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Created May 8, 2024 09:03
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Sampling for autoregressive models in PyTorch.
import torch
def sample(model, x, output_length, block_size, exclude_classes=None, temperature=1, top_k=None, top_p=None):
Sampling for autoregressive models in PyTorch.
See `How to generate text <>`_.
model (Module): The model to predict output classes. It is expected to output unnormalized logits.
x (Tensor): Input class indices (1-d, int64).
output_length (int): The number of predictions to generate.
block_size (int): The maximum sequence length that the model accepts. ``None`` denotes unlimited.
exclude_classes (list[int]): Indices of classes to exclude from results (e.g. padding and unknown).
temperature (float): A divisor for the logits to flatten (if < 1) or emphasize (if > 1) class probabilities.
top_k (float): The number of most likely classes, from which to sample each next class. Set to ``1`` for greedy search.
top_p (float): The minimum probability of the set of classes to sample from (aka "nucleus sampling" or "dynamic top-k").
Can be combined with ``top_k``.
Tensor of output class indices (1-d, int64).
seq = x
for _ in range(output_length):
inputs = seq[-block_size:].unsqueeze(0)
logits = model.forward(inputs).squeeze(0)[-1]
if exclude_classes:
logits[exclude_classes] = float('-inf')
logits = logits / temperature
probas = logits.softmax(dim=-1)
if top_k:
probas, indices = probas.topk(top_k)
indices = torch.arange(probas.size(-1))
if top_p:
sorted_probas, sorted_indices = probas.sort() # ascending sort simplifies the following
cumprobas = sorted_probas.cumsum(-1)
nucleus_size = cumprobas.size(-1) - torch.sum(cumprobas <= (1 - top_p))
nucleus_indices = sorted_indices[-nucleus_size:]
probas = sorted_probas[-nucleus_size:]
indices = indices[nucleus_indices]
index = probas.multinomial(1)
seq =[seq, indices[index:index+1]])
return seq[x.size(-1):]
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