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Created October 21, 2012 19:44
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Making CL-PDF and CL-TYPESETTING work with images and URLs
(cl:in-package #:cl-pdf)
(defun draw-image (image x y dx dy rotation &optional keep-aspect-ratio)
(when keep-aspect-ratio
(unless (zerop dx)
(let ((r1 (/ dy dx))
(r2 (/ (height image) (width image))))
(if (> r1 r2)
(setf dy (* dx r2))
(setf dx (/ dy r2))))))
(with-saved-state (translate x y)
(rotate rotation)
(scale dx dy)
(paint-image image)))
(in-package #:typeset)
(defclass uri-content (soft-box)
((uri :accessor uri :initarg :uri)
(text :accessor uri-text :initarg :text)
(text-style :accessor uri-text-style)))
(defun url (uri &optional text)
(add-box (make-instance 'uri-content :uri uri :text (or text uri)
:dy *font-size*))
(with-style (:color '(0 0 1))
(put-string (or text uri))))
(defmethod stroke ((box uri-content) x y)
(pdf:add-URI-link x y
(min (pdf::text-width (uri-text box)
*font* *font-size*)
;; only the first line will be clickable
(- (aref (pdf::bounds pdf:*page*) 2)
;; arbitrary hard-coded value for right margin
(dy box)
(uri box) :border nil))
(defun image (&rest args &key file inline center &allow-other-keys)
(if inline
(add-box (apply 'make-instance 'jpeg-box :allow-other-keys t args))
(let* ((jpg (pdf:make-jpeg-image (pdf:read-jpeg-file file)))
(jpg-box (apply 'make-instance 'jpeg-box
:allow-other-keys t args))
(w (pdf:width jpg))
(h (pdf:height jpg)))
;; scale large images to max 500px width
(when (> w 500)
(setf h (* h (/ 500 w))
w 500))
(setf (pdf-jpeg-obj jpg-box) jpg (offset jpg-box) 0
(dx jpg-box) w
(dy jpg-box) h)
(add-box jpg-box))))
(defmethod stroke ((box jpeg-box) x y)
(let ((jpg (pdf-jpeg-obj box)))
(pdf:add-images-to-page jpg)
(pdf:draw-image jpg
x (+ (- y (dy box)) (offset box))
(dx box) (dy box)
0 t)))
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