of this object and continue to support deserialization from an archive, they should implement a constructor with an identical signature: taking a single parameter of type <see cref="T:Foundation.NSCoder" /> and decorate it with the <c>[Export("initWithCoder:"]</c> attribute.</para>
- <para>The state of this object can also be serialized by using the <see cref="M:Foundation.INSCoding.EncodeTo(Foundation.NSCoder)" /> companion method.</para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
- <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
- <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>
- This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
- This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
- When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
- The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
- </para>
- <para>
- This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
- Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
- With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
- </para>
- <para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
- <para>
- In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
- If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
- </para>
- <para>
- The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
- Typically the chaining would look like this:
- </para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- //
- // The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
- // No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
- //
- // This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
- //
- [Export ("initWithFrame:")]
- public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
- {
- // Invoke the init method now.
- var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
- } else {
- Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
- }
- }
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle)">
- <summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
- <param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>
- This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
- Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
- </para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="T:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications">
- <summary>Notifications posted by the <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> class.</summary>
- <remarks>
- <para>This class contains various helper methods that allow developers to observe events posted in the notification hub (<see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter" />).</para>
- <para>The methods defined in this class post events that invoke the provided method or lambda with a <see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs" /> parameter, which contains strongly typed properties for the notification arguments.</para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidConnectNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidConnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidDisconnectNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidDisconnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
<member name="P:GameController.GCMouseInput.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
@@ -272234,7 +272225,7 @@
<param name="height">The height of the projection volume.</param>
<param name="zNear">The near edge of the projection volume.</param>
<param name="zFar">The far edge of the projection volume.</param>
- <rereturns>The resulting SCNMatrix4 instance.</rereturns>
+ <returns>The resulting SCNMatrix4 instance.</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@)">
@@ -272302,7 +272293,7 @@
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@)">
- Creates an perspective projection matrix.
+ Creates a perspective projection matrix.
<param name="left">Left edge of the view frustum</param>
<param name="right">Right edge of the view frustum</param>
@@ -272322,7 +272313,7 @@
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
- Creates an perspective projection matrix.
+ Creates a perspective projection matrix.
<param name="left">Left edge of the view frustum</param>
<param name="right">Right edge of the view frustum</param>
@@ -272344,14 +272335,14 @@
Build a scaling matrix
- <param name="scale">Single scale factor for x,y and z axes</param>
+ <param name="scale">Single scale factor for x, y and z axes</param>
<returns>A scaling matrix</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Scale(SceneKit.SCNVector3)">
Build a scaling matrix
- <param name="scale">Scale factors for x,y and z axes</param>
+ <param name="scale">Scale factors for x, y and z axes</param>
<returns>A scaling matrix</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Scale(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
@@ -272428,7 +272419,7 @@
Calculate the inverse of the given matrix
<param name="matrix">The matrix to invert</param>
- <returns>The inverse of the given matrix if it has one, or the input if it is singular</returns>
+ <returns>The inverse of the given matrix if it has one.</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown if the SCNMatrix4 is singular.</exception>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Transpose(SceneKit.SCNMatrix4)">
@@ -273399,7 +273390,7 @@
<member name="F:SceneKit.SCNVector3.UnitZ">
- /// Defines a unit-length SCNVector3 that points towards the Z-axis.
+ Defines a unit-length SCNVector3 that points towards the Z-axis.
<member name="F:SceneKit.SCNVector3.Zero">
@@ -273687,7 +273678,7 @@
<returns>The transformed vector</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNVector3.TransformVector(SceneKit.SCNVector3@,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@,SceneKit.SCNVector3@)">
- <summary>Transform a direction vector by the given Matrix
+ <summary>Transform a direction vector by the given matrix.
Assumes the matrix has a right-most column of (0,0,0,1), that is the translation part is ignored.
<param name="vec">The column vector to transform</param>
diff --git a/old/dotnet/maccatalyst/SourceLink.json b/new/dotnet/maccatalyst/SourceLink.json
index 482566c..301a42d 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/maccatalyst/SourceLink.json
+++ b/new/dotnet/maccatalyst/SourceLink.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"documents": {
- "/Users/builder/azdo/_work/1/a/change-detection/tmp/src/xamarin-macios/src*": "*"
+ "/Users/builder/azdo/_work/1/s/xamarin-macios/src*": "*"
diff --git a/old/dotnet/maccatalyst/doc/Microsoft.MacCatalyst.xml b/new/dotnet/maccatalyst/doc/Microsoft.MacCatalyst.xml
index 58f1526..10c45e8 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/maccatalyst/doc/Microsoft.MacCatalyst.xml
+++ b/new/dotnet/maccatalyst/doc/Microsoft.MacCatalyst.xml
@@ -134859,6 +134859,238 @@
+ <member name="P:GameController.GCMouse.ClassHandle">
+ <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
+ <value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
+ <remarks>
+ Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
+ This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
+ It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor">
+ <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> with default values.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
+ <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
+ <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
+ This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
+ When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
+ The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
+ Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
+ With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
+ </para>
+ <para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
+ <para>
+ In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
+ If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
+ Typically the chaining would look like this:
+ </para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ //
+ // The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
+ // No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
+ //
+ // This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
+ //
+ [Export ("initWithFrame:")]
+ public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
+ {
+ // Invoke the init method now.
+ var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
+ if (IsDirectBinding) {
+ Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
+ } else {
+ Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
+ }
+ }
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle)">
+ <summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
+ <param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
+ Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
+ </para>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications">
+ <summary>Notifications posted by the <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> class.</summary>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This class contains various helper methods that allow developers to observe events posted in the notification hub (<see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter" />).</para>
+ <para>The methods defined in this class post events that invoke the provided method or lambda with a <see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs" /> parameter, which contains strongly typed properties for the notification arguments.</para>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidConnectNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidConnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidDisconnectNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidDisconnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
<member name="P:GameController.GCColor.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
@@ -136536,247 +136768,6 @@
- <member name="P:GameController.GCMouse.ClassHandle">
- <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
- <value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
- <remarks>
- Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
- This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
- It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor">
- <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> with default values.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSCoder)">
- <summary>A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.</summary>
- <param name="coder">The unarchiver object.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>This constructor is provided to allow the class to be initialized from an unarchiver (for example, during NIB deserialization). This is part of the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSCoding" /> protocol.</para>
- <para>If developers want to create a subclass of this object and continue to support deserialization from an archive, they should implement a constructor with an identical signature: taking a single parameter of type <see cref="T:Foundation.NSCoder" /> and decorate it with the <c>[Export("initWithCoder:"]</c> attribute.</para>
- <para>The state of this object can also be serialized by using the <see cref="M:Foundation.INSCoding.EncodeTo(Foundation.NSCoder)" /> companion method.</para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
- <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
- <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>
- This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
- This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
- When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
- The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
- </para>
- <para>
- This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
- Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
- With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
- </para>
- <para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
- <para>
- In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
- If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
- </para>
- <para>
- The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
- Typically the chaining would look like this:
- </para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- //
- // The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
- // No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
- //
- // This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
- //
- [Export ("initWithFrame:")]
- public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
- {
- // Invoke the init method now.
- var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
- } else {
- Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
- }
- }
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle)">
- <summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
- <param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>
- This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
- Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
- </para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="T:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications">
- <summary>Notifications posted by the <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> class.</summary>
- <remarks>
- <para>This class contains various helper methods that allow developers to observe events posted in the notification hub (<see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter" />).</para>
- <para>The methods defined in this class post events that invoke the provided method or lambda with a <see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs" /> parameter, which contains strongly typed properties for the notification arguments.</para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidConnectNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidConnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidDisconnectNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidDisconnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
<member name="P:GameController.GCMouseInput.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
@@ -258340,7 +258331,7 @@
<param name="height">The height of the projection volume.</param>
<param name="zNear">The near edge of the projection volume.</param>
<param name="zFar">The far edge of the projection volume.</param>
- <rereturns>The resulting SCNMatrix4 instance.</rereturns>
+ <returns>The resulting SCNMatrix4 instance.</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@)">
@@ -258394,7 +258385,7 @@
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@)">
- Creates an perspective projection matrix.
+ Creates a perspective projection matrix.
<param name="left">Left edge of the view frustum</param>
<param name="right">Right edge of the view frustum</param>
@@ -258409,7 +258400,7 @@
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
- Creates an perspective projection matrix.
+ Creates a perspective projection matrix.
<param name="left">Left edge of the view frustum</param>
<param name="right">Right edge of the view frustum</param>
@@ -258426,14 +258417,14 @@
Build a scaling matrix
- <param name="scale">Single scale factor for x,y and z axes</param>
+ <param name="scale">Single scale factor for x, y and z axes</param>
<returns>A scaling matrix</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Scale(SceneKit.SCNVector3)">
Build a scaling matrix
- <param name="scale">Scale factors for x,y and z axes</param>
+ <param name="scale">Scale factors for x, y and z axes</param>
<returns>A scaling matrix</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Scale(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
@@ -258510,7 +258501,7 @@
Calculate the inverse of the given matrix
<param name="matrix">The matrix to invert</param>
- <returns>The inverse of the given matrix if it has one, or the input if it is singular</returns>
+ <returns>The inverse of the given matrix if it has one.</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown if the SCNMatrix4 is singular.</exception>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Transpose(SceneKit.SCNMatrix4)">
@@ -259481,7 +259472,7 @@
<member name="F:SceneKit.SCNVector3.UnitZ">
- /// Defines a unit-length SCNVector3 that points towards the Z-axis.
+ Defines a unit-length SCNVector3 that points towards the Z-axis.
<member name="F:SceneKit.SCNVector3.Zero">
@@ -259769,7 +259760,7 @@
<returns>The transformed vector</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNVector3.TransformVector(SceneKit.SCNVector3@,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@,SceneKit.SCNVector3@)">
- <summary>Transform a direction vector by the given Matrix
+ <summary>Transform a direction vector by the given matrix.
Assumes the matrix has a right-most column of (0,0,0,1), that is the translation part is ignored.
<param name="vec">The column vector to transform</param>
diff --git a/old/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/CoreML/MLCustomModel.g.cs b/new/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/CoreML/MLCustomModel.g.cs
index a6648a2..ac9448c 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/CoreML/MLCustomModel.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/CoreML/MLCustomModel.g.cs
@@ -58,6 +58,20 @@ namespace CoreML {
[ProtocolMember (IsRequired = false, IsProperty = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "GetPredictions", Selector = "predictionsFromBatch:options:error:", ReturnType = typeof (IMLBatchProvider), ParameterType = new Type [] { typeof (IMLBatchProvider), typeof (MLPredictionOptions), typeof (NSError) }, ParameterByRef = new bool [] { false, false, true })]
public partial interface IMLCustomModel : INativeObject, IDisposable
+ [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
+ public unsafe static T? CreateInstance<T> (MLModelDescription modelDescription, NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> parameters, out NSError error) where T: NSObject, IMLCustomModel
+ {
+ var modelDescription__handle__ = modelDescription!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (modelDescription));
+ var parameters__handle__ = parameters!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (parameters));
+ NativeHandle errorValue = IntPtr.Zero;
+ T? ret;
+ IntPtr __handle__;
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (T)), Selector.GetHandle ("alloc"));
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.NativeHandle_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle_NativeHandle_ref_NativeHandle (__handle__, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithModelDescription:parameterDictionary:error:"), modelDescription__handle__, parameters__handle__, &errorValue);
+ ret = global::ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetINativeObject<T> (__handle__, true);
+ error = Runtime.GetNSObject<NSError> (errorValue)!;
+ return ret;
+ }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
[Export ("predictionFromFeatures:options:error:")]
[Preserve (Conditional = true)]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/Foundation/NSCoding.g.cs b/new/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/Foundation/NSCoding.g.cs
index 01df71a..b8b0ef9 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/Foundation/NSCoding.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/Foundation/NSCoding.g.cs
@@ -53,6 +53,15 @@ namespace Foundation {
[ProtocolMember (IsRequired = true, IsProperty = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "EncodeTo", Selector = "encodeWithCoder:", ParameterType = new Type [] { typeof (NSCoder) }, ParameterByRef = new bool [] { false })]
public partial interface INSCoding : INativeObject, IDisposable
+ [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
+ public unsafe static T? CreateInstance<T> (NSCoder decoder) where T: NSObject, INSCoding
+ {
+ var decoder__handle__ = decoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (decoder));
+ IntPtr __handle__;
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (T)), Selector.GetHandle ("alloc"));
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.NativeHandle_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle (__handle__, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), decoder__handle__);
+ return global::ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetINativeObject<T> (__handle__, true);
+ }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
[Export ("encodeWithCoder:")]
[Preserve (Conditional = true)]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs b/new/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
index 771dce8..aa34a76 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ namespace GameController {
[SupportedOSPlatform ("tvos14.0")]
[SupportedOSPlatform ("maccatalyst")]
[SupportedOSPlatform ("macos")]
- public unsafe partial class GCMouse : NSObject, IGCDevice, INSCoding, INSSecureCoding {
+ public unsafe partial class GCMouse : NSObject, IGCDevice {
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
static readonly NativeHandle class_ptr = Class.GetHandle ("GCMouse");
/// <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
@@ -78,26 +78,6 @@ namespace GameController {
- /// <summary>A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.</summary>
- /// <param name="coder">The unarchiver object.</param>
- /// <remarks>
- /// <para>This constructor is provided to allow the class to be initialized from an unarchiver (for example, during NIB deserialization). This is part of the <see cref="Foundation.NSCoding" /> protocol.</para>
- /// <para>If developers want to create a subclass of this object and continue to support deserialization from an archive, they should implement a constructor with an identical signature: taking a single parameter of type <see cref="Foundation.NSCoder" /> and decorate it with the <c>[Export("initWithCoder:"]</c> attribute.</para>
- /// <para>The state of this object can also be serialized by using the <see cref="Foundation.INSCoding.EncodeTo" /> companion method.</para>
- /// </remarks>
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- [DesignatedInitializer]
- [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
- [Export ("initWithCoder:")]
- public GCMouse (NSCoder coder) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
- {
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- InitializeHandle (global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (this.Handle, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), coder.Handle), "initWithCoder:");
- } else {
- InitializeHandle (global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_IntPtr (this.SuperHandle, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), coder.Handle), "initWithCoder:");
- }
- }
/// <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
/// <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
/// <remarks>
@@ -163,21 +143,6 @@ namespace GameController {
- [Export ("encodeWithCoder:")]
- [SupportedOSPlatform ("ios14.0")]
- [SupportedOSPlatform ("macos")]
- [SupportedOSPlatform ("tvos14.0")]
- [SupportedOSPlatform ("maccatalyst")]
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- public virtual void EncodeTo (NSCoder encoder)
- {
- var encoder__handle__ = encoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (encoder));
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle (this.Handle, Selector.GetHandle ("encodeWithCoder:"), encoder__handle__);
- } else {
- global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSendSuper_NativeHandle (this.SuperHandle, Selector.GetHandle ("encodeWithCoder:"), encoder__handle__);
- }
- }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
public static GCMouse? Current {
[Export ("current", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource.g.cs b/new/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
index 29a59cb..82ba60a 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
@@ -73,6 +73,15 @@ namespace MetalPerformanceShaders {
public partial interface IMPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource : INativeObject, IDisposable,
+ [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
+ public unsafe static T? CreateInstance<T> (NSCoder decoder) where T: NSObject, IMPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource
+ {
+ var decoder__handle__ = decoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (decoder));
+ IntPtr __handle__;
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (T)), Selector.GetHandle ("alloc"));
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.NativeHandle_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle (__handle__, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), decoder__handle__);
+ return global::ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetINativeObject<T> (__handle__, true);
+ }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
[Export ("purge")]
[Preserve (Conditional = true)]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource.g.cs b/new/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
index f08e5d9..fb774f0 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
@@ -66,6 +66,15 @@ namespace MetalPerformanceShaders {
public partial interface IMPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource : INativeObject, IDisposable,
+ [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
+ public unsafe static T? CreateInstance<T> (NSCoder decoder) where T: NSObject, IMPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource
+ {
+ var decoder__handle__ = decoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (decoder));
+ IntPtr __handle__;
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (T)), Selector.GetHandle ("alloc"));
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.NativeHandle_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle (__handle__, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), decoder__handle__);
+ return global::ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetINativeObject<T> (__handle__, true);
+ }
[Preserve (Conditional = true)]
nint Gamma {
[Export ("gamma")]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/temp.xml b/new/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/temp.xml
index 03b4c23..6c9c7f1 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/temp.xml
+++ b/new/dotnet/maccatalyst/generated-sources/temp.xml
@@ -74,15 +74,6 @@
<summary>The LZBitmap compression format.</summary>
<remarks>This compression algorithm is only available on Apple devices.</remarks>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.ShapePoint">
- `emitterShape' values. *
- </member>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.ModePoints">
- `emitterMode' values. *
- </member>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.RenderUnordered">
- `renderOrder' values. *
- </member>
<member name="F:LocalAuthentication.LAStatus.AuthenticationFailed">
Authentication was not successful, because user failed to provide valid credentials.
diff --git a/old/dotnet/maccatalyst/ref/Microsoft.MacCatalyst.xml b/new/dotnet/maccatalyst/ref/Microsoft.MacCatalyst.xml
index 473d6d5..a06abf4 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/maccatalyst/ref/Microsoft.MacCatalyst.xml
+++ b/new/dotnet/maccatalyst/ref/Microsoft.MacCatalyst.xml
@@ -134643,6 +134643,238 @@
+ <member name="P:GameController.GCMouse.ClassHandle">
+ <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
+ <value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
+ <remarks>
+ Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
+ This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
+ It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor">
+ <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> with default values.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
+ <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
+ <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
+ This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
+ When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
+ The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
+ Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
+ With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
+ </para>
+ <para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
+ <para>
+ In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
+ If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
+ Typically the chaining would look like this:
+ </para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ //
+ // The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
+ // No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
+ //
+ // This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
+ //
+ [Export ("initWithFrame:")]
+ public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
+ {
+ // Invoke the init method now.
+ var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
+ if (IsDirectBinding) {
+ Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
+ } else {
+ Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
+ }
+ }
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle)">
+ <summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
+ <param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
+ Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
+ </para>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications">
+ <summary>Notifications posted by the <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> class.</summary>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This class contains various helper methods that allow developers to observe events posted in the notification hub (<see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter" />).</para>
+ <para>The methods defined in this class post events that invoke the provided method or lambda with a <see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs" /> parameter, which contains strongly typed properties for the notification arguments.</para>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidConnectNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidConnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidDisconnectNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidDisconnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
<member name="P:GameController.GCColor.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
@@ -136320,247 +136552,6 @@
- <member name="P:GameController.GCMouse.ClassHandle">
- <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
- <value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
- <remarks>
- Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
- This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
- It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor">
- <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> with default values.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSCoder)">
- <summary>A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.</summary>
- <param name="coder">The unarchiver object.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>This constructor is provided to allow the class to be initialized from an unarchiver (for example, during NIB deserialization). This is part of the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSCoding" /> protocol.</para>
- <para>If developers want to create a subclass of this object and continue to support deserialization from an archive, they should implement a constructor with an identical signature: taking a single parameter of type <see cref="T:Foundation.NSCoder" /> and decorate it with the <c>[Export("initWithCoder:"]</c> attribute.</para>
- <para>The state of this object can also be serialized by using the <see cref="M:Foundation.INSCoding.EncodeTo(Foundation.NSCoder)" /> companion method.</para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
- <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
- <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>
- This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
- This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
- When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
- The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
- </para>
- <para>
- This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
- Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
- With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
- </para>
- <para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
- <para>
- In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
- If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
- </para>
- <para>
- The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
- Typically the chaining would look like this:
- </para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- //
- // The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
- // No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
- //
- // This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
- //
- [Export ("initWithFrame:")]
- public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
- {
- // Invoke the init method now.
- var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
- } else {
- Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
- }
- }
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle)">
- <summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
- <param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>
- This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
- Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
- </para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="T:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications">
- <summary>Notifications posted by the <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> class.</summary>
- <remarks>
- <para>This class contains various helper methods that allow developers to observe events posted in the notification hub (<see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter" />).</para>
- <para>The methods defined in this class post events that invoke the provided method or lambda with a <see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs" /> parameter, which contains strongly typed properties for the notification arguments.</para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidConnectNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidConnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidDisconnectNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidDisconnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
<member name="P:GameController.GCMouseInput.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
@@ -258097,7 +258088,7 @@
<param name="height">The height of the projection volume.</param>
<param name="zNear">The near edge of the projection volume.</param>
<param name="zFar">The far edge of the projection volume.</param>
- <rereturns>The resulting SCNMatrix4 instance.</rereturns>
+ <returns>The resulting SCNMatrix4 instance.</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@)">
@@ -258165,7 +258156,7 @@
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@)">
- Creates an perspective projection matrix.
+ Creates a perspective projection matrix.
<param name="left">Left edge of the view frustum</param>
<param name="right">Right edge of the view frustum</param>
@@ -258185,7 +258176,7 @@
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
- Creates an perspective projection matrix.
+ Creates a perspective projection matrix.
<param name="left">Left edge of the view frustum</param>
<param name="right">Right edge of the view frustum</param>
@@ -258207,14 +258198,14 @@
Build a scaling matrix
- <param name="scale">Single scale factor for x,y and z axes</param>
+ <param name="scale">Single scale factor for x, y and z axes</param>
<returns>A scaling matrix</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Scale(SceneKit.SCNVector3)">
Build a scaling matrix
- <param name="scale">Scale factors for x,y and z axes</param>
+ <param name="scale">Scale factors for x, y and z axes</param>
<returns>A scaling matrix</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Scale(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
@@ -258291,7 +258282,7 @@
Calculate the inverse of the given matrix
<param name="matrix">The matrix to invert</param>
- <returns>The inverse of the given matrix if it has one, or the input if it is singular</returns>
+ <returns>The inverse of the given matrix if it has one.</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown if the SCNMatrix4 is singular.</exception>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Transpose(SceneKit.SCNMatrix4)">
@@ -259262,7 +259253,7 @@
<member name="F:SceneKit.SCNVector3.UnitZ">
- /// Defines a unit-length SCNVector3 that points towards the Z-axis.
+ Defines a unit-length SCNVector3 that points towards the Z-axis.
<member name="F:SceneKit.SCNVector3.Zero">
@@ -259550,7 +259541,7 @@
<returns>The transformed vector</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNVector3.TransformVector(SceneKit.SCNVector3@,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@,SceneKit.SCNVector3@)">
- <summary>Transform a direction vector by the given Matrix
+ <summary>Transform a direction vector by the given matrix.
Assumes the matrix has a right-most column of (0,0,0,1), that is the translation part is ignored.
<param name="vec">The column vector to transform</param>
diff --git a/old/dotnet/macos/SourceLink.json b/new/dotnet/macos/SourceLink.json
index 482566c..301a42d 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/macos/SourceLink.json
+++ b/new/dotnet/macos/SourceLink.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"documents": {
- "/Users/builder/azdo/_work/1/a/change-detection/tmp/src/xamarin-macios/src*": "*"
+ "/Users/builder/azdo/_work/1/s/xamarin-macios/src*": "*"
diff --git a/old/dotnet/macos/doc/Microsoft.macOS.xml b/new/dotnet/macos/doc/Microsoft.macOS.xml
index 6daa6c9..3ea9c38 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/macos/doc/Microsoft.macOS.xml
+++ b/new/dotnet/macos/doc/Microsoft.macOS.xml
@@ -135294,6 +135294,238 @@
+ <member name="P:GameController.GCMouse.ClassHandle">
+ <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
+ <value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
+ <remarks>
+ Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
+ This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
+ It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor">
+ <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> with default values.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
+ <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
+ <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
+ This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
+ When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
+ The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
+ Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
+ With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
+ </para>
+ <para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
+ <para>
+ In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
+ If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
+ Typically the chaining would look like this:
+ </para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ //
+ // The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
+ // No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
+ //
+ // This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
+ //
+ [Export ("initWithFrame:")]
+ public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
+ {
+ // Invoke the init method now.
+ var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
+ if (IsDirectBinding) {
+ Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
+ } else {
+ Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
+ }
+ }
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle)">
+ <summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
+ <param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
+ Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
+ </para>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications">
+ <summary>Notifications posted by the <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> class.</summary>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This class contains various helper methods that allow developers to observe events posted in the notification hub (<see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter" />).</para>
+ <para>The methods defined in this class post events that invoke the provided method or lambda with a <see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs" /> parameter, which contains strongly typed properties for the notification arguments.</para>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidConnectNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidConnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidDisconnectNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidDisconnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
<member name="P:GameController.GCColor.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
@@ -136971,247 +137203,6 @@
- <member name="P:GameController.GCMouse.ClassHandle">
- <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
- <value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
- <remarks>
- Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
- This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
- It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor">
- <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> with default values.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSCoder)">
- <summary>A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.</summary>
- <param name="coder">The unarchiver object.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>This constructor is provided to allow the class to be initialized from an unarchiver (for example, during NIB deserialization). This is part of the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSCoding" /> protocol.</para>
- <para>If developers want to create a subclass of this object and continue to support deserialization from an archive, they should implement a constructor with an identical signature: taking a single parameter of type <see cref="T:Foundation.NSCoder" /> and decorate it with the <c>[Export("initWithCoder:"]</c> attribute.</para>
- <para>The state of this object can also be serialized by using the <see cref="M:Foundation.INSCoding.EncodeTo(Foundation.NSCoder)" /> companion method.</para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
- <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
- <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>
- This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
- This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
- When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
- The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
- </para>
- <para>
- This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
- Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
- With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
- </para>
- <para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
- <para>
- In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
- If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
- </para>
- <para>
- The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
- Typically the chaining would look like this:
- </para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- //
- // The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
- // No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
- //
- // This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
- //
- [Export ("initWithFrame:")]
- public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
- {
- // Invoke the init method now.
- var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
- } else {
- Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
- }
- }
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle)">
- <summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
- <param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>
- This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
- Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
- </para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="T:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications">
- <summary>Notifications posted by the <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> class.</summary>
- <remarks>
- <para>This class contains various helper methods that allow developers to observe events posted in the notification hub (<see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter" />).</para>
- <para>The methods defined in this class post events that invoke the provided method or lambda with a <see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs" /> parameter, which contains strongly typed properties for the notification arguments.</para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidConnectNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidConnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidDisconnectNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidDisconnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
<member name="P:GameController.GCMouseInput.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
@@ -230850,7 +230841,7 @@
<param name="height">The height of the projection volume.</param>
<param name="zNear">The near edge of the projection volume.</param>
<param name="zFar">The far edge of the projection volume.</param>
- <rereturns>The resulting SCNMatrix4 instance.</rereturns>
+ <returns>The resulting SCNMatrix4 instance.</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@)">
@@ -230904,7 +230895,7 @@
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@)">
- Creates an perspective projection matrix.
+ Creates a perspective projection matrix.
<param name="left">Left edge of the view frustum</param>
<param name="right">Right edge of the view frustum</param>
@@ -230919,7 +230910,7 @@
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat)">
- Creates an perspective projection matrix.
+ Creates a perspective projection matrix.
<param name="left">Left edge of the view frustum</param>
<param name="right">Right edge of the view frustum</param>
@@ -230936,14 +230927,14 @@
Build a scaling matrix
- <param name="scale">Single scale factor for x,y and z axes</param>
+ <param name="scale">Single scale factor for x, y and z axes</param>
<returns>A scaling matrix</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Scale(SceneKit.SCNVector3)">
Build a scaling matrix
- <param name="scale">Scale factors for x,y and z axes</param>
+ <param name="scale">Scale factors for x, y and z axes</param>
<returns>A scaling matrix</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Scale(System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat)">
@@ -231020,7 +231011,7 @@
Calculate the inverse of the given matrix
<param name="matrix">The matrix to invert</param>
- <returns>The inverse of the given matrix if it has one, or the input if it is singular</returns>
+ <returns>The inverse of the given matrix if it has one.</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown if the SCNMatrix4 is singular.</exception>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Transpose(SceneKit.SCNMatrix4)">
@@ -231991,7 +231982,7 @@
<member name="F:SceneKit.SCNVector3.UnitZ">
- /// Defines a unit-length SCNVector3 that points towards the Z-axis.
+ Defines a unit-length SCNVector3 that points towards the Z-axis.
<member name="F:SceneKit.SCNVector3.Zero">
@@ -232279,7 +232270,7 @@
<returns>The transformed vector</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNVector3.TransformVector(SceneKit.SCNVector3@,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@,SceneKit.SCNVector3@)">
- <summary>Transform a direction vector by the given Matrix
+ <summary>Transform a direction vector by the given matrix.
Assumes the matrix has a right-most column of (0,0,0,1), that is the translation part is ignored.
<param name="vec">The column vector to transform</param>
diff --git a/old/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/CoreML/MLCustomModel.g.cs b/new/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/CoreML/MLCustomModel.g.cs
index f48c7b5..5a17677 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/CoreML/MLCustomModel.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/CoreML/MLCustomModel.g.cs
@@ -53,6 +53,20 @@ namespace CoreML {
[ProtocolMember (IsRequired = false, IsProperty = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "GetPredictions", Selector = "predictionsFromBatch:options:error:", ReturnType = typeof (IMLBatchProvider), ParameterType = new Type [] { typeof (IMLBatchProvider), typeof (MLPredictionOptions), typeof (NSError) }, ParameterByRef = new bool [] { false, false, true })]
public partial interface IMLCustomModel : INativeObject, IDisposable
+ [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
+ public unsafe static T? CreateInstance<T> (MLModelDescription modelDescription, NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> parameters, out NSError error) where T: NSObject, IMLCustomModel
+ {
+ var modelDescription__handle__ = modelDescription!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (modelDescription));
+ var parameters__handle__ = parameters!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (parameters));
+ NativeHandle errorValue = IntPtr.Zero;
+ T? ret;
+ IntPtr __handle__;
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (T)), Selector.GetHandle ("alloc"));
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.NativeHandle_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle_NativeHandle_ref_NativeHandle (__handle__, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithModelDescription:parameterDictionary:error:"), modelDescription__handle__, parameters__handle__, &errorValue);
+ ret = global::ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetINativeObject<T> (__handle__, true);
+ error = Runtime.GetNSObject<NSError> (errorValue)!;
+ return ret;
+ }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
[Export ("predictionFromFeatures:options:error:")]
[Preserve (Conditional = true)]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/Foundation/NSCoding.g.cs b/new/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/Foundation/NSCoding.g.cs
index d84cb1f..aa91d98 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/Foundation/NSCoding.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/Foundation/NSCoding.g.cs
@@ -48,6 +48,15 @@ namespace Foundation {
[ProtocolMember (IsRequired = true, IsProperty = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "EncodeTo", Selector = "encodeWithCoder:", ParameterType = new Type [] { typeof (NSCoder) }, ParameterByRef = new bool [] { false })]
public partial interface INSCoding : INativeObject, IDisposable
+ [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
+ public unsafe static T? CreateInstance<T> (NSCoder decoder) where T: NSObject, INSCoding
+ {
+ var decoder__handle__ = decoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (decoder));
+ IntPtr __handle__;
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (T)), Selector.GetHandle ("alloc"));
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.NativeHandle_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle (__handle__, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), decoder__handle__);
+ return global::ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetINativeObject<T> (__handle__, true);
+ }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
[Export ("encodeWithCoder:")]
[Preserve (Conditional = true)]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs b/new/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
index 2f91e7b..50b1c19 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
@@ -49,20 +49,14 @@ namespace GameController {
[SupportedOSPlatform ("tvos14.0")]
[SupportedOSPlatform ("maccatalyst")]
[SupportedOSPlatform ("macos")]
- public unsafe partial class GCMouse : NSObject, IGCDevice, INSCoding, INSSecureCoding {
+ public unsafe partial class GCMouse : NSObject, IGCDevice {
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
const string selCurrentX = "current";
static readonly NativeHandle selCurrentXHandle = Selector.GetHandle ("current");
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- const string selEncodeWithCoder_X = "encodeWithCoder:";
- static readonly NativeHandle selEncodeWithCoder_XHandle = Selector.GetHandle ("encodeWithCoder:");
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
const string selHandlerQueueX = "handlerQueue";
static readonly NativeHandle selHandlerQueueXHandle = Selector.GetHandle ("handlerQueue");
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- const string selInitWithCoder_X = "initWithCoder:";
- static readonly NativeHandle selInitWithCoder_XHandle = Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:");
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
const string selMiceX = "mice";
static readonly NativeHandle selMiceXHandle = Selector.GetHandle ("mice");
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
@@ -103,26 +97,6 @@ namespace GameController {
- /// <summary>A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.</summary>
- /// <param name="coder">The unarchiver object.</param>
- /// <remarks>
- /// <para>This constructor is provided to allow the class to be initialized from an unarchiver (for example, during NIB deserialization). This is part of the <see cref="Foundation.NSCoding" /> protocol.</para>
- /// <para>If developers want to create a subclass of this object and continue to support deserialization from an archive, they should implement a constructor with an identical signature: taking a single parameter of type <see cref="Foundation.NSCoder" /> and decorate it with the <c>[Export("initWithCoder:"]</c> attribute.</para>
- /// <para>The state of this object can also be serialized by using the <see cref="Foundation.INSCoding.EncodeTo" /> companion method.</para>
- /// </remarks>
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- [DesignatedInitializer]
- [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
- [Export ("initWithCoder:")]
- public GCMouse (NSCoder coder) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
- {
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- InitializeHandle (global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (this.Handle, Selector.InitWithCoder, coder.Handle), "initWithCoder:");
- } else {
- InitializeHandle (global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_IntPtr (this.SuperHandle, Selector.InitWithCoder, coder.Handle), "initWithCoder:");
- }
- }
/// <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
/// <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
/// <remarks>
@@ -188,21 +162,6 @@ namespace GameController {
- [Export ("encodeWithCoder:")]
- [SupportedOSPlatform ("ios14.0")]
- [SupportedOSPlatform ("macos")]
- [SupportedOSPlatform ("tvos14.0")]
- [SupportedOSPlatform ("maccatalyst")]
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- public virtual void EncodeTo (NSCoder encoder)
- {
- var encoder__handle__ = encoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (encoder));
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle (this.Handle, selEncodeWithCoder_XHandle, encoder__handle__);
- } else {
- global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSendSuper_NativeHandle (this.SuperHandle, selEncodeWithCoder_XHandle, encoder__handle__);
- }
- }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
public static GCMouse? Current {
[Export ("current", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource.g.cs b/new/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
index 659d6d0..75dcd10 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
@@ -68,6 +68,15 @@ namespace MetalPerformanceShaders {
public partial interface IMPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource : INativeObject, IDisposable,
+ [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
+ public unsafe static T? CreateInstance<T> (NSCoder decoder) where T: NSObject, IMPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource
+ {
+ var decoder__handle__ = decoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (decoder));
+ IntPtr __handle__;
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (T)), Selector.GetHandle ("alloc"));
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.NativeHandle_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle (__handle__, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), decoder__handle__);
+ return global::ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetINativeObject<T> (__handle__, true);
+ }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
[Export ("purge")]
[Preserve (Conditional = true)]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource.g.cs b/new/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
index b338932..eec8e58 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
@@ -61,6 +61,15 @@ namespace MetalPerformanceShaders {
public partial interface IMPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource : INativeObject, IDisposable,
+ [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
+ public unsafe static T? CreateInstance<T> (NSCoder decoder) where T: NSObject, IMPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource
+ {
+ var decoder__handle__ = decoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (decoder));
+ IntPtr __handle__;
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (T)), Selector.GetHandle ("alloc"));
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.NativeHandle_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle (__handle__, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), decoder__handle__);
+ return global::ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetINativeObject<T> (__handle__, true);
+ }
[Preserve (Conditional = true)]
nint Gamma {
[Export ("gamma")]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/temp.xml b/new/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/temp.xml
index 03b4c23..6c9c7f1 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/temp.xml
+++ b/new/dotnet/macos/generated-sources/temp.xml
@@ -74,15 +74,6 @@
<summary>The LZBitmap compression format.</summary>
<remarks>This compression algorithm is only available on Apple devices.</remarks>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.ShapePoint">
- `emitterShape' values. *
- </member>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.ModePoints">
- `emitterMode' values. *
- </member>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.RenderUnordered">
- `renderOrder' values. *
- </member>
<member name="F:LocalAuthentication.LAStatus.AuthenticationFailed">
Authentication was not successful, because user failed to provide valid credentials.
diff --git a/old/dotnet/macos/ref/Microsoft.macOS.xml b/new/dotnet/macos/ref/Microsoft.macOS.xml
index 6d68ccb..f383a1d 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/macos/ref/Microsoft.macOS.xml
+++ b/new/dotnet/macos/ref/Microsoft.macOS.xml
@@ -135119,6 +135119,238 @@
+ <member name="P:GameController.GCMouse.ClassHandle">
+ <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
+ <value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
+ <remarks>
+ Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
+ This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
+ It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor">
+ <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> with default values.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
+ <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
+ <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
+ This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
+ When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
+ The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
+ Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
+ With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
+ </para>
+ <para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
+ <para>
+ In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
+ If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
+ Typically the chaining would look like this:
+ </para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ //
+ // The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
+ // No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
+ //
+ // This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
+ //
+ [Export ("initWithFrame:")]
+ public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
+ {
+ // Invoke the init method now.
+ var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
+ if (IsDirectBinding) {
+ Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
+ } else {
+ Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
+ }
+ }
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle)">
+ <summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
+ <param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
+ Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
+ </para>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications">
+ <summary>Notifications posted by the <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> class.</summary>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This class contains various helper methods that allow developers to observe events posted in the notification hub (<see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter" />).</para>
+ <para>The methods defined in this class post events that invoke the provided method or lambda with a <see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs" /> parameter, which contains strongly typed properties for the notification arguments.</para>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidConnectNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidConnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidDisconnectNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidDisconnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
<member name="P:GameController.GCColor.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
@@ -136796,247 +137028,6 @@
- <member name="P:GameController.GCMouse.ClassHandle">
- <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
- <value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
- <remarks>
- Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
- This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
- It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor">
- <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> with default values.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSCoder)">
- <summary>A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.</summary>
- <param name="coder">The unarchiver object.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>This constructor is provided to allow the class to be initialized from an unarchiver (for example, during NIB deserialization). This is part of the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSCoding" /> protocol.</para>
- <para>If developers want to create a subclass of this object and continue to support deserialization from an archive, they should implement a constructor with an identical signature: taking a single parameter of type <see cref="T:Foundation.NSCoder" /> and decorate it with the <c>[Export("initWithCoder:"]</c> attribute.</para>
- <para>The state of this object can also be serialized by using the <see cref="M:Foundation.INSCoding.EncodeTo(Foundation.NSCoder)" /> companion method.</para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
- <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
- <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>
- This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
- This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
- When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
- The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
- </para>
- <para>
- This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
- Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
- With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
- </para>
- <para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
- <para>
- In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
- If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
- </para>
- <para>
- The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
- Typically the chaining would look like this:
- </para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- //
- // The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
- // No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
- //
- // This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
- //
- [Export ("initWithFrame:")]
- public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
- {
- // Invoke the init method now.
- var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
- } else {
- Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
- }
- }
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle)">
- <summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
- <param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>
- This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
- Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
- </para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="T:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications">
- <summary>Notifications posted by the <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> class.</summary>
- <remarks>
- <para>This class contains various helper methods that allow developers to observe events posted in the notification hub (<see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter" />).</para>
- <para>The methods defined in this class post events that invoke the provided method or lambda with a <see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs" /> parameter, which contains strongly typed properties for the notification arguments.</para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidConnectNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidConnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidDisconnectNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidDisconnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
<member name="P:GameController.GCMouseInput.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
@@ -230652,7 +230643,7 @@
<param name="height">The height of the projection volume.</param>
<param name="zNear">The near edge of the projection volume.</param>
<param name="zFar">The far edge of the projection volume.</param>
- <rereturns>The resulting SCNMatrix4 instance.</rereturns>
+ <returns>The resulting SCNMatrix4 instance.</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@)">
@@ -230720,7 +230711,7 @@
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@)">
- Creates an perspective projection matrix.
+ Creates a perspective projection matrix.
<param name="left">Left edge of the view frustum</param>
<param name="right">Right edge of the view frustum</param>
@@ -230740,7 +230731,7 @@
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat)">
- Creates an perspective projection matrix.
+ Creates a perspective projection matrix.
<param name="left">Left edge of the view frustum</param>
<param name="right">Right edge of the view frustum</param>
@@ -230762,14 +230753,14 @@
Build a scaling matrix
- <param name="scale">Single scale factor for x,y and z axes</param>
+ <param name="scale">Single scale factor for x, y and z axes</param>
<returns>A scaling matrix</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Scale(SceneKit.SCNVector3)">
Build a scaling matrix
- <param name="scale">Scale factors for x,y and z axes</param>
+ <param name="scale">Scale factors for x, y and z axes</param>
<returns>A scaling matrix</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Scale(System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat,System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat)">
@@ -230846,7 +230837,7 @@
Calculate the inverse of the given matrix
<param name="matrix">The matrix to invert</param>
- <returns>The inverse of the given matrix if it has one, or the input if it is singular</returns>
+ <returns>The inverse of the given matrix if it has one.</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown if the SCNMatrix4 is singular.</exception>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Transpose(SceneKit.SCNMatrix4)">
@@ -231817,7 +231808,7 @@
<member name="F:SceneKit.SCNVector3.UnitZ">
- /// Defines a unit-length SCNVector3 that points towards the Z-axis.
+ Defines a unit-length SCNVector3 that points towards the Z-axis.
<member name="F:SceneKit.SCNVector3.Zero">
@@ -232105,7 +232096,7 @@
<returns>The transformed vector</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNVector3.TransformVector(SceneKit.SCNVector3@,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@,SceneKit.SCNVector3@)">
- <summary>Transform a direction vector by the given Matrix
+ <summary>Transform a direction vector by the given matrix.
Assumes the matrix has a right-most column of (0,0,0,1), that is the translation part is ignored.
<param name="vec">The column vector to transform</param>
diff --git a/old/dotnet/projects/MacCatalyst/MacCatalyst.csproj b/new/dotnet/projects/MacCatalyst/MacCatalyst.csproj
index 93c291c..a63e470 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/projects/MacCatalyst/MacCatalyst.csproj
+++ b/new/dotnet/projects/MacCatalyst/MacCatalyst.csproj
@@ -556,6 +556,7 @@
<Compile Include="../../../../GameController/GCGamepadSnapshot.cs" Link="sources/GameController/GCGamepadSnapshot.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameController/GCMicroGamepadSnapshot.cs" Link="sources/GameController/GCMicroGamepadSnapshot.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameController/GCMotion.cs" Link="sources/GameController/GCMotion.cs"/>
+ <Compile Include="../../../../GameController/GCMouse.cs" Link="sources/GameController/GCMouse.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameKit/GKCompat.cs" Link="sources/GameKit/GKCompat.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameKit/GKLocalPlayerListener.cs" Link="sources/GameKit/GKLocalPlayerListener.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameKit/GKScore.cs" Link="sources/GameKit/GKScore.cs"/>
diff --git a/old/dotnet/projects/iOS/iOS.csproj b/new/dotnet/projects/iOS/iOS.csproj
index 3a12d13..975e3dc 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/projects/iOS/iOS.csproj
+++ b/new/dotnet/projects/iOS/iOS.csproj
@@ -503,6 +503,7 @@
<Compile Include="../../../../GameController/GCGamepadSnapshot.cs" Link="sources/GameController/GCGamepadSnapshot.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameController/GCMicroGamepadSnapshot.cs" Link="sources/GameController/GCMicroGamepadSnapshot.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameController/GCMotion.cs" Link="sources/GameController/GCMotion.cs"/>
+ <Compile Include="../../../../GameController/GCMouse.cs" Link="sources/GameController/GCMouse.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameKit/GKCompat.cs" Link="sources/GameKit/GKCompat.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameKit/GKLocalPlayerListener.cs" Link="sources/GameKit/GKLocalPlayerListener.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameKit/GKScore.cs" Link="sources/GameKit/GKScore.cs"/>
diff --git a/old/dotnet/projects/macOS/macOS.csproj b/new/dotnet/projects/macOS/macOS.csproj
index 72c9fdc..5f258b2 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/projects/macOS/macOS.csproj
+++ b/new/dotnet/projects/macOS/macOS.csproj
@@ -554,6 +554,7 @@
<Compile Include="../../../../GameController/GCGamepadSnapshot.cs" Link="sources/GameController/GCGamepadSnapshot.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameController/GCMicroGamepadSnapshot.cs" Link="sources/GameController/GCMicroGamepadSnapshot.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameController/GCMotion.cs" Link="sources/GameController/GCMotion.cs"/>
+ <Compile Include="../../../../GameController/GCMouse.cs" Link="sources/GameController/GCMouse.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameKit/GKCompat.cs" Link="sources/GameKit/GKCompat.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameKit/GKLocalPlayerListener.cs" Link="sources/GameKit/GKLocalPlayerListener.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameKit/GKScore.cs" Link="sources/GameKit/GKScore.cs"/>
diff --git a/old/dotnet/projects/tvOS/tvOS.csproj b/new/dotnet/projects/tvOS/tvOS.csproj
index 032fd2c..ebccd43 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/projects/tvOS/tvOS.csproj
+++ b/new/dotnet/projects/tvOS/tvOS.csproj
@@ -453,6 +453,7 @@
<Compile Include="../../../../GameController/GCGamepadSnapshot.cs" Link="sources/GameController/GCGamepadSnapshot.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameController/GCMicroGamepadSnapshot.cs" Link="sources/GameController/GCMicroGamepadSnapshot.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameController/GCMotion.cs" Link="sources/GameController/GCMotion.cs"/>
+ <Compile Include="../../../../GameController/GCMouse.cs" Link="sources/GameController/GCMouse.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameKit/GKCompat.cs" Link="sources/GameKit/GKCompat.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameKit/GKLocalPlayerListener.cs" Link="sources/GameKit/GKLocalPlayerListener.cs"/>
<Compile Include="../../../../GameKit/GKScore.cs" Link="sources/GameKit/GKScore.cs"/>
diff --git a/old/dotnet/tvos/SourceLink.json b/new/dotnet/tvos/SourceLink.json
index 482566c..301a42d 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/tvos/SourceLink.json
+++ b/new/dotnet/tvos/SourceLink.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"documents": {
- "/Users/builder/azdo/_work/1/a/change-detection/tmp/src/xamarin-macios/src*": "*"
+ "/Users/builder/azdo/_work/1/s/xamarin-macios/src*": "*"
diff --git a/old/dotnet/tvos/doc/Microsoft.tvOS.xml b/new/dotnet/tvos/doc/Microsoft.tvOS.xml
index eee85b2..e063201 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/tvos/doc/Microsoft.tvOS.xml
+++ b/new/dotnet/tvos/doc/Microsoft.tvOS.xml
@@ -93082,6 +93082,238 @@
+ <member name="P:GameController.GCMouse.ClassHandle">
+ <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
+ <value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
+ <remarks>
+ Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
+ This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
+ It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor">
+ <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> with default values.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
+ <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
+ <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
+ This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
+ When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
+ The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
+ Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
+ With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
+ </para>
+ <para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
+ <para>
+ In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
+ If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
+ Typically the chaining would look like this:
+ </para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ //
+ // The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
+ // No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
+ //
+ // This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
+ //
+ [Export ("initWithFrame:")]
+ public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
+ {
+ // Invoke the init method now.
+ var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
+ if (IsDirectBinding) {
+ Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
+ } else {
+ Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
+ }
+ }
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle)">
+ <summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
+ <param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
+ Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
+ </para>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications">
+ <summary>Notifications posted by the <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> class.</summary>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This class contains various helper methods that allow developers to observe events posted in the notification hub (<see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter" />).</para>
+ <para>The methods defined in this class post events that invoke the provided method or lambda with a <see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs" /> parameter, which contains strongly typed properties for the notification arguments.</para>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidConnectNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidConnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidDisconnectNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidDisconnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
<member name="P:GameController.GCColor.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
@@ -94693,247 +94925,6 @@
- <member name="P:GameController.GCMouse.ClassHandle">
- <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
- <value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
- <remarks>
- Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
- This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
- It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor">
- <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> with default values.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSCoder)">
- <summary>A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.</summary>
- <param name="coder">The unarchiver object.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>This constructor is provided to allow the class to be initialized from an unarchiver (for example, during NIB deserialization). This is part of the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSCoding" /> protocol.</para>
- <para>If developers want to create a subclass of this object and continue to support deserialization from an archive, they should implement a constructor with an identical signature: taking a single parameter of type <see cref="T:Foundation.NSCoder" /> and decorate it with the <c>[Export("initWithCoder:"]</c> attribute.</para>
- <para>The state of this object can also be serialized by using the <see cref="M:Foundation.INSCoding.EncodeTo(Foundation.NSCoder)" /> companion method.</para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
- <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
- <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>
- This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
- This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
- When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
- The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
- </para>
- <para>
- This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
- Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
- With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
- </para>
- <para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
- <para>
- In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
- If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
- </para>
- <para>
- The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
- Typically the chaining would look like this:
- </para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- //
- // The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
- // No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
- //
- // This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
- //
- [Export ("initWithFrame:")]
- public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
- {
- // Invoke the init method now.
- var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
- } else {
- Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
- }
- }
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle)">
- <summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
- <param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>
- This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
- Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
- </para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="T:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications">
- <summary>Notifications posted by the <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> class.</summary>
- <remarks>
- <para>This class contains various helper methods that allow developers to observe events posted in the notification hub (<see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter" />).</para>
- <para>The methods defined in this class post events that invoke the provided method or lambda with a <see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs" /> parameter, which contains strongly typed properties for the notification arguments.</para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidConnectNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidConnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidDisconnectNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidDisconnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
<member name="P:GameController.GCMouseInput.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
@@ -168357,7 +168348,7 @@
<param name="height">The height of the projection volume.</param>
<param name="zNear">The near edge of the projection volume.</param>
<param name="zFar">The far edge of the projection volume.</param>
- <rereturns>The resulting SCNMatrix4 instance.</rereturns>
+ <returns>The resulting SCNMatrix4 instance.</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@)">
@@ -168411,7 +168402,7 @@
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@)">
- Creates an perspective projection matrix.
+ Creates a perspective projection matrix.
<param name="left">Left edge of the view frustum</param>
<param name="right">Right edge of the view frustum</param>
@@ -168426,7 +168417,7 @@
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
- Creates an perspective projection matrix.
+ Creates a perspective projection matrix.
<param name="left">Left edge of the view frustum</param>
<param name="right">Right edge of the view frustum</param>
@@ -168443,14 +168434,14 @@
Build a scaling matrix
- <param name="scale">Single scale factor for x,y and z axes</param>
+ <param name="scale">Single scale factor for x, y and z axes</param>
<returns>A scaling matrix</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Scale(SceneKit.SCNVector3)">
Build a scaling matrix
- <param name="scale">Scale factors for x,y and z axes</param>
+ <param name="scale">Scale factors for x, y and z axes</param>
<returns>A scaling matrix</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Scale(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
@@ -168527,7 +168518,7 @@
Calculate the inverse of the given matrix
<param name="matrix">The matrix to invert</param>
- <returns>The inverse of the given matrix if it has one, or the input if it is singular</returns>
+ <returns>The inverse of the given matrix if it has one.</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown if the SCNMatrix4 is singular.</exception>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Transpose(SceneKit.SCNMatrix4)">
@@ -169498,7 +169489,7 @@
<member name="F:SceneKit.SCNVector3.UnitZ">
- /// Defines a unit-length SCNVector3 that points towards the Z-axis.
+ Defines a unit-length SCNVector3 that points towards the Z-axis.
<member name="F:SceneKit.SCNVector3.Zero">
@@ -169786,7 +169777,7 @@
<returns>The transformed vector</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNVector3.TransformVector(SceneKit.SCNVector3@,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@,SceneKit.SCNVector3@)">
- <summary>Transform a direction vector by the given Matrix
+ <summary>Transform a direction vector by the given matrix.
Assumes the matrix has a right-most column of (0,0,0,1), that is the translation part is ignored.
<param name="vec">The column vector to transform</param>
diff --git a/old/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/CoreML/MLCustomModel.g.cs b/new/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/CoreML/MLCustomModel.g.cs
index 4336e35..d316998 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/CoreML/MLCustomModel.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/CoreML/MLCustomModel.g.cs
@@ -50,6 +50,20 @@ namespace CoreML {
[ProtocolMember (IsRequired = false, IsProperty = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "GetPredictions", Selector = "predictionsFromBatch:options:error:", ReturnType = typeof (IMLBatchProvider), ParameterType = new Type [] { typeof (IMLBatchProvider), typeof (MLPredictionOptions), typeof (NSError) }, ParameterByRef = new bool [] { false, false, true })]
public partial interface IMLCustomModel : INativeObject, IDisposable
+ [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
+ public unsafe static T? CreateInstance<T> (MLModelDescription modelDescription, NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> parameters, out NSError error) where T: NSObject, IMLCustomModel
+ {
+ var modelDescription__handle__ = modelDescription!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (modelDescription));
+ var parameters__handle__ = parameters!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (parameters));
+ NativeHandle errorValue = IntPtr.Zero;
+ T? ret;
+ IntPtr __handle__;
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (T)), Selector.GetHandle ("alloc"));
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.NativeHandle_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle_NativeHandle_ref_NativeHandle (__handle__, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithModelDescription:parameterDictionary:error:"), modelDescription__handle__, parameters__handle__, &errorValue);
+ ret = global::ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetINativeObject<T> (__handle__, true);
+ error = Runtime.GetNSObject<NSError> (errorValue)!;
+ return ret;
+ }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
[Export ("predictionFromFeatures:options:error:")]
[Preserve (Conditional = true)]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/Foundation/NSCoding.g.cs b/new/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/Foundation/NSCoding.g.cs
index 26a070e..975fe24 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/Foundation/NSCoding.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/Foundation/NSCoding.g.cs
@@ -45,6 +45,15 @@ namespace Foundation {
[ProtocolMember (IsRequired = true, IsProperty = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "EncodeTo", Selector = "encodeWithCoder:", ParameterType = new Type [] { typeof (NSCoder) }, ParameterByRef = new bool [] { false })]
public partial interface INSCoding : INativeObject, IDisposable
+ [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
+ public unsafe static T? CreateInstance<T> (NSCoder decoder) where T: NSObject, INSCoding
+ {
+ var decoder__handle__ = decoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (decoder));
+ IntPtr __handle__;
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (T)), Selector.GetHandle ("alloc"));
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.NativeHandle_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle (__handle__, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), decoder__handle__);
+ return global::ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetINativeObject<T> (__handle__, true);
+ }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
[Export ("encodeWithCoder:")]
[Preserve (Conditional = true)]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs b/new/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
index cc48ff3..70bbc83 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ namespace GameController {
[SupportedOSPlatform ("tvos14.0")]
[SupportedOSPlatform ("maccatalyst")]
[SupportedOSPlatform ("macos")]
- public unsafe partial class GCMouse : NSObject, IGCDevice, INSCoding, INSSecureCoding {
+ public unsafe partial class GCMouse : NSObject, IGCDevice {
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
static readonly NativeHandle class_ptr = Class.GetHandle ("GCMouse");
/// <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
@@ -70,26 +70,6 @@ namespace GameController {
- /// <summary>A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.</summary>
- /// <param name="coder">The unarchiver object.</param>
- /// <remarks>
- /// <para>This constructor is provided to allow the class to be initialized from an unarchiver (for example, during NIB deserialization). This is part of the <see cref="Foundation.NSCoding" /> protocol.</para>
- /// <para>If developers want to create a subclass of this object and continue to support deserialization from an archive, they should implement a constructor with an identical signature: taking a single parameter of type <see cref="Foundation.NSCoder" /> and decorate it with the <c>[Export("initWithCoder:"]</c> attribute.</para>
- /// <para>The state of this object can also be serialized by using the <see cref="Foundation.INSCoding.EncodeTo" /> companion method.</para>
- /// </remarks>
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- [DesignatedInitializer]
- [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
- [Export ("initWithCoder:")]
- public GCMouse (NSCoder coder) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
- {
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- InitializeHandle (global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (this.Handle, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), coder.Handle), "initWithCoder:");
- } else {
- InitializeHandle (global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_IntPtr (this.SuperHandle, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), coder.Handle), "initWithCoder:");
- }
- }
/// <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
/// <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
/// <remarks>
@@ -155,21 +135,6 @@ namespace GameController {
- [Export ("encodeWithCoder:")]
- [SupportedOSPlatform ("ios14.0")]
- [SupportedOSPlatform ("macos")]
- [SupportedOSPlatform ("tvos14.0")]
- [SupportedOSPlatform ("maccatalyst")]
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- public virtual void EncodeTo (NSCoder encoder)
- {
- var encoder__handle__ = encoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (encoder));
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle (this.Handle, Selector.GetHandle ("encodeWithCoder:"), encoder__handle__);
- } else {
- global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSendSuper_NativeHandle (this.SuperHandle, Selector.GetHandle ("encodeWithCoder:"), encoder__handle__);
- }
- }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
public static GCMouse? Current {
[Export ("current", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource.g.cs b/new/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
index 141f513..e02dc72 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
@@ -65,6 +65,15 @@ namespace MetalPerformanceShaders {
public partial interface IMPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource : INativeObject, IDisposable,
+ [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
+ public unsafe static T? CreateInstance<T> (NSCoder decoder) where T: NSObject, IMPSCnnBatchNormalizationDataSource
+ {
+ var decoder__handle__ = decoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (decoder));
+ IntPtr __handle__;
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (T)), Selector.GetHandle ("alloc"));
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.NativeHandle_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle (__handle__, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), decoder__handle__);
+ return global::ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetINativeObject<T> (__handle__, true);
+ }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
[Export ("purge")]
[Preserve (Conditional = true)]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource.g.cs b/new/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
index 2380d0f..ab26e15 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
+++ b/new/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource.g.cs
@@ -58,6 +58,15 @@ namespace MetalPerformanceShaders {
public partial interface IMPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource : INativeObject, IDisposable,
+ [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
+ public unsafe static T? CreateInstance<T> (NSCoder decoder) where T: NSObject, IMPSCnnInstanceNormalizationDataSource
+ {
+ var decoder__handle__ = decoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (decoder));
+ IntPtr __handle__;
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (T)), Selector.GetHandle ("alloc"));
+ __handle__ = global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.NativeHandle_objc_msgSend_NativeHandle (__handle__, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), decoder__handle__);
+ return global::ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetINativeObject<T> (__handle__, true);
+ }
[Preserve (Conditional = true)]
nint Gamma {
[Export ("gamma")]
diff --git a/old/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/temp.xml b/new/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/temp.xml
index 9c0278a..f52a286 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/temp.xml
+++ b/new/dotnet/tvos/generated-sources/temp.xml
@@ -47,14 +47,5 @@
<summary>The LZBitmap compression format.</summary>
<remarks>This compression algorithm is only available on Apple devices.</remarks>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.ShapePoint">
- `emitterShape' values. *
- </member>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.ModePoints">
- `emitterMode' values. *
- </member>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.RenderUnordered">
- `renderOrder' values. *
- </member>
diff --git a/old/dotnet/tvos/ref/Microsoft.tvOS.xml b/new/dotnet/tvos/ref/Microsoft.tvOS.xml
index e8b4d64..399f6a7 100644
--- a/old/dotnet/tvos/ref/Microsoft.tvOS.xml
+++ b/new/dotnet/tvos/ref/Microsoft.tvOS.xml
@@ -92916,6 +92916,238 @@
+ <member name="P:GameController.GCMouse.ClassHandle">
+ <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
+ <value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
+ <remarks>
+ Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
+ This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
+ It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor">
+ <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> with default values.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
+ <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
+ <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
+ This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
+ When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
+ The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
+ Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
+ With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
+ </para>
+ <para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
+ <para>
+ In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
+ If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
+ Typically the chaining would look like this:
+ </para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ //
+ // The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
+ // No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
+ //
+ // This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
+ //
+ [Export ("initWithFrame:")]
+ public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
+ {
+ // Invoke the init method now.
+ var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
+ if (IsDirectBinding) {
+ Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
+ } else {
+ Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
+ }
+ }
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle)">
+ <summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
+ <param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
+ Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
+ </para>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications">
+ <summary>Notifications posted by the <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> class.</summary>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This class contains various helper methods that allow developers to observe events posted in the notification hub (<see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter" />).</para>
+ <para>The methods defined in this class post events that invoke the provided method or lambda with a <see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs" /> parameter, which contains strongly typed properties for the notification arguments.</para>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidConnectNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidConnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidDisconnectNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidDisconnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent ((notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
+ <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
+ <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
+ <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
+ <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
+ <example>
+ <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
+ // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
+ var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
+ Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
+ };
+ // Stop listening for notifications
+ token.Dispose ();
+ ]]></code>
+ </example>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
<member name="P:GameController.GCColor.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
@@ -94527,247 +94759,6 @@
- <member name="P:GameController.GCMouse.ClassHandle">
- <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
- <value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
- <remarks>
- Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
- This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
- It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor">
- <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> with default values.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSCoder)">
- <summary>A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.</summary>
- <param name="coder">The unarchiver object.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>This constructor is provided to allow the class to be initialized from an unarchiver (for example, during NIB deserialization). This is part of the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSCoding" /> protocol.</para>
- <para>If developers want to create a subclass of this object and continue to support deserialization from an archive, they should implement a constructor with an identical signature: taking a single parameter of type <see cref="T:Foundation.NSCoder" /> and decorate it with the <c>[Export("initWithCoder:"]</c> attribute.</para>
- <para>The state of this object can also be serialized by using the <see cref="M:Foundation.INSCoding.EncodeTo(Foundation.NSCoder)" /> companion method.</para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
- <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
- <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>
- This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
- This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
- When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
- The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
- </para>
- <para>
- This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
- Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
- With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
- </para>
- <para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
- <para>
- In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
- If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
- </para>
- <para>
- The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
- Typically the chaining would look like this:
- </para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- //
- // The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
- // No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
- //
- // This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
- //
- [Export ("initWithFrame:")]
- public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
- {
- // Invoke the init method now.
- var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
- } else {
- Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
- }
- }
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.#ctor(ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle)">
- <summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
- <param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
- <remarks>
- <para>
- This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
- Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
- </para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="T:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications">
- <summary>Notifications posted by the <see cref="T:GameController.GCMouse" /> class.</summary>
- <remarks>
- <para>This class contains various helper methods that allow developers to observe events posted in the notification hub (<see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter" />).</para>
- <para>The methods defined in this class post events that invoke the provided method or lambda with a <see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs" /> parameter, which contains strongly typed properties for the notification arguments.</para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidBecomeCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidBecomeCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidBecomeCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidConnectNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidConnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidConnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidConnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidDisconnectNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidDisconnectNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidDisconnect (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidDisconnectNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for any object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent ((notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ("Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:GameController.GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
- <summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> constant.</summary>
- <param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
- <param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
- <returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
- <remarks>
- <para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:GameController.GCMouse.DidStopBeingCurrentNotification" /> notifications.</para>
- <example>
- <code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
- // Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
- var token = GCMouse.Notifications.ObserveDidStopBeingCurrent (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
- Console.WriteLine ($"Observed DidStopBeingCurrentNotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
- };
- // Stop listening for notifications
- token.Dispose ();
- ]]></code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- </member>
<member name="P:GameController.GCMouseInput.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
@@ -168168,7 +168159,7 @@
<param name="height">The height of the projection volume.</param>
<param name="zNear">The near edge of the projection volume.</param>
<param name="zFar">The far edge of the projection volume.</param>
- <rereturns>The resulting SCNMatrix4 instance.</rereturns>
+ <returns>The resulting SCNMatrix4 instance.</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@)">
@@ -168236,7 +168227,7 @@
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@)">
- Creates an perspective projection matrix.
+ Creates a perspective projection matrix.
<param name="left">Left edge of the view frustum</param>
<param name="right">Right edge of the view frustum</param>
@@ -168256,7 +168247,7 @@
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
- Creates an perspective projection matrix.
+ Creates a perspective projection matrix.
<param name="left">Left edge of the view frustum</param>
<param name="right">Right edge of the view frustum</param>
@@ -168278,14 +168269,14 @@
Build a scaling matrix
- <param name="scale">Single scale factor for x,y and z axes</param>
+ <param name="scale">Single scale factor for x, y and z axes</param>
<returns>A scaling matrix</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Scale(SceneKit.SCNVector3)">
Build a scaling matrix
- <param name="scale">Scale factors for x,y and z axes</param>
+ <param name="scale">Scale factors for x, y and z axes</param>
<returns>A scaling matrix</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Scale(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
@@ -168362,7 +168353,7 @@
Calculate the inverse of the given matrix
<param name="matrix">The matrix to invert</param>
- <returns>The inverse of the given matrix if it has one, or the input if it is singular</returns>
+ <returns>The inverse of the given matrix if it has one.</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown if the SCNMatrix4 is singular.</exception>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNMatrix4.Transpose(SceneKit.SCNMatrix4)">
@@ -169333,7 +169324,7 @@
<member name="F:SceneKit.SCNVector3.UnitZ">
- /// Defines a unit-length SCNVector3 that points towards the Z-axis.
+ Defines a unit-length SCNVector3 that points towards the Z-axis.
<member name="F:SceneKit.SCNVector3.Zero">
@@ -169621,7 +169612,7 @@
<returns>The transformed vector</returns>
<member name="M:SceneKit.SCNVector3.TransformVector(SceneKit.SCNVector3@,SceneKit.SCNMatrix4@,SceneKit.SCNVector3@)">
- <summary>Transform a direction vector by the given Matrix
+ <summary>Transform a direction vector by the given matrix.
Assumes the matrix has a right-most column of (0,0,0,1), that is the translation part is ignored.
<param name="vec">The column vector to transform</param>
diff --git a/old/ios/native/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs b/new/ios/native/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
index aed719e..2230a2d 100644
--- a/old/ios/native/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
+++ b/new/ios/native/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace GameController {
[Register("GCMouse", true)]
[Introduced (PlatformName.iOS, 14,0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All)]
[Introduced (PlatformName.TvOS, 14,0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All)]
- public unsafe partial class GCMouse : NSObject, IGCDevice, INSCoding, INSSecureCoding {
+ public unsafe partial class GCMouse : NSObject, IGCDevice {
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
#if ARCH_32
#pragma warning disable 649
@@ -85,30 +85,6 @@ namespace GameController {
- /// <summary>A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.</summary>
- /// <param name="coder">The unarchiver object.</param>
- /// <remarks>
- /// <para>This constructor is provided to allow the class to be initialized from an unarchiver (for example, during NIB deserialization). This is part of the <see cref="Foundation.NSCoding" /> protocol.</para>
- /// <para>If developers want to create a subclass of this object and continue to support deserialization from an archive, they should implement a constructor with an identical signature: taking a single parameter of type <see cref="Foundation.NSCoder" /> and decorate it with the <c>[Export("initWithCoder:"]</c> attribute.</para>
- /// <para>The state of this object can also be serialized by using the <see cref="Foundation.INSCoding.EncodeTo" /> companion method.</para>
- /// </remarks>
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- [DesignatedInitializer]
- [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
- [Export ("initWithCoder:")]
- public GCMouse (NSCoder coder) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
- {
- #if ARCH_32
- throw new PlatformNotSupportedException ("This API is not supported on this version of iOS");
- #else
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- InitializeHandle (global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (this.Handle, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), coder.Handle), "initWithCoder:");
- } else {
- InitializeHandle (global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_IntPtr (this.SuperHandle, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), coder.Handle), "initWithCoder:");
- }
- #endif
- }
/// <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
/// <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
/// <remarks>
@@ -174,17 +150,6 @@ namespace GameController {
- [Export ("encodeWithCoder:")]
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- public virtual void EncodeTo (NSCoder encoder)
- {
- var encoder__handle__ = encoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (encoder));
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (this.Handle, Selector.GetHandle ("encodeWithCoder:"), encoder__handle__);
- } else {
- global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSendSuper_IntPtr (this.SuperHandle, Selector.GetHandle ("encodeWithCoder:"), encoder__handle__);
- }
- }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
public static GCMouse? Current {
[Export ("current", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
diff --git a/old/ios/native/temp.xml b/new/ios/native/temp.xml
index 88ab52e..f9f37b3 100644
--- a/old/ios/native/temp.xml
+++ b/new/ios/native/temp.xml
@@ -47,15 +47,6 @@
<summary>The LZBitmap compression format.</summary>
<remarks>This compression algorithm is only available on Apple devices.</remarks>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.ShapePoint">
- `emitterShape' values. *
- </member>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.ModePoints">
- `emitterMode' values. *
- </member>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.RenderUnordered">
- `renderOrder' values. *
- </member>
<member name="F:LocalAuthentication.LAStatus.AuthenticationFailed">
Authentication was not successful, because user failed to provide valid credentials.
diff --git a/old/mac/full/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs b/new/mac/full/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
index afd769d..79d0110 100644
--- a/old/mac/full/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
+++ b/new/mac/full/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
@@ -46,20 +46,14 @@ namespace GameController {
[Register("GCMouse", true)]
[Introduced (PlatformName.iOS, 14,0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All)]
[Introduced (PlatformName.TvOS, 14,0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All)]
- public unsafe partial class GCMouse : NSObject, IGCDevice, INSCoding, INSSecureCoding {
+ public unsafe partial class GCMouse : NSObject, IGCDevice {
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
const string selCurrentX = "current";
static readonly IntPtr selCurrentXHandle = Selector.GetHandle ("current");
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- const string selEncodeWithCoder_X = "encodeWithCoder:";
- static readonly IntPtr selEncodeWithCoder_XHandle = Selector.GetHandle ("encodeWithCoder:");
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
const string selHandlerQueueX = "handlerQueue";
static readonly IntPtr selHandlerQueueXHandle = Selector.GetHandle ("handlerQueue");
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- const string selInitWithCoder_X = "initWithCoder:";
- static readonly IntPtr selInitWithCoder_XHandle = Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:");
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
const string selMiceX = "mice";
static readonly IntPtr selMiceXHandle = Selector.GetHandle ("mice");
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
@@ -100,26 +94,6 @@ namespace GameController {
- /// <summary>A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.</summary>
- /// <param name="coder">The unarchiver object.</param>
- /// <remarks>
- /// <para>This constructor is provided to allow the class to be initialized from an unarchiver (for example, during NIB deserialization). This is part of the <see cref="Foundation.NSCoding" /> protocol.</para>
- /// <para>If developers want to create a subclass of this object and continue to support deserialization from an archive, they should implement a constructor with an identical signature: taking a single parameter of type <see cref="Foundation.NSCoder" /> and decorate it with the <c>[Export("initWithCoder:"]</c> attribute.</para>
- /// <para>The state of this object can also be serialized by using the <see cref="Foundation.INSCoding.EncodeTo" /> companion method.</para>
- /// </remarks>
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- [DesignatedInitializer]
- [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
- [Export ("initWithCoder:")]
- public GCMouse (NSCoder coder) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
- {
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- InitializeHandle (global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (this.Handle, Selector.InitWithCoder, coder.Handle), "initWithCoder:");
- } else {
- InitializeHandle (global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_IntPtr (this.SuperHandle, Selector.InitWithCoder, coder.Handle), "initWithCoder:");
- }
- }
/// <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
/// <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
/// <remarks>
@@ -185,17 +159,6 @@ namespace GameController {
- [Export ("encodeWithCoder:")]
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- public virtual void EncodeTo (NSCoder encoder)
- {
- var encoder__handle__ = encoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (encoder));
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (this.Handle, selEncodeWithCoder_XHandle, encoder__handle__);
- } else {
- global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSendSuper_IntPtr (this.SuperHandle, selEncodeWithCoder_XHandle, encoder__handle__);
- }
- }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
public static GCMouse? Current {
[Export ("current", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
diff --git a/old/mac/full/temp.xml b/new/mac/full/temp.xml
index 4a737a9..53f6efa 100644
--- a/old/mac/full/temp.xml
+++ b/new/mac/full/temp.xml
@@ -74,15 +74,6 @@
<summary>The LZBitmap compression format.</summary>
<remarks>This compression algorithm is only available on Apple devices.</remarks>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.ShapePoint">
- `emitterShape' values. *
- </member>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.ModePoints">
- `emitterMode' values. *
- </member>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.RenderUnordered">
- `renderOrder' values. *
- </member>
<member name="F:LocalAuthentication.LAStatus.AuthenticationFailed">
Authentication was not successful, because user failed to provide valid credentials.
diff --git a/old/mac/mobile/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs b/new/mac/mobile/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
index afd769d..79d0110 100644
--- a/old/mac/mobile/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
+++ b/new/mac/mobile/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
@@ -46,20 +46,14 @@ namespace GameController {
[Register("GCMouse", true)]
[Introduced (PlatformName.iOS, 14,0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All)]
[Introduced (PlatformName.TvOS, 14,0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All)]
- public unsafe partial class GCMouse : NSObject, IGCDevice, INSCoding, INSSecureCoding {
+ public unsafe partial class GCMouse : NSObject, IGCDevice {
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
const string selCurrentX = "current";
static readonly IntPtr selCurrentXHandle = Selector.GetHandle ("current");
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- const string selEncodeWithCoder_X = "encodeWithCoder:";
- static readonly IntPtr selEncodeWithCoder_XHandle = Selector.GetHandle ("encodeWithCoder:");
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
const string selHandlerQueueX = "handlerQueue";
static readonly IntPtr selHandlerQueueXHandle = Selector.GetHandle ("handlerQueue");
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- const string selInitWithCoder_X = "initWithCoder:";
- static readonly IntPtr selInitWithCoder_XHandle = Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:");
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
const string selMiceX = "mice";
static readonly IntPtr selMiceXHandle = Selector.GetHandle ("mice");
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
@@ -100,26 +94,6 @@ namespace GameController {
- /// <summary>A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.</summary>
- /// <param name="coder">The unarchiver object.</param>
- /// <remarks>
- /// <para>This constructor is provided to allow the class to be initialized from an unarchiver (for example, during NIB deserialization). This is part of the <see cref="Foundation.NSCoding" /> protocol.</para>
- /// <para>If developers want to create a subclass of this object and continue to support deserialization from an archive, they should implement a constructor with an identical signature: taking a single parameter of type <see cref="Foundation.NSCoder" /> and decorate it with the <c>[Export("initWithCoder:"]</c> attribute.</para>
- /// <para>The state of this object can also be serialized by using the <see cref="Foundation.INSCoding.EncodeTo" /> companion method.</para>
- /// </remarks>
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- [DesignatedInitializer]
- [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
- [Export ("initWithCoder:")]
- public GCMouse (NSCoder coder) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
- {
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- InitializeHandle (global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (this.Handle, Selector.InitWithCoder, coder.Handle), "initWithCoder:");
- } else {
- InitializeHandle (global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_IntPtr (this.SuperHandle, Selector.InitWithCoder, coder.Handle), "initWithCoder:");
- }
- }
/// <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
/// <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
/// <remarks>
@@ -185,17 +159,6 @@ namespace GameController {
- [Export ("encodeWithCoder:")]
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- public virtual void EncodeTo (NSCoder encoder)
- {
- var encoder__handle__ = encoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (encoder));
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (this.Handle, selEncodeWithCoder_XHandle, encoder__handle__);
- } else {
- global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSendSuper_IntPtr (this.SuperHandle, selEncodeWithCoder_XHandle, encoder__handle__);
- }
- }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
public static GCMouse? Current {
[Export ("current", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
diff --git a/old/mac/mobile/temp.xml b/new/mac/mobile/temp.xml
index 4a737a9..53f6efa 100644
--- a/old/mac/mobile/temp.xml
+++ b/new/mac/mobile/temp.xml
@@ -74,15 +74,6 @@
<summary>The LZBitmap compression format.</summary>
<remarks>This compression algorithm is only available on Apple devices.</remarks>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.ShapePoint">
- `emitterShape' values. *
- </member>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.ModePoints">
- `emitterMode' values. *
- </member>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.RenderUnordered">
- `renderOrder' values. *
- </member>
<member name="F:LocalAuthentication.LAStatus.AuthenticationFailed">
Authentication was not successful, because user failed to provide valid credentials.
diff --git a/old/tvos/tvos/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs b/new/tvos/tvos/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
index 80d15b3..9ff37f4 100644
--- a/old/tvos/tvos/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
+++ b/new/tvos/tvos/GameController/GCMouse.g.cs
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ namespace GameController {
[Register("GCMouse", true)]
[Introduced (PlatformName.iOS, 14,0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All)]
[Introduced (PlatformName.TvOS, 14,0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All)]
- public unsafe partial class GCMouse : NSObject, IGCDevice, INSCoding, INSSecureCoding {
+ public unsafe partial class GCMouse : NSObject, IGCDevice {
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
static readonly IntPtr class_ptr = Class.GetHandle ("GCMouse");
/// <summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
@@ -67,26 +67,6 @@ namespace GameController {
- /// <summary>A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.</summary>
- /// <param name="coder">The unarchiver object.</param>
- /// <remarks>
- /// <para>This constructor is provided to allow the class to be initialized from an unarchiver (for example, during NIB deserialization). This is part of the <see cref="Foundation.NSCoding" /> protocol.</para>
- /// <para>If developers want to create a subclass of this object and continue to support deserialization from an archive, they should implement a constructor with an identical signature: taking a single parameter of type <see cref="Foundation.NSCoder" /> and decorate it with the <c>[Export("initWithCoder:"]</c> attribute.</para>
- /// <para>The state of this object can also be serialized by using the <see cref="Foundation.INSCoding.EncodeTo" /> companion method.</para>
- /// </remarks>
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- [DesignatedInitializer]
- [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
- [Export ("initWithCoder:")]
- public GCMouse (NSCoder coder) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
- {
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- InitializeHandle (global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (this.Handle, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), coder.Handle), "initWithCoder:");
- } else {
- InitializeHandle (global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_IntPtr (this.SuperHandle, Selector.GetHandle ("initWithCoder:"), coder.Handle), "initWithCoder:");
- }
- }
/// <summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
/// <param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
/// <remarks>
@@ -152,17 +132,6 @@ namespace GameController {
- [Export ("encodeWithCoder:")]
- [BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
- public virtual void EncodeTo (NSCoder encoder)
- {
- var encoder__handle__ = encoder!.GetNonNullHandle (nameof (encoder));
- if (IsDirectBinding) {
- global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (this.Handle, Selector.GetHandle ("encodeWithCoder:"), encoder__handle__);
- } else {
- global::ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSendSuper_IntPtr (this.SuperHandle, Selector.GetHandle ("encodeWithCoder:"), encoder__handle__);
- }
- }
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
public static GCMouse? Current {
[Export ("current", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
diff --git a/old/tvos/tvos/temp.xml b/new/tvos/tvos/temp.xml
index 9c0278a..f52a286 100644
--- a/old/tvos/tvos/temp.xml
+++ b/new/tvos/tvos/temp.xml
@@ -47,14 +47,5 @@
<summary>The LZBitmap compression format.</summary>
<remarks>This compression algorithm is only available on Apple devices.</remarks>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.ShapePoint">
- `emitterShape' values. *
- </member>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.ModePoints">
- `emitterMode' values. *
- </member>
- <member name="P:CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer.RenderUnordered">
- `renderOrder' values. *
- </member>
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