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Created May 3, 2018 16:11
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HighCharts with ConsoleTVs\Charts (ActivitySolidGauge)
* SolidGaugeChart Class
namespace App\Charts;
use ConsoleTVs\Charts\Classes\Highcharts\Chart;
class ActivityChart extends Chart
* Initializes the chart.
* @return void
public function __construct()
'chart' => [
'type' => 'solidgauge',
'height' => '100%',
'colorCount' => 3,
'events' => [
'render' => 'renderIcons'
'credits' => [
'enabled' => false
'title' => [
'text' => null,
'style' => [
'fontSize' => '20px',
'color' => 'silver'
'tooltip' => [
'borderWidth' => 0,
'backgroundColor' => 'none',
'shadow' => false,
'style' => [
'fontSize' => '12px',
'color' => 'silver'
'pointFormat' => "{}<br><span style=\"font-size:1em;color:{point.color};font-weight:bold\">{point.y}%</span>",
'positioner' => 'positionerTooltip'
'pane' => [
'startAngle' => 0,
'endAngle' => 360,
'background' => [
'outerRadius' => '112%',
'innerRadius' => '88%',
'backgroundColor' => 'rgba(124,181,236,0.3)',
'borderWidth' => 0
'outerRadius' => '87%',
'innerRadius' => '63%',
'backgroundColor' => 'rgba(67,67,72,0.3)',
'borderWidth' => 0
'outerRadius' => '62%',
'innerRadius' => '38%',
'backgroundColor' => 'rgba(144,237,125,0.3)',
'borderWidth' => 0
'yAxis' => [
'min' => 0,
'max' => 100,
'lineWidth' => 0,
'tickPositions' => []
'plotOptions' => [
'solidgauge' => [
'dataLabels' => [
'enabled' => false
'linecap' => 'round',
'stickyTracking' => false,
'rounded' => true
], true);
* ChartController
* Tests of Activity Chart
$activityChart = new ActivityChart();
'exporting' => [
'enabled' => false
$activityChart->dataset('Move','solidgauge', [80])->color('rgb(124,181,236)')->options([
'color' => 'rgb(124,181,236)',
'radius' => '112%',
'innerRadius' => '88%'
$activityChart->dataset('Exercise','solidgauge', [65])->color('rgb(67,67,72)')->options([
'color' => 'rgb(67,67,72)',
'radius' => '87%',
'innerRadius' => '63%'
$activityChart->dataset('Stand','solidgauge', [50])->color('rgb(144,237,125)')->options([
'color' => 'rgb(144,237,125)',
'radius' => '62%',
'innerRadius' => '38%'
return view('chartview', compact('activityChart'));
* ChartView
{!! $chart->container() !!}
* In the chart render event, add icons on top of the circular shapes
function renderIcons() {
// Move icon
if (!this.series[0].icon) {
this.series[0].icon = this.renderer.path(['M', -8, 0, 'L', 8, 0, 'M', 0, -8, 'L', 8, 0, 0, 8, 'M', 8, -8, 'L', 16, 0, 8, 8])
'stroke': '#303030',
'stroke-linecap': 'round',
'stroke-linejoin': 'round',
'stroke-width': 2,
'zIndex': 10
this.chartWidth / 2 - 10,
this.plotHeight / 2 - this.series[0].points[0].shapeArgs.innerR -
(this.series[0].points[0].shapeArgs.r - this.series[0].points[0].shapeArgs.innerR) / 2
// Exercise icon
if (!this.series[1].icon) {
this.series[1].icon = this.renderer.path(['M', -8, 0, 'L', 8, 0, 'M', 0, -8, 'L', 8, 0, 0, 8, 'M', 8, -8, 'L', 16, 0, 8, 8])
'stroke': '#ffffff',
'stroke-linecap': 'round',
'stroke-linejoin': 'round',
'stroke-width': 2,
'zIndex': 10
this.chartWidth / 2 - 10,
this.plotHeight / 2 - this.series[1].points[0].shapeArgs.innerR -
(this.series[1].points[0].shapeArgs.r - this.series[1].points[0].shapeArgs.innerR) / 2
// Stand icon
if (!this.series[2].icon) {
this.series[2].icon = this.renderer.path(['M', -8, 0, 'L', 8, 0, 'M', 0, -8, 'L', 8, 0, 0, 8, 'M', 8, -8, 'L', 16, 0, 8, 8])
'stroke': '#303030',
'stroke-linecap': 'round',
'stroke-linejoin': 'round',
'stroke-width': 2,
'zIndex': 10
this.chartWidth / 2 - 10,
this.plotHeight / 2 - this.series[2].points[0].shapeArgs.innerR -
(this.series[2].points[0].shapeArgs.r - this.series[2].points[0].shapeArgs.innerR) / 2
* In the chart Tooltip positioner option, return position of tooltip
function positionerTooltip (labelWidth) {
return {
x: (this.chart.chartWidth - labelWidth) / 2,
y: (this.chart.plotHeight / 2) + 25
{!! $activityChart->script() !!}
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