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Created September 8, 2023 14:35
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API diff: Microsoft.macOS.dll


Namespace HealthKit

Type Changed: HealthKit.HKErrorCode

Added values:

BackgroundWorkoutSessionNotAllowed = 14,
DataSizeExceeded = 13,
WorkoutActivityNotAllowed = 12,

Type Changed: HealthKit.HKHealthStore

Added property:

public virtual System.Action<HKWorkoutSession> WorkoutSessionMirroringStartHandler { get; set; }

Type Changed: HealthKit.HKMetadataKey

Added properties:

public static Foundation.NSString AppleFitnessPlusSession { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString CyclingFunctionalThresholdPowerTestType { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString KeyActivityType { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString MaximumLightIntensity { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString PhysicalEffortEstimationType { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString WaterSalinity { get; }

Type Changed: HealthKit.HKQuantityTypeIdentifier

Added values:

CyclingCadence = 103,
CyclingFunctionalThresholdPower = 104,
CyclingPower = 105,
CyclingSpeed = 106,
EnvironmentalSoundReduction = 107,
PhysicalEffort = 108,
TimeInDaylight = 109,

Type Changed: HealthKit.HKUnit

Added property:

public static HKUnit Lux { get; }

Added method:

public static HKUnit CreateLux (HKMetricPrefix prefix);

Type Changed: HealthKit.HKWorkoutActivityType

Added value:

UnderwaterDiving = 84,

Type Changed: HealthKit.HKWorkoutSession

Added property:

public virtual HKWorkoutSessionType Type { get; }

Type Changed: HealthKit.HKWorkoutSessionDelegate

Added methods:

public virtual void DidDisconnect (HKWorkoutSession workoutSession, Foundation.NSError error);
public virtual void DidReceiveData (HKWorkoutSession workoutSession, Foundation.NSData[] data);

Type Changed: HealthKit.HKWorkoutSessionDelegate_Extensions

Added methods:

public static void DidDisconnect (this IHKWorkoutSessionDelegate This, HKWorkoutSession workoutSession, Foundation.NSError error);
public static void DidReceiveData (this IHKWorkoutSessionDelegate This, HKWorkoutSession workoutSession, Foundation.NSData[] data);

New Type: HealthKit.HKCyclingFunctionalThresholdPowerTestType

public enum HKCyclingFunctionalThresholdPowerTestType {
	MaxExercise20Minute = 2,
	MaxExercise60Minute = 1,
	PredictionExercise = 4,
	RampTest = 3,

New Type: HealthKit.HKPhysicalEffortEstimationType

public enum HKPhysicalEffortEstimationType {
	ActivityLookup = 1,
	DeviceSensed = 2,

New Type: HealthKit.HKWaterSalinity

public enum HKWaterSalinity {
	FreshWater = 1,
	SaltWater = 2,

New Type: HealthKit.HKWorkoutSessionType

public enum HKWorkoutSessionType {
	Mirrored = 1,
	Primary = 0,
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