Added method:
public virtual void WilllDownloadToUrl (Foundation.NSUrlSession session, AVAssetDownloadTask assetDownloadTask, Foundation.NSUrl location);
Added method:
public static void WilllDownloadToUrl (this IAVAssetDownloadDelegate This, Foundation.NSUrlSession session, AVAssetDownloadTask assetDownloadTask, Foundation.NSUrl location);
Added properties:
public static Foundation.NSString AVAssetExportPresetMvHevc1440x1440 { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString AVAssetExportPresetMvHevc960x960 { get; }
public virtual AVAssetTrackGroupOutputHandling AudioTrackGroupHandling { get; set; }
Added properties:
public virtual AVAssetImageGeneratorDynamicRangePolicy DynamicRangePolicy { get; set; }
public Foundation.NSString WeakDynamicRangePolicy { get; set; }
Added property:
public virtual bool SendsCommonMediaClientDataAsHttpHeaders { get; set; }
Added property:
public virtual bool EntireLengthAvailableOnDemand { get; set; }
Added methods:
public virtual AVSampleCursor MakeSampleCursor (CoreMedia.CMTime presentationTimeStamp);
public virtual AVSampleCursor MakeSampleCursorAtFirstSampleInDecodeOrder ();
public virtual AVSampleCursor MakeSampleCursorAtLastSampleInDecodeOrder ();
Added properties:
public virtual bool Binaural { get; }
public virtual bool Downmix { get; }
public virtual bool Immersive { get; }
Added methods:
public static Foundation.NSPredicate GetPredicateForAudioSampleRate (double sampleRate, AVMediaSelectionOption mediaSelectionOption, Foundation.NSPredicateOperatorType operatorType);
public static Foundation.NSPredicate GetPredicateForBinauralAudio (bool isBinauralAudio, AVMediaSelectionOption mediaSelectionOption);
public static Foundation.NSPredicate GetPredicateForDownmixAudio (bool isDownmixAudio, AVMediaSelectionOption mediaSelectionOption);
public static Foundation.NSPredicate GetPredicateForImmersiveAudio (bool isImmersiveAudio, AVMediaSelectionOption mediaSelectionOption);
Added property:
public virtual AVAssetVariantVideoLayoutAttributes[] VideoLayoutAttributes { get; }
Added property:
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime InitialMovieFragmentInterval { get; set; }
Added properties:
public static Foundation.NSString InputMuteStateChangeNotification { get; }
public virtual AVAudioApplicationMicrophoneInjectionPermission MicrophoneInjectionPermission { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString MuteStateKey { get; }
Added methods:
public static void RequestMicrophoneInjectionPermission (System.Action<AVAudioApplicationMicrophoneInjectionPermission> response);
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task<AVAudioApplicationMicrophoneInjectionPermission> RequestMicrophoneInjectionPermissionAsync ();
Added property:
public virtual AVAudioVoiceProcessingOtherAudioDuckingConfiguration VoiceProcessingOtherAudioDuckingConfiguration { get; set; }
Added method:
public virtual bool SetMutedSpeechActivityEventListener (AVAudioInputNodeMutedSpeechEventListener listenerAction);
Obsoleted constructors:
[Obsolete ("Use the 'FromUrl' method instead, because a constructor can't fail.")]
public AVAudioPlayer (Foundation.NSData data, string fileTypeHint, out Foundation.NSError outError);
[Obsolete ("Use the 'FromUrl' method instead, because a constructor can't fail.")]
public AVAudioPlayer (Foundation.NSUrl url, string fileTypeHint, out Foundation.NSError outError);
Added methods:
public static AVAudioPlayer FromData (Foundation.NSData data, AVFileTypes fileTypeHint, out Foundation.NSError error);
public static AVAudioPlayer FromData (Foundation.NSData data, Foundation.NSString fileTypeHint, out Foundation.NSError error);
public static AVAudioPlayer FromUrl (Foundation.NSUrl url, AVFileTypes fileTypeHint, out Foundation.NSError error);
public static AVAudioPlayer FromUrl (Foundation.NSUrl url, Foundation.NSString fileTypeHint, out Foundation.NSError error);
Added methods:
public virtual AVMusicTrack CreateAndAppendTrack ();
public virtual bool RemoveTrack (AVMusicTrack track);
public virtual void ReverseEvents ();
public virtual void SetUserCallback (AVAudioSequencerUserCallback userCallback);
Added properties:
public virtual bool IsEchoCancelledInputAvailable { get; }
public virtual bool IsEchoCancelledInputEnabled { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString MicrophoneInjectionCapabilitiesChangeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString PortContinuityMicrophone { get; }
public virtual bool PrefersEchoCancelledInput { get; }
public virtual bool PrefersInterruptionOnRouteDisconnect { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString RenderingCapabilitiesChangeNotification { get; }
public virtual AVAudioSessionRenderingMode RenderingMode { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString RenderingModeChangeNotification { get; }
public virtual AVAudioChannelLayout[] SupportedOutputChannelLayouts { get; }
Added method:
public virtual bool SetPrefersInterruptionOnRouteDisconnect (bool value, out Foundation.NSError outError);
Added methods:
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveMicrophoneInjectionCapabilitiesChange (System.EventHandler<MicrophoneInjectionCapabilitiesChangeEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveMicrophoneInjectionCapabilitiesChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<MicrophoneInjectionCapabilitiesChangeEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveRenderingCapabilitiesChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveRenderingCapabilitiesChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveRenderingModeChange (System.EventHandler<RenderingModeChangeNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveRenderingModeChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<RenderingModeChangeNotificationEventArgs> handler);
Added value:
LongFormAudio = 1,
Added value:
AppleLog = 3,
Modified properties:
-public virtual System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat VideoRotationAngle { get; set; }
+public virtual System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat VideoRotationAngle { get; }
Added properties:
public virtual bool AutoVideoFrameRateEnabled { get; set; }
public virtual Foundation.NSSet<Foundation.NSString> AvailableReactionTypes { get; }
public virtual bool BackgroundReplacementActive { get; }
public static bool BackgroundReplacementEnabled { get; }
public virtual bool CanPerformReactionEffects { get; }
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGRect CenterStageRectOfInterest { get; set; }
public virtual AVCaptureDevice CompanionDeskViewCamera { get; }
public virtual bool ContinuityCamera { get; }
public virtual System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat DisplayVideoZoomFactorMultiplier { get; }
public static bool ReactionEffectGesturesEnabled { get; }
public static bool ReactionEffectsEnabled { get; }
public virtual AVCaptureReactionEffectState[] ReactionEffectsInProgress { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSSet<Foundation.NSString> SpatialCaptureDiscomfortReasons { get; }
public virtual bool StudioLightActive { get; }
public static bool StudioLightEnabled { get; }
public static AVCaptureDevice SystemPreferredCamera { get; }
public static AVCaptureDevice UserPreferredCamera { get; set; }
Added method:
public virtual void PerformEffect (string reactionType);
Added properties:
public virtual bool AutoVideoFrameRateSupported { get; }
public virtual bool BackgroundReplacementSupported { get; }
public virtual bool ReactionEffectsSupported { get; }
public virtual bool SpatialVideoCaptureSupported { get; }
public virtual bool StudioLightSupported { get; }
public virtual AVZoomRange[] SupportedVideoZoomRangesForDepthDataDelivery { get; }
public virtual AVExposureBiasRange SystemRecommendedExposureBiasRange { get; }
public virtual AVZoomRange SystemRecommendedVideoZoomRange { get; }
public virtual AVFrameRateRange VideoFrameRateRangeForBackgroundReplacement { get; }
public virtual AVFrameRateRange VideoFrameRateRangeForReactionEffectsInProgress { get; }
public virtual AVFrameRateRange VideoFrameRateRangeForStudioLight { get; }
public virtual bool ZoomFactorsOutsideOfVideoZoomRangesForDepthDeliverySupported { get; }
Added properties:
public virtual AVCaptureMultichannelAudioMode MultichannelAudioMode { get; set; }
public virtual bool WindNoiseRemovalEnabled { get; set; }
public virtual bool WindNoiseRemovalSupported { get; }
Added method:
public virtual bool IsMultichannelAudioModeSupported (AVCaptureMultichannelAudioMode multichannelAudioMode);
Added values:
ContinuityCamera = 13,
DeskViewCamera = 14,
Microphone = 12,
Added properties:
public virtual bool SpatialVideoCaptureEnabled { get; set; }
public virtual bool SpatialVideoCaptureSupported { get; }
Added properties:
public virtual float ConstantColorCenterWeightedMeanConfidenceLevel { get; }
public virtual CoreVideo.CVPixelBuffer ConstantColorConfidenceMap { get; }
public virtual bool ConstantColorFallbackPhoto { get; }
Added properties:
public virtual AVVideoCodecType[] AvailableRawPhotoCodecTypes { get; }
public virtual AVCapturePhotoOutputCaptureReadiness CaptureReadiness { get; }
public virtual bool ConstantColorEnabled { get; set; }
public virtual bool ConstantColorSupported { get; }
public virtual bool FastCapturePrioritizationEnabled { get; set; }
public virtual bool FastCapturePrioritizationSupported { get; set; }
public virtual bool ResponsiveCaptureEnabled { get; set; }
public virtual bool ResponsiveCaptureSupported { get; }
public virtual bool ShutterSoundSuppressionSupported { get; }
public virtual bool ZeroShutterLagEnabled { get; set; }
public virtual bool ZeroShutterLagSupported { get; }
Added method:
public virtual AVVideoCodecType[] GetSupportedRawPhotoCodecTypes (CoreVideo.CVPixelFormatType rawPixelFormatType, AVFileTypes fileType);
Added properties:
public virtual bool ConstantColorEnabled { get; set; }
public virtual bool ConstantColorFallbackPhotoDeliveryEnabled { get; set; }
public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary<Foundation.NSString,Foundation.NSObject> RawFileFormat { get; set; }
public virtual bool ShutterSoundSuppressionEnabled { get; set; }
Added property:
public virtual bool FastCapturePrioritizationEnabled { get; }
Added properties:
public virtual bool ConfiguresApplicationAudioSessionToMixWithOthers { get; set; }
public virtual AVCaptureControl[] Controls { get; }
public IAVCaptureSessionControlsDelegate ControlsDelegate { get; }
public virtual CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue ControlsDelegateCallbackQueue { get; }
public virtual IntPtr MaxControlsCount { get; }
public virtual bool SupportsControls { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSObject WeakControlsDelegate { get; }
Added methods:
public virtual void AddControl (AVCaptureControl control);
public virtual bool CanAddControl (AVCaptureControl control);
public virtual void RemoveControl (AVCaptureControl control);
public virtual void SetControlsDelegate (IAVCaptureSessionControlsDelegate controlsDelegate, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue controlsDelegateCallbackQueue);
Added value:
CameraTemperature = 8,
Added methods:
public AVPlayerItemVideoOutputSettings GetRecommendedVideoSettings (AVVideoCodecType videoCodecType, AVFileTypes outputFileType, Foundation.NSUrl outputFileUrl);
public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary GetRecommendedVideoSettings (string videoCodecType, string outputFileType, Foundation.NSUrl outputFileUrl);
Added methods:
public virtual AVTimedMetadataGroup[] GetChapterMetadataGroups (string[] bestMatchingPreferredLanguages);
public virtual AVTimedMetadataGroup[] GetChapterMetadataGroups (Foundation.NSLocale titleLocale, string[] commonKeys);
public virtual AVMediaSelectionGroup GetMediaSelectionGroup (string mediaCharacteristic);
public virtual AVMetadataItem[] GetMetadata (string format);
public virtual int GetUnusedTrackId ();
Added methods:
public virtual AVAssetTrack[] GetAssociatedTracks (string trackAssociationType);
public virtual AVMetadataItem[] GetMetadata (string format);
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime GetSamplePresentationTime (CoreMedia.CMTime trackTime);
public virtual bool HasMediaCharacteristic (string mediaCharacteristic);
Added property:
public virtual AVExternalContentProtectionStatus ExternalContentProtectionStatus { get; }
Added method:
public virtual void Revoke ();
Added methods:
public virtual void DidProvideContentKeyRequests (AVContentKeySession session, AVContentKeyRequest[] keyRequests, Foundation.NSData initializationData);
public virtual void ExternalProtectionStatusDidChange (AVContentKeySession session, AVContentKey contentKey);
Added methods:
public static void DidProvideContentKeyRequests (this IAVContentKeySessionDelegate This, AVContentKeySession session, AVContentKeyRequest[] keyRequests, Foundation.NSData initializationData);
public static void ExternalProtectionStatusDidChange (this IAVContentKeySessionDelegate This, AVContentKeySession session, AVContentKey contentKey);
Added values:
AirPlayReceiverTemporarilyUnavailable = -11882,
EncodeFailed = -11883,
FailedToLoadSampleData = -11881,
InvalidSampleCursor = -11880,
MediaExtensionConflict = -11887,
MediaExtensionDisabled = -11886,
SandboxExtensionDenied = -11884,
ToneMappingFailed = -11885,
Added value:
Ahap = 23,
Added values:
CarriesVideoStereoMetadata = 18,
ContainsStereoMultiviewVideo = 19,
EnhancesSpeechIntelligibility = 20,
IndicatesHorizontalFieldOfView = 21,
TactileMinimal = 22,
Added values:
AuxiliaryPicture = 11,
Haptic = 12,
Added properties:
public static Foundation.NSString QuickTimeMetadataFullFrameRatePlaybackIntent { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString QuickTimeMetadataKeyFullFrameRatePlaybackIntent { get; }
Added value:
HumanFullBody = 16777216,
Added property:
public virtual bool UsesAutomatedParameters { get; set; }
Added methods:
public virtual void AddEvent (AVMusicEvent event, double beat);
public virtual void ClearEvents (AVBeatRange range);
public virtual void CopyAndMergeEvents (AVBeatRange range, AVMusicTrack sourceTrack, double mergeStartBeat);
public virtual void CopyEvents (AVBeatRange range, AVMusicTrack sourceTrack, double insertStartBeat);
public virtual void CutEvents (AVBeatRange range);
public virtual void EnumerateEvents (AVBeatRange range, AVMusicEventEnumerationBlock block);
public virtual void MoveEvents (AVBeatRange range, double beatAmount);
Added methods:
public virtual void Insert (CoreMedia.CMTimeRange timeRange, AVAsset asset, CoreMedia.CMTime startTime, AVMutableCompositionInsertHandler completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task InsertAsync (CoreMedia.CMTimeRange timeRange, AVAsset asset, CoreMedia.CMTime startTime);
Added methods:
public virtual AVTimedMetadataGroup[] GetChapterMetadataGroups (string[] bestMatchingPreferredLanguages);
public virtual AVTimedMetadataGroup[] GetChapterMetadataGroups (Foundation.NSLocale titleLocale, string[] commonKeys);
public virtual AVMediaSelectionGroup GetMediaSelectionGroup (string mediaCharacteristic);
public virtual AVMetadataItem[] GetMetadata (string format);
public virtual int GetUnusedTrackId ();
Added methods:
public virtual AVAssetTrack[] GetAssociatedTracks (string trackAssociationType);
public virtual AVMetadataItem[] GetMetadata (string format);
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime GetSamplePresentationTime (CoreMedia.CMTime trackTime);
public virtual AVAssetTrackSegment GetSegment (CoreMedia.CMTime trackTime);
public virtual bool HasMediaCharacteristic (string mediaCharacteristic);
Added property:
public virtual string PerFrameHdrDisplayMetadataPolicy { get; set; }
Added methods:
public static void Create (AVAsset asset, AVMutableVideoCompositionCreateCallback completionHandler);
public static void Create (AVAsset asset, AVMutableVideoCompositionCreateApplier applier, AVMutableVideoCompositionCreateCallback completionHandler);
public static void Create (AVAsset asset, AVVideoCompositionInstruction prototypeInstruction, AVMutableVideoCompositionCreateCallback completionHandler);
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task<AVMutableVideoComposition> CreateAsync (AVAsset asset);
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task<AVMutableVideoComposition> CreateAsync (AVAsset asset, AVMutableVideoCompositionCreateApplier applier);
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task<AVMutableVideoComposition> CreateAsync (AVAsset asset, AVVideoCompositionInstruction prototypeInstruction);
Added values:
PresetMvHevc1440x1440 = 17,
PresetMvHevc960x960 = 16,
Added properties:
public virtual float DefaultRate { get; set; }
public virtual AVPlayerVideoOutput VideoOutput { get; set; }
Added method:
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
Added interfaces:
Modified properties:
-public virtual Foundation.NSDate Date { get; set; }
+public virtual Foundation.NSDate Date { get; }
-public virtual string Identifier { get; set; }
+public virtual string Identifier { get; }
-public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime PlayoutLimit { get; set; }
+public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime PlayoutLimit { get; }
-public virtual AVPlayerItem PrimaryItem { get; set; }
+public virtual AVPlayerItem PrimaryItem { get; }
-public virtual AVPlayerInterstitialEventRestrictions Restrictions { get; set; }
+public virtual AVPlayerInterstitialEventRestrictions Restrictions { get; }
-public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime ResumptionOffset { get; set; }
+public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime ResumptionOffset { get; }
-public virtual AVPlayerItem[] TemplateItems { get; set; }
+public virtual AVPlayerItem[] TemplateItems { get; }
-public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime Time { get; set; }
+public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime Time { get; }
-public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary UserDefinedAttributes { get; set; }
+public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary UserDefinedAttributes { get; }
Added properties:
public virtual bool AlignsResumptionWithPrimarySegmentBoundary { get; set; }
public virtual bool AlignsStartWithPrimarySegmentBoundary { get; set; }
public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary AssetListResponse { get; }
public virtual bool ContentMayVary { get; set; }
public virtual string Cue { get; set; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime PlannedDuration { get; set; }
public virtual bool SupplementsPrimaryContent { get; set; }
public virtual AVPlayerInterstitialEventTimelineOccupancy TimelineOccupancy { get; set; }
public virtual bool WillPlayOnce { get; set; }
Added methods:
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public static AVPlayerInterstitialEvent Create (AVPlayerItem primaryItem, CoreMedia.CMTime time);
public static AVPlayerInterstitialEvent Create (AVPlayerItem primaryItem, Foundation.NSDate date);
Added properties:
public static Foundation.NSString AssetListResponseStatusDidChangeErrorKey { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString AssetListResponseStatusDidChangeEventKey { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString AssetListResponseStatusDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString AssetListResponseStatusDidChangeStatusKey { get; }
Added methods:
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveAssetListResponseStatusDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveAssetListResponseStatusDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
Added interface:
Added property:
public virtual AVPlayerItemIntegratedTimeline IntegratedTimeline { get; }
Added method:
public virtual CoreVideo.CVPixelBuffer CopyDisplayedPixelBuffer ();
Added constructor:
public AVPlayerLooper (AVQueuePlayer player, AVPlayerItem itemToLoop, CoreMedia.CMTimeRange loopRange, AVPlayerLooperItemOrdering itemOrdering);
Added property:
public virtual bool DetectsCustomRoutes { get; set; }
Added properties:
public static Foundation.NSString DisplayLayerReadyForDisplayDidChangeNotification { get; }
public virtual bool ReadyForDisplay { get; }
public virtual AVSampleBufferVideoRenderer SampleBufferRenderer { get; }
Added methods:
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveDisplayLayerReadyForDisplayDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveDisplayLayerReadyForDisplayDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
Added properties:
public static Foundation.NSString AvailableVoicesDidChangeNotification { get; }
public virtual AVSpeechSynthesisVoiceTraits VoiceTraits { get; }
Added value:
Premium = 3,
Added property:
public static AVSpeechSynthesisPersonalVoiceAuthorizationStatus PersonalVoiceAuthorizationStatus { get; }
Added event:
public event System.EventHandler<AVSpeechSynthesizerWillSpeakMarkerEventArgs> WillSpeakMarker;
Added methods:
public static void RequestPersonalVoiceAuthorization (AVSpeechSynthesizerRequestPersonalVoiceAuthorizationCallback handler);
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task<AVSpeechSynthesisPersonalVoiceAuthorizationStatus> RequestPersonalVoiceAuthorizationAsync ();
public virtual void WriteUtterance (AVSpeechUtterance utterance, AVSpeechSynthesizerBufferCallback bufferCallback, AVSpeechSynthesizerMarkerCallback markerCallback);
Added method:
public virtual void WillSpeakMarker (AVSpeechSynthesizer synthesizer, AVSpeechSynthesisMarker marker, AVSpeechUtterance utterance);
Added method:
public static void WillSpeakMarker (this IAVSpeechSynthesizerDelegate This, AVSpeechSynthesizer synthesizer, AVSpeechSynthesisMarker marker, AVSpeechUtterance utterance);
Added constructor:
public AVSpeechUtterance (string string, AVSpeechUtteranceInitializationOption option);
Added method:
public static AVSpeechUtterance FromSsmlRepresentation (string string);
Added properties:
public virtual Foundation.NSUuid HttpSessionIdentifier { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString HttpUserAgentKey { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString OverrideMimeTypeKey { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString PrimarySessionIdentifierKey { get; }
Added property:
public static Foundation.NSString DecompressionPropertiesKey { get; }
Added values:
AppleProRes4444XQ = 10,
JpegXl = 11,
Added property:
public virtual string PerFrameHdrDisplayMetadataPolicy { get; }
Added methods:
public static void Create (AVAsset asset, AVVideoCompositionCreateCallback completionHandler);
public static void Create (AVAsset asset, AVVideoCompositionCreateApplier applier, AVVideoCompositionCreateCallback completionHandler);
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task<AVVideoComposition> CreateAsync (AVAsset asset);
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task<AVVideoComposition> CreateAsync (AVAsset asset, AVVideoCompositionCreateApplier applier);
public virtual void DetermineValidity (AVAsset asset, CoreMedia.CMTimeRange timeRange, IAVVideoCompositionValidationHandling validationDelegate, AVVideoCompositionDetermineValidityCallback completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Tuple<System.Boolean,Foundation.NSError>> DetermineValidityAsync (AVAsset asset, CoreMedia.CMTimeRange timeRange, IAVVideoCompositionValidationHandling validationDelegate);
public virtual bool IsValid (AVAssetTrack[] tracks, CoreMedia.CMTime duration, CoreMedia.CMTimeRange timeRange, IAVVideoCompositionValidationHandling validationDelegate);
Obsoleted properties:
[Obsolete ("Use 'Itu_R_709_2' instead.")]
public static Foundation.NSString AVVideoTransferFunction_Itu_R_709_2 { get; }
Added properties:
public static Foundation.NSString Iec_sRgb { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString Itu_R_2100_Hlg { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString Itu_R_709_2 { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString Linear { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString Smpte_St_2084_Pq { get; }
Added method:
public virtual void WilllDownloadToUrl (Foundation.NSUrlSession session, AVAssetDownloadTask assetDownloadTask, Foundation.NSUrl location);
Added methods:
public virtual void DidProvideContentKeyRequests (AVContentKeySession session, AVContentKeyRequest[] keyRequests, Foundation.NSData initializationData);
public virtual void ExternalProtectionStatusDidChange (AVContentKeySession session, AVContentKey contentKey);
Added method:
public virtual void WillSpeakMarker (AVSpeechSynthesizer synthesizer, AVSpeechSynthesisMarker marker, AVSpeechUtterance utterance);
public class AVAUPresetEvent : AVFoundation.AVMusicEvent {
// constructors
public AVAUPresetEvent ();
protected AVAUPresetEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVAUPresetEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVAUPresetEvent (uint scope, uint element, Foundation.NSDictionary presetDictionary);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual uint Element { get; set; }
public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary PresetDictionary { get; }
public virtual uint Scope { get; set; }
public enum AVAssetImageGeneratorDynamicRangePolicy {
DynamicRangePolicyForceSdr = 0,
DynamicRangePolicyMatchSource = 1,
public static class AVAssetImageGeneratorDynamicRangePolicyExtensions {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSString GetConstant (this AVAssetImageGeneratorDynamicRangePolicy self);
public static AVAssetImageGeneratorDynamicRangePolicy GetValue (Foundation.NSString constant);
public class AVAssetPlaybackAssistant : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVAssetPlaybackAssistant (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVAssetPlaybackAssistant (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public static AVAssetPlaybackAssistant Create (AVAsset asset);
public virtual void LoadPlaybackConfigurationOptions (AVAssetPlaybackAssistantLoadPlaybackConfigurationOptionsHandler completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.String[]> LoadPlaybackConfigurationOptionsAsync ();
public sealed delegate AVAssetPlaybackAssistantLoadPlaybackConfigurationOptionsHandler : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVAssetPlaybackAssistantLoadPlaybackConfigurationOptionsHandler (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (string[] playbackConfigurationOptions, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (string[] playbackConfigurationOptions);
public enum AVAssetPlaybackConfigurationOption {
SpatialVideo = 2,
StereoMultiviewVideo = 1,
StereoVideo = 0,
public static class AVAssetPlaybackConfigurationOptionExtensions {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSString GetConstant (this AVAssetPlaybackConfigurationOption self);
public static AVAssetPlaybackConfigurationOption GetValue (Foundation.NSString constant);
public static class AVAssetReaderCaptionValidationHandling_Extensions {
// methods
public static void DidVendCaption (this IAVAssetReaderCaptionValidationHandling This, AVAssetReaderOutputCaptionAdaptor adaptor, AVCaption caption, string[] syntaxElements);
public class AVAssetReaderOutputCaptionAdaptor : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public AVAssetReaderOutputCaptionAdaptor (AVAssetReaderTrackOutput trackOutput);
protected AVAssetReaderOutputCaptionAdaptor (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVAssetReaderOutputCaptionAdaptor (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public virtual AVAssetReaderTrackOutput AssetReaderTrackOutput { get; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public IAVAssetReaderCaptionValidationHandling ValidationDelegate { get; set; }
public virtual Foundation.NSObject WeakValidationDelegate { get; set; }
// methods
public static AVAssetReaderOutputCaptionAdaptor Create (AVAssetReaderTrackOutput trackOutput);
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
public virtual AVCaption[] GetCaptionsNotPresentInPreviousGroups (AVCaptionGroup captionGroup);
public virtual AVCaptionGroup GetNextCaptionGroup ();
public enum AVAssetTrackGroupOutputHandling {
DefaultPolicy = 0,
None = 0,
PreserveAlternateTracks = 1,
public class AVAssetVariantVideoLayoutAttributes : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVAssetVariantVideoLayoutAttributes (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVAssetVariantVideoLayoutAttributes (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMStereoViewComponents StereoViewComponents { get; }
public class AVAssetWriterInputCaptionAdaptor : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public AVAssetWriterInputCaptionAdaptor (AVAssetWriterInput input);
protected AVAssetWriterInputCaptionAdaptor (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVAssetWriterInputCaptionAdaptor (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public virtual AVAssetWriterInput AssetWriterInput { get; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual bool AppendCaption (AVCaption caption);
public virtual bool AppendCaptionGroup (AVCaptionGroup captionGroup);
public static AVAssetWriterInputCaptionAdaptor Create (AVAssetWriterInput input);
public class AVAssetWriterInputTaggedPixelBufferGroupAdaptor : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVAssetWriterInputTaggedPixelBufferGroupAdaptor (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVAssetWriterInputTaggedPixelBufferGroupAdaptor (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVAssetWriterInputTaggedPixelBufferGroupAdaptor (AVAssetWriterInput input, Foundation.NSDictionary<Foundation.NSString,Foundation.NSObject> sourcePixelBufferAttributes);
// properties
public virtual AVAssetWriterInput AssetWriterInput { get; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual CoreVideo.CVPixelBufferPool PixelBufferPool { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary<Foundation.NSString,Foundation.NSObject> SourcePixelBufferAttributes { get; }
// methods
public virtual bool Append (CoreMedia.CMTaggedBufferGroup taggedPixelBufferGroup, CoreMedia.CMTime presentationTime);
public static AVAssetWriterInputTaggedPixelBufferGroupAdaptor Create (AVAssetWriterInput input, Foundation.NSDictionary<Foundation.NSString,Foundation.NSObject> sourcePixelBufferAttributes);
public enum AVAudioApplicationMicrophoneInjectionPermission {
Denied = 1684369017,
Granted = 1735552628,
ServiceDisabled = 1936876659,
Undetermined = 1970168948,
public sealed delegate AVAudioInputNodeMutedSpeechEventListener : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVAudioInputNodeMutedSpeechEventListener (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (AVAudioVoiceProcessingSpeechActivityEvent event, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (AVAudioVoiceProcessingSpeechActivityEvent event);
public class AVAudioSequencerInfoDictionary : Foundation.DictionaryContainer {
// constructors
public AVAudioSequencerInfoDictionary ();
public AVAudioSequencerInfoDictionary (Foundation.NSDictionary dictionary);
// properties
public string Album { get; set; }
public double? ApproximateDurationInSeconds { get; set; }
public string Artist { get; set; }
public Foundation.NSObject ChannelLayout { get; set; }
public string Comments { get; set; }
public string Composer { get; set; }
public string Copyright { get; set; }
public string EncodingApplication { get; set; }
public string Genre { get; set; }
public Foundation.NSObject Isrc { get; set; }
public string KeySignature { get; set; }
public string Lyricist { get; set; }
public double? NominalBitRate { get; set; }
public Foundation.NSObject RecordedDate { get; set; }
public double? SourceBitDepth { get; set; }
public string SourceEncoder { get; set; }
public string SubTitle { get; set; }
public double? Tempo { get; set; }
public string TimeSignature { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public int? TrackNumber { get; set; }
public string Year { get; set; }
public sealed delegate AVAudioSequencerUserCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVAudioSequencerUserCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (AVMusicTrack track, Foundation.NSData userData, double timeStamp, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (AVMusicTrack track, Foundation.NSData userData, double timeStamp);
public enum AVAudioSessionMicrophoneInjectionMode {
None = 0,
SpokenAudio = 1,
public enum AVAudioSessionRenderingMode {
DolbyAtmos = 5,
DolbyAudio = 4,
MonoStereo = 1,
NotApplicable = 0,
SpatialAudio = 3,
Surround = 2,
public struct AVAudioVoiceProcessingOtherAudioDuckingConfiguration {
// properties
public AVAudioVoiceProcessingOtherAudioDuckingLevel DuckingLevel { get; set; }
public bool EnableAdvancedDucking { get; set; }
public enum AVAudioVoiceProcessingOtherAudioDuckingLevel {
Default = 0,
Max = 30,
Mid = 20,
Min = 10,
public enum AVAudioVoiceProcessingSpeechActivityEvent {
Ended = 1,
Started = 0,
public class AVCaption : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSCopying, Foundation.INSMutableCopying, Foundation.INSSecureCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public AVCaption (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVCaption (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaption (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVCaption (string text, CoreMedia.CMTimeRange timeRange);
// properties
public virtual AVCaptionAnimation Animation { get; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVCaptionRegion Region { get; }
public virtual string Text { get; }
public virtual AVCaptionTextAlignment TextAlignment { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTimeRange TimeRange { get; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGColor GetBackgroundColor (IntPtr index, out Foundation.NSRange outRange);
public virtual AVCaptionDecoration GetDecoration (IntPtr index, out Foundation.NSRange outRange);
public virtual AVCaptionFontStyle GetFontStyle (IntPtr index, out Foundation.NSRange outRange);
public virtual AVCaptionFontWeight GetFontWeight (IntPtr index, out Foundation.NSRange outRange);
public virtual AVCaptionRuby GetRuby (IntPtr index, out Foundation.NSRange outRange);
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGColor GetTextColor (IntPtr index, out Foundation.NSRange outRange);
public virtual AVCaptionTextCombine GetTextCombine (IntPtr index, out Foundation.NSRange outRange);
public virtual Foundation.NSObject MutableCopy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public enum AVCaptionAnimation {
CharacterReveal = 1,
None = 0,
public class AVCaptionConversionAdjustment : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVCaptionConversionAdjustment (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptionConversionAdjustment (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public virtual string AdjustmentType { get; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public enum AVCaptionConversionAdjustmentType {
TimeRange = 0,
public static class AVCaptionConversionAdjustmentTypeExtensions {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSString GetConstant (this AVCaptionConversionAdjustmentType self);
public static AVCaptionConversionAdjustmentType GetValue (Foundation.NSString constant);
public class AVCaptionConversionTimeRangeAdjustment : AVFoundation.AVCaptionConversionAdjustment {
// constructors
protected AVCaptionConversionTimeRangeAdjustment (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptionConversionTimeRangeAdjustment (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime DurationOffset { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime StartTimeOffset { get; }
public class AVCaptionConversionValidator : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVCaptionConversionValidator (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptionConversionValidator (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVCaptionConversionValidator (AVCaption[] captions, CoreMedia.CMTimeRange timeRange, Foundation.NSDictionary<Foundation.NSString,Foundation.NSObject> conversionSettings);
// properties
public virtual AVCaption[] Captions { get; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVCaptionConversionValidatorStatus Status { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTimeRange TimeRange { get; }
public virtual AVCaptionConversionWarning[] Warnings { get; }
// methods
public static AVCaptionConversionValidator Create (AVCaption[] captions, CoreMedia.CMTimeRange timeRange, Foundation.NSDictionary<Foundation.NSString,Foundation.NSObject> conversionSettings);
public virtual void StopValidating ();
public virtual void ValidateCaptionConversion (System.Action<AVCaptionConversionWarning> handler);
public enum AVCaptionConversionValidatorStatus {
Completed = 2,
Stopped = 3,
Unknown = 0,
Validating = 1,
public class AVCaptionConversionWarning : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVCaptionConversionWarning (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptionConversionWarning (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public virtual AVCaptionConversionAdjustment Adjustment { get; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSRange RangeOfCaptions { get; }
public virtual string WarningType { get; }
public enum AVCaptionConversionWarningType {
ExcessMediaData = 0,
public static class AVCaptionConversionWarningTypeExtensions {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSString GetConstant (this AVCaptionConversionWarningType self);
public static AVCaptionConversionWarningType GetValue (Foundation.NSString constant);
public enum AVCaptionDecoration {
LineThrough = 2,
None = 0,
Overline = 4,
Underline = 1,
public struct AVCaptionDimension {
// fields
public System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat Value;
// properties
public AVCaptionUnitsType Units { get; set; }
// methods
public static AVCaptionDimension Create (System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat dimension, AVCaptionUnitsType units);
public enum AVCaptionFontStyle {
Italic = 2,
Normal = 1,
Unknown = 0,
public enum AVCaptionFontWeight {
Bold = 2,
Normal = 1,
Unknown = 0,
public class AVCaptionFormatConformer : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public AVCaptionFormatConformer (AVCaptionSettings conversionSettings);
public AVCaptionFormatConformer (Foundation.NSDictionary conversionSettings);
protected AVCaptionFormatConformer (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptionFormatConformer (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual bool ConformsCaptionsToTimeRange { get; set; }
// methods
public AVCaptionFormatConformer CreateFromSettings (AVCaptionSettings conversionSettings);
public static AVCaptionFormatConformer CreateFromSettings (Foundation.NSDictionary conversionSettings);
public virtual AVCaption GetConformedCaption (AVCaption caption, out Foundation.NSError outError);
public class AVCaptionGroup : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public AVCaptionGroup (CoreMedia.CMTimeRange timeRange);
protected AVCaptionGroup (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptionGroup (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVCaptionGroup (AVCaption[] captions, CoreMedia.CMTimeRange timeRange);
// properties
public virtual AVCaption[] Captions { get; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTimeRange TimeRange { get; }
public class AVCaptionGrouper : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public AVCaptionGrouper ();
protected AVCaptionGrouper (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptionGrouper (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual void AddCaption (AVCaption input);
public virtual AVCaptionGroup[] FlushAddedCaptionsIntoGroupsUpToTime (CoreMedia.CMTime upToTime);
public struct AVCaptionPoint {
// fields
public AVCaptionDimension X;
public AVCaptionDimension Y;
// methods
public static AVCaptionPoint Create (AVCaptionDimension x, AVCaptionDimension y);
public class AVCaptionRegion : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSCopying, Foundation.INSMutableCopying, Foundation.INSSecureCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public AVCaptionRegion ();
public AVCaptionRegion (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVCaptionRegion (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptionRegion (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public static AVCaptionRegion AppleIttBottomRegion { get; }
public static AVCaptionRegion AppleIttLeftRegion { get; }
public static AVCaptionRegion AppleIttRightRegion { get; }
public static AVCaptionRegion AppleIttTopRegion { get; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVCaptionRegionDisplayAlignment DisplayAlignment { get; }
public virtual string Identifier { get; }
public virtual AVCaptionPoint Origin { get; }
public virtual AVCaptionRegionScroll Scroll { get; }
public virtual AVCaptionSize Size { get; }
public static AVCaptionRegion SubRipTextBottomRegion { get; }
public virtual AVCaptionRegionWritingMode WritingMode { get; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);
public virtual Foundation.NSObject MutableCopy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public enum AVCaptionRegionDisplayAlignment {
After = 2,
Before = 0,
Center = 1,
public enum AVCaptionRegionScroll {
None = 0,
RollUp = 1,
public enum AVCaptionRegionWritingMode {
LeftToRightAndTopToBottom = 0,
TopToBottomAndRightToLeft = 2,
public class AVCaptionRenderer : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public AVCaptionRenderer ();
protected AVCaptionRenderer (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptionRenderer (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGRect Bounds { get; set; }
public virtual AVCaption[] Captions { get; set; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual AVCaptionRendererScene[] GetCaptionSceneChanges (CoreMedia.CMTimeRange consideredTimeRange);
public virtual void Render (CoreGraphics.CGContext ctx, CoreMedia.CMTime time);
public class AVCaptionRendererScene : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
protected AVCaptionRendererScene (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptionRendererScene (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual bool HasActiveCaptions { get; }
public virtual bool NeedsPeriodicRefresh { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTimeRange TimeRange { get; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public class AVCaptionRuby : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSCopying, Foundation.INSSecureCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public AVCaptionRuby (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVCaptionRuby (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptionRuby (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVCaptionRuby (string text);
public AVCaptionRuby (string text, AVCaptionRubyPosition position, AVCaptionRubyAlignment alignment);
// properties
public virtual AVCaptionRubyAlignment Alignment { get; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVCaptionRubyPosition Position { get; }
public virtual string Text { get; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);
public enum AVCaptionRubyAlignment {
Center = 1,
DistributeSpaceAround = 3,
DistributeSpaceBetween = 2,
Start = 0,
public enum AVCaptionRubyPosition {
After = 1,
Before = 0,
public class AVCaptionSettings : Foundation.DictionaryContainer {
// constructors
public AVCaptionSettings ();
public AVCaptionSettings (Foundation.NSDictionary dictionary);
// properties
public AVMediaTypes? MediaSubType { get; set; }
public AVMediaTypes? MediaType { get; set; }
public bool? UseDropFrameTimeCode { get; set; }
public bool? UseTimeCodeFrameDuration { get; set; }
public struct AVCaptionSize {
// fields
public AVCaptionDimension Height;
public AVCaptionDimension Width;
// methods
public static AVCaptionSize Create (AVCaptionDimension width, AVCaptionDimension height);
public enum AVCaptionTextAlignment {
Center = 2,
End = 1,
Left = 3,
Right = 4,
Start = 0,
public enum AVCaptionTextCombine {
All = -1,
FourDigits = 4,
None = 0,
OneDigit = 1,
ThreeDigits = 3,
TwoDigits = 2,
public enum AVCaptionUnitsType {
Cells = 1,
Percent = 2,
Unspecified = 0,
public class AVCaptureControl : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVCaptureControl (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptureControl (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual bool Enabled { get; set; }
public class AVCaptureDeskViewApplication : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public AVCaptureDeskViewApplication ();
protected AVCaptureDeskViewApplication (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptureDeskViewApplication (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual void Present (AVCaptureDeskViewApplicationPresentHandler completionHandler);
public virtual void Present (AVCaptureDeskViewApplicationLaunchConfiguration launchConfiguration, AVCaptureDeskViewApplicationPresentHandler completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task PresentAsync ();
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task PresentAsync (AVCaptureDeskViewApplicationLaunchConfiguration launchConfiguration);
public class AVCaptureDeskViewApplicationLaunchConfiguration : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public AVCaptureDeskViewApplicationLaunchConfiguration ();
protected AVCaptureDeskViewApplicationLaunchConfiguration (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptureDeskViewApplicationLaunchConfiguration (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGRect MainWindowFrame { get; set; }
public virtual bool RequiresSetUpModeCompletion { get; set; }
public sealed delegate AVCaptureDeskViewApplicationPresentHandler : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVCaptureDeskViewApplicationPresentHandler (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (Foundation.NSError error, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (Foundation.NSError error);
public class AVCaptureDeviceRotationCoordinator : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVCaptureDeviceRotationCoordinator (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptureDeviceRotationCoordinator (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVCaptureDeviceRotationCoordinator (AVCaptureDevice device, CoreAnimation.CALayer previewLayer);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVCaptureDevice Device { get; }
public virtual CoreAnimation.CALayer PreviewLayer { get; }
public virtual System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat VideoRotationAngleForHorizonLevelCapture { get; }
public virtual System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat VideoRotationAngleForHorizonLevelPreview { get; }
// methods
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
public class AVCaptureIndexPicker : AVFoundation.AVCaptureControl {
// constructors
public AVCaptureIndexPicker ();
protected AVCaptureIndexPicker (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptureIndexPicker (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVCaptureIndexPicker (string localizedTitle, string symbolName, IntPtr numberOfIndexes);
public AVCaptureIndexPicker (string localizedTitle, string symbolName, string[] localizedIndexTitles);
public AVCaptureIndexPicker (string localizedTitle, string symbolName, IntPtr numberOfIndexes, AVCaptureIndexPickerTitleTransform localizedTitleTransform);
// properties
public virtual string AccessibilityIdentifier { get; set; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual string[] LocalizedIndexTitles { get; }
public virtual string LocalizedTitle { get; }
public virtual IntPtr NumberOfIndexes { get; }
public virtual IntPtr SelectedIndex { get; set; }
public virtual string SymbolName { get; }
// methods
public virtual void SetActionQueue (CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue actionQueue, AVCaptureIndexPickerCallback action);
public sealed delegate AVCaptureIndexPickerCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVCaptureIndexPickerCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (IntPtr newValue, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (IntPtr newValue);
public sealed delegate AVCaptureIndexPickerTitleTransform : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVCaptureIndexPickerTitleTransform (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (IntPtr index, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual string EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual string Invoke (IntPtr index);
public enum AVCaptureMultichannelAudioMode {
FirstOrderAmbisonics = 2,
None = 0,
Stereo = 1,
public enum AVCapturePhotoOutputCaptureReadiness {
NotReadyMomentarily = 2,
NotReadyWaitingForCapture = 3,
NotReadyWaitingForProcessing = 4,
Ready = 1,
SessionNotRunning = 0,
public class AVCapturePhotoOutputReadinessCoordinator : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public AVCapturePhotoOutputReadinessCoordinator (AVCapturePhotoOutput photoOutput);
protected AVCapturePhotoOutputReadinessCoordinator (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCapturePhotoOutputReadinessCoordinator (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public virtual AVCapturePhotoOutputCaptureReadiness CaptureReadiness { get; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public IAVCapturePhotoOutputReadinessCoordinatorDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
public virtual Foundation.NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
// methods
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
public virtual void StartTrackingCaptureRequest (AVCapturePhotoSettings settings);
public virtual void StopTrackingCaptureRequest (long settingsUniqueId);
public class AVCapturePhotoOutputReadinessCoordinatorDelegate : Foundation.NSObject, IAVCapturePhotoOutputReadinessCoordinatorDelegate, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public AVCapturePhotoOutputReadinessCoordinatorDelegate ();
protected AVCapturePhotoOutputReadinessCoordinatorDelegate (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCapturePhotoOutputReadinessCoordinatorDelegate (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// methods
public virtual void CaptureReadinessDidChange (AVCapturePhotoOutputReadinessCoordinator coordinator, AVCapturePhotoOutputCaptureReadiness captureReadiness);
public class AVCaptureReactionEffectState : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public AVCaptureReactionEffectState ();
protected AVCaptureReactionEffectState (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptureReactionEffectState (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime EndTime { get; }
public virtual string ReactionType { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime StartTime { get; }
public static class AVCaptureReactionType_Extensions {
// methods
public static string GetSystemImage (this AVCaptureReactionType reactionType);
public abstract class AVCaptureSessionControlsDelegate : Foundation.NSObject, IAVCaptureSessionControlsDelegate, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
protected AVCaptureSessionControlsDelegate ();
protected AVCaptureSessionControlsDelegate (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptureSessionControlsDelegate (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// methods
public virtual void DidBecomeActive (AVCaptureSession session);
public virtual void DidBecomeInactive (AVCaptureSession session);
public virtual void WillEnterFullscreenAppearance (AVCaptureSession session);
public virtual void WillExitFullscreenAppearance (AVCaptureSession session);
public class AVCaptureSlider : AVFoundation.AVCaptureControl {
// constructors
protected AVCaptureSlider (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptureSlider (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVCaptureSlider (string localizedTitle, string symbolName, float[] values);
public AVCaptureSlider (string localizedTitle, string symbolName, float minValue, float maxValue);
public AVCaptureSlider (string localizedTitle, string symbolName, float minValue, float maxValue, float step);
// properties
public virtual string AccessibilityIdentifier { get; set; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual string LocalizedTitle { get; }
public virtual string LocalizedValueFormat { get; set; }
public virtual float[] ProminentValues { get; set; }
public virtual string SymbolName { get; }
public virtual float Value { get; set; }
// methods
public virtual void SetActionQueue (CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue actionQueue, AVCaptureSliderCallback action);
public sealed delegate AVCaptureSliderCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVCaptureSliderCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (float newValue, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (float newValue);
public class AVCaptureSystemExposureBiasSlider : AVFoundation.AVCaptureControl {
// constructors
public AVCaptureSystemExposureBiasSlider (AVCaptureDevice device);
protected AVCaptureSystemExposureBiasSlider (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptureSystemExposureBiasSlider (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVCaptureSystemExposureBiasSlider (AVCaptureDevice device, AVCaptureSystemExposureBiasSliderCallback action);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public sealed delegate AVCaptureSystemExposureBiasSliderCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVCaptureSystemExposureBiasSliderCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat exposureTargetBias, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat exposureTargetBias);
public class AVCaptureSystemZoomSlider : AVFoundation.AVCaptureControl {
// constructors
public AVCaptureSystemZoomSlider (AVCaptureDevice device);
protected AVCaptureSystemZoomSlider (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptureSystemZoomSlider (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVCaptureSystemZoomSlider (AVCaptureDevice device, AVCaptureSystemZoomSliderCallback action);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public sealed delegate AVCaptureSystemZoomSliderCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVCaptureSystemZoomSliderCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat videoZoomFactor, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat videoZoomFactor);
public class AVExposureBiasRange : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVExposureBiasRange (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVExposureBiasRange (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual float MaxExposureBias { get; }
public virtual float MinExposureBias { get; }
// methods
public virtual bool ContainsExposureBias (float exposureBias);
public class AVExtendedNoteOnEvent : AVFoundation.AVMusicEvent {
// constructors
public AVExtendedNoteOnEvent ();
protected AVExtendedNoteOnEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVExtendedNoteOnEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVExtendedNoteOnEvent (float midiNote, float velocity, uint groupId, double duration);
public AVExtendedNoteOnEvent (float midiNote, float velocity, uint instrumentId, uint groupId, double duration);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public static uint DefaultInstrument { get; }
public virtual double Duration { get; set; }
public virtual uint GroupId { get; set; }
public virtual uint InstrumentId { get; set; }
public virtual float MidiNote { get; set; }
public virtual float Velocity { get; set; }
public class AVExtendedTempoEvent : AVFoundation.AVMusicEvent {
// constructors
public AVExtendedTempoEvent ();
protected AVExtendedTempoEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVExtendedTempoEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVExtendedTempoEvent (double tempo);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual double Tempo { get; set; }
public enum AVExternalContentProtectionStatus {
Insufficient = 2,
Pending = 0,
Sufficient = 1,
public class AVExternalStorageDevice : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVExternalStorageDevice (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVExternalStorageDevice (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public static AVAuthorizationStatus AuthorizationStatus { get; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual bool Connected { get; }
public virtual string DisplayName { get; }
public virtual IntPtr FreeSize { get; }
public virtual bool NotRecommendedForCaptureUse { get; }
public virtual IntPtr TotalSize { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSUuid Uuid { get; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSUrl[] GetNextAvailableUrls (string[] extensionArray, out Foundation.NSError outError);
public static void RequestAccess (AVExternalStorageDeviceRequestAccessCallback handler);
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task<bool> RequestAccessAsync ();
public class AVExternalStorageDeviceDiscoverySession : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVExternalStorageDeviceDiscoverySession (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVExternalStorageDeviceDiscoverySession (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVExternalStorageDevice[] ExternalStorageDevices { get; }
public static AVExternalStorageDeviceDiscoverySession SharedSession { get; }
public static bool Supported { get; }
public sealed delegate AVExternalStorageDeviceRequestAccessCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVExternalStorageDeviceRequestAccessCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (bool granted, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (bool granted);
public class AVMetadataHumanFullBodyObject : AVFoundation.AVMetadataBodyObject, Foundation.INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public AVMetadataHumanFullBodyObject ();
protected AVMetadataHumanFullBodyObject (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMetadataHumanFullBodyObject (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public class AVMetricContentKeyRequestEvent : AVFoundation.AVMetricEvent {
// constructors
public AVMetricContentKeyRequestEvent (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVMetricContentKeyRequestEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMetricContentKeyRequestEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVContentKeySpecifier ContentKeySpecifier { get; }
public virtual bool IsClientInitiated { get; }
public virtual AVMetricMediaResourceRequestEvent MediaResourceRequestEvent { get; }
public virtual string MediaType { get; }
public class AVMetricErrorEvent : AVFoundation.AVMetricEvent {
// constructors
public AVMetricErrorEvent (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVMetricErrorEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMetricErrorEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual bool DidRecover { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSError Error { get; }
public class AVMetricEvent : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSSecureCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public AVMetricEvent (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVMetricEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMetricEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSDate Date { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime MediaTime { get; }
public virtual string SessionId { get; }
// methods
public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);
public class AVMetricEventStream : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVMetricEventStream (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMetricEventStream (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual bool AddPublisher (IAVMetricEventStreamPublisher publisher);
public static AVMetricEventStream Create ();
public virtual bool SetSubscriber (IAVMetricEventStreamSubscriber subscriber, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
public virtual void SubscribeTo (ObjCRuntime.Class metricEventClass);
public virtual void SubscribeTo (ObjCRuntime.Class[] metricEventsClasses);
public void SubscribeTo (System.Type metricEventType);
public void SubscribeTo (System.Type[] metricEventsTypes);
public virtual void SubscribeToAll ();
public class AVMetricHlsMediaSegmentRequestEvent : AVFoundation.AVMetricEvent {
// constructors
public AVMetricHlsMediaSegmentRequestEvent (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVMetricHlsMediaSegmentRequestEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMetricHlsMediaSegmentRequestEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public virtual Foundation.NSRange ByteRange { get; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSUrl IndexFileUrl { get; }
public virtual bool IsMapSegment { get; }
public virtual AVMetricMediaResourceRequestEvent MediaResourceRequestEvent { get; }
public virtual string MediaType { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSUrl Url { get; }
public class AVMetricHlsPlaylistRequestEvent : AVFoundation.AVMetricEvent {
// constructors
public AVMetricHlsPlaylistRequestEvent (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVMetricHlsPlaylistRequestEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMetricHlsPlaylistRequestEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual bool IsMultivariantPlaylist { get; }
public virtual AVMetricMediaResourceRequestEvent MediaResourceRequestEvent { get; }
public virtual string MediaType { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSUrl Url { get; }
public class AVMetricMediaResourceRequestEvent : AVFoundation.AVMetricEvent {
// constructors
public AVMetricMediaResourceRequestEvent (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVMetricMediaResourceRequestEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMetricMediaResourceRequestEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public virtual Foundation.NSRange ByteRange { get; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVMetricErrorEvent ErrorEvent { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSUrlSessionTaskMetrics NetworkTransactionMetrics { get; }
public virtual bool ReadFromCache { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSDate RequestEndTime { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSDate RequestStartTime { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSDate ResponseEndTime { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSDate ResponseStartTime { get; }
public virtual string ServerAddress { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSUrl Url { get; }
public class AVMetricPlayerItemInitialLikelyToKeepUpEvent : AVFoundation.AVMetricPlayerItemLikelyToKeepUpEvent {
// constructors
public AVMetricPlayerItemInitialLikelyToKeepUpEvent (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVMetricPlayerItemInitialLikelyToKeepUpEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMetricPlayerItemInitialLikelyToKeepUpEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVMetricContentKeyRequestEvent[] ContentKeyRequestEvents { get; }
public virtual AVMetricHlsMediaSegmentRequestEvent[] MediaSegmentRequestEvents { get; }
public virtual AVMetricHlsPlaylistRequestEvent[] PlaylistRequestEvents { get; }
public class AVMetricPlayerItemLikelyToKeepUpEvent : AVFoundation.AVMetricEvent {
// constructors
public AVMetricPlayerItemLikelyToKeepUpEvent (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVMetricPlayerItemLikelyToKeepUpEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMetricPlayerItemLikelyToKeepUpEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTimeRange[] LoadedTimeRanges { get; }
public virtual double TimeTaken { get; }
public virtual AVAssetVariant Variant { get; }
public class AVMetricPlayerItemPlaybackSummaryEvent : AVFoundation.AVMetricEvent {
// constructors
public AVMetricPlayerItemPlaybackSummaryEvent (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVMetricPlayerItemPlaybackSummaryEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMetricPlayerItemPlaybackSummaryEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVMetricErrorEvent ErrorEvent { get; }
public virtual IntPtr MediaResourceRequestCount { get; }
public virtual IntPtr PlaybackDuration { get; }
public virtual IntPtr RecoverableErrorCount { get; }
public virtual IntPtr StallCount { get; }
public virtual double TimeSpentInInitialStartup { get; }
public virtual double TimeSpentRecoveringFromStall { get; }
public virtual IntPtr TimeWeightedAverageBitrate { get; }
public virtual IntPtr TimeWeightedPeakBitrate { get; }
public virtual IntPtr VariantSwitchCount { get; }
public class AVMetricPlayerItemRateChangeEvent : AVFoundation.AVMetricEvent {
// constructors
public AVMetricPlayerItemRateChangeEvent (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVMetricPlayerItemRateChangeEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMetricPlayerItemRateChangeEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual double PreviousRate { get; }
public virtual double Rate { get; }
public virtual AVAssetVariant Variant { get; }
public class AVMetricPlayerItemSeekDidCompleteEvent : AVFoundation.AVMetricPlayerItemRateChangeEvent {
// constructors
public AVMetricPlayerItemSeekDidCompleteEvent (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVMetricPlayerItemSeekDidCompleteEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMetricPlayerItemSeekDidCompleteEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual bool DidSeekInBuffer { get; }
public class AVMetricPlayerItemSeekEvent : AVFoundation.AVMetricPlayerItemRateChangeEvent {
// constructors
public AVMetricPlayerItemSeekEvent (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVMetricPlayerItemSeekEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMetricPlayerItemSeekEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public class AVMetricPlayerItemStallEvent : AVFoundation.AVMetricPlayerItemRateChangeEvent {
// constructors
public AVMetricPlayerItemStallEvent (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVMetricPlayerItemStallEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMetricPlayerItemStallEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public class AVMetricPlayerItemVariantSwitchEvent : AVFoundation.AVMetricEvent {
// constructors
public AVMetricPlayerItemVariantSwitchEvent (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVMetricPlayerItemVariantSwitchEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMetricPlayerItemVariantSwitchEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual bool DidSucceed { get; }
public virtual AVAssetVariant FromVariant { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTimeRange[] LoadedTimeRanges { get; }
public virtual AVAssetVariant ToVariant { get; }
public class AVMetricPlayerItemVariantSwitchStartEvent : AVFoundation.AVMetricEvent {
// constructors
public AVMetricPlayerItemVariantSwitchStartEvent (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVMetricPlayerItemVariantSwitchStartEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMetricPlayerItemVariantSwitchStartEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVAssetVariant FromVariant { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTimeRange[] LoadedTimeRanges { get; }
public virtual AVAssetVariant ToVariant { get; }
public class AVMidiChannelEvent : AVFoundation.AVMusicEvent {
// constructors
public AVMidiChannelEvent ();
protected AVMidiChannelEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMidiChannelEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public virtual uint Channel { get; set; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public class AVMidiChannelPressureEvent : AVFoundation.AVMidiChannelEvent {
// constructors
public AVMidiChannelPressureEvent ();
protected AVMidiChannelPressureEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMidiChannelPressureEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVMidiChannelPressureEvent (uint channel, uint pressure);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual uint Pressure { get; set; }
public class AVMidiControlChangeEvent : AVFoundation.AVMidiChannelEvent {
// constructors
public AVMidiControlChangeEvent ();
protected AVMidiControlChangeEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMidiControlChangeEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVMidiControlChangeEvent (uint channel, AVMidiControlChangeMessageType messageType, uint value);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVMidiControlChangeMessageType MessageType { get; }
public virtual uint Value { get; }
public enum AVMidiControlChangeMessageType {
AllNotesOff = 123,
AllSoundOff = 120,
AttackTime = 73,
Balance = 8,
BankSelect = 0,
Breath = 2,
Brightness = 74,
ChorusLevel = 93,
DataEntry = 6,
DecayTime = 75,
Expression = 11,
FilterResonance = 71,
Foot = 4,
Hold2Pedal = 69,
LegatoPedal = 68,
ModWheel = 1,
MonoModeOff = 127,
MonoModeOn = 126,
OmniModeOff = 124,
OmniModeOn = 125,
Pan = 10,
Portamento = 65,
PortamentoTime = 5,
ReleaseTime = 72,
ResetAllControllers = 121,
ReverbLevel = 91,
RpnLsb = 100,
RpnMsb = 101,
Soft = 67,
Sostenuto = 66,
Sustain = 64,
VibratoDelay = 78,
VibratoDepth = 77,
VibratoRate = 76,
Volume = 7,
public class AVMidiMetaEvent : AVFoundation.AVMusicEvent {
// constructors
public AVMidiMetaEvent ();
protected AVMidiMetaEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMidiMetaEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVMidiMetaEvent (AVMidiMetaEventType type, Foundation.NSData data);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVMidiMetaEventType Type { get; }
public enum AVMidiMetaEventType {
Copyright = 2,
CuePoint = 7,
EndOfTrack = 47,
Instrument = 4,
KeySignature = 89,
Lyric = 5,
Marker = 6,
MidiChannel = 32,
MidiPort = 33,
ProprietaryEvent = 127,
SequenceNumber = 0,
SmpteOffset = 84,
Tempo = 81,
Text = 1,
TimeSignature = 88,
TrackName = 3,
public class AVMidiNoteEvent : AVFoundation.AVMusicEvent {
// constructors
public AVMidiNoteEvent ();
protected AVMidiNoteEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMidiNoteEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVMidiNoteEvent (uint channel, uint keyNum, uint velocity, double duration);
// properties
public virtual uint Channel { get; set; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual double Duration { get; set; }
public virtual uint Key { get; set; }
public virtual uint Velocity { get; set; }
public class AVMidiPitchBendEvent : AVFoundation.AVMidiChannelEvent {
// constructors
public AVMidiPitchBendEvent ();
protected AVMidiPitchBendEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMidiPitchBendEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVMidiPitchBendEvent (uint channel, uint value);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual uint Value { get; set; }
public class AVMidiPolyPressureEvent : AVFoundation.AVMidiChannelEvent {
// constructors
public AVMidiPolyPressureEvent ();
protected AVMidiPolyPressureEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMidiPolyPressureEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVMidiPolyPressureEvent (uint channel, uint key, uint pressure);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual uint Key { get; set; }
public virtual uint Pressure { get; set; }
public class AVMidiProgramChangeEvent : AVFoundation.AVMidiChannelEvent {
// constructors
public AVMidiProgramChangeEvent ();
protected AVMidiProgramChangeEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMidiProgramChangeEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVMidiProgramChangeEvent (uint channel, uint programNumber);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual uint ProgramNumber { get; set; }
public class AVMidiSysexEvent : AVFoundation.AVMusicEvent {
// constructors
public AVMidiSysexEvent ();
public AVMidiSysexEvent (Foundation.NSData data);
protected AVMidiSysexEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMidiSysexEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual uint SizeInBytes { get; }
public class AVMusicEvent : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public AVMusicEvent ();
protected AVMusicEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMusicEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public sealed delegate AVMusicEventEnumerationBlock : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVMusicEventEnumerationBlock (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (AVMusicEvent event, out double timeStamp, out bool removeEvent, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (out double timeStamp, out bool removeEvent, System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (AVMusicEvent event, out double timeStamp, out bool removeEvent);
public class AVMusicUserEvent : AVFoundation.AVMusicEvent {
// constructors
public AVMusicUserEvent ();
public AVMusicUserEvent (Foundation.NSData data);
protected AVMusicUserEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMusicUserEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual uint SizeInBytes { get; }
public class AVMutableCaption : AVFoundation.AVCaption {
// constructors
public AVMutableCaption (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVMutableCaption (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMutableCaption (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVMutableCaption (string text, CoreMedia.CMTimeRange timeRange);
// properties
public virtual AVCaptionAnimation Animation { get; set; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVCaptionRegion Region { get; set; }
public virtual string Text { get; set; }
public virtual AVCaptionTextAlignment TextAlignment { get; set; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTimeRange TimeRange { get; set; }
// methods
public virtual void RemoveBackgroundColor (Foundation.NSRange range);
public virtual void RemoveDecoration (Foundation.NSRange range);
public virtual void RemoveFontStyle (Foundation.NSRange range);
public virtual void RemoveFontWeight (Foundation.NSRange range);
public virtual void RemoveRuby (Foundation.NSRange range);
public virtual void RemoveTextColor (Foundation.NSRange range);
public virtual void RemoveTextCombine (Foundation.NSRange range);
public virtual void SetBackgroundColor (CoreGraphics.CGColor color, Foundation.NSRange range);
public virtual void SetDecoration (AVCaptionDecoration decoration, Foundation.NSRange range);
public virtual void SetFontStyle (AVCaptionFontStyle fontStyle, Foundation.NSRange range);
public virtual void SetFontWeight (AVCaptionFontWeight fontWeight, Foundation.NSRange range);
public virtual void SetRuby (AVCaptionRuby ruby, Foundation.NSRange range);
public virtual void SetTextColor (CoreGraphics.CGColor color, Foundation.NSRange range);
public virtual void SetTextCombine (AVCaptionTextCombine textCombine, Foundation.NSRange range);
public class AVMutableCaptionRegion : AVFoundation.AVCaptionRegion {
// constructors
public AVMutableCaptionRegion ();
public AVMutableCaptionRegion (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVMutableCaptionRegion (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVMutableCaptionRegion (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVMutableCaptionRegion (string identifier);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVCaptionRegionDisplayAlignment DisplayAlignment { get; set; }
public virtual AVCaptionPoint Origin { get; set; }
public virtual AVCaptionRegionScroll Scroll { get; set; }
public virtual AVCaptionSize Size { get; set; }
public virtual AVCaptionRegionWritingMode WritingMode { get; set; }
public sealed delegate AVMutableCompositionInsertHandler : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVMutableCompositionInsertHandler (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (Foundation.NSError error, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (Foundation.NSError error);
public sealed delegate AVMutableVideoCompositionCreateApplier : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVMutableVideoCompositionCreateApplier (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (AVAsynchronousCIImageFilteringRequest request, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (AVAsynchronousCIImageFilteringRequest request);
public sealed delegate AVMutableVideoCompositionCreateCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVMutableVideoCompositionCreateCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (AVMutableVideoComposition videoComposition, Foundation.NSError error, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (AVMutableVideoComposition videoComposition, Foundation.NSError error);
public class AVParameterEvent : AVFoundation.AVMusicEvent {
// constructors
public AVParameterEvent ();
protected AVParameterEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVParameterEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVParameterEvent (uint parameterId, uint scope, uint element, float value);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual uint Element { get; set; }
public virtual uint ParameterId { get; set; }
public virtual uint Scope { get; set; }
public virtual float Value { get; set; }
public enum AVPlayerIntegratedTimelineSnapshotsOutOfSyncReason {
CurrentSegmentChanged = 1,
LoadedTimeRangesChanged = 2,
SegmentsChanged = 0,
public static class AVPlayerIntegratedTimelineSnapshotsOutOfSyncReasonExtensions {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSString GetConstant (this AVPlayerIntegratedTimelineSnapshotsOutOfSyncReason self);
public static AVPlayerIntegratedTimelineSnapshotsOutOfSyncReason GetValue (Foundation.NSString constant);
public enum AVPlayerInterstitialEventAssetListResponseStatus {
Available = 0,
Cleared = 1,
Unavailable = 2,
public enum AVPlayerInterstitialEventCue {
JoinCue = 1,
LeaveCue = 2,
NoCue = 0,
public static class AVPlayerInterstitialEventCueExtensions {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSString GetConstant (this AVPlayerInterstitialEventCue self);
public static AVPlayerInterstitialEventCue GetValue (Foundation.NSString constant);
public enum AVPlayerInterstitialEventTimelineOccupancy {
Fill = 1,
SinglePoint = 0,
public class AVPlayerItemIntegratedTimeline : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVPlayerItemIntegratedTimeline (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVPlayerItemIntegratedTimeline (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSDate CurrentDate { get; }
public virtual AVPlayerItemIntegratedTimelineSnapshot CurrentSnapshot { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime CurrentTime { get; }
// methods
public virtual IAVPlayerItemIntegratedTimelineObserver AddBoundaryTimeObserver (AVPlayerItemSegment segment, CoreMedia.CMTime[] offsetsIntoSegment, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue, AVPlayerItemIntegratedTimelineAddBoundaryTimeObserverCallback callback);
public virtual IAVPlayerItemIntegratedTimelineObserver AddPeriodicTimeObserver (CoreMedia.CMTime interval, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue, AVPlayerItemIntegratedTimelineAddPeriodicTimeObserverCallback callback);
public virtual void RemoveTimeObserver (IAVPlayerItemIntegratedTimelineObserver observer);
public virtual void SeekToDate (Foundation.NSDate date, AVPlayerItemIntegratedTimelineSeekCallback completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<bool> SeekToDateAsync (Foundation.NSDate date);
public virtual void SeekToTime (CoreMedia.CMTime time, CoreMedia.CMTime toleranceBefore, CoreMedia.CMTime toleranceAfter, AVPlayerItemIntegratedTimelineSeekCallback completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<bool> SeekToTimeAsync (CoreMedia.CMTime time, CoreMedia.CMTime toleranceBefore, CoreMedia.CMTime toleranceAfter);
public sealed delegate AVPlayerItemIntegratedTimelineAddBoundaryTimeObserverCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVPlayerItemIntegratedTimelineAddBoundaryTimeObserverCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (bool success, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (bool success);
public sealed delegate AVPlayerItemIntegratedTimelineAddPeriodicTimeObserverCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVPlayerItemIntegratedTimelineAddPeriodicTimeObserverCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (CoreMedia.CMTime time, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (CoreMedia.CMTime time);
public sealed delegate AVPlayerItemIntegratedTimelineSeekCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVPlayerItemIntegratedTimelineSeekCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (bool success, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (bool success);
public class AVPlayerItemIntegratedTimelineSnapshot : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVPlayerItemIntegratedTimelineSnapshot (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVPlayerItemIntegratedTimelineSnapshot (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSDate CurrentDate { get; }
public virtual AVPlayerItemSegment CurrentSegment { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime CurrentTime { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime Duration { get; }
public virtual AVPlayerItemSegment[] Segments { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString SnapshotsOutOfSyncNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString SnapshotsOutOfSyncReasonKey { get; }
// methods
public virtual void Map (CoreMedia.CMTime time, out AVPlayerItemSegment timeSegment, out CoreMedia.CMTime segmentOffset);
// inner types
public static class Notifications {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveSnapshotsOutOfSync (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveSnapshotsOutOfSync (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public class AVPlayerItemRenderedLegibleOutput : AVFoundation.AVPlayerItemOutput {
// constructors
public AVPlayerItemRenderedLegibleOutput (CoreGraphics.CGSize videoDisplaySize);
protected AVPlayerItemRenderedLegibleOutput (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVPlayerItemRenderedLegibleOutput (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public virtual double AdvanceIntervalForDelegateInvocation { get; set; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public IAVPlayerItemRenderedLegibleOutputPushDelegate Delegate { get; }
public virtual CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue DelegateQueue { get; }
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGSize VideoDisplaySize { get; set; }
public virtual Foundation.NSObject WeakDelegate { get; }
// methods
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
public virtual void SetDelegate (IAVPlayerItemRenderedLegibleOutputPushDelegate delegate, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue delegateQueue);
public class AVPlayerItemRenderedLegibleOutputPushDelegate : Foundation.NSObject, IAVPlayerItemOutputPushDelegate, IAVPlayerItemRenderedLegibleOutputPushDelegate, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public AVPlayerItemRenderedLegibleOutputPushDelegate ();
protected AVPlayerItemRenderedLegibleOutputPushDelegate (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVPlayerItemRenderedLegibleOutputPushDelegate (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// methods
public virtual void DidOutputRenderedCaptionImages (AVPlayerItemRenderedLegibleOutput output, AVRenderedCaptionImage[] captionImages, CoreMedia.CMTime itemTime);
public virtual void OutputSequenceWasFlushed (AVPlayerItemOutput output);
public class AVPlayerItemSegment : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVPlayerItemSegment (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVPlayerItemSegment (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVPlayerInterstitialEvent InterstitialEvent { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTimeRange[] LoadedTimeRanges { get; }
public virtual AVPlayerItemSegmentType SegmentType { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSDate StartDate { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTimeMapping TimeMapping { get; }
public enum AVPlayerItemSegmentType {
Interstitial = 1,
Primary = 0,
public static class AVPlayerItem_AVPlayerItemProtectedContent {
// methods
public static bool IsApplicationAuthorizedForPlayback (this AVPlayerItem This);
public static bool IsAuthorizationRequiredForPlayback (this AVPlayerItem This);
public static bool IsContentAuthorizedForPlayback (this AVPlayerItem This);
public enum AVPlayerLooperItemOrdering {
FollowExistingItems = 1,
PrecedeExistingItems = 0,
public class AVPlayerVideoOutput : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public AVPlayerVideoOutput (AVVideoOutputSpecification specification);
protected AVPlayerVideoOutput (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVPlayerVideoOutput (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTaggedBufferGroup CopyTaggedBufferGroup (CoreMedia.CMTime hostTime, out CoreMedia.CMTime presentationTimeStamp, out AVPlayerVideoOutputConfiguration activeConfiguration);
public class AVPlayerVideoOutputConfiguration : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVPlayerVideoOutputConfiguration (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVPlayerVideoOutputConfiguration (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime ActivationTime { get; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSObject[] DataChannelDescriptions { get; }
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform PreferredTransform { get; }
public virtual AVPlayerItem SourcePlayerItem { get; }
// methods
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
public class AVRenderedCaptionImage : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVRenderedCaptionImage (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVRenderedCaptionImage (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual CoreVideo.CVPixelBuffer PixelBuffer { get; }
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGPoint Position { get; }
public class AVSampleBufferGenerator : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVSampleBufferGenerator (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVSampleBufferGenerator (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVSampleBufferGenerator (AVAsset asset, CoreMedia.CMTimebase timebase);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual CoreMedia.CMSampleBuffer CreateSampleBuffer (AVSampleBufferRequest request, out Foundation.NSError outError);
public virtual CoreMedia.CMSampleBuffer CreateSampleBuffer (AVSampleBufferRequest request, AVSampleBufferGeneratorBatch batch, out Foundation.NSError outError);
public virtual AVSampleBufferGeneratorBatch MakeBatch ();
public static void NotifyOfDataReady (CoreMedia.CMSampleBuffer sbuf, System.Action<System.Boolean,Foundation.NSError> completionHandler);
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Tuple<System.Boolean,Foundation.NSError>> NotifyOfDataReadyAsync (CoreMedia.CMSampleBuffer sbuf);
public class AVSampleBufferGeneratorBatch : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVSampleBufferGeneratorBatch (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVSampleBufferGeneratorBatch (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual void Cancel ();
public virtual void MakeDataReady (AVSampleBufferGeneratorBatchMakeReadyCallback completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task MakeDataReadyAsync ();
public sealed delegate AVSampleBufferGeneratorBatchMakeReadyCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVSampleBufferGeneratorBatchMakeReadyCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (Foundation.NSError error, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (Foundation.NSError error);
public class AVSampleBufferRequest : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public AVSampleBufferRequest (AVSampleCursor startCursor);
protected AVSampleBufferRequest (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVSampleBufferRequest (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVSampleBufferRequestDirection Direction { get; set; }
public virtual AVSampleCursor LimitCursor { get; set; }
public virtual IntPtr MaxSampleCount { get; set; }
public virtual AVSampleBufferRequestMode Mode { get; set; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime OverrideTime { get; set; }
public virtual IntPtr PreferredMinSampleCount { get; set; }
public virtual AVSampleCursor StartCursor { get; }
public class AVSampleBufferVideoRenderer : Foundation.NSObject, IAVQueuedSampleBufferRendering, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public AVSampleBufferVideoRenderer ();
protected AVSampleBufferVideoRenderer (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVSampleBufferVideoRenderer (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public static Foundation.NSString AVSampleBufferVideoRendererDidFailToDecodeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString AVSampleBufferVideoRendererDidFailToDecodeNotificationErrorKey { get; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSError Error { get; }
public virtual bool HasSufficientMediaDataForReliablePlaybackStart { get; }
public virtual bool ReadyForMoreMediaData { get; }
public virtual bool RequiresFlushToResumeDecoding { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString RequiresFlushToResumeDecodingDidChangeNotification { get; }
public virtual AVQueuedSampleBufferRenderingStatus Status { get; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTimebase Timebase { get; }
// methods
public virtual CoreVideo.CVPixelBuffer CopyDisplayedPixelBuffer ();
public virtual void Enqueue (CoreMedia.CMSampleBuffer sampleBuffer);
public virtual void ExpectMinimumUpcomingSampleBufferPresentationTime (CoreMedia.CMTime minimumUpcomingPresentationTime);
public virtual void ExpectMonotonicallyIncreasingUpcomingSampleBufferPresentationTimes ();
public virtual void Flush ();
public virtual void FlushWithRemovalOfDisplayedImage (bool removeDisplayedImage, System.Action handler);
public virtual void LoadVideoPerformanceMetrics (AVSampleBufferVideoRendererLoadVideoPerformanceMetricsCallback completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<AVVideoPerformanceMetrics> LoadVideoPerformanceMetricsAsync ();
public virtual void RequestMediaData (CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue, System.Action handler);
public virtual void ResetUpcomingSampleBufferPresentationTimeExpectations ();
public virtual void StopRequestingMediaData ();
// inner types
public static class Notifications {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveAVSampleBufferVideoRendererDidFailToDecode (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveAVSampleBufferVideoRendererDidFailToDecode (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveRequiresFlushToResumeDecodingDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveRequiresFlushToResumeDecodingDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public sealed delegate AVSampleBufferVideoRendererLoadVideoPerformanceMetricsCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVSampleBufferVideoRendererLoadVideoPerformanceMetricsCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (AVVideoPerformanceMetrics videoPerformanceMetrics, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (AVVideoPerformanceMetrics videoPerformanceMetrics);
public enum AVSpatialCaptureDiscomfortReason {
NotEnoughLight = 0,
SubjectTooClose = 1,
public static class AVSpatialCaptureDiscomfortReasonExtensions {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSString GetConstant (this AVSpatialCaptureDiscomfortReason self);
public static AVSpatialCaptureDiscomfortReason GetValue (Foundation.NSString constant);
public class AVSpeechSynthesisMarker : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSCopying, Foundation.INSSecureCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public AVSpeechSynthesisMarker ();
public AVSpeechSynthesisMarker (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVSpeechSynthesisMarker (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVSpeechSynthesisMarker (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVSpeechSynthesisMarker (AVSpeechSynthesisMarkerMark type, Foundation.NSRange range, UIntPtr byteSampleOffset);
public AVSpeechSynthesisMarker (Foundation.NSRange range, IntPtr byteSampleOffset, AVSpeechSynthesisMarkerRangeOption option);
public AVSpeechSynthesisMarker (string value, IntPtr byteSampleOffset, AVSpeechSynthesisMarkerStringOption option);
// properties
public virtual string BookmarkName { get; set; }
public virtual UIntPtr ByteSampleOffset { get; set; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVSpeechSynthesisMarkerMark Mark { get; set; }
public virtual string Phoneme { get; set; }
public virtual Foundation.NSRange TextRange { get; set; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);
public enum AVSpeechSynthesisMarkerMark {
Bookmark = 4,
Paragraph = 3,
Phoneme = 0,
Sentence = 2,
Word = 1,
public enum AVSpeechSynthesisMarkerRangeOption {
Paragraph = 2,
Sentence = 1,
Word = 0,
public enum AVSpeechSynthesisMarkerStringOption {
Bookmark = 1,
Phoneme = 0,
public enum AVSpeechSynthesisPersonalVoiceAuthorizationStatus {
Authorized = 3,
Denied = 1,
NotDetermined = 0,
Unsupported = 2,
public class AVSpeechSynthesisProviderAudioUnit : AudioUnit.AUAudioUnit {
// constructors
protected AVSpeechSynthesisProviderAudioUnit (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVSpeechSynthesisProviderAudioUnit (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVSpeechSynthesisProviderOutputBlock SpeechSynthesisOutputMetadataBlock { get; set; }
public virtual AVSpeechSynthesisProviderVoice[] SpeechVoices { get; set; }
// methods
public virtual void CancelSpeechRequest ();
public static AVSpeechSynthesisProviderAudioUnit Create (AudioUnit.AudioComponentDescription componentDescription, AudioUnit.AudioComponentInstantiationOptions options, out Foundation.NSError error);
public virtual void SynthesizeSpeechRequest (AVSpeechSynthesisProviderRequest speechRequest);
public sealed delegate AVSpeechSynthesisProviderOutputBlock : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVSpeechSynthesisProviderOutputBlock (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (AVSpeechSynthesisMarker[] markers, AVSpeechSynthesisProviderRequest request, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (AVSpeechSynthesisMarker[] markers, AVSpeechSynthesisProviderRequest request);
public class AVSpeechSynthesisProviderRequest : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSCopying, Foundation.INSSecureCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public AVSpeechSynthesisProviderRequest (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVSpeechSynthesisProviderRequest (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVSpeechSynthesisProviderRequest (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVSpeechSynthesisProviderRequest (string ssmlRepresentation, AVSpeechSynthesisProviderVoice voice);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual string SsmlRepresentation { get; }
public virtual AVSpeechSynthesisProviderVoice Voice { get; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);
public class AVSpeechSynthesisProviderVoice : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSCopying, Foundation.INSSecureCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public AVSpeechSynthesisProviderVoice (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AVSpeechSynthesisProviderVoice (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVSpeechSynthesisProviderVoice (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVSpeechSynthesisProviderVoice (string name, string identifier, string[] primaryLanguages, string[] supportedLanguages);
// properties
public virtual IntPtr Age { get; set; }
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVSpeechSynthesisVoiceGender Gender { get; set; }
public virtual string Identifier { get; }
public virtual string Name { get; }
public virtual string[] PrimaryLanguages { get; }
public virtual string[] SupportedLanguages { get; }
public virtual string Version { get; set; }
public virtual long VoiceSize { get; set; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);
public static void UpdateSpeechVoices ();
public enum AVSpeechSynthesisVoiceTraits {
IsNoveltyVoice = 1,
IsPersonalVoice = 2,
None = 0,
public sealed delegate AVSpeechSynthesizerBufferCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVSpeechSynthesizerBufferCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (AVAudioBuffer buffer, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (AVAudioBuffer buffer);
public sealed delegate AVSpeechSynthesizerMarkerCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVSpeechSynthesizerMarkerCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (AVSpeechSynthesisMarker[] markers, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (AVSpeechSynthesisMarker[] markers);
public sealed delegate AVSpeechSynthesizerRequestPersonalVoiceAuthorizationCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVSpeechSynthesizerRequestPersonalVoiceAuthorizationCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (AVSpeechSynthesisPersonalVoiceAuthorizationStatus status, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (AVSpeechSynthesisPersonalVoiceAuthorizationStatus status);
public class AVSpeechSynthesizerWillSpeakMarkerEventArgs : System.EventArgs {
// constructors
public AVSpeechSynthesizerWillSpeakMarkerEventArgs (AVSpeechSynthesisMarker marker, AVSpeechUtterance utterance);
// properties
public AVSpeechSynthesisMarker Marker { get; set; }
public AVSpeechUtterance Utterance { get; set; }
public enum AVSpeechUtteranceInitializationOption {
PlainText = 0,
SsmlRepresentation = 1,
public sealed delegate AVVideoCompositionCreateApplier : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVVideoCompositionCreateApplier (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (AVAsynchronousCIImageFilteringRequest applier, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (AVAsynchronousCIImageFilteringRequest applier);
public sealed delegate AVVideoCompositionCreateCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVVideoCompositionCreateCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (AVVideoComposition videoComposition, Foundation.NSError error, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (AVVideoComposition videoComposition, Foundation.NSError error);
public sealed delegate AVVideoCompositionDetermineValidityCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public AVVideoCompositionDetermineValidityCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (bool isValid, Foundation.NSError error, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (bool isValid, Foundation.NSError error);
public enum AVVideoCompositionPerFrameHdrDisplayMetadataPolicy {
Generate = 1,
Propagate = 0,
public static class AVVideoCompositionPerFrameHdrDisplayMetadataPolicyExtensions {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSString GetConstant (this AVVideoCompositionPerFrameHdrDisplayMetadataPolicy self);
public static AVVideoCompositionPerFrameHdrDisplayMetadataPolicy GetValue (Foundation.NSString constant);
public class AVVideoOutputSpecification : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
protected AVVideoOutputSpecification (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
public AVVideoOutputSpecification (Foundation.NSObject[] tagCollections);
protected AVVideoOutputSpecification (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary<Foundation.NSString,Foundation.NSObject> DefaultOutputSettings { get; set; }
public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary<Foundation.NSString,Foundation.NSObject> DefaultPixelBufferAttributes { get; set; }
public virtual Foundation.NSObject[] PreferredTagCollections { get; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public virtual void SetOutputSettings (Foundation.NSDictionary<Foundation.NSString,Foundation.NSObject> outputSettings, CoreMedia.CMTagCollection tagCollection);
public class AVVideoPerformanceMetrics : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVVideoPerformanceMetrics (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVVideoPerformanceMetrics (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual IntPtr NumberOfCorruptedFrames { get; }
public virtual IntPtr NumberOfDroppedFrames { get; }
public virtual IntPtr NumberOfFramesDisplayedUsingOptimizedCompositing { get; }
public virtual double TotalAccumulatedFrameDelay { get; }
public virtual IntPtr TotalNumberOfFrames { get; }
public class AVZoomRange : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVZoomRange (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVZoomRange (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat MaxZoomFactor { get; }
public virtual System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat MinZoomFactor { get; }
// methods
public virtual bool ContainsZoomFactor (System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat zoomFactor);
public enum CMTagCollectionVideoOutputPreset {
Monoscopic = 0,
Stereoscopic = 1,
public static class CMTagCollectionVideoOutputPreset_Extensions {
// methods
public static CoreMedia.CMTagCollection Create (this CMTagCollectionVideoOutputPreset value, out CoreMedia.CMTagCollectionError status);
public interface IAVAssetReaderCaptionValidationHandling : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// methods
public virtual void DidVendCaption (AVAssetReaderOutputCaptionAdaptor adaptor, AVCaption caption, string[] syntaxElements);
public interface IAVCapturePhotoOutputReadinessCoordinatorDelegate : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// methods
public virtual void CaptureReadinessDidChange (AVCapturePhotoOutputReadinessCoordinator coordinator, AVCapturePhotoOutputCaptureReadiness captureReadiness);
public interface IAVCaptureSessionControlsDelegate : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// methods
public virtual void DidBecomeActive (AVCaptureSession session);
public virtual void DidBecomeInactive (AVCaptureSession session);
public virtual void WillEnterFullscreenAppearance (AVCaptureSession session);
public virtual void WillExitFullscreenAppearance (AVCaptureSession session);
public interface IAVMetricEventStreamPublisher : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
public interface IAVMetricEventStreamSubscriber : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// methods
public virtual void DidReceiveEvent (IAVMetricEventStreamPublisher publisher, AVMetricEvent event);
public interface IAVPlayerItemIntegratedTimelineObserver : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
public interface IAVPlayerItemRenderedLegibleOutputPushDelegate : IAVPlayerItemOutputPushDelegate, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// methods
public virtual void DidOutputRenderedCaptionImages (AVPlayerItemRenderedLegibleOutput output, AVRenderedCaptionImage[] captionImages, CoreMedia.CMTime itemTime);
public class MicrophoneInjectionCapabilitiesChangeEventArgs : Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs {
// constructors
public MicrophoneInjectionCapabilitiesChangeEventArgs (Foundation.NSNotification notification);
// properties
public bool IsAvailable { get; }
public class RenderingModeChangeNotificationEventArgs : Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs {
// constructors
public RenderingModeChangeNotificationEventArgs (Foundation.NSNotification notification);
// properties
public AVAudioSessionRenderingMode NewRenderingMode { get; }
Added constructor:
public AVPictureInPictureControllerContentSource (UIKit.UIView sourceView, AVPictureInPictureVideoCallViewController contentViewController);
Added properties:
public virtual AVPictureInPictureVideoCallViewController ActiveVideoCallContentViewController { get; }
public virtual UIKit.UIView ActiveVideoCallSourceView { get; }
public class AVCaptureEvent : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected AVCaptureEvent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptureEvent (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual AVCaptureEventPhase Phase { get; }
public class AVCaptureEventInteraction : Foundation.NSObject, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable, UIKit.IUIInteraction {
// constructors
protected AVCaptureEventInteraction (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AVCaptureEventInteraction (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
public AVCaptureEventInteraction (System.Action<AVCaptureEvent> handler);
public AVCaptureEventInteraction (System.Action<AVCaptureEvent> primaryHandler, System.Action<AVCaptureEvent> secondaryHandler);
// properties
public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual bool Enabled { get; set; }
public virtual UIKit.UIView View { get; }
// methods
public virtual void DidMoveToView (UIKit.UIView view);
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
public virtual void WillMoveToView (UIKit.UIView view);
public enum AVCaptureEventPhase {
Began = 0,
Cancelled = 2,
Ended = 1,
public enum CFComparisonResult {
EqualTo = 0,
GreaterThan = 1,
LessThan = -1,
Added property:
public CMTaggedBufferGroupFormatType TaggedBufferGroupFormatType { get; }
Added value:
TaggedBufferGroup = 1952606066,
Added property:
public CMTaggedBufferGroup TaggedBufferGroup { get; }
Added methods:
public static CMSampleBuffer CreateWithNewTiming (CMSampleBuffer original, CMSampleTimingInfo[] timing, out int status);
public CMSampleTimingInfo[] GetSampleTimingInfo (out int status);
public enum CMPackingType {
None = 1852796517,
OverUnder = 1870030194,
SideBySide = 1936286821,
public enum CMProjectionType {
Equirectangular = 1701934441,
Fisheye = 1718186856,
HalfEquirectangular = 1751478645,
Rectangular = 1919247220,
public enum CMStereoViewComponents {
LeftEye = 1,
None = 0,
RightEye = 2,
public enum CMStereoViewInterpretationOptions {
AdditionalViews = 2,
Default = 0,
StereoOrderReversed = 1,
public struct CMTag {
// properties
public CMTagCategory Category { get; }
public CMTagDataType DataType { get; }
public ulong FlagsValue { get; }
public double Float64Value { get; }
public bool HasFlagsValue { get; }
public bool HasFloat64Value { get; }
public bool HasInt64Value { get; }
public bool HasOSTypeValue { get; }
public long Int64Value { get; }
public static CMTag Invalid { get; }
public bool IsValid { get; }
public static CMTag MediaSubTypeMebx { get; }
public static CMTag MediaTypeAudio { get; }
public static CMTag MediaTypeMetadata { get; }
public static CMTag MediaTypeVideo { get; }
public uint OSTypeValue { get; }
public static CMTag PackingTypeNone { get; }
public static CMTag PackingTypeOverUnder { get; }
public static CMTag PackingTypeSideBySide { get; }
public static CMTag ProjectionTypeEquirectangular { get; }
public static CMTag ProjectionTypeFisheye { get; }
public static CMTag ProjectionTypeHalfEquirectangular { get; }
public static CMTag ProjectionTypeRectangular { get; }
public static CMTag StereoInterpretationOrderReversed { get; }
public static CMTag StereoLeftAndRightEye { get; }
public static CMTag StereoLeftEye { get; }
public static CMTag StereoNone { get; }
public static CMTag StereoRightEye { get; }
public ulong Value { get; }
// methods
public static CoreFoundation.CFComparisonResult Compare (CMTag tag1, CMTag tag2);
public static CMTag? Create (Foundation.NSDictionary dictionary);
public static CMTag CreateWithFlagsValue (CMTagCategory category, ulong flags);
public static CMTag CreateWithFloat64Value (CMTagCategory category, double value);
public static CMTag CreateWithOSTypeValue (CMTagCategory category, uint osTypeValue);
public static CMTag CreateWithSInt64Value (CMTagCategory category, long value);
public override bool Equals (object obj);
public static bool Equals (CMTag tag1, CMTag tag2);
public override int GetHashCode ();
public Foundation.NSDictionary ToDictionary ();
public override string ToString ();
public enum CMTagCategory {
ChannelId = 1986226286,
MediaSubType = 1836283234,
MediaType = 1835297121,
PackingType = 1885430635,
PixelFormat = 1885960294,
ProjectionType = 1886547818,
StereoView = 1702454643,
StereoViewInterpretation = 1702455664,
TrackId = 1953653099,
Undefined = 0,
VideoLayerId = 1986814329,
public class CMTagCollection : CoreFoundation.NativeObject {
// properties
public IntPtr Count { get; }
public bool IsEmpty { get; }
public CMTag[] Tags { get; }
// methods
public CMTagCollectionError Add (CMTag tag);
public CMTagCollectionError Add (CMTagCollection collection);
public CMTagCollectionError Add (CMTag[] tags);
public void Apply (CMTagCollectionApplyFunction callback);
public CMTag ApplyUntil (CMTagCollectionTagFilterFunction callback);
public bool ContainsCategory (CMTagCategory category);
public bool ContainsTag (CMTag tag);
public bool ContainsTagCollection (CMTagCollection tagCollection);
public bool ContainsTags (CMTag[] tags);
public CMTagCollection Copy (out CMTagCollectionError status);
public static CMTagCollection Create (CMTag[] tags);
public static CMTagCollection Create (Foundation.NSData data, out CMTagCollectionError status);
public static CMTagCollection Create (Foundation.NSDictionary dictionary, out CMTagCollectionError status);
public static CMTagCollection Create (out CMTagCollectionError status, CMTag[] tags);
public static CMTagCollection CreateMutable ();
public static CMTagCollection CreateMutable (out CMTagCollectionError status);
public static CMTagCollection CreateMutable (IntPtr capacity, out CMTagCollectionError status);
public CMTagCollection CreateMutableCopy (out CMTagCollectionError status);
public CMTagCollection CreateWithCopyOfTags (out CMTagCollectionError status, CMTagCategory[] categories);
public CMTagCollection ExclusiveOr (CMTagCollection collection, out CMTagCollectionError status);
public static CMTagCollection ExclusiveOr (CMTagCollection collection1, CMTagCollection collection2, out CMTagCollectionError status);
public IntPtr GetCount (CMTagCategory category);
public IntPtr GetCount (CMTagCollectionTagFilterFunction filter);
public CMTag[] GetTags (CMTagCollectionTagFilterFunction filter);
public CMTag[] GetTags (out CMTagCollectionError status);
public CMTag[] GetTags (CMTagCategory category, out CMTagCollectionError status);
public CMTagCollectionError GetTags (CMTag[] tags, IntPtr tagCount, out IntPtr tagsCopied);
public CMTagCollectionError GetTags (CMTagCategory category, CMTag[] tags, IntPtr tagCount, out IntPtr tagsCopied);
public CMTagCollectionError GetTags (CMTagCollectionTagFilterFunction filter, CMTag[] tags, IntPtr tagCount, out IntPtr tagsCopied);
public static IntPtr GetTypeId ();
public CMTagCollection Intersect (CMTagCollection collection, out CMTagCollectionError status);
public static CMTagCollection Intersect (CMTagCollection collection1, CMTagCollection collection2, out CMTagCollectionError status);
public CMTagCollectionError Remove (CMTag tag);
public CMTagCollectionError RemoveAllTags ();
public CMTagCollectionError RemoveAllTags (CMTagCategory category);
public CMTagCollection Subtract (CMTagCollection collection, out CMTagCollectionError status);
public static CMTagCollection Subtract (CMTagCollection collection1, CMTagCollection collection2, out CMTagCollectionError status);
public Foundation.NSData ToData ();
public Foundation.NSDictionary ToDictionary ();
public override string ToString ();
public CMTagCollection Union (CMTagCollection collection, out CMTagCollectionError status);
public static CMTagCollection Union (CMTagCollection collection1, CMTagCollection collection2, out CMTagCollectionError status);
public sealed delegate CMTagCollectionApplyFunction : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public CMTagCollectionApplyFunction (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (CMTag tag, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (CMTag tag);
public enum CMTagCollectionError {
AllocationFailed = -15741,
ExhaustedBufferSize = -15748,
InternalError = -15742,
InvalidTag = -15743,
InvalidTagCollectionData = -15745,
InvalidTagCollectionDataVersion = -15747,
InvalidTagCollectionDictionary = -15744,
NotYetImplemented = -15749,
ParamErr = -15740,
Success = 0,
TagNotFound = -15746,
public sealed delegate CMTagCollectionTagFilterFunction : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public CMTagCollectionTagFilterFunction (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (CMTag tag, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual bool EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual bool Invoke (CMTag tag);
public enum CMTagDataType {
Flags = 7,
Float64 = 3,
Invalid = 0,
OSType = 5,
SInt64 = 2,
public enum CMTagError {
AllocationFailed = -15731,
ParamErr = -15730,
Success = 0,
public class CMTaggedBufferGroup : CoreFoundation.NativeObject {
// properties
public IntPtr Count { get; }
// methods
public static CMTaggedBufferGroup Combine (CMTaggedBufferGroup[] groups);
public static CMTaggedBufferGroup Combine (out CMTaggedBufferGroupError status, CMTaggedBufferGroup[] groups);
public static CMTaggedBufferGroup Create (CMTagCollection[] tagCollections, CoreFoundation.NativeObject[] buffers, out CMTaggedBufferGroupError status);
public static CMTaggedBufferGroup Create (CMTagCollection[] tagCollections, CMSampleBuffer[] buffers, out CMTaggedBufferGroupError status);
public static CMTaggedBufferGroup Create (CMTagCollection[] tagCollections, CoreVideo.CVPixelBuffer[] buffers, out CMTaggedBufferGroupError status);
public CMFormatDescription CreateFormatDescription (out CMTaggedBufferGroupError status);
public CMSampleBuffer CreateSampleBuffer (CMTime sampleBufferPts, CMTime sampleBufferDuration, CMFormatDescription formatDescription, out CMTaggedBufferGroupError status);
public IntPtr GetNumberOfMatches (CMTagCollection tagCollection);
public CoreVideo.CVPixelBuffer GetPixelBuffer (IntPtr index);
public CoreVideo.CVPixelBuffer GetPixelBuffer (CMTag tag, out IntPtr index);
public CoreVideo.CVPixelBuffer GetPixelBuffer (CMTagCollection tagCollection, out IntPtr index);
public CMSampleBuffer GetSampleBuffer (IntPtr index);
public CMSampleBuffer GetSampleBuffer (CMTag tag, out IntPtr index);
public CMSampleBuffer GetSampleBuffer (CMTagCollection tagCollection, out IntPtr index);
public CMTagCollection GetTagCollection (IntPtr index);
public static CMTaggedBufferGroup GetTaggedBufferGroup (CMSampleBuffer sampleBuffer);
public static IntPtr GetTypeId ();
public bool Matches (CMFormatDescription formatDescription);
public enum CMTaggedBufferGroupError {
AllocationFailed = -15781,
InternalError = -15782,
ParamErr = -15780,
Success = 0,
public enum CMTaggedBufferGroupFormatType {
TaggedBufferGroup = 1952606066,
Obsoleted constructors:
[Obsolete ("Use the 'Create' method instead, because there's no way to return an error from a constructor.")]
public NSAttributedString (NSData data, ref NSError error);
[Obsolete ("Use the 'Create' method instead, because there's no way to return an error from a constructor.")]
public NSAttributedString (NSUrl url, ref NSError error);
[Obsolete ("Use the 'Create' method instead, because there's no way to return an error from a constructor.")]
public NSAttributedString (NSData data, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes documentAttributes, ref NSError error);
[Obsolete ("Use the 'Create' method instead, because there's no way to return an error from a constructor.")]
public NSAttributedString (NSUrl url, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes documentAttributes, ref NSError error);
[Obsolete ("Use the 'Create' method instead, because there's no way to return an error from a constructor.")]
public NSAttributedString (NSData markdown, NSAttributedStringMarkdownParsingOptions options, NSUrl baseUrl, out NSError error);
[Obsolete ("Use the 'Create' method instead, because there's no way to return an error from a constructor.")]
public NSAttributedString (NSUrl markdownFile, NSAttributedStringMarkdownParsingOptions options, NSUrl baseUrl, out NSError error);
[Obsolete ("Use the 'Create' method instead, because there's no way to return an error from a constructor.")]
public NSAttributedString (string markdownString, NSAttributedStringMarkdownParsingOptions options, NSUrl baseUrl, out NSError error);
Added methods:
public static NSAttributedString Create (NSData data, out NSError error);
public static NSAttributedString Create (NSUrl url, out NSError error);
public static NSAttributedString Create (NSData data, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options, out NSError error);
public static NSAttributedString Create (NSUrl url, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options, out NSError error);
public static NSAttributedString Create (NSData markdown, NSAttributedStringMarkdownParsingOptions options, NSUrl baseUrl, out NSError error);
public static NSAttributedString Create (NSUrl markdownFile, NSAttributedStringMarkdownParsingOptions options, NSUrl baseUrl, out NSError error);
public static NSAttributedString Create (string markdownString, NSAttributedStringMarkdownParsingOptions options, NSUrl baseUrl, out NSError error);
Added property:
public bool IsStubClass { get; set; }
Obsoleted fields:
[Obsolete ("Not available on the current platform.")]
iOS_GPUFamily1_v1 = 0,
[Obsolete ("Not available on the current platform.")]
iOS_GPUFamily1_v2 = 2,
[Obsolete ("Not available on the current platform.")]
iOS_GPUFamily2_v1 = 1,
[Obsolete ("Not available on the current platform.")]
iOS_GPUFamily2_v2 = 3,
[Obsolete ("Not available on the current platform.")]
iOS_GPUFamily3_v1 = 4,
[Obsolete ("Not available on the current platform.")]
tvOS_GPUFamily1_v1 = 30000,
Obsoleted fields:
[Obsolete ("Not available on the current platform.")]
System = 0,
Added value:
IsThreadSafe = 8,
Removed value:
None = 0,
Added value:
Default = 0,
Added properties:
public string Library { get; set; }
public string NativePrefix { get; set; }
public string NativeSuffix { get; set; }
Added values:
CustomMarshalDirective = 32,
IsThreadSafe = 64,
Added values:
CustomMarshalDirective = 32,
DisableZeroCopy = 64,
IsThreadSafe = 128,
MarshalNativeExceptions = 16,
Transient = 256,
public class BindFromAttribute : System.Attribute {
// constructors
public BindFromAttribute (System.Type type);
// properties
public System.Type OriginalType { get; set; }
public System.Type Type { get; set; }
public class BindingTypeAttribute`1 : System.Attribute {
// constructors
public BindingTypeAttribute`1 ();
// properties
public T Flags { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public enum Category {
Default = 0,
IsThreadSafe = 4,
public enum Class {
Default = 0,
DisableDefaultCtor = 4,
IsThreadSafe = 8,
public enum Protocol {
Default = 0,
IsThreadSafe = 4,
public enum StrongDictionary {
Default = 0,
Modified fields:
-public const string Version = "18.2.9170";
+public const string Version = "18.2.9368";
Added method:
public static T GetStruct<T> (IntPtr handle, string symbol);
Added constructor:
public MarshalManagedExceptionEventArgs (System.Exception exception, MarshalManagedExceptionMode mode);
Added constructor:
public MarshalObjectiveCExceptionEventArgs (Foundation.NSException exception, MarshalObjectiveCExceptionMode mode);
Added method:
public virtual void UpdateBroadcastUrl (Foundation.NSUrl broadcastUrl);
Added properties:
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGPoint AccessibilityActivationPoint { get; set; }
public virtual Foundation.NSAttributedString AccessibilityAttributedHint { get; set; }
public virtual Foundation.NSAttributedString AccessibilityAttributedLabel { get; set; }
public virtual Foundation.NSAttributedString[] AccessibilityAttributedUserInputLabels { get; set; }
public virtual Foundation.NSAttributedString AccessibilityAttributedValue { get; set; }
public virtual UIAccessibilityDirectTouchOptions AccessibilityDirectTouchOptions { get; set; }
public virtual bool AccessibilityElementsHidden { get; set; }
public virtual UIAccessibilityExpandedStatus AccessibilityExpandedStatus { get; set; }
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGRect AccessibilityFrame { get; set; }
public virtual string AccessibilityHint { get; set; }
public virtual string AccessibilityLabel { get; set; }
public virtual string AccessibilityLanguage { get; set; }
public virtual UIAccessibilityNavigationStyle AccessibilityNavigationStyle { get; set; }
public virtual UIBezierPath AccessibilityPath { get; set; }
public virtual bool AccessibilityRespondsToUserInteraction { get; set; }
public virtual string AccessibilityTextualContext { get; set; }
public virtual UIAccessibilityTrait AccessibilityTraits { get; set; }
public virtual string[] AccessibilityUserInputLabels { get; set; }
public virtual string AccessibilityValue { get; set; }
public virtual bool AccessibilityViewIsModal { get; set; }
public static Foundation.NSString AnnouncementDidFinishNotification { get; }
public static int AnnouncementNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString AssistiveTechnologyKey { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString AssistiveTouchStatusDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString BoldTextStatusDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString ButtonShapesEnabledStatusDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString ClosedCaptioningStatusDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString DarkerSystemColorsStatusDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString ElementFocusedNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString FocusedElementKey { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString GrayscaleStatusDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString GuidedAccessStatusDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString HearingDevicePairedEarDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString InvertColorsStatusDidChangeNotification { get; }
public virtual bool IsAccessibilityElement { get; set; }
public static int LayoutChangedNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString MonoAudioStatusDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString NotificationSwitchControlIdentifier { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString NotificationVoiceOverIdentifier { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString OnOffSwitchLabelsDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static int PageScrolledNotification { get; }
public static int PauseAssistiveTechnologyNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString PrefersCrossFadeTransitionsStatusDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString ReduceMotionStatusDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString ReduceTransparencyStatusDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static int ResumeAssistiveTechnologyNotification { get; }
public static int ScreenChangedNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString ShakeToUndoDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString ShouldDifferentiateWithoutColorDidChangeNotification { get; }
public virtual bool ShouldGroupAccessibilityChildren { get; set; }
public static Foundation.NSString SpeakScreenStatusDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString SpeakSelectionStatusDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString SpeechAttributeAnnouncementPriority { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString SpeechAttributeIpaNotation { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString SpeechAttributeLanguage { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString SpeechAttributePitch { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString SpeechAttributePunctuation { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString SpeechAttributeQueueAnnouncement { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString SpeechAttributeSpellOut { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString SwitchControlStatusDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString TextAttributeContext { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString TextAttributeCustom { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString TextAttributeHeadingLevel { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UIAccessibilityTraits' enum instead.")]
public static long TraitAdjustable { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UIAccessibilityTraits' enum instead.")]
public static long TraitAllowsDirectInteraction { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UIAccessibilityTraits' enum instead.")]
public static long TraitButton { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UIAccessibilityTraits' enum instead.")]
public static long TraitCausesPageTurn { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UIAccessibilityTraits' enum instead.")]
public static long TraitHeader { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UIAccessibilityTraits' enum instead.")]
public static long TraitImage { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UIAccessibilityTraits' enum instead.")]
public static long TraitKeyboardKey { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UIAccessibilityTraits' enum instead.")]
public static long TraitLink { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UIAccessibilityTraits' enum instead.")]
public static long TraitNone { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UIAccessibilityTraits' enum instead.")]
public static long TraitNotEnabled { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UIAccessibilityTraits' enum instead.")]
public static long TraitPlaysSound { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UIAccessibilityTraits' enum instead.")]
public static long TraitSearchField { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UIAccessibilityTraits' enum instead.")]
public static long TraitSelected { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UIAccessibilityTraits' enum instead.")]
public static long TraitStartsMediaSession { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UIAccessibilityTraits' enum instead.")]
public static long TraitStaticText { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UIAccessibilityTraits' enum instead.")]
public static long TraitSummaryElement { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UIAccessibilityTraits' enum instead.")]
public static long TraitTabBar { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UIAccessibilityTraits' enum instead.")]
public static long TraitUpdatesFrequently { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString UnfocusedElementKey { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString VideoAutoplayStatusDidChangeNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString VoiceOverStatusChanged { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString VoiceOverStatusDidChangeNotification { get; }
Added method:
public virtual bool AccessibilityActivate ();
Added methods:
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveAnnouncementDidFinish (System.EventHandler<UIAccessibilityAnnouncementFinishedEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveAnnouncementDidFinish (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<UIAccessibilityAnnouncementFinishedEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveAssistiveTechnologyKey (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveAssistiveTechnologyKey (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveAssistiveTouchStatusDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveAssistiveTouchStatusDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveBoldTextStatusDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveBoldTextStatusDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveButtonShapesEnabledStatusDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveButtonShapesEnabledStatusDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveClosedCaptioningStatusDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveClosedCaptioningStatusDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveDarkerSystemColorsStatusDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveDarkerSystemColorsStatusDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveElementFocused (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveElementFocused (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveFocusedElementKey (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveFocusedElementKey (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveGrayscaleStatusDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveGrayscaleStatusDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveGuidedAccessStatusDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveGuidedAccessStatusDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveHearingDevicePairedEarDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveHearingDevicePairedEarDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveInvertColorsStatusDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveInvertColorsStatusDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveMonoAudioStatusDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveMonoAudioStatusDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveOnOffSwitchLabelsDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveOnOffSwitchLabelsDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObservePrefersCrossFadeTransitionsStatusDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObservePrefersCrossFadeTransitionsStatusDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveReduceMotionStatusDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveReduceMotionStatusDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveReduceTransparencyStatusDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveReduceTransparencyStatusDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveShakeToUndoDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveShakeToUndoDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveShouldDifferentiateWithoutColorDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveShouldDifferentiateWithoutColorDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveSpeakScreenStatusDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveSpeakScreenStatusDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveSpeakSelectionStatusDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveSpeakSelectionStatusDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveSwitchControlStatusDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveSwitchControlStatusDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveUnfocusedElementKey (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveUnfocusedElementKey (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveVideoAutoplayStatusDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveVideoAutoplayStatusDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveVoiceOverStatusDidChange (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveVoiceOverStatusDidChange (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);