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Last active December 15, 2015 16:22
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Transducers in Dart
library transducers;
import 'dart:async';
reduce(coll, Function fn, init) {
// Reduce function for Iterable.
if (coll is Iterable) {
var result = init;
final iterator = coll.iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
result = fn(result, iterator.current);
if (result is Reduced) return result.val;
return result;
// Reduce function for Stream.
} else if (coll is Stream) {
var reduced;
return coll.fold(init, (result, input) {
if (reduced != null) return reduced;
final res = fn(result, input);
if (res is Reduced) {
reduced = res.val;
return reduced;
} else {
return res;
* Boxing value indicating that we are done reducing.
class Reduced {
final val;
add(obj, el) => obj..add(el);
compose(List funcs) =>
(arg) =>
funcs.reversed.fold(arg, (prevRes, func) => func(prevRes));
* Transducer generators.
map(Function fn) =>
(step) =>
(result, input) =>
step(result, fn(input));
filter(Function pred) =>
(step) =>
(result, input) =>
pred(input) ? step(result, input) : result;
* Take generates a stateful transducer.
take(int num) =>
(step) {
int k = 0;
return (result, input) {
if (k >= num) return new Reduced(result);
k ++;
return step(result, input);
void run(String description, Function fn) {
main() {
final transducer = compose([
filter((x) => x > 1),
map((x) => x + 100)
run("iterable -> iterable", (){
print(reduce([1,2,3,4,5], transducer(add), []));
run("stream -> stream", (){
final sc = new StreamController(); => print("streamed $_"));
reduce(new Stream.fromIterable([1,2,3,4,5]), transducer(add), sc.sink);
run("stream -> iterable", (){
reduce(new Stream.fromIterable([1,2,3,4,5]), transducer(add), []).then(print);
run("iterable -> stream", (){
final sc = new StreamController(); => print("streamed $_"));
reduce([1,2,3,4,5], transducer(add), sc.sink);
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