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Created July 28, 2017 13:49
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[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for ObjectConstructor because: Super reference
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for Uint8ArrayConstructor because: Super reference
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for Int8ArrayConstructor because: Super reference
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for Uint16ArrayConstructor because: Super reference
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for Int16ArrayConstructor because: Super reference
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for Uint32ArrayConstructor because: Super reference
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for Int32ArrayConstructor because: Super reference
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for Float32ArrayConstructor because: Super reference
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for Float64ArrayConstructor because: Super reference
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for Uint8ClampedArrayConstructor because: Super reference
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for SetConstructor because: TryCatchStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for MapConstructor because: TryCatchStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for WeakMapConstructor because: TryCatchStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for WeakSetConstructor because: TryCatchStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for CollatorConstructor because: Super reference
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for NumberFormatConstructor because: Super reference
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for DateTimeFormatConstructor because: Super reference
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for v8BreakIteratorConstructor because: Super reference
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for PostNatives because: TryCatchStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for NativeModule.compile because: TryFinallyStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for because: Class literal
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for because: Class literal
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for makeNodeError because: Class literal
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for createUnsafeArrayBuffer because: TryFinallyStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for because: Class literal
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for Join because: TryFinallyStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for because: Class literal
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for setupNextTick because: Class literal
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for NextTickQueue because: Class constructor function
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for because: Computed property name
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for defineIDLClass because: TryCatchStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for because: TryCatchStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for because: Class literal
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for toRealPath because: Computed property name
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for tryModuleLoad because: TryFinallyStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for tryStatSync because: TryFinallyStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for tryCreateBuffer because: TryFinallyStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for FastBuffer because: Super reference
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for tryReadSync because: TryFinallyStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for require because: TryFinallyStatement
[marking 0000027C856CA7A9 <JS Function normalizeStringWin32 (SharedFunctionInfo 000002E957802FA1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 44/72 (61%), generic ICs: 0/72 (0%)]
[marking 00000277DBF60359 <JS Function HashToEntry (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA209)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 4/4 (100%), generic ICs: 0/4 (0%)]
[compiling method 00000277DBF60359 <JS Function HashToEntry (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA209)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 00000277DBF60359 <JS Function HashToEntry (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA209)> - took 0.085, 0.086, 0.042 ms]
[completed optimizing 00000277DBF60359 <JS Function HashToEntry (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA209)>]
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for wrapper because: TryCatchStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for intrp.Array.toString because: TryFinallyStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for wrapper because: TryFinallyStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for wrapper because: TryCatchStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for wrapper because: TryCatchStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for wrapper because: TryCatchStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for wrapper because: TryCatchStatement
[marking 00000277DBF602C9 <JS Function GetExistingHash (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA549)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 3/7 (42%), generic ICs: 0/7 (0%)]
[compiling method 00000277DBF602C9 <JS Function GetExistingHash (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA549)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 00000277DBF602C9 <JS Function GetExistingHash (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA549)> - took 0.124, 0.204, 0.063 ms]
[completed optimizing 00000277DBF602C9 <JS Function GetExistingHash (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA549)>]
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for intrp.Error.toString because: TryFinallyStatement
[marking 00000277DBF251A9 <JS Function has (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA889)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 4/6 (66%), generic ICs: 0/6 (0%)]
[compiling method 00000277DBF251A9 <JS Function has (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA889)> using Crankshaft]
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for wrapper because: TryCatchStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for wrapper because: TryCatchStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for because: TryCatchStatement
[optimizing 00000277DBF251A9 <JS Function has (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA889)> - took 0.486, 0.670, 0.158 ms]
[completed optimizing 00000277DBF251A9 <JS Function has (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA889)>]
[marking 0000002B6602B671 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierChar (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660230A9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 8/17 (47%), generic ICs: 0/17 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B6602B671 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierChar (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660230A9)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B6602B611 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierStart (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66022FD9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 6/15 (40%), generic ICs: 0/15 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B6602B611 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierStart (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66022FD9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B6602B671 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierChar (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660230A9)> - took 0.109, 0.196, 0.040 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B6602B671 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierChar (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660230A9)>]
[marking 0000008185729039 <JS Function next (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020171)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 1/2 (50%), generic ICs: 0/2 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000008185729039 <JS Function next (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020171)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B6602B611 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierStart (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66022FD9)> - took 0.081, 0.173, 0.033 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B6602B611 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierStart (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66022FD9)>]
[marking 00000081857289C1 <JS Function finishToken (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601EEC1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 3/7 (42%), generic ICs: 1/7 (14%)]
[optimizing 0000008185729039 <JS Function next (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020171)> - took 0.032, 0.070, 0.069 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000008185729039 <JS Function next (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020171)>]
[compiling method 00000081857289C1 <JS Function finishToken (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601EEC1)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 00000277DBF2F981 <JS Function slice (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90CC751)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 6/10 (60%), generic ICs: 0/10 (0%)]
[compiling method 00000277DBF2F981 <JS Function slice (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90CC751)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 00000081857289C1 <JS Function finishToken (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601EEC1)> - took 0.066, 0.125, 0.101 ms]
[completed optimizing 00000081857289C1 <JS Function finishToken (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601EEC1)>]
[marking 00000081857290C9 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 3/3 (100%), generic ICs: 0/3 (0%)]
[marking 0000008185729159 <JS Function startNode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660204B1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 7/15 (46%), generic ICs: 0/15 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000008185729159 <JS Function startNode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660204B1)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 00000277DBF2F981 <JS Function slice (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90CC751)> - took 0.146, 0.331, 0.063 ms]
[completed optimizing 00000277DBF2F981 <JS Function slice (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90CC751)>]
[compiling method 00000081857290C9 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 00000081857291E9 <JS Function finishNode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020651)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 4/10 (40%), generic ICs: 2/10 (20%)]
[compiling method 00000081857291E9 <JS Function finishNode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020651)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 00000081857290C9 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)> - took 0.029, 0.092, 0.043 ms]
[completed optimizing 00000081857290C9 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)>]
[optimizing 0000008185729159 <JS Function startNode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660204B1)> - took 0.144, 0.329, 0.061 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000008185729159 <JS Function startNode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660204B1)>]
[optimizing 00000081857291E9 <JS Function finishNode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020651)> - took 0.063, 0.141, 0.035 ms]
[completed optimizing 00000081857291E9 <JS Function finishNode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020651)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT soft): begin 0000002B6602B611 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierStart (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66022FD9)> (opt #4) @1, FP to SP delta: 24, caller sp: 0x0014de40]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\acorn.js:449:17>, Insufficient type feedback for combined type of binary operation
reading input frame exports.isIdentifierStart => node=64, args=2, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b6602b611 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B6602B611 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierStart (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66022FD9)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 24] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x7b00000000 ; [fp + 16] 123
3: 0x8185728339 ; [fp - 24] 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
translating frame exports.isIdentifierStart => node=64, height=0
0x0014de38: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014de30: [top + 32] <- 0x7b00000000 ; 123 (input #2)
0x0014de28: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97b87ad6 ; caller's pc
0x0014de20: [top + 16] <- 0x0014de70 ; caller's fp
0x0014de18: [top + 8] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014de10: [top + 0] <- 0x2b6602b611 ; function 0000002B6602B611 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierStart (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66022FD9)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (soft): end 0000002B6602B611 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierStart (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66022FD9)> @1 => node=64, pc=0x26e97ba0f34, caller sp=0x0014de40, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.625 ms]
[removing optimized code for: exports.isIdentifierStart]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66022FD9 <SharedFunctionInfo exports.isIdentifierStart>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT soft): begin 0000002B6602B671 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierChar (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660230A9)> (opt #3) @1, FP to SP delta: 24, caller sp: 0x0014d828]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\acorn.js:461:17>, Insufficient type feedback for combined type of binary operation
reading input frame exports.isIdentifierChar => node=94, args=2, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b6602b671 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B6602B671 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierChar (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660230A9)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 24] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x7d00000000 ; [fp + 16] 125
3: 0x8185728339 ; [fp - 24] 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
translating frame exports.isIdentifierChar => node=94, height=0
0x0014d820: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d818: [top + 32] <- 0x7d00000000 ; 125 (input #2)
0x0014d810: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97ba138a ; caller's pc
0x0014d808: [top + 16] <- 0x0014d870 ; caller's fp
0x0014d800: [top + 8] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d7f8: [top + 0] <- 0x2b6602b671 ; function 0000002B6602B671 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierChar (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660230A9)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (soft): end 0000002B6602B671 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierChar (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660230A9)> @1 => node=94, pc=0x26e97ba1d2e, caller sp=0x0014d828, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.150 ms]
[removing optimized code for: exports.isIdentifierChar]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660230A9 <SharedFunctionInfo exports.isIdentifierChar>]
[marking 0000008185729279 <JS Function eat (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660207F1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 2/3 (66%), generic ICs: 0/3 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000008185729279 <JS Function eat (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660207F1)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000008185729279 <JS Function eat (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660207F1)> - took 0.079, 0.133, 0.083 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000008185729279 <JS Function eat (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660207F1)>]
[marking 0000008185728A99 <JS Function skipSpace (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F131)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 24/49 (48%), generic ICs: 0/49 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000008185728A99 <JS Function skipSpace (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F131)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B6602B671 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierChar (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660230A9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 11/17 (64%), generic ICs: 0/17 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B6602B671 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierChar (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660230A9)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000008185728FF1 <JS Function readWord (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660200A1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 5/9 (55%), generic ICs: 1/9 (11%)]
[compiling method 0000008185728FF1 <JS Function readWord (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660200A1)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B6602B671 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierChar (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660230A9)> - took 0.075, 0.311, 0.085 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B6602B671 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierChar (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660230A9)>]
[optimizing 0000008185728FF1 <JS Function readWord (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660200A1)> - took 0.171, 0.317, 0.120 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000008185728FF1 <JS Function readWord (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660200A1)>]
[marking 0000008185728D69 <JS Function readToken (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F951)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 14/39 (35%), generic ICs: 1/39 (2%)]
[compiling method 0000008185728D69 <JS Function readToken (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F951)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000008185728A99 <JS Function skipSpace (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F131)> - took 0.442, 1.170, 0.202 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000008185728A99 <JS Function skipSpace (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F131)>]
[marking 0000002B6602B611 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierStart (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66022FD9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 9/15 (60%), generic ICs: 0/15 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B6602B611 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierStart (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66022FD9)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 00000081857297D1 <JS Function parseExprSubscripts (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021761)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 2/4 (50%), generic ICs: 0/4 (0%)]
[compiling method 00000081857297D1 <JS Function parseExprSubscripts (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021761)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B6602B611 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierStart (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66022FD9)> - took 0.066, 0.282, 0.066 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B6602B611 <JS Function exports.isIdentifierStart (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66022FD9)>]
[optimizing 00000081857297D1 <JS Function parseExprSubscripts (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021761)> - took 0.032, 0.088, 0.046 ms]
[completed optimizing 00000081857297D1 <JS Function parseExprSubscripts (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021761)>]
[optimizing 0000008185728D69 <JS Function readToken (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F951)> - took 0.477, 1.019, 0.243 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000008185728D69 <JS Function readToken (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F951)>]
[marking 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 2/4 (50%), generic ICs: 0/4 (0%)]
[marking 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 8/17 (47%), generic ICs: 0/17 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> using Crankshaft]
[compiling method 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000008185729351 <JS Function expect (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020A61)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 2/5 (40%), generic ICs: 0/5 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000008185729351 <JS Function expect (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020A61)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000008185729351 <JS Function expect (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020A61)> - took 0.116, 0.188, 0.119 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000008185729351 <JS Function expect (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020A61)>]
[marking 0000008185728D21 <JS Function getTokenFromCode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F881)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 63/96 (65%), generic ICs: 0/96 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000008185728D21 <JS Function getTokenFromCode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F881)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> - took 0.431, 1.178, 0.302 ms]
[completed optimizing 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>]
[optimizing 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> - took 0.995, 1.741, 0.465 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)>]
[marking 000000818573C8F1 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6602AFD9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 35/38 (92%), generic ICs: 0/38 (0%)]
[compiling method 000000818573C8F1 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6602AFD9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000008185728D21 <JS Function getTokenFromCode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F881)> - took 1.424, 3.062, 0.926 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000008185728D21 <JS Function getTokenFromCode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F881)>]
[optimizing 000000818573C8F1 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6602AFD9)> - took 0.287, 0.885, 0.094 ms]
[completed optimizing 000000818573C8F1 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6602AFD9)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT soft): begin 0000008185728D21 <JS Function getTokenFromCode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F881)> (opt #21) @1, FP to SP delta: 304, caller sp: 0x0014d270]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\acorn.js:1:1>, Insufficient type feedback for combined type of binary operation
reading input frame getTokenFromCode => node=27, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x8185728d21 ; [fp - 16] 0000008185728D21 <JS Function getTokenFromCode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F881)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 24] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2100000000 ; [fp + 16] 33
3: 0x8185728339 ; [fp - 24] 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 9) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 10) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
6: 0x2100000000 ; [fp + 16] 33
translating frame getTokenFromCode => node=27, height=24
0x0014d268: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d260: [top + 56] <- 0x2100000000 ; 33 (input #2)
0x0014d258: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97bbe55c ; caller's pc
0x0014d250: [top + 40] <- 0x0014d2d8 ; caller's fp
0x0014d248: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d240: [top + 24] <- 0x8185728d21 ; function 0000008185728D21 <JS Function getTokenFromCode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F881)> (input #0)
0x0014d238: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014d230: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #5)
0x0014d228: [top + 0] <- 0x2100000000 ; 33 (input #6)
[deoptimizing (soft): end 0000008185728D21 <JS Function getTokenFromCode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F881)> @1 => node=27, pc=0x26e97ba6351, caller sp=0x0014d270, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.093 ms]
[removing optimized code for: getTokenFromCode]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B6601F881 <SharedFunctionInfo getTokenFromCode>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (opt #18) @13, FP to SP delta: 176, caller sp: 0x0014d550]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\acorn.js:1028:16>, wrong map
reading input frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x8185729669 ; [fp - 16] 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 24] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; rcx 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; [fp - 24] 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x81857296b1 ; [fp - 32] 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
reading input frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x81857296b1 ; (literal 18) 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; rcx 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 19) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x81857296f9 ; [fp - 40] 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
reading input frame parseExprOps => node=7, args=2, height=2; inputs:
0: 0x81857296f9 ; (literal 20) 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; rcx 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 19) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x8185729741 ; [fp - 48] 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)>
reading input frame parseExprOp => node=110, args=4, height=6; inputs:
0: 0x8185729741 ; (literal 21) 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0xddc103ed01 ; r12 000000DDC103ED01 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51>
3: 0xffffffff00000000 ; (literal 22) -1
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; rcx 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 19) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
6: 0x600000000 ; rbx 6
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
10: 0x81857291a1 ; r8 00000081857291A1 <JS Function startNodeFrom (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020581)>
reading input frame startNodeFrom => node=18, args=2, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x81857291a1 ; (literal 23) 00000081857291A1 <JS Function startNodeFrom (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020581)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0xddc103ed01 ; r12 000000DDC103ED01 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51>
3: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 19) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0xddc1041021 ; r9 000000DDC1041021 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C2311>
translating frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, height=24
0x0014d548: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d540: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014d538: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7c0a ; caller's pc
0x0014d530: [top + 40] <- 0x0014d578 ; caller's fp
0x0014d528: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d520: [top + 24] <- 0x8185729669 ; function 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (input #0)
0x0014d518: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014d510: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014d508: [top + 0] <- 0x81857296b1 ; 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #6)
translating frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, height=24
0x0014d500: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d4f8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014d4f0: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7f4a ; caller's pc
0x0014d4e8: [top + 40] <- 0x0014d530 ; caller's fp
0x0014d4e0: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d4d8: [top + 24] <- 0x81857296b1 ; function 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #0)
0x0014d4d0: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014d4c8: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014d4c0: [top + 0] <- 0x81857296f9 ; 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #6)
translating frame parseExprOps => node=7, height=8
0x0014d4b8: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d4b0: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014d4a8: [top + 32] <- 0x26e97ba81ea ; caller's pc
0x0014d4a0: [top + 24] <- 0x0014d4e8 ; caller's fp
0x0014d498: [top + 16] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d490: [top + 8] <- 0x81857296f9 ; function 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #0)
0x0014d488: [top + 0] <- 0x8185729741 ; 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> (input #4)
translating frame parseExprOp => node=110, height=40
0x0014d480: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d478: [top + 88] <- 0xddc103ed01 ; 000000DDC103ED01 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51> (input #2)
0x0014d470: [top + 80] <- 0xffffffff00000000 ; -1 (input #3)
0x0014d468: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014d460: [top + 64] <- 0x26e97ba84d6 ; caller's pc
0x0014d458: [top + 56] <- 0x0014d4a0 ; caller's fp
0x0014d450: [top + 48] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #5)
0x0014d448: [top + 40] <- 0x8185729741 ; function 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> (input #0)
0x0014d440: [top + 32] <- 0x600000000 ; 6 (input #6)
0x0014d438: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014d430: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014d428: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
0x0014d420: [top + 0] <- 0x81857291a1 ; 00000081857291A1 <JS Function startNodeFrom (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020581)> (input #10)
translating frame startNodeFrom => node=18, height=16
0x0014d418: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d410: [top + 48] <- 0xddc103ed01 ; 000000DDC103ED01 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51> (input #2)
0x0014d408: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97babb34 ; caller's pc
0x0014d400: [top + 32] <- 0x0014d458 ; caller's fp
0x0014d3f8: [top + 24] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d3f0: [top + 16] <- 0x81857291a1 ; function 00000081857291A1 <JS Function startNodeFrom (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020581)> (input #0)
0x0014d3e8: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014d3e0: [top + 0] <- 0xddc1041021 ; 000000DDC1041021 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C2311> (input #5)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> @13 => node=18, pc=0x26e97bb2b72, caller sp=0x0014d550, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.459 ms]
[deoptimizer unlinked: parseMaybeAssign / 8185729669]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (deoptimized code) for 0000002B66021351 <SharedFunctionInfo parseMaybeAssign>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (opt #19) @11, FP to SP delta: 96, caller sp: 0x0014cd30]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\acorn.js:1028:16>, wrong map
reading input frame parseExprOps => node=7, args=2, height=2; inputs:
0: 0x81857296f9 ; [fp - 16] 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 24] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; rcx 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; [fp - 24] 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x8185729741 ; [fp - 32] 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)>
reading input frame parseExprOp => node=110, args=4, height=6; inputs:
0: 0x8185729741 ; (literal 12) 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0xddc1042f31 ; r12 000000DDC1042F31 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C2311>
3: 0xffffffff00000000 ; (literal 13) -1
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; rcx 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 14) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
6: 0x700000000 ; rbx 7
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
10: 0x81857291a1 ; r8 00000081857291A1 <JS Function startNodeFrom (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020581)>
reading input frame startNodeFrom => node=18, args=2, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x81857291a1 ; (literal 15) 00000081857291A1 <JS Function startNodeFrom (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020581)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0xddc1042f31 ; r12 000000DDC1042F31 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C2311>
3: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 14) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0xddc1042f99 ; r9 000000DDC1042F99 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C2311>
translating frame parseExprOps => node=7, height=8
0x0014cd28: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014cd20: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014cd18: [top + 32] <- 0x26e97ba81ea ; caller's pc
0x0014cd10: [top + 24] <- 0x0014cd58 ; caller's fp
0x0014cd08: [top + 16] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014cd00: [top + 8] <- 0x81857296f9 ; function 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #0)
0x0014ccf8: [top + 0] <- 0x8185729741 ; 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> (input #4)
translating frame parseExprOp => node=110, height=40
0x0014ccf0: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014cce8: [top + 88] <- 0xddc1042f31 ; 000000DDC1042F31 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C2311> (input #2)
0x0014cce0: [top + 80] <- 0xffffffff00000000 ; -1 (input #3)
0x0014ccd8: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014ccd0: [top + 64] <- 0x26e97ba84d6 ; caller's pc
0x0014ccc8: [top + 56] <- 0x0014cd10 ; caller's fp
0x0014ccc0: [top + 48] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #5)
0x0014ccb8: [top + 40] <- 0x8185729741 ; function 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> (input #0)
0x0014ccb0: [top + 32] <- 0x700000000 ; 7 (input #6)
0x0014cca8: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014cca0: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014cc98: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
0x0014cc90: [top + 0] <- 0x81857291a1 ; 00000081857291A1 <JS Function startNodeFrom (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020581)> (input #10)
translating frame startNodeFrom => node=18, height=16
0x0014cc88: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014cc80: [top + 48] <- 0xddc1042f31 ; 000000DDC1042F31 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C2311> (input #2)
0x0014cc78: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97babb34 ; caller's pc
0x0014cc70: [top + 32] <- 0x0014ccc8 ; caller's fp
0x0014cc68: [top + 24] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014cc60: [top + 16] <- 0x81857291a1 ; function 00000081857291A1 <JS Function startNodeFrom (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020581)> (input #0)
0x0014cc58: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014cc50: [top + 0] <- 0xddc1042f99 ; 000000DDC1042F99 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C2311> (input #5)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> @11 => node=18, pc=0x26e97bb2b72, caller sp=0x0014cd30, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.428 ms]
[deoptimizer unlinked: parseExprOps / 81857296f9]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (deoptimized code) for 0000002B660214F1 <SharedFunctionInfo parseExprOps>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT lazy): begin 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (opt #19) @2, FP to SP delta: 96, caller sp: 0x0014d0c0]
reading input frame parseExprOps => node=12, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x81857296f9 ; [fp - 16] 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 24] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; [fp - 24] 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x8185729741 ; [fp - 32] 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0xddc1042ec1 ; rdi 000000DDC1042EC1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469>
translating frame parseExprOps => node=12, height=24
0x0014d0b8: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d0b0: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014d0a8: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba81ea ; caller's pc
0x0014d0a0: [top + 40] <- 0x0014d0e8 ; caller's fp
0x0014d098: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d090: [top + 24] <- 0x81857296f9 ; function 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #0)
0x0014d088: [top + 16] <- 0x8185729741 ; 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> (input #4)
0x0014d080: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014d078: [top + 0] <- 0xddc1042ec1 ; 000000DDC1042EC1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469> (input #6)
[deoptimizing (lazy): end 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> @2 => node=12, pc=0x26e97ba84b3, caller sp=0x0014d0c0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.087 ms]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT lazy): begin 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (opt #19) @2, FP to SP delta: 96, caller sp: 0x0014d4a8]
reading input frame parseExprOps => node=12, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x81857296f9 ; [fp - 16] 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 24] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; [fp - 24] 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x8185729741 ; [fp - 32] 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0xddc1042c09 ; rdi 000000DDC1042C09 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4D59>
translating frame parseExprOps => node=12, height=24
0x0014d4a0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d498: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014d490: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba81ea ; caller's pc
0x0014d488: [top + 40] <- 0x0014d4d0 ; caller's fp
0x0014d480: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d478: [top + 24] <- 0x81857296f9 ; function 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #0)
0x0014d470: [top + 16] <- 0x8185729741 ; 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> (input #4)
0x0014d468: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014d460: [top + 0] <- 0xddc1042c09 ; 000000DDC1042C09 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4D59> (input #6)
[deoptimizing (lazy): end 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> @2 => node=12, pc=0x26e97ba84b3, caller sp=0x0014d4a8, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.103 ms]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT soft): begin 000000818573C8F1 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6602AFD9)> (opt #22) @6, FP to SP delta: 32, caller sp: 0x0014d4e8]
;;; deoptimize at <unknown:1:1>, Insufficient type feedback for combined type of binary operation
reading input frame => node=407, args=2, height=10; inputs:
0: 0x818573c8f1 ; [fp - 16] 000000818573C8F1 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6602AFD9)>
1: 0x2ca93def1d1 ; [fp + 24] 000002CA93DEF1D1 <JS Global Object>
2: 0xddc1043981 ; [fp + 16] 000000DDC1043981 <String[2]: if>
3: 0x2edc909af99 ; [fp - 24] 000002EDC909AF99 <FixedArray[251]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 2) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
11: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 2) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
12: 0xddc1043981 ; [fp + 16] 000000DDC1043981 <String[2]: if>
translating frame => node=407, height=72
0x0014d4e0: [top + 112] <- 0x2ca93def1d1 ; 000002CA93DEF1D1 <JS Global Object> (input #1)
0x0014d4d8: [top + 104] <- 0xddc1043981 ; 000000DDC1043981 <String[2]: if> (input #2)
0x0014d4d0: [top + 96] <- 0x26e97bbe6ba ; caller's pc
0x0014d4c8: [top + 88] <- 0x0014d550 ; caller's fp
0x0014d4c0: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc909af99 ; context 000002EDC909AF99 <FixedArray[251]> (input #3)
0x0014d4b8: [top + 72] <- 0x818573c8f1 ; function 000000818573C8F1 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6602AFD9)> (input #0)
0x0014d4b0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014d4a8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014d4a0: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #6)
0x0014d498: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014d490: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014d488: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014d480: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #10)
0x0014d478: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #11)
0x0014d470: [top + 0] <- 0xddc1043981 ; 000000DDC1043981 <String[2]: if> (input #12)
[deoptimizing (soft): end 000000818573C8F1 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6602AFD9)> @6 => node=407, pc=0x26e97b856f8, caller sp=0x0014d4e8, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.134 ms]
[removing optimized code for: ]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B6602AFD9 <SharedFunctionInfo>]
[marking 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 11/17 (64%), generic ICs: 0/17 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> using Crankshaft]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT lazy): begin 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (opt #18) @4, FP to SP delta: 176, caller sp: 0x0014d930]
reading input frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x8185729669 ; [fp - 16] 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 24] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; [fp - 24] 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x81857296b1 ; [fp - 32] 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
reading input frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x81857296b1 ; (literal 18) 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 19) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x81857296f9 ; [fp - 40] 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
reading input frame parseExprOps => node=12, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x81857296f9 ; (literal 20) 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 19) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x8185729741 ; [fp - 48] 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0xddc103ea79 ; rdi 000000DDC103EA79 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4D59>
translating frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, height=24
0x0014d928: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d920: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014d918: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7c0a ; caller's pc
0x0014d910: [top + 40] <- 0x0014d958 ; caller's fp
0x0014d908: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d900: [top + 24] <- 0x8185729669 ; function 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (input #0)
0x0014d8f8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014d8f0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014d8e8: [top + 0] <- 0x81857296b1 ; 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #6)
translating frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, height=24
0x0014d8e0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d8d8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014d8d0: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7f4a ; caller's pc
0x0014d8c8: [top + 40] <- 0x0014d910 ; caller's fp
0x0014d8c0: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d8b8: [top + 24] <- 0x81857296b1 ; function 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #0)
0x0014d8b0: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014d8a8: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014d8a0: [top + 0] <- 0x81857296f9 ; 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #6)
translating frame parseExprOps => node=12, height=24
0x0014d898: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d890: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014d888: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba81ea ; caller's pc
0x0014d880: [top + 40] <- 0x0014d8c8 ; caller's fp
0x0014d878: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d870: [top + 24] <- 0x81857296f9 ; function 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #0)
0x0014d868: [top + 16] <- 0x8185729741 ; 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> (input #4)
0x0014d860: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014d858: [top + 0] <- 0xddc103ea79 ; 000000DDC103EA79 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4D59> (input #6)
[deoptimizing (lazy): end 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> @4 => node=12, pc=0x26e97ba84b3, caller sp=0x0014d930, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.260 ms]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT lazy): begin 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (opt #18) @4, FP to SP delta: 176, caller sp: 0x0014dbe0]
reading input frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x8185729669 ; [fp - 16] 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 24] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; [fp - 24] 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x81857296b1 ; [fp - 32] 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
reading input frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x81857296b1 ; (literal 18) 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 19) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x81857296f9 ; [fp - 40] 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
reading input frame parseExprOps => node=12, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x81857296f9 ; (literal 20) 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 19) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x8185729741 ; [fp - 48] 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0xddc103e689 ; rdi 000000DDC103E689 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519>
translating frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, height=24
0x0014dbd8: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014dbd0: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014dbc8: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7c0a ; caller's pc
0x0014dbc0: [top + 40] <- 0x0014dc08 ; caller's fp
0x0014dbb8: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014dbb0: [top + 24] <- 0x8185729669 ; function 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (input #0)
0x0014dba8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014dba0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014db98: [top + 0] <- 0x81857296b1 ; 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #6)
translating frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, height=24
0x0014db90: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014db88: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014db80: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7f4a ; caller's pc
0x0014db78: [top + 40] <- 0x0014dbc0 ; caller's fp
0x0014db70: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014db68: [top + 24] <- 0x81857296b1 ; function 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #0)
0x0014db60: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014db58: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014db50: [top + 0] <- 0x81857296f9 ; 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #6)
translating frame parseExprOps => node=12, height=24
0x0014db48: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014db40: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014db38: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba81ea ; caller's pc
0x0014db30: [top + 40] <- 0x0014db78 ; caller's fp
0x0014db28: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014db20: [top + 24] <- 0x81857296f9 ; function 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #0)
0x0014db18: [top + 16] <- 0x8185729741 ; 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> (input #4)
0x0014db10: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014db08: [top + 0] <- 0xddc103e689 ; 000000DDC103E689 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519> (input #6)
[deoptimizing (lazy): end 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> @4 => node=12, pc=0x26e97ba84b3, caller sp=0x0014dbe0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.238 ms]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT lazy): begin 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (opt #18) @4, FP to SP delta: 176, caller sp: 0x0014df30]
reading input frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x8185729669 ; [fp - 16] 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 24] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; [fp - 24] 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x81857296b1 ; [fp - 32] 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
reading input frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x81857296b1 ; (literal 18) 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 19) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x81857296f9 ; [fp - 40] 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
reading input frame parseExprOps => node=12, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x81857296f9 ; (literal 20) 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 19) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x8185729741 ; [fp - 48] 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 17) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0xddc103e381 ; rdi 000000DDC103E381 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469>
translating frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, height=24
0x0014df28: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014df20: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014df18: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7c0a ; caller's pc
0x0014df10: [top + 40] <- 0x0014df58 ; caller's fp
0x0014df08: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014df00: [top + 24] <- 0x8185729669 ; function 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (input #0)
0x0014def8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014def0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014dee8: [top + 0] <- 0x81857296b1 ; 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #6)
translating frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, height=24
0x0014dee0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014ded8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014ded0: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7f4a ; caller's pc
0x0014dec8: [top + 40] <- 0x0014df10 ; caller's fp
0x0014dec0: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014deb8: [top + 24] <- 0x81857296b1 ; function 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #0)
0x0014deb0: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014dea8: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014dea0: [top + 0] <- 0x81857296f9 ; 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #6)
translating frame parseExprOps => node=12, height=24
0x0014de98: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014de90: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014de88: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba81ea ; caller's pc
0x0014de80: [top + 40] <- 0x0014dec8 ; caller's fp
0x0014de78: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014de70: [top + 24] <- 0x81857296f9 ; function 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #0)
0x0014de68: [top + 16] <- 0x8185729741 ; 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> (input #4)
0x0014de60: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014de58: [top + 0] <- 0xddc103e381 ; 000000DDC103E381 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469> (input #6)
[deoptimizing (lazy): end 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> @4 => node=12, pc=0x26e97ba84b3, caller sp=0x0014df30, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.265 ms]
[marking 0000008185729819 <JS Function parseSubscripts (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021831)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 28/44 (63%), generic ICs: 0/44 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000008185729819 <JS Function parseSubscripts (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021831)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> - took 1.120, 2.118, 0.754 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)>]
[marking 00000081857291A1 <JS Function startNodeFrom (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020581)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 6/19 (31%), generic ICs: 1/19 (5%)]
[compiling method 00000081857291A1 <JS Function startNodeFrom (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020581)> using Crankshaft]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (opt #23) @90, FP to SP delta: 200, caller sp: 0x0014d4a0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\acorn.js:1460:18>, wrong map
reading input frame parseMaybeAssign => node=66, args=2, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x8185729669 ; [fp - 16] 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 24] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; rbx 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0xddc1050941 ; rdx 000000DDC1050941 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1>
5: 0xddc1050981 ; rax 000000DDC1050981 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4679>
translating frame parseMaybeAssign => node=66, height=16
0x0014d498: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d490: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014d488: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ba7c0a ; caller's pc
0x0014d480: [top + 32] <- 0x0014d4c8 ; caller's fp
0x0014d478: [top + 24] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d470: [top + 16] <- 0x8185729669 ; function 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (input #0)
0x0014d468: [top + 8] <- 0xddc1050941 ; 000000DDC1050941 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1> (input #4)
0x0014d460: [top + 0] <- 0xddc1050981 ; 000000DDC1050981 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4679> (input #5)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> @90 => node=66, pc=0x26e97ba7fea, caller sp=0x0014d4a0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.164 ms]
[deoptimizer unlinked: parseMaybeAssign / 8185729669]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (deoptimized code) for 0000002B66021351 <SharedFunctionInfo parseMaybeAssign>]
[optimizing 00000081857291A1 <JS Function startNodeFrom (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020581)> - took 0.132, 0.401, 0.085 ms]
[completed optimizing 00000081857291A1 <JS Function startNodeFrom (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020581)>]
[marking 0000008185729A11 <JS Function parseIdent (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021DE1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 16/41 (39%), generic ICs: 0/41 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000008185729A11 <JS Function parseIdent (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021DE1)> using Crankshaft]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT lazy): begin 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (opt #23) @4, FP to SP delta: 200, caller sp: 0x0014d900]
reading input frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x8185729669 ; [fp - 16] 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 24] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; [fp - 24] 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x81857296b1 ; [fp - 32] 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
reading input frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x81857296b1 ; (literal 22) 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 23) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x81857296f9 ; [fp - 40] 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
reading input frame parseExprOps => node=12, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x81857296f9 ; (literal 24) 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 23) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x8185729741 ; [fp - 48] 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0xddc104f3c1 ; rdi 000000DDC104F3C1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4D59>
translating frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, height=24
0x0014d8f8: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d8f0: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014d8e8: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7c0a ; caller's pc
0x0014d8e0: [top + 40] <- 0x0014d928 ; caller's fp
0x0014d8d8: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d8d0: [top + 24] <- 0x8185729669 ; function 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (input #0)
0x0014d8c8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014d8c0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014d8b8: [top + 0] <- 0x81857296b1 ; 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #6)
translating frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, height=24
0x0014d8b0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d8a8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014d8a0: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7f4a ; caller's pc
0x0014d898: [top + 40] <- 0x0014d8e0 ; caller's fp
0x0014d890: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d888: [top + 24] <- 0x81857296b1 ; function 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #0)
0x0014d880: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014d878: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014d870: [top + 0] <- 0x81857296f9 ; 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #6)
translating frame parseExprOps => node=12, height=24
0x0014d868: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d860: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014d858: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba81ea ; caller's pc
0x0014d850: [top + 40] <- 0x0014d898 ; caller's fp
0x0014d848: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d840: [top + 24] <- 0x81857296f9 ; function 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #0)
0x0014d838: [top + 16] <- 0x8185729741 ; 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> (input #4)
0x0014d830: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014d828: [top + 0] <- 0xddc104f3c1 ; 000000DDC104F3C1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4D59> (input #6)
[deoptimizing (lazy): end 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> @4 => node=12, pc=0x26e97ba84b3, caller sp=0x0014d900, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.523 ms]
[aborted optimizing 0000008185729819 <JS Function parseSubscripts (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021831)> because: Bailed out due to dependency change]
[marking 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 13/21 (61%), generic ICs: 1/21 (4%)]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT lazy): begin 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (opt #23) @4, FP to SP delta: 200, caller sp: 0x0014dbc8]
reading input frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x8185729669 ; [fp - 16] 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 24] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; [fp - 24] 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x81857296b1 ; [fp - 32] 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
reading input frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x81857296b1 ; (literal 22) 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 23) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x81857296f9 ; [fp - 40] 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
reading input frame parseExprOps => node=12, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x81857296f9 ; (literal 24) 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 23) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x8185729741 ; [fp - 48] 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0xddc104efd1 ; rdi 000000DDC104EFD1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519>
translating frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, height=24
0x0014dbc0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014dbb8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014dbb0: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7c0a ; caller's pc
0x0014dba8: [top + 40] <- 0x0014dbf0 ; caller's fp
0x0014dba0: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014db98: [top + 24] <- 0x8185729669 ; function 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (input #0)
0x0014db90: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014db88: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014db80: [top + 0] <- 0x81857296b1 ; 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #6)
translating frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, height=24
0x0014db78: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014db70: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014db68: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7f4a ; caller's pc
0x0014db60: [top + 40] <- 0x0014dba8 ; caller's fp
0x0014db58: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014db50: [top + 24] <- 0x81857296b1 ; function 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #0)
0x0014db48: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014db40: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014db38: [top + 0] <- 0x81857296f9 ; 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #6)
translating frame parseExprOps => node=12, height=24
0x0014db30: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014db28: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014db20: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba81ea ; caller's pc
0x0014db18: [top + 40] <- 0x0014db60 ; caller's fp
0x0014db10: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014db08: [top + 24] <- 0x81857296f9 ; function 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #0)
0x0014db00: [top + 16] <- 0x8185729741 ; 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> (input #4)
0x0014daf8: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014daf0: [top + 0] <- 0xddc104efd1 ; 000000DDC104EFD1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519> (input #6)
[deoptimizing (lazy): end 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> @4 => node=12, pc=0x26e97ba84b3, caller sp=0x0014dbc8, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.422 ms]
[compiling method 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000008185729A11 <JS Function parseIdent (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021DE1)> - took 0.627, 1.993, 0.269 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000008185729A11 <JS Function parseIdent (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021DE1)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT lazy): begin 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (opt #23) @4, FP to SP delta: 200, caller sp: 0x0014df30]
reading input frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x8185729669 ; [fp - 16] 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 24] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; [fp - 24] 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x81857296b1 ; [fp - 32] 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
reading input frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x81857296b1 ; (literal 22) 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 23) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x81857296f9 ; [fp - 40] 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
reading input frame parseExprOps => node=12, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x81857296f9 ; (literal 24) 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 23) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x8185729741 ; [fp - 48] 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0xddc104ec99 ; rdi 000000DDC104EC99 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469>
translating frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, height=24
0x0014df28: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014df20: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014df18: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7c0a ; caller's pc
0x0014df10: [top + 40] <- 0x0014df58 ; caller's fp
0x0014df08: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014df00: [top + 24] <- 0x8185729669 ; function 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (input #0)
0x0014def8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014def0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014dee8: [top + 0] <- 0x81857296b1 ; 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #6)
translating frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, height=24
0x0014dee0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014ded8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014ded0: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7f4a ; caller's pc
0x0014dec8: [top + 40] <- 0x0014df10 ; caller's fp
0x0014dec0: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014deb8: [top + 24] <- 0x81857296b1 ; function 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #0)
0x0014deb0: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014dea8: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014dea0: [top + 0] <- 0x81857296f9 ; 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #6)
translating frame parseExprOps => node=12, height=24
0x0014de98: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014de90: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014de88: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba81ea ; caller's pc
0x0014de80: [top + 40] <- 0x0014dec8 ; caller's fp
0x0014de78: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014de70: [top + 24] <- 0x81857296f9 ; function 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #0)
0x0014de68: [top + 16] <- 0x8185729741 ; 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> (input #4)
0x0014de60: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014de58: [top + 0] <- 0xddc104ec99 ; 000000DDC104EC99 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469> (input #6)
[deoptimizing (lazy): end 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> @4 => node=12, pc=0x26e97ba84b3, caller sp=0x0014df30, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.313 ms]
[optimizing 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> - took 0.488, 0.984, 0.243 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)>]
[marking 0000008185728D21 <JS Function getTokenFromCode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F881)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 67/96 (69%), generic ICs: 0/96 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000008185728D21 <JS Function getTokenFromCode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F881)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000008185728DB1 <JS Function finishOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601FA21)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 5/7 (71%), generic ICs: 0/7 (0%)]
[marking 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 11/17 (64%), generic ICs: 0/17 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 11/18 (61%), generic ICs: 0/18 (0%)]
[compiling method 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000008185728D21 <JS Function getTokenFromCode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F881)> - took 1.177, 3.052, 0.829 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000008185728D21 <JS Function getTokenFromCode (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F881)>]
[compiling method 0000008185728DB1 <JS Function finishOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601FA21)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> - took 1.033, 3.104, 0.667 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)>]
[optimizing 0000008185728DB1 <JS Function finishOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601FA21)> - took 0.146, 0.289, 0.067 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000008185728DB1 <JS Function finishOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601FA21)>]
[marking 0000008185729309 <JS Function semicolon (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020991)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 2/8 (25%), generic ICs: 0/8 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000008185729309 <JS Function semicolon (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020991)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> - took 1.633, 3.107, 0.564 ms]
[completed optimizing 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>]
[optimizing 0000008185729309 <JS Function semicolon (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020991)> - took 0.143, 0.277, 0.054 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000008185729309 <JS Function semicolon (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020991)>]
[marking 000000818573C8F1 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6602AFD9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 38/38 (100%), generic ICs: 0/38 (0%)]
[compiling method 000000818573C8F1 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6602AFD9)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000008185729819 <JS Function parseSubscripts (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021831)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 28/44 (63%), generic ICs: 0/44 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000008185729819 <JS Function parseSubscripts (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021831)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 000000818573C8F1 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6602AFD9)> - took 0.173, 0.609, 0.128 ms]
[completed optimizing 000000818573C8F1 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6602AFD9)>]
[marking 0000008185729861 <JS Function parseExprAtom (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021901)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 50/81 (61%), generic ICs: 0/81 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000008185729861 <JS Function parseExprAtom (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021901)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000008185729939 <JS Function parsePropertyName (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021B71)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 3/6 (50%), generic ICs: 0/6 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000008185729939 <JS Function parsePropertyName (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021B71)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000008185728CD9 <JS Function readToken_eq_excl (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F7B1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 11/15 (73%), generic ICs: 0/15 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000008185728CD9 <JS Function readToken_eq_excl (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F7B1)> using Crankshaft]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (opt #29) @7, FP to SP delta: 192, caller sp: 0x0014d368]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\acorn.js:1500:14>, unexpected object
reading input frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x8185729669 ; [fp - 16] 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 24] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc90822c1 ; r8 000002EDC90822C1 <true>
3: 0x8185728339 ; [fp - 24] 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x81857296b1 ; [fp - 32] 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
reading input frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x81857296b1 ; (literal 22) 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc90822c1 ; r8 000002EDC90822C1 <true>
3: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 23) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x81857296f9 ; [fp - 40] 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
reading input frame parseExprOps => node=7, args=2, height=2; inputs:
0: 0x81857296f9 ; (literal 24) 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc90822c1 ; r8 000002EDC90822C1 <true>
3: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 23) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x8185729741 ; [fp - 48] 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)>
reading input frame parseExprOp => node=41, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x8185729741 ; (literal 25) 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0xddc107ce01 ; [fp - 56] 000000DDC107CE01 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4621>
3: 0xffffffff00000000 ; (literal 26) -1
4: 0x2edc90822c1 ; r8 000002EDC90822C1 <true>
5: 0x8185728339 ; (literal 23) 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]>
6: 0x900000000 ; rdi 9
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, height=24
0x0014d360: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d358: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90822c1 ; 000002EDC90822C1 <true> (input #2)
0x0014d350: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7c0a ; caller's pc
0x0014d348: [top + 40] <- 0x0014d390 ; caller's fp
0x0014d340: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d338: [top + 24] <- 0x8185729669 ; function 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (input #0)
0x0014d330: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014d328: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014d320: [top + 0] <- 0x81857296b1 ; 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #6)
translating frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, height=24
0x0014d318: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d310: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90822c1 ; 000002EDC90822C1 <true> (input #2)
0x0014d308: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7f4a ; caller's pc
0x0014d300: [top + 40] <- 0x0014d348 ; caller's fp
0x0014d2f8: [top + 32] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d2f0: [top + 24] <- 0x81857296b1 ; function 00000081857296B1 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #0)
0x0014d2e8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014d2e0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014d2d8: [top + 0] <- 0x81857296f9 ; 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #6)
translating frame parseExprOps => node=7, height=8
0x0014d2d0: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d2c8: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90822c1 ; 000002EDC90822C1 <true> (input #2)
0x0014d2c0: [top + 32] <- 0x26e97ba81ea ; caller's pc
0x0014d2b8: [top + 24] <- 0x0014d300 ; caller's fp
0x0014d2b0: [top + 16] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d2a8: [top + 8] <- 0x81857296f9 ; function 00000081857296F9 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #0)
0x0014d2a0: [top + 0] <- 0x8185729741 ; 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> (input #4)
translating frame parseExprOp => node=41, height=32
0x0014d298: [top + 88] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d290: [top + 80] <- 0xddc107ce01 ; 000000DDC107CE01 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4621> (input #2)
0x0014d288: [top + 72] <- 0xffffffff00000000 ; -1 (input #3)
0x0014d280: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc90822c1 ; 000002EDC90822C1 <true> (input #4)
0x0014d278: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ba84d6 ; caller's pc
0x0014d270: [top + 48] <- 0x0014d2b8 ; caller's fp
0x0014d268: [top + 40] <- 0x8185728339 ; context 0000008185728339 <FixedArray[162]> (input #5)
0x0014d260: [top + 32] <- 0x8185729741 ; function 0000008185729741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> (input #0)
0x0014d258: [top + 24] <- 0x900000000 ; 9 (input #6)
0x0014d250: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014d248: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014d240: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000008185729669 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> @7 => node=41, pc=0x26e97babaa1, caller sp=0x0014d368, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.353 ms]
[deoptimizer unlinked: parseMaybeAssign / 8185729669]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (deoptimized code) for 0000002B66021351 <SharedFunctionInfo parseMaybeAssign>]
[optimizing 0000017032087629 <JS Function parseSubscripts (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021831)> - took 1.326, 3.621, 3.070 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000017032087629 <JS Function parseSubscripts (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021831)>]
[optimizing 00000170320AB759 <JS Function parsePropertyName (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021B71)> - took 0.072, 0.164, 0.083 ms]
[completed optimizing 00000170320AB759 <JS Function parsePropertyName (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021B71)>]
[optimizing 00000170320892C1 <JS Function readToken_eq_excl (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F7B1)> - took 0.343, 0.754, 0.243 ms]
[completed optimizing 00000170320892C1 <JS Function readToken_eq_excl (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601F7B1)>]
[optimizing 0000017032087DA9 <JS Function parseExprAtom (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021901)> - took 1.542, 4.226, 1.127 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000017032087DA9 <JS Function parseExprAtom (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021901)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT lazy): begin 00000170320878C9 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (opt #29) @4, FP to SP delta: 192, caller sp: 0x0014d910]
reading input frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x170320878c9 ; [fp - 16] 00000170320878C9 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 24] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x17032087109 ; [fp - 24] 0000017032087109 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x17032087881 ; [fp - 32] 0000017032087881 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
reading input frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x17032087881 ; (literal 22) 0000017032087881 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x17032087109 ; (literal 23) 0000017032087109 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x17032087839 ; [fp - 40] 0000017032087839 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
reading input frame parseExprOps => node=12, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x17032087839 ; (literal 24) 0000017032087839 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x17032087109 ; (literal 23) 0000017032087109 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x17032087741 ; [fp - 48] 0000017032087741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x17032087ce1 ; rdi 0000017032087CE1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4D59>
translating frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, height=24
0x0014d908: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d900: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014d8f8: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7c0a ; caller's pc
0x0014d8f0: [top + 40] <- 0x0014d938 ; caller's fp
0x0014d8e8: [top + 32] <- 0x17032087109 ; context 0000017032087109 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d8e0: [top + 24] <- 0x170320878c9 ; function 00000170320878C9 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (input #0)
0x0014d8d8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014d8d0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014d8c8: [top + 0] <- 0x17032087881 ; 0000017032087881 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #6)
translating frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, height=24
0x0014d8c0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d8b8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014d8b0: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7f4a ; caller's pc
0x0014d8a8: [top + 40] <- 0x0014d8f0 ; caller's fp
0x0014d8a0: [top + 32] <- 0x17032087109 ; context 0000017032087109 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d898: [top + 24] <- 0x17032087881 ; function 0000017032087881 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #0)
0x0014d890: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014d888: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014d880: [top + 0] <- 0x17032087839 ; 0000017032087839 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #6)
translating frame parseExprOps => node=12, height=24
0x0014d878: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014d870: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014d868: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba81ea ; caller's pc
0x0014d860: [top + 40] <- 0x0014d8a8 ; caller's fp
0x0014d858: [top + 32] <- 0x17032087109 ; context 0000017032087109 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014d850: [top + 24] <- 0x17032087839 ; function 0000017032087839 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #0)
0x0014d848: [top + 16] <- 0x17032087741 ; 0000017032087741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> (input #4)
0x0014d840: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014d838: [top + 0] <- 0x17032087ce1 ; 0000017032087CE1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4D59> (input #6)
[deoptimizing (lazy): end 00000170320878C9 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> @4 => node=12, pc=0x26e97ba84b3, caller sp=0x0014d910, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.442 ms]
[marking 0000017032087839 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 2/4 (50%), generic ICs: 0/4 (0%)]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT lazy): begin 00000170320878C9 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (opt #29) @4, FP to SP delta: 192, caller sp: 0x0014dbd0]
reading input frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x170320878c9 ; [fp - 16] 00000170320878C9 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 24] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x17032087109 ; [fp - 24] 0000017032087109 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x17032087881 ; [fp - 32] 0000017032087881 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
reading input frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x17032087881 ; (literal 22) 0000017032087881 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x17032087109 ; (literal 23) 0000017032087109 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x17032087839 ; [fp - 40] 0000017032087839 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
reading input frame parseExprOps => node=12, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x17032087839 ; (literal 24) 0000017032087839 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x17032087109 ; (literal 23) 0000017032087109 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x17032087741 ; [fp - 48] 0000017032087741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x17032087e11 ; rdi 0000017032087E11 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519>
translating frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, height=24
0x0014dbc8: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014dbc0: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014dbb8: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7c0a ; caller's pc
0x0014dbb0: [top + 40] <- 0x0014dbf8 ; caller's fp
0x0014dba8: [top + 32] <- 0x17032087109 ; context 0000017032087109 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014dba0: [top + 24] <- 0x170320878c9 ; function 00000170320878C9 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (input #0)
0x0014db98: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014db90: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014db88: [top + 0] <- 0x17032087881 ; 0000017032087881 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #6)
translating frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, height=24
0x0014db80: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014db78: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014db70: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7f4a ; caller's pc
0x0014db68: [top + 40] <- 0x0014dbb0 ; caller's fp
0x0014db60: [top + 32] <- 0x17032087109 ; context 0000017032087109 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014db58: [top + 24] <- 0x17032087881 ; function 0000017032087881 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #0)
0x0014db50: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014db48: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014db40: [top + 0] <- 0x17032087839 ; 0000017032087839 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #6)
translating frame parseExprOps => node=12, height=24
0x0014db38: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014db30: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014db28: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba81ea ; caller's pc
0x0014db20: [top + 40] <- 0x0014db68 ; caller's fp
0x0014db18: [top + 32] <- 0x17032087109 ; context 0000017032087109 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014db10: [top + 24] <- 0x17032087839 ; function 0000017032087839 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #0)
0x0014db08: [top + 16] <- 0x17032087741 ; 0000017032087741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> (input #4)
0x0014db00: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014daf8: [top + 0] <- 0x17032087e11 ; 0000017032087E11 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519> (input #6)
[deoptimizing (lazy): end 00000170320878C9 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> @4 => node=12, pc=0x26e97ba84b3, caller sp=0x0014dbd0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.430 ms]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT lazy): begin 00000170320878C9 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (opt #29) @4, FP to SP delta: 192, caller sp: 0x0014df30]
reading input frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x170320878c9 ; [fp - 16] 00000170320878C9 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 24] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x17032087109 ; [fp - 24] 0000017032087109 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x17032087881 ; [fp - 32] 0000017032087881 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
reading input frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x17032087881 ; (literal 22) 0000017032087881 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x17032087109 ; (literal 23) 0000017032087109 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x17032087839 ; [fp - 40] 0000017032087839 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
reading input frame parseExprOps => node=12, args=2, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x17032087839 ; (literal 24) 0000017032087839 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x17032087109 ; (literal 23) 0000017032087109 <FixedArray[162]>
4: 0x17032087741 ; [fp - 48] 0000017032087741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 21) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x17032087f21 ; rdi 0000017032087F21 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469>
translating frame parseMaybeAssign => node=23, height=24
0x0014df28: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014df20: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014df18: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7c0a ; caller's pc
0x0014df10: [top + 40] <- 0x0014df58 ; caller's fp
0x0014df08: [top + 32] <- 0x17032087109 ; context 0000017032087109 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014df00: [top + 24] <- 0x170320878c9 ; function 00000170320878C9 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> (input #0)
0x0014def8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014def0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014dee8: [top + 0] <- 0x17032087881 ; 0000017032087881 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #6)
translating frame parseMaybeConditional => node=23, height=24
0x0014dee0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014ded8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014ded0: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba7f4a ; caller's pc
0x0014dec8: [top + 40] <- 0x0014df10 ; caller's fp
0x0014dec0: [top + 32] <- 0x17032087109 ; context 0000017032087109 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014deb8: [top + 24] <- 0x17032087881 ; function 0000017032087881 <JS Function parseMaybeConditional (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021421)> (input #0)
0x0014deb0: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #4)
0x0014dea8: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014dea0: [top + 0] <- 0x17032087839 ; 0000017032087839 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #6)
translating frame parseExprOps => node=12, height=24
0x0014de98: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014de90: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014de88: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ba81ea ; caller's pc
0x0014de80: [top + 40] <- 0x0014dec8 ; caller's fp
0x0014de78: [top + 32] <- 0x17032087109 ; context 0000017032087109 <FixedArray[162]> (input #3)
0x0014de70: [top + 24] <- 0x17032087839 ; function 0000017032087839 <JS Function parseExprOps (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660214F1)> (input #0)
0x0014de68: [top + 16] <- 0x17032087741 ; 0000017032087741 <JS Function parseExprOp (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660215C1)> (input #4)
0x0014de60: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014de58: [top + 0] <- 0x17032087f21 ; 0000017032087F21 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469> (input #6)
[deoptimizing (lazy): end 00000170320878C9 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> @4 => node=12, pc=0x26e97ba84b3, caller sp=0x0014df30, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.300 ms]
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for because: TryCatchStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for Interpreter.stepCallExpression because: TryCatchStatement
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 00000277DBF251A9 <JS Function has (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA889)> (opt #2) @11, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014df88]
;;; deoptimize at <native collection.js:26:5>, wrong instance type
reading input frame has => node=133, args=2, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x277dbf251a9 ; [fp - 16] 00000277DBF251A9 <JS Function has (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA889)>
1: 0x17017f08751 ; [fp + 24] 0000017017F08751 <a Set with map 00000084EF9940B1>
2: 0x17017f37f51 ; r12 0000017017F37F51 <String[4]: eval>
3: 0x277dbf29869 ; rbx 00000277DBF29869 <FixedArray[14]>
4: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 10) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
5: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 10) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 10) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x277dbf78879 ; rdx 00000277DBF78879 <JS Function SetFindEntry (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA2D9)>
reading input frame SetFindEntry => node=71, args=5, height=6; inputs:
0: 0x277dbf78879 ; (literal 11) 00000277DBF78879 <JS Function SetFindEntry (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA2D9)>
1: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 7) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
2: 0x17017f0e3d1 ; rcx 0000017017F0E3D1 <FixedArray[13]>
3: 0x200000000 ; [fp - 40] 2
4: 0x17017f37f51 ; r12 0000017017F37F51 <String[4]: eval>
5: 0x35584bc400000000 ; rax 894979012
6: 0x277dbf29869 ; (literal 9) 00000277DBF29869 <FixedArray[14]>
7: 0x200000000 ; rsi 2
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 7) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 7) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
10: 0x17017f0e3d1 ; rcx 0000017017F0E3D1 <FixedArray[13]>
11: 9 ; r9
translating frame has => node=133, height=32
0x0014df80: [top + 72] <- 0x17017f08751 ; 0000017017F08751 <a Set with map 00000084EF9940B1> (input #1)
0x0014df78: [top + 64] <- 0x17017f37f51 ; 0000017017F37F51 <String[4]: eval> (input #2)
0x0014df70: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97be7993 ; caller's pc
0x0014df68: [top + 48] <- 0x0014dfa8 ; caller's fp
0x0014df60: [top + 40] <- 0x277dbf29869 ; context 00000277DBF29869 <FixedArray[14]> (input #3)
0x0014df58: [top + 32] <- 0x277dbf251a9 ; function 00000277DBF251A9 <JS Function has (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA889)> (input #0)
0x0014df50: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #4)
0x0014df48: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #5)
0x0014df40: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014df38: [top + 0] <- 0x277dbf78879 ; 00000277DBF78879 <JS Function SetFindEntry (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA2D9)> (input #7)
translating frame SetFindEntry => node=71, height=40
0x0014df30: [top + 104] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #1)
0x0014df28: [top + 96] <- 0x17017f0e3d1 ; 0000017017F0E3D1 <FixedArray[13]> (input #2)
0x0014df20: [top + 88] <- 0x200000000 ; 2 (input #3)
0x0014df18: [top + 80] <- 0x17017f37f51 ; 0000017017F37F51 <String[4]: eval> (input #4)
0x0014df10: [top + 72] <- 0x35584bc400000000 ; 894979012 (input #5)
0x0014df08: [top + 64] <- 0x26e97b8ed6d ; caller's pc
0x0014df00: [top + 56] <- 0x0014df68 ; caller's fp
0x0014def8: [top + 48] <- 0x277dbf29869 ; context 00000277DBF29869 <FixedArray[14]> (input #6)
0x0014def0: [top + 40] <- 0x277dbf78879 ; function 00000277DBF78879 <JS Function SetFindEntry (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA2D9)> (input #0)
0x0014dee8: [top + 32] <- 0x200000000 ; 2 (input #7)
0x0014dee0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014ded8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
0x0014ded0: [top + 8] <- 0x17017f0e3d1 ; 0000017017F0E3D1 <FixedArray[13]> (input #10)
0x0014dec8: [top + 0] <- 0x900000000 ; 9 (input #11)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 00000277DBF251A9 <JS Function has (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA889)> @11 => node=71, pc=0x26e97b8ca1b, caller sp=0x0014df88, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.260 ms]
[removing optimized code for: has]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 000002EDC90DA889 <SharedFunctionInfo has>]
[marking 00000277DBF251A9 <JS Function has (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA889)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 4/6 (66%), generic ICs: 0/6 (0%)]
[compiling method 00000277DBF251A9 <JS Function has (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA889)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66018F39 <JS Function Interpreter.State (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012849)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 2/2 (100%), generic ICs: 0/2 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018F39 <JS Function Interpreter.State (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012849)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018F39 <JS Function Interpreter.State (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012849)> - took 0.073, 0.115, 0.046 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018F39 <JS Function Interpreter.State (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012849)>]
[optimizing 00000277DBF251A9 <JS Function has (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA889)> - took 0.471, 0.822, 0.155 ms]
[completed optimizing 00000277DBF251A9 <JS Function has (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA889)>]
[marking 0000002B66019C09 <JS Function Interpreter.stepLiteral (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014919)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 7/15 (46%), generic ICs: 1/15 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019C09 <JS Function Interpreter.stepLiteral (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014919)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 13/16 (81%), generic ICs: 1/16 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019C09 <JS Function Interpreter.stepLiteral (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014919)> - took 0.113, 0.295, 0.114 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019C09 <JS Function Interpreter.stepLiteral (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014919)>]
[marking 0000002B66018AD1 <JS Function Interpreter.getPrototype (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011C19)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 5/8 (62%), generic ICs: 0/8 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018AD1 <JS Function Interpreter.getPrototype (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011C19)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018AD1 <JS Function Interpreter.getPrototype (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011C19)> - took 0.064, 0.168, 0.038 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018AD1 <JS Function Interpreter.getPrototype (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011C19)>]
[optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> - took 0.333, 0.791, 0.145 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>]
[marking 0000002B66019741 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBlockStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013B49)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 11/14 (78%), generic ICs: 1/14 (7%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019741 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBlockStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013B49)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66034169 <JS Function intrp.Object (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032611)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 13/18 (72%), generic ICs: 1/18 (5%)]
[marking 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 34/54 (62%), generic ICs: 2/54 (3%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019741 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBlockStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013B49)> - took 0.328, 0.712, 0.158 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019741 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBlockStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013B49)>]
[marking 00000277DBF25161 <JS Function delete (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA959)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 4/16 (25%), generic ICs: 0/16 (0%)]
[compiling method 00000277DBF25161 <JS Function delete (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA959)> using Crankshaft]
[compiling method 0000002B66034169 <JS Function intrp.Object (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032611)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> - took 0.577, 1.364, 0.485 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)>]
[optimizing 0000002B66034169 <JS Function intrp.Object (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032611)> - took 0.231, 0.514, 0.212 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66034169 <JS Function intrp.Object (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032611)>]
[optimizing 00000277DBF25161 <JS Function delete (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA959)> - took 0.487, 1.259, 0.151 ms]
[completed optimizing 00000277DBF25161 <JS Function delete (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA959)>]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 20/32 (62%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[marking 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 34/40 (85%), generic ICs: 2/40 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> - took 0.357, 0.979, 0.381 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)>]
[optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> - took 0.248, 0.760, 0.077 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>]
[marking 0000002B66018B61 <JS Function Interpreter.hasProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011DB9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 11/14 (78%), generic ICs: 0/14 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018B61 <JS Function Interpreter.hasProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011DB9)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 11/13 (84%), generic ICs: 0/13 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018B61 <JS Function Interpreter.hasProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011DB9)> - took 0.201, 0.355, 0.121 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018B61 <JS Function Interpreter.hasProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011DB9)>]
[optimizing 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> - took 0.148, 0.468, 0.120 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)>]
[marking 00000277DBF25119 <JS Function add (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA7B9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 24/26 (92%), generic ICs: 0/26 (0%)]
[marking 0000002B660196F9 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013A79)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/91 (39%), generic ICs: 1/91 (1%)]
[compiling method 00000277DBF25119 <JS Function add (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA7B9)> using Crankshaft]
[compiling method 0000002B660196F9 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013A79)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 00000277DBF25119 <JS Function add (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA7B9)> - took 0.640, 1.198, 0.383 ms]
[completed optimizing 00000277DBF25119 <JS Function add (SharedFunctionInfo 000002EDC90DA7B9)>]
[compiling method 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> using TurboFan OSR]
[optimizing 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> - took 1.917, 3.885, 0.233 ms]
[optimizing 0000002B660196F9 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013A79)> - took 0.625, 2.550, 0.396 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660196F9 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013A79)>]
[marking 0000002B66019AA1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepForStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014509)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 39/44 (88%), generic ICs: 0/44 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019AA1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepForStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014509)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 9/12 (75%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[optimizing 0000002B66019AA1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepForStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014509)> - took 0.464, 0.733, 0.201 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019AA1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepForStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014509)>]
[compiling method 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> - took 0.247, 0.598, 0.114 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (opt #41) @12, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3027:12>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019b79 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>
1: 0x2f7b4ef5961 ; r9 000002F7B4EF5961 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9C5A69>
2: 0x27c85689cd1 ; rdx 0000027C85689CD1 <JS Array[5]>
3: 0x27c856a1a79 ; r8 0000027C856A1A79 <JS Object>
4: 0x32f5d4b4e21 ; rcx 0000032F5D4B4E21 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x32f5d4b6229 ; rdi 0000032F5D4B6229 <String[8]: Infinity>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0x2f7b4ef5961 ; 000002F7B4EF5961 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9C5A69> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x27c85689cd1 ; 0000027C85689CD1 <JS Array[5]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x27c856a1a79 ; 0000027C856A1A79 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0x32f5d4b4e21 ; 0000032F5D4B4E21 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97bfdd41 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e118 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019b79 ; function 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0x32f5d4b6229 ; 0000032F5D4B6229 <String[8]: Infinity> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> @12 => node=56, pc=0x26e97be9813, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.144 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepIdentifier]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014779 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepIdentifier>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT soft): begin 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (opt #53) @50, FP to SP delta: 224, caller sp: 0x0014e138]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:313:36>, Insufficient type feedback for generic named access
reading input frame => bytecode_offset=199, args=2, height=14; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018429 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)>
1: 0x2f7b4ef5961 ; [fp + 24] 000002F7B4EF5961 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9C5A69>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 152] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
4: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
5: 0x27c85689cf1 ; [fp - 56] 0000027C85689CF1 <JS Object>
6: 0x27c85689cd1 ; rbx 0000027C85689CD1 <JS Array[0]>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; rax 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x00000000 ; rdx 0
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
17: 0x00000000 ; (literal 3) 0
translating interpreted frame => bytecode_offset=199, height=112
0x0014e130: [top + 176] <- 0x2f7b4ef5961 ; 000002F7B4EF5961 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9C5A69> (input #1)
0x0014e128: [top + 168] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014e120: [top + 160] <- 0x26e97a06c5b ; caller's pc
0x0014e118: [top + 152] <- 0x0014e150 ; caller's fp
0x0014e110: [top + 144] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #3)
0x0014e108: [top + 136] <- 0x2b66018429 ; function 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (input #0)
0x0014e100: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014e0f8: [top + 120] <- 0x2f7b4e8b639 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8B639 <BytecodeArray[265]> (input #0)
0x0014e0f0: [top + 112] <- 0xfc00000000 ; bytecode offset 252 (input #0)
0x0014e0e8: [top + 104] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #4)
0x0014e0e0: [top + 96] <- 0x27c85689cf1 ; 0000027C85689CF1 <JS Object> (input #5)
0x0014e0d8: [top + 88] <- 0x27c85689cd1 ; 0000027C85689CD1 <JS Array[0]> (input #6)
0x0014e0d0: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014e0c8: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #8)
0x0014e0c0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
0x0014e0b8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014e0b0: [top + 48] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #11)
0x0014e0a8: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014e0a0: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014e098: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014e090: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014e088: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #16)
0x0014e080: [top + 0] <- 0x00000000 ; accumulator 0 (input #17)
[deoptimizing (soft): end 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> @50 => node=199, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e138, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.258 ms]
[compiling method 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> using TurboFan]
[optimizing 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> - took 0.649, 2.799, 0.198 ms]
[marking dependent code 0x26e97c055c1 (opt #52) for deoptimization, reason: transition]
[deoptimize marked code in all contexts]
[deoptimizer unlinked: Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression / 2b660196f9]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (deoptimized code) for 0000002B66013A79 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> (opt #50) @2, FP to SP delta: 24, caller sp: 0x0014e0c8]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1:1>, Unknown map in polymorphic access
reading input frame Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement => node=4, args=4, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019a11 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)>
1: 0x2f7b4ef5961 ; [fp + 40] 000002F7B4EF5961 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9C5A69>
2: 0x27c856bde91 ; [fp + 32] 0000027C856BDE91 <JS Array[9]>
3: 0x27c856c04d1 ; rax 0000027C856C04D1 <JS Object>
4: 0x27c856bc879 ; [fp + 16] 0000027C856BC879 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4781>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement => node=4, height=0
0x0014e0c0: [top + 56] <- 0x2f7b4ef5961 ; 000002F7B4EF5961 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9C5A69> (input #1)
0x0014e0b8: [top + 48] <- 0x27c856bde91 ; 0000027C856BDE91 <JS Array[9]> (input #2)
0x0014e0b0: [top + 40] <- 0x27c856c04d1 ; 0000027C856C04D1 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e0a8: [top + 32] <- 0x27c856bc879 ; 0000027C856BC879 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4781> (input #4)
0x0014e0a0: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97c09a92 ; caller's pc
0x0014e098: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e118 ; caller's fp
0x0014e090: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014e088: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66019a11 ; function 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> @2 => node=4, pc=0x26e97be83b2, caller sp=0x0014e0c8, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.187 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014369 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement>]
[marking dependent code 0x26e97bf9001 (opt #49) for deoptimization, reason: prototype-check]
[deoptimize marked code in all contexts]
[deoptimizer unlinked: Interpreter.hasProperty / 2b66018b61]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (deoptimized code) for 0000002B66011DB9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.hasProperty>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (opt #56) @15, FP to SP delta: 80, caller sp: 0x0014e138]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:301:29>, wrong map
reading input frame => bytecode_offset=96, args=2, height=14; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018429 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)>
1: 0x2f7b4ef5961 ; rdi 000002F7B4EF5961 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9C6BF1>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 8] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
4: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
5: 0x27c856bddf9 ; [fp - 32] 0000027C856BDDF9 <JS Object>
6: 0x27c856bde91 ; [fp - 40] 0000027C856BDE91 <JS Array[8]>
7: 0x27c856c0479 ; [fp - 64] 0000027C856C0479 <JS Object>
8: 0x27c856bc7e9 ; [fp - 72] 0000027C856BC7E9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp - 48] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 8] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
17: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating interpreted frame => bytecode_offset=96, height=112
0x0014e130: [top + 176] <- 0x2f7b4ef5961 ; 000002F7B4EF5961 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9C6BF1> (input #1)
0x0014e128: [top + 168] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014e120: [top + 160] <- 0x26e97a06c5b ; caller's pc
0x0014e118: [top + 152] <- 0x0014e150 ; caller's fp
0x0014e110: [top + 144] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #3)
0x0014e108: [top + 136] <- 0x2b66018429 ; function 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (input #0)
0x0014e100: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014e0f8: [top + 120] <- 0x2f7b4e8b639 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8B639 <BytecodeArray[265]> (input #0)
0x0014e0f0: [top + 112] <- 0x9500000000 ; bytecode offset 149 (input #0)
0x0014e0e8: [top + 104] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #4)
0x0014e0e0: [top + 96] <- 0x27c856bddf9 ; 0000027C856BDDF9 <JS Object> (input #5)
0x0014e0d8: [top + 88] <- 0x27c856bde91 ; 0000027C856BDE91 <JS Array[8]> (input #6)
0x0014e0d0: [top + 80] <- 0x27c856c0479 ; 0000027C856C0479 <JS Object> (input #7)
0x0014e0c8: [top + 72] <- 0x27c856bc7e9 ; 0000027C856BC7E9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #8)
0x0014e0c0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
0x0014e0b8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014e0b0: [top + 48] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #11)
0x0014e0a8: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014e0a0: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014e098: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014e090: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014e088: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #16)
0x0014e080: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; accumulator 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #17)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> @15 => node=96, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e138, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.297 ms]
[removing optimized code for:]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (opt #55) @13, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfd0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1880:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setValue => node=6, args=4, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018e01 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>
1: 0x2f7b4ef5961 ; rdx 000002F7B4EF5961 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9C6BF1>
2: 0x27c856bf5d1 ; [fp + 32] 0000027C856BF5D1 <JS Object>
3: 0x27c856c1151 ; [fp + 24] 0000027C856C1151 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x200000000 ; [fp + 16] 2
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.setValue => node=6, height=0
0x0014dfc8: [top + 56] <- 0x2f7b4ef5961 ; 000002F7B4EF5961 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9C6BF1> (input #1)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0x27c856bf5d1 ; 0000027C856BF5D1 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0x27c856c1151 ; 0000027C856C1151 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0x200000000 ; 2 (input #4)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97be8f9f ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018e01 ; function 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> @13 => node=6, pc=0x26e97be9e25, caller sp=0x0014dfd0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.120 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012509 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setValue>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (opt #48) @12, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfc8]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1864:17>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.getValue => node=6, args=3, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018db9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>
1: 0x2f7b4ef5961 ; rcx 000002F7B4EF5961 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9C6BF1>
2: 0x27c856bf5d1 ; [fp + 24] 0000027C856BF5D1 <JS Object>
3: 0x27c856c1ae1 ; [fp + 16] 0000027C856C1AE1 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.getValue => node=6, height=0
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0x2f7b4ef5961 ; 000002F7B4EF5961 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9C6BF1> (input #1)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0x27c856bf5d1 ; 0000027C856BF5D1 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0x27c856c1ae1 ; 0000027C856C1AE1 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97bedc2c ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018db9 ; function 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> @12 => node=6, pc=0x26e97bea2c5, caller sp=0x0014dfc8, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.088 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012439 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getValue>]
[marking 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 13/16 (81%), generic ICs: 1/16 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 11/13 (84%), generic ICs: 0/13 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> - took 0.133, 0.421, 0.118 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)>]
[optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> - took 0.334, 0.822, 0.122 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>]
[marking 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 9/12 (75%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/72 (50%), generic ICs: 0/72 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> - took 0.199, 0.607, 0.129 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 23/32 (71%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[marking 0000002B660196F9 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013A79)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 34/91 (37%), generic ICs: 3/91 (3%)]
[compiling method 0000002B660196F9 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013A79)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[optimizing 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> - took 0.715, 1.826, 0.462 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)>]
[compiling method 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> - took 0.307, 0.514, 0.112 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>]
[optimizing 0000002B660196F9 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013A79)> - took 0.510, 2.750, 0.229 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660196F9 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013A79)>]
[compiling method 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> using TurboFan OSR]
[optimizing 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> - took 1.350, 4.681, 0.281 ms]
[marking 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/48 (75%), generic ICs: 0/48 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> - took 0.867, 1.789, 0.352 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)>]
[marking 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 130/215 (60%), generic ICs: 3/215 (1%)]
[compiling method 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> using TurboFan]
[marking 0000002B66018C81 <JS Function Interpreter.addVariableToScope (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660120F9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 8/11 (72%), generic ICs: 1/11 (9%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018C81 <JS Function Interpreter.addVariableToScope (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660120F9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018C81 <JS Function Interpreter.addVariableToScope (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660120F9)> - took 0.183, 0.211, 0.091 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018C81 <JS Function Interpreter.addVariableToScope (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660120F9)>]
[optimizing 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> - took 2.602, 14.608, 0.704 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/53 (62%), generic ICs: 8/53 (15%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> - took 0.491, 0.979, 0.227 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>]
[marking 0000032F5D487EA1 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/11 (90%), generic ICs: 1/11 (9%)]
[compiling method 0000032F5D487EA1 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000032F5D487EA1 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> - took 0.084, 0.167, 0.055 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000032F5D487EA1 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)>]
[marking 0000002B66018909 <JS Function Interpreter.legalArrayIndex (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011739)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 6/9 (66%), generic ICs: 1/9 (11%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018909 <JS Function Interpreter.legalArrayIndex (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011739)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018909 <JS Function Interpreter.legalArrayIndex (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011739)> - took 0.068, 0.141, 0.046 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018909 <JS Function Interpreter.legalArrayIndex (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011739)>]
[marking 0000002B66034411 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 6/7 (85%), generic ICs: 0/7 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66034411 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66034411 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> - took 0.328, 0.759, 0.222 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66034411 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)>]
[marking 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 17/38 (44%), generic ICs: 1/38 (2%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> - took 0.416, 0.814, 0.175 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018ED9 <JS Function Interpreter.Scope (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012779)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 9/11 (81%), generic ICs: 0/11 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018ED9 <JS Function Interpreter.Scope (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012779)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018ED9 <JS Function Interpreter.Scope (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012779)> - took 0.152, 0.195, 0.079 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018ED9 <JS Function Interpreter.Scope (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012779)>]
[marking 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 27/32 (84%), generic ICs: 2/32 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> - took 0.530, 1.239, 0.244 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 59/149 (39%), generic ICs: 14/149 (9%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> - took 0.996, 3.013, 0.493 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)>]
[marking 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 32/37 (86%), generic ICs: 0/37 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> using Crankshaft]
Run 0: 10097 ms
[optimizing 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> - took 0.581, 0.997, 0.348 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)>]
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for installInspectorConsole because: TryCatchStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for BufferList because: Class constructor function
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for log because: Rest parameters
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for write because: TryCatchStatement
[enforcing Ignition and TurboFan for TickObject because: Class constructor function
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 000002CFB61CC399 <JS Function intrp.Object (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032611)> (opt #46) @3, FP to SP delta: 24, caller sp: 0x0014e050]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2160:28>, Unknown map in polymorphic access
reading input frame intrp.Object => node=18, args=2, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2cfb61cc399 ; [fp - 16] 000002CFB61CC399 <JS Function intrp.Object (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032611)>
1: 0x3b4ba6bf899 ; rbx 000003B4BA6BF899 <JS Object>
2: 0x2edc9082211 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082211 <null>
3: 0x3b4ba6baef1 ; [fp - 24] 000003B4BA6BAEF1 <FixedArray[5]>
4: 0x3b4ba6bf899 ; rbx 000003B4BA6BF899 <JS Object>
5: 0x3b4ba6bf919 ; rax 000003B4BA6BF919 <a Set with map 00000084EF9940B1>
translating frame intrp.Object => node=18, height=16
0x0014e048: [top + 56] <- 0x3b4ba6bf899 ; 000003B4BA6BF899 <JS Object> (input #1)
0x0014e040: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc9082211 ; 000002EDC9082211 <null> (input #2)
0x0014e038: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97a08a4a ; caller's pc
0x0014e030: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e070 ; caller's fp
0x0014e028: [top + 24] <- 0x3b4ba6baef1 ; context 000003B4BA6BAEF1 <FixedArray[5]> (input #3)
0x0014e020: [top + 16] <- 0x2cfb61cc399 ; function 000002CFB61CC399 <JS Function intrp.Object (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032611)> (input #0)
0x0014e018: [top + 8] <- 0x3b4ba6bf899 ; 000003B4BA6BF899 <JS Object> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 0] <- 0x3b4ba6bf919 ; 000003B4BA6BF919 <a Set with map 00000084EF9940B1> (input #5)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 000002CFB61CC399 <JS Function intrp.Object (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032611)> @3 => node=18, pc=0x26e97b8cee6, caller sp=0x0014e050, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.107 ms]
[removing optimized code for: intrp.Object]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66032611 <SharedFunctionInfo intrp.Object>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> (opt #74) @88, FP to SP delta: 80, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1672:33>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setProperty => node=749, args=5, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018ba9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)>
1: 0x3b4ba6bae51 ; [fp + 48] 000003B4BA6BAE51 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D3091>
2: 0x3b4ba6bfe01 ; rax 000003B4BA6BFE01 <JS Object>
3: 0x2edc90834f1 ; [fp - 32] 000002EDC90834F1 <String[6]: length>
4: 0x00000000 ; [fp + 24] 0
5: 0x2858737dea1 ; [fp + 16] 000002858737DEA1 <an Object with map 00000084EF9BEC11>
6: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc90822c1 ; [fp - 48] 000002EDC90822C1 <true>
10: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.setProperty => node=749, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 96] <- 0x3b4ba6bae51 ; 000003B4BA6BAE51 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D3091> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 88] <- 0x3b4ba6bfe01 ; 000003B4BA6BFE01 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90834f1 ; 000002EDC90834F1 <String[6]: length> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 72] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 64] <- 0x2858737dea1 ; 000002858737DEA1 <an Object with map 00000084EF9BEC11> (input #5)
0x0014e008: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97b8d2d8 ; caller's pc
0x0014e000: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e058 ; caller's fp
0x0014dff8: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #6)
0x0014dff0: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66018ba9 ; function 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> (input #0)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90822c1 ; 000002EDC90822C1 <true> (input #9)
0x0014dfd0: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #10)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> @88 => node=749, pc=0x26e97b8e3a9, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.166 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setProperty]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66011E89 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setProperty>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 000002CFB61CC739 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> (opt #70) @2, FP to SP delta: 32, caller sp: 0x0014e010]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2287:18>, wrong map
reading input frame intrp.Array => node=4, args=2, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2cfb61cc739 ; [fp - 16] 000002CFB61CC739 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)>
1: 0x3b4ba6c51e1 ; [fp + 24] 000003B4BA6C51E1 <JS Object>
2: 0x3b4ba6bf899 ; [fp + 16] 000003B4BA6BF899 <JS Object>
3: 0x3b4ba6baef1 ; rbx 000003B4BA6BAEF1 <FixedArray[5]>
translating frame intrp.Array => node=4, height=0
0x0014e008: [top + 40] <- 0x3b4ba6c51e1 ; 000003B4BA6C51E1 <JS Object> (input #1)
0x0014e000: [top + 32] <- 0x3b4ba6bf899 ; 000003B4BA6BF899 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dff8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97a08a4a ; caller's pc
0x0014dff0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e030 ; caller's fp
0x0014dfe8: [top + 8] <- 0x3b4ba6baef1 ; context 000003B4BA6BAEF1 <FixedArray[5]> (input #3)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 0] <- 0x2cfb61cc739 ; function 000002CFB61CC739 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 000002CFB61CC739 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> @2 => node=4, pc=0x26e97b94532, caller sp=0x0014e010, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.072 ms]
[removing optimized code for: intrp.Array]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66032BC1 <SharedFunctionInfo intrp.Array>]
[marking 000002858736ECF1 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 11/17 (64%), generic ICs: 0/17 (0%)]
[compiling method 000002858736ECF1 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 000002858736ECF1 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)> - took 1.119, 2.041, 0.586 ms]
[completed optimizing 000002858736ECF1 <JS Function parseMaybeAssign (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021351)>]
[marking 000002858736F319 <JS Function parseExprList (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021D11)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 14/22 (63%), generic ICs: 0/22 (0%)]
[compiling method 000002858736F319 <JS Function parseExprList (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021D11)> using Crankshaft]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (opt #67) @57, FP to SP delta: 112, caller sp: 0x0014e0e0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1804:18>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, args=3, height=11; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018cc9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; rax 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4169>
2: 0x170320845a9 ; [fp + 24] 00000170320845A9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
3: 0x170320a1801 ; [fp + 16] 00000170320A1801 <JS Object>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
5: 0 ; (int) [fp - 112]
6: 0x28587368109 ; rbx 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)>
7: 0x170320a16f9 ; [fp - 96] 00000170320A16F9 <JS Array[62]>
8: 0x2edc90fefd9 ; [fp - 88] 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 4) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0x170320845a9 ; [fp + 24] 00000170320845A9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
11: 0x84ef9c22b9 ; [fp - 56] 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
12: 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; [fp - 64] 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]>
13: 4 ; (int) [fp - 72]
14: 3 ; (int) [fp - 80]
translating frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, height=80
0x0014e0d8: [top + 128] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4169> (input #1)
0x0014e0d0: [top + 120] <- 0x170320845a9 ; 00000170320845A9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #2)
0x0014e0c8: [top + 112] <- 0x170320a1801 ; 00000170320A1801 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e0c0: [top + 104] <- 0x26e97ba0487 ; caller's pc
0x0014e0b8: [top + 96] <- 0x0014e108 ; caller's fp
0x0014e0b0: [top + 88] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014e0a8: [top + 80] <- 0x2b66018cc9 ; function 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (input #0)
0x0014e0a0: [top + 72] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #5)
0x0014e098: [top + 64] <- 0x28587368109 ; 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)> (input #6)
0x0014e090: [top + 56] <- 0x170320a16f9 ; 00000170320A16F9 <JS Array[62]> (input #7)
0x0014e088: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90fefd9 ; 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body> (input #8)
0x0014e080: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014e078: [top + 32] <- 0x170320845a9 ; 00000170320845A9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #10)
0x0014e070: [top + 24] <- 0x84ef9c22b9 ; 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)> (input #11)
0x0014e068: [top + 16] <- 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]> (input #12)
0x0014e060: [top + 8] <- 0x400000000 ; 4 (input #13)
0x0014e058: [top + 0] <- 0x300000000 ; 3 (input #14)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> @57 => node=427, pc=0x26e97be5516, caller sp=0x0014e0e0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.202 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.populateScope_]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660121C9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.populateScope_>]
[compiling method 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> using TurboFan]
[optimizing 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> - took 0.445, 0.307, 0.043 ms]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT soft): begin 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (opt #78) @0, FP to SP delta: 16, caller sp: 0x0014e138]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:294:19>, Insufficient type feedback for generic named access
reading input frame => bytecode_offset=2, args=2, height=14; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018429 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; [fp + 24] 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4169>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 8] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
4: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
5: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 2) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
17: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating interpreted frame => bytecode_offset=2, height=112
0x0014e130: [top + 176] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4169> (input #1)
0x0014e128: [top + 168] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014e120: [top + 160] <- 0x26e97a06c5b ; caller's pc
0x0014e118: [top + 152] <- 0x0014e150 ; caller's fp
0x0014e110: [top + 144] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #3)
0x0014e108: [top + 136] <- 0x2b66018429 ; function 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (input #0)
0x0014e100: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014e0f8: [top + 120] <- 0x2f7b4e8b639 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8B639 <BytecodeArray[265]> (input #0)
0x0014e0f0: [top + 112] <- 0x3700000000 ; bytecode offset 55 (input #0)
0x0014e0e8: [top + 104] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #4)
0x0014e0e0: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #5)
0x0014e0d8: [top + 88] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014e0d0: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014e0c8: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #8)
0x0014e0c0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
0x0014e0b8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014e0b0: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #11)
0x0014e0a8: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014e0a0: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014e098: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014e090: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014e088: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #16)
0x0014e080: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; accumulator 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #17)
[deoptimizing (soft): end 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> @0 => node=2, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e138, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.234 ms]
[removing optimized code for:]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> (opt #65) @128, FP to SP delta: 80, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2666:18>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepCallExpression => bytecode_offset=381, args=4, height=23; inputs:
0: 0x2b660197d1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; r12 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4169>
2: 0x17017f29f29 ; [fp + 32] 0000017017F29F29 <JS Array[3]>
3: 0x17017f2a281 ; [fp + 24] 0000017017F2A281 <JS Object>
4: 0x170320d7b81 ; [fp + 16] 00000170320D7B81 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469>
5: 0x17017f2a371 ; [fp - 24] 0000017017F2A371 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 2) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
17: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
18: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
19: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
20: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 8] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
21: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
22: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
23: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
24: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
25: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
26: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
27: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
28: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating interpreted frame Interpreter.stepCallExpression => bytecode_offset=381, height=184
0x0014e030: [top + 264] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4169> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 256] <- 0x17017f29f29 ; 0000017017F29F29 <JS Array[3]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 248] <- 0x17017f2a281 ; 0000017017F2A281 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 240] <- 0x170320d7b81 ; 00000170320D7B81 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 232] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 224] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 216] <- 0x17017f2a371 ; context 0000017017F2A371 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 208] <- 0x2b660197d1 ; function 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 200] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 192] <- 0x2f7b4e8d049 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8D049 <BytecodeArray[2105]> (input #0)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 184] <- 0x1b200000000 ; bytecode offset 434 (input #0)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 176] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014dfd0: [top + 168] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014dfc8: [top + 160] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #8)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 152] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 144] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 136] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #11)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014dfa0: [top + 120] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014df98: [top + 112] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014df90: [top + 104] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014df88: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #16)
0x0014df80: [top + 88] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #17)
0x0014df78: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #18)
0x0014df70: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #19)
0x0014df68: [top + 64] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #20)
0x0014df60: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #21)
0x0014df58: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #22)
0x0014df50: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #23)
0x0014df48: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #24)
0x0014df40: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #25)
0x0014df38: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #26)
0x0014df30: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #27)
0x0014df28: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; accumulator 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #28)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> @128 => node=381, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.333 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepCallExpression]
[optimizing 000002858736F319 <JS Function parseExprList (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021D11)> - took 1.498, 3.335, 1.267 ms]
[completed optimizing 000002858736F319 <JS Function parseExprList (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021D11)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> (opt #73) @11, FP to SP delta: 104, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3348:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration => node=79, args=4, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019fb1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; r11 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4169>
2: 0x17017f29f29 ; [fp + 32] 0000017017F29F29 <JS Array[2]>
3: 0x17017f2a181 ; rdi 0000017017F2A181 <JS Object>
4: 0x170320aee19 ; rdx 00000170320AEE19 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4259>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x170320b5b39 ; rcx 00000170320B5B39 <JS Array[1]>
7: 0x00000000 ; r8 0
8: 0x170320d59f9 ; rax 00000170320D59F9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C44C1>
translating frame Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration => node=79, height=24
0x0014e030: [top + 80] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4169> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 72] <- 0x17017f29f29 ; 0000017017F29F29 <JS Array[2]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 64] <- 0x17017f2a181 ; 0000017017F2A181 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 56] <- 0x170320aee19 ; 00000170320AEE19 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4259> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 40] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 32] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 24] <- 0x2b66019fb1 ; function 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 16] <- 0x170320b5b39 ; 00000170320B5B39 <JS Array[1]> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 8] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 0] <- 0x170320d59f9 ; 00000170320D59F9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C44C1> (input #8)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> @11 => node=79, pc=0x26e97be703b, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.156 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660153A9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> (opt #44) @10, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3106:21>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepObjectExpression => node=72, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019ce1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; r8 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4169>
2: 0x17017f29f29 ; [fp + 32] 0000017017F29F29 <JS Array[3]>
3: 0x17017f2e031 ; rcx 0000017017F2E031 <JS Object>
4: 0x170320d8881 ; [fp + 16] 00000170320D8881 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 6) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; rbx 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepObjectExpression => node=72, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4169> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0x17017f29f29 ; 0000017017F29F29 <JS Array[3]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0x17017f2e031 ; 0000017017F2E031 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0x170320d8881 ; 00000170320D8881 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66019ce1 ; function 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> @10 => node=72, pc=0x26e97be7d23, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.150 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepObjectExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014B89 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepObjectExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (opt #57) @11, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3027:12>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019b79 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; r9 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4169>
2: 0x17017f29f29 ; rdx 0000017017F29F29 <JS Array[4]>
3: 0x17017f2e989 ; r8 0000017017F2E989 <JS Object>
4: 0x170320d6161 ; rcx 00000170320D6161 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x170320d8981 ; rdi 00000170320D8981 <String[6]: Object>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4169> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x17017f29f29 ; 0000017017F29F29 <JS Array[4]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x17017f2e989 ; 0000017017F2E989 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0x170320d6161 ; 00000170320D6161 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019b79 ; function 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0x170320d8981 ; 00000170320D8981 <String[6]: Object> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> @11 => node=56, pc=0x26e97be9813, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.114 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepIdentifier]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014779 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepIdentifier>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> (opt #60) @31, FP to SP delta: 80, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2535:8>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression => node=347, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b660196b1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; r8 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4169>
2: 0x17017f29f29 ; [fp + 32] 0000017017F29F29 <JS Array[3]>
3: 0x17017f2e8d9 ; [fp + 24] 0000017017F2E8D9 <JS Object>
4: 0x170320b5eb9 ; [fp + 16] 00000170320B5EB9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4729>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 7) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 10) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x170320b1f21 ; rdi 00000170320B1F21 <JS Object>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 10) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating frame Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression => node=347, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4169> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0x17017f29f29 ; 0000017017F29F29 <JS Array[3]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0x17017f2e8d9 ; 0000017017F2E8D9 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0x170320b5eb9 ; 00000170320B5EB9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4729> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b660196b1 ; function 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x170320b1f21 ; 00000170320B1F21 <JS Object> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> @31 => node=347, pc=0x26e97be8f12, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.150 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660139A9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018AD1 <JS Function Interpreter.getPrototype (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011C19)> (opt #42) @9, FP to SP delta: 24, caller sp: 0x0014dec0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1:1>, instance migration failed
reading input frame Interpreter.getPrototype => node=82, args=2, height=2; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018ad1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018AD1 <JS Function Interpreter.getPrototype (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011C19)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; [fp + 24] 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4169>
2: 0x170320b2561 ; rbx 00000170320B2561 <JS Object>
3: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
4: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 2) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating frame Interpreter.getPrototype => node=82, height=8
0x0014deb8: [top + 48] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4169> (input #1)
0x0014deb0: [top + 40] <- 0x170320b2561 ; 00000170320B2561 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dea8: [top + 32] <- 0x26e97b8e908 ; caller's pc
0x0014dea0: [top + 24] <- 0x0014def8 ; caller's fp
0x0014de98: [top + 16] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #3)
0x0014de90: [top + 8] <- 0x2b66018ad1 ; function 0000002B66018AD1 <JS Function Interpreter.getPrototype (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011C19)> (input #0)
0x0014de88: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #4)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018AD1 <JS Function Interpreter.getPrototype (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011C19)> @9 => node=82, pc=0x26e97bea18d, caller sp=0x0014dec0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.079 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getPrototype]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66011C19 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getPrototype>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> (opt #58) @16, FP to SP delta: 24, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2887:9>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement => node=70, args=4, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019a11 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; rdi 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4169>
2: 0x17017f29f29 ; rcx 0000017017F29F29 <JS Array[1]>
3: 0x17017f2e7d9 ; rax 0000017017F2E7D9 <JS Object>
4: 0x170320af519 ; rdx 00000170320AF519 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4781>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; rbx 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement => node=70, height=0
0x0014e030: [top + 56] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4169> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 48] <- 0x17017f29f29 ; 0000017017F29F29 <JS Array[1]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 40] <- 0x17017f2e7d9 ; 0000017017F2E7D9 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 32] <- 0x170320af519 ; 00000170320AF519 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4781> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66019a11 ; function 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> @16 => node=70, pc=0x26e97be8531, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.095 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014369 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (opt #62) @8, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dee0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1867:17>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.getValue => node=7, args=3, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018db9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; r9 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D41C1>
2: 0x170320a1801 ; [fp + 24] 00000170320A1801 <JS Object>
3: 0x17017f2f029 ; rax 0000017017F2F029 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; r8 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.getValue => node=7, height=0
0x0014ded8: [top + 48] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D41C1> (input #1)
0x0014ded0: [top + 40] <- 0x170320a1801 ; 00000170320A1801 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dec8: [top + 32] <- 0x17017f2f029 ; 0000017017F2F029 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dec0: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97ae238b ; caller's pc
0x0014deb8: [top + 16] <- 0x0014df20 ; caller's fp
0x0014deb0: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014dea8: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018db9 ; function 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> @8 => node=7, pc=0x26e97bea36d, caller sp=0x0014dee0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.082 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012439 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getValue>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> (opt #71) @34, FP to SP delta: 56, caller sp: 0x0014dea0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1575:26>, instance migration failed
reading input frame Interpreter.getProperty => node=297, args=3, height=2; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018b19 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; rdx 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D41C1>
2: 0x170320b2561 ; rcx 00000170320B2561 <JS Object>
3: 0x170320b5a51 ; [fp - 32] 00000170320B5A51 <String[14]: defineProperty>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.getProperty => node=297, height=8
0x0014de98: [top + 56] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D41C1> (input #1)
0x0014de90: [top + 48] <- 0x170320b2561 ; 00000170320B2561 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014de88: [top + 40] <- 0x170320b5a51 ; 00000170320B5A51 <String[14]: defineProperty> (input #3)
0x0014de80: [top + 32] <- 0x26e97bea3ef ; caller's pc
0x0014de78: [top + 24] <- 0x0014deb8 ; caller's fp
0x0014de70: [top + 16] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014de68: [top + 8] <- 0x2b66018b19 ; function 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> (input #0)
0x0014de60: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> @34 => node=297, pc=0x26e97bea9b8, caller sp=0x0014dea0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.091 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getProperty]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66011CE9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getProperty>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> (opt #75) @8, FP to SP delta: 56, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2481:20>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepArrayExpression => node=57, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019669 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; r11 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D41C1>
2: 0x17017f29f29 ; [fp + 32] 0000017017F29F29 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0x17017f31679 ; r8 0000017017F31679 <JS Object>
4: 0x170320d76b9 ; rbx 00000170320D76B9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4939>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x170320d9789 ; rcx 00000170320D9789 <JS Array[15]>
7: 0x00000000 ; r9 0
translating frame Interpreter.stepArrayExpression => node=57, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D41C1> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x17017f29f29 ; 0000017017F29F29 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x17017f31679 ; 0000017017F31679 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0x170320d76b9 ; 00000170320D76B9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4939> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019669 ; function 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0x170320d9789 ; 00000170320D9789 <JS Array[15]> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> @8 => node=57, pc=0x26e97bebc05, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.201 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepArrayExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660138D9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepArrayExpression>]
[marking dependent code 0x26e97c1e141 (opt #75) for deoptimization, reason: field-owner]
[deoptimize marked code in all contexts]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> (opt #47) @38, FP to SP delta: 32, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3095:40>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepMemberExpression => node=293, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019c99 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; r11 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D41C1>
2: 0x17017f29f29 ; r8 0000017017F29F29 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0x17017f323b1 ; rax 0000017017F323B1 <JS Object>
4: 0x170320d5779 ; rdx 00000170320D5779 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4621>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; rbx 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x170320d9909 ; rcx 00000170320D9909 <String[6]: length>
7: 0x17017f32229 ; r9 0000017017F32229 <JS Object>
translating frame Interpreter.stepMemberExpression => node=293, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D41C1> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x17017f29f29 ; 0000017017F29F29 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x17017f323b1 ; 0000017017F323B1 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0x170320d5779 ; 00000170320D5779 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4621> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019c99 ; function 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0x170320d9909 ; 00000170320D9909 <String[6]: length> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x17017f32229 ; 0000017017F32229 <JS Object> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> @38 => node=293, pc=0x26e97be95b8, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.118 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepMemberExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014AB9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepMemberExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> (opt #64) @13, FP to SP delta: 104, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3324:27>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression => node=111, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019f69 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; rcx 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D41C1>
2: 0x17017f29f29 ; [fp + 32] 0000017017F29F29 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0x17017f34af9 ; rax 0000017017F34AF9 <JS Object>
4: 0x170320be721 ; rdx 00000170320BE721 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; rbx 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression => node=111, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D41C1> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0x17017f29f29 ; 0000017017F29F29 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0x17017f34af9 ; 0000017017F34AF9 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0x170320be721 ; 00000170320BE721 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66019f69 ; function 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> @13 => node=111, pc=0x26e97bedb9f, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.155 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660152D9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (opt #59) @13, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfd0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1880:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setValue => node=6, args=4, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018e01 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; rdx 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D41C1>
2: 0x17017f307c9 ; [fp + 32] 0000017017F307C9 <JS Object>
3: 0x17017f34ba9 ; [fp + 24] 0000017017F34BA9 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x100000000 ; [fp + 16] 1
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.setValue => node=6, height=0
0x0014dfc8: [top + 56] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D41C1> (input #1)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0x17017f307c9 ; 0000017017F307C9 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0x17017f34ba9 ; 0000017017F34BA9 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0x100000000 ; 1 (input #4)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97bedefe ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018e01 ; function 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> @13 => node=6, pc=0x26e97be9e25, caller sp=0x0014dfd0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.084 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012509 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setValue>]
[marking 0000002B66018AD1 <JS Function Interpreter.getPrototype (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011C19)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 4/8 (50%), generic ICs: 1/8 (12%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018AD1 <JS Function Interpreter.getPrototype (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011C19)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018AD1 <JS Function Interpreter.getPrototype (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011C19)> - took 0.078, 0.173, 0.056 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018AD1 <JS Function Interpreter.getPrototype (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011C19)>]
[marking 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 13/16 (81%), generic ICs: 1/16 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 29/32 (90%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> - took 0.358, 0.827, 0.178 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>]
[marking 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 34/40 (85%), generic ICs: 2/40 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 11/13 (84%), generic ICs: 0/13 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> - took 0.318, 0.910, 0.217 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)>]
[optimizing 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> - took 0.116, 0.337, 0.116 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)>]
[marking 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> using Crankshaft]
[compiling method 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> using TurboFan OSR]
[optimizing 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> - took 1.360, 3.899, 0.242 ms]
[optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> - took 0.232, 0.468, 0.098 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>]
[marking 00000170320BCA31 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66039C49)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/63 (57%), generic ICs: 3/63 (4%)]
[compiling method 00000170320BCA31 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66039C49)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/54 (61%), generic ICs: 3/54 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 00000170320BCA31 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66039C49)> - took 1.148, 2.711, 0.504 ms]
[completed optimizing 00000170320BCA31 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66039C49)>]
[optimizing 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> - took 0.418, 1.156, 0.212 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)>]
[marking 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> - took 0.248, 0.531, 0.099 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 00000170320BCA31 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66039C49)> (opt #85) @123, FP to SP delta: 160, caller sp: 0x0014dee8]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:527:48>, wrong map
reading input frame wrapper => node=448, args=4, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x170320bca31 ; [fp - 16] 00000170320BCA31 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66039C49)>
1: 0x170320b2561 ; [fp + 40] 00000170320B2561 <JS Object>
2: 0x170320a18b1 ; [fp + 32] 00000170320A18B1 <JS Object>
3: 0x170320fa4d9 ; [fp - 32] 00000170320FA4D9 <String[4]: bind>
4: 0xa0a6cb0ed9 ; [fp + 16] 000000A0A6CB0ED9 <JS Object>
5: 0x170320c3419 ; [fp - 24] 00000170320C3419 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0xa0a6cb18f1 ; rbx 000000A0A6CB18F1 <an Object with map 00000084EF9C68D9>
7: 0xa0a6cb18f1 ; rbx 000000A0A6CB18F1 <an Object with map 00000084EF9C68D9>
8: 0xa0a6cb12c1 ; rax 000000A0A6CB12C1 <JS Object>
translating frame wrapper => node=448, height=24
0x0014dee0: [top + 80] <- 0x170320b2561 ; 00000170320B2561 <JS Object> (input #1)
0x0014ded8: [top + 72] <- 0x170320a18b1 ; 00000170320A18B1 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014ded0: [top + 64] <- 0x170320fa4d9 ; 00000170320FA4D9 <String[4]: bind> (input #3)
0x0014dec8: [top + 56] <- 0xa0a6cb0ed9 ; 000000A0A6CB0ED9 <JS Object> (input #4)
0x0014dec0: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97af890b ; caller's pc
0x0014deb8: [top + 40] <- 0x0014df28 ; caller's fp
0x0014deb0: [top + 32] <- 0x170320c3419 ; context 00000170320C3419 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dea8: [top + 24] <- 0x170320bca31 ; function 00000170320BCA31 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66039C49)> (input #0)
0x0014dea0: [top + 16] <- 0xa0a6cb18f1 ; 000000A0A6CB18F1 <an Object with map 00000084EF9C68D9> (input #6)
0x0014de98: [top + 8] <- 0xa0a6cb18f1 ; 000000A0A6CB18F1 <an Object with map 00000084EF9C68D9> (input #7)
0x0014de90: [top + 0] <- 0xa0a6cb12c1 ; 000000A0A6CB12C1 <JS Object> (input #8)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 00000170320BCA31 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66039C49)> @123 => node=448, pc=0x26e97b91476, caller sp=0x0014dee8, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.150 ms]
[removing optimized code for: wrapper]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66039C49 <SharedFunctionInfo wrapper>]
[marking dependent code 0x26e97c1b541 (opt #74) for deoptimization, reason: field-owner]
[marking dependent code 0x26e97c3d4e1 (opt #85) for deoptimization, reason: field-owner]
[deoptimize marked code in all contexts]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (opt #84) @23, FP to SP delta: 216, caller sp: 0x0014e138]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:313:23>, wrong map
reading input frame => bytecode_offset=2, args=2, height=14; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018429 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; rbx 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D41C1>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 152] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
4: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
5: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp - 184] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
17: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating interpreted frame => bytecode_offset=2, height=112
0x0014e130: [top + 176] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D41C1> (input #1)
0x0014e128: [top + 168] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014e120: [top + 160] <- 0x26e97a06c5b ; caller's pc
0x0014e118: [top + 152] <- 0x0014e150 ; caller's fp
0x0014e110: [top + 144] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #3)
0x0014e108: [top + 136] <- 0x2b66018429 ; function 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (input #0)
0x0014e100: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014e0f8: [top + 120] <- 0x2f7b4e8b639 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8B639 <BytecodeArray[265]> (input #0)
0x0014e0f0: [top + 112] <- 0x3700000000 ; bytecode offset 55 (input #0)
0x0014e0e8: [top + 104] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #4)
0x0014e0e0: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #5)
0x0014e0d8: [top + 88] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014e0d0: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014e0c8: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #8)
0x0014e0c0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
0x0014e0b8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014e0b0: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #11)
0x0014e0a8: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014e0a0: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014e098: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014e090: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014e088: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #16)
0x0014e080: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; accumulator 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #17)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> @23 => node=2, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e138, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.238 ms]
[compiling method 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> using TurboFan]
[optimizing 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> - took 0.672, 2.441, 0.178 ms]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (opt #88) @5, FP to SP delta: 80, caller sp: 0x0014e138]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:295:22>, wrong map
reading input frame => bytecode_offset=16, args=2, height=14; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018429 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; rdi 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D41C1>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 8] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
4: 0x00000000 ; rax 0
5: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp - 48] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
17: 0x00000000 ; (literal 3) 0
translating interpreted frame => bytecode_offset=16, height=112
0x0014e130: [top + 176] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D41C1> (input #1)
0x0014e128: [top + 168] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014e120: [top + 160] <- 0x26e97a06c5b ; caller's pc
0x0014e118: [top + 152] <- 0x0014e150 ; caller's fp
0x0014e110: [top + 144] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #3)
0x0014e108: [top + 136] <- 0x2b66018429 ; function 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (input #0)
0x0014e100: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014e0f8: [top + 120] <- 0x2f7b4e8b639 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8B639 <BytecodeArray[265]> (input #0)
0x0014e0f0: [top + 112] <- 0x4500000000 ; bytecode offset 69 (input #0)
0x0014e0e8: [top + 104] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #4)
0x0014e0e0: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #5)
0x0014e0d8: [top + 88] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014e0d0: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014e0c8: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #8)
0x0014e0c0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
0x0014e0b8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014e0b0: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #11)
0x0014e0a8: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014e0a0: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014e098: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014e090: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014e088: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #16)
0x0014e080: [top + 0] <- 0x00000000 ; accumulator 0 (input #17)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> @5 => node=16, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e138, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.220 ms]
[removing optimized code for:]
[marking 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/53 (62%), generic ICs: 8/53 (15%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> using Crankshaft]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 00000170320BDA51 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> (opt #68) @3, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014dee0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:778:23>, wrong map
reading input frame wrapper => node=12, args=2, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x170320bda51 ; [fp - 16] 00000170320BDA51 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)>
1: 0xa0a6cc1851 ; r11 000000A0A6CC1851 <JS Object>
2: 0x100000000 ; [fp + 16] 1
3: 0x170320bfd89 ; [fp - 24] 00000170320BFD89 <FixedArray[6]>
4: 0 ; r12
5: argumets object #0 (length = 1)
0x100000000 ; [fp + 16] 1
translating frame wrapper => node=12, height=16
0x0014ded8: [top + 56] <- 0xa0a6cc1851 ; 000000A0A6CC1851 <JS Object> (input #1)
0x0014ded0: [top + 48] <- 0x100000000 ; 1 (input #2)
0x0014dec8: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97af890b ; caller's pc
0x0014dec0: [top + 32] <- 0x0014df20 ; caller's fp
0x0014deb8: [top + 24] <- 0x170320bfd89 ; context 00000170320BFD89 <FixedArray[6]> (input #3)
0x0014deb0: [top + 16] <- 0x170320bda51 ; function 00000170320BDA51 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> (input #0)
0x0014dea8: [top + 8] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #4)
0x0014dea0: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082631 ; 000002EDC9082631 <Odd Oddball: arguments_marker> (input #5)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 00000170320BDA51 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> @3 => node=12, pc=0x26e97b94f3e, caller sp=0x0014dee0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.089 ms]
Materialization [0x0014dea0] <- 0xa0a6cc35c9 ; 000000A0A6CC35C9 <an Arguments with map 00000084EF98F8D9>
[removing optimized code for: wrapper]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B6603EA59 <SharedFunctionInfo wrapper>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> (opt #82) @17, FP to SP delta: 24, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2887:9>, Smi
reading input frame Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement => node=70, args=4, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019a11 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; rdi 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D41C1>
2: 0xa0a6cc0b29 ; rcx 000000A0A6CC0B29 <JS Array[8]>
3: 0xa0a6cc3221 ; rax 000000A0A6CC3221 <JS Object>
4: 0xa0a6cbf4d1 ; rdx 000000A0A6CBF4D1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4781>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; rbx 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement => node=70, height=0
0x0014e030: [top + 56] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D41C1> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 48] <- 0xa0a6cc0b29 ; 000000A0A6CC0B29 <JS Array[8]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 40] <- 0xa0a6cc3221 ; 000000A0A6CC3221 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 32] <- 0xa0a6cbf4d1 ; 000000A0A6CBF4D1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4781> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66019a11 ; function 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> @17 => node=70, pc=0x26e97be8531, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.097 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014369 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement>]
[marking dependent code 0x26e97c3b601 (opt #82) for deoptimization, reason: transition]
[deoptimize marked code in all contexts]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (opt #80) @11, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3027:12>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019b79 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; r9 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D42C9>
2: 0xa0a6cc0b29 ; rdx 000000A0A6CC0B29 <JS Array[11]>
3: 0xa0a6cc3df9 ; r8 000000A0A6CC3DF9 <JS Object>
4: 0xa0a6cbf8c9 ; rcx 000000A0A6CBF8C9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90b7589 ; rdi 000002EDC90B7589 <String[1]: a>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D42C9> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0xa0a6cc0b29 ; 000000A0A6CC0B29 <JS Array[11]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0xa0a6cc3df9 ; 000000A0A6CC3DF9 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0xa0a6cbf8c9 ; 000000A0A6CBF8C9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019b79 ; function 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90b7589 ; 000002EDC90B7589 <String[1]: a> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> @11 => node=56, pc=0x26e97be9813, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.123 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepIdentifier]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014779 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepIdentifier>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (opt #87) @12, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfd0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1880:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setValue => node=6, args=4, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018e01 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; rcx 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D42C9>
2: 0xa0a6cc1fe1 ; [fp + 32] 000000A0A6CC1FE1 <JS Object>
3: 0xa0a6cc3d61 ; [fp + 24] 000000A0A6CC3D61 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x200000000 ; [fp + 16] 2
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.setValue => node=6, height=0
0x0014dfc8: [top + 56] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D42C9> (input #1)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0xa0a6cc1fe1 ; 000000A0A6CC1FE1 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0xa0a6cc3d61 ; 000000A0A6CC3D61 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0x200000000 ; 2 (input #4)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97be8f9f ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018e01 ; function 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> @12 => node=6, pc=0x26e97be9e25, caller sp=0x0014dfd0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.114 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012509 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setValue>]
[optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> - took 0.380, 1.113, 0.234 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (opt #83) @12, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfc8]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1864:17>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.getValue => node=6, args=3, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018db9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; rcx 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D42C9>
2: 0xa0a6cc1fe1 ; [fp + 24] 000000A0A6CC1FE1 <JS Object>
3: 0xa0a6cc4329 ; [fp + 16] 000000A0A6CC4329 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.getValue => node=6, height=0
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D42C9> (input #1)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0xa0a6cc1fe1 ; 000000A0A6CC1FE1 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0xa0a6cc4329 ; 000000A0A6CC4329 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97bedc2c ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018db9 ; function 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> @12 => node=6, pc=0x26e97bea2c5, caller sp=0x0014dfc8, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.086 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012439 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getValue>]
[marking 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 13/16 (81%), generic ICs: 1/16 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 11/13 (84%), generic ICs: 0/13 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> - took 0.329, 0.815, 0.150 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>]
[optimizing 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> - took 0.136, 0.331, 0.094 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)>]
[marking 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/72 (50%), generic ICs: 0/72 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> - took 0.234, 0.530, 0.101 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>]
[marking 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[optimizing 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> - took 0.651, 1.580, 0.283 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)>]
[optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> - took 0.205, 0.528, 0.084 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (opt #89) @57, FP to SP delta: 112, caller sp: 0x0014dee0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1804:18>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, args=3, height=11; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018cc9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>
1: 0x170320845e9 ; rax 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D42C9>
2: 0xa0a6cbeaf9 ; [fp + 24] 000000A0A6CBEAF9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
3: 0x1985a3945a1 ; [fp + 16] 000001985A3945A1 <JS Object>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
5: 0 ; (int) [fp - 112]
6: 0x28587368109 ; rbx 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)>
7: 0xa0a6cbeb39 ; [fp - 96] 000000A0A6CBEB39 <JS Array[2]>
8: 0x2edc90fefd9 ; [fp - 88] 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 4) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0xa0a6cbeaf9 ; [fp + 24] 000000A0A6CBEAF9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
11: 0x84ef9c22b9 ; [fp - 56] 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
12: 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; [fp - 64] 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]>
13: 4 ; (int) [fp - 72]
14: 3 ; (int) [fp - 80]
translating frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, height=80
0x0014ded8: [top + 128] <- 0x170320845e9 ; 00000170320845E9 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D42C9> (input #1)
0x0014ded0: [top + 120] <- 0xa0a6cbeaf9 ; 000000A0A6CBEAF9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #2)
0x0014dec8: [top + 112] <- 0x1985a3945a1 ; 000001985A3945A1 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014dec0: [top + 104] <- 0x26e97ae238b ; caller's pc
0x0014deb8: [top + 96] <- 0x0014df20 ; caller's fp
0x0014deb0: [top + 88] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014dea8: [top + 80] <- 0x2b66018cc9 ; function 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (input #0)
0x0014dea0: [top + 72] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #5)
0x0014de98: [top + 64] <- 0x28587368109 ; 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)> (input #6)
0x0014de90: [top + 56] <- 0xa0a6cbeb39 ; 000000A0A6CBEB39 <JS Array[2]> (input #7)
0x0014de88: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90fefd9 ; 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body> (input #8)
0x0014de80: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014de78: [top + 32] <- 0xa0a6cbeaf9 ; 000000A0A6CBEAF9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #10)
0x0014de70: [top + 24] <- 0x84ef9c22b9 ; 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)> (input #11)
0x0014de68: [top + 16] <- 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]> (input #12)
0x0014de60: [top + 8] <- 0x400000000 ; 4 (input #13)
0x0014de58: [top + 0] <- 0x300000000 ; 3 (input #14)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> @57 => node=427, pc=0x26e97be5516, caller sp=0x0014dee0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.184 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.populateScope_]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660121C9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.populateScope_>]
[compiling method 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> using TurboFan OSR]
[optimizing 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> - took 1.355, 4.038, 0.247 ms]
[marking 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/48 (75%), generic ICs: 0/48 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 130/215 (60%), generic ICs: 4/215 (1%)]
[compiling method 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> using TurboFan]
[optimizing 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> - took 0.768, 1.988, 0.383 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)>]
[optimizing 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> - took 2.936, 11.191, 0.721 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)>]
[marking 000002A14C931C69 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/11 (90%), generic ICs: 1/11 (9%)]
[compiling method 000002A14C931C69 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 000002A14C931C69 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> - took 0.112, 0.209, 0.087 ms]
[completed optimizing 000002A14C931C69 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)>]
[marking 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/53 (62%), generic ICs: 8/53 (15%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> - took 0.399, 0.937, 0.246 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>]
[marking 000002CFB61CC739 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 6/7 (85%), generic ICs: 0/7 (0%)]
[compiling method 000002CFB61CC739 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 000002CFB61CC739 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> - took 0.117, 0.196, 0.105 ms]
[completed optimizing 000002CFB61CC739 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)>]
[marking 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 14/38 (36%), generic ICs: 4/38 (10%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> - took 0.370, 0.750, 0.182 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018C39 <JS Function Interpreter.setValueToScope (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012029)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 7/20 (35%), generic ICs: 1/20 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018C39 <JS Function Interpreter.setValueToScope (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012029)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018C39 <JS Function Interpreter.setValueToScope (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012029)> - took 0.188, 0.477, 0.128 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018C39 <JS Function Interpreter.setValueToScope (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012029)>]
[marking 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 27/32 (84%), generic ICs: 2/32 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> - took 0.530, 1.297, 0.262 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 54/149 (36%), generic ICs: 19/149 (12%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> - took 0.882, 2.887, 0.477 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)>]
[marking 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 31/37 (83%), generic ICs: 1/37 (2%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> - took 0.417, 0.756, 0.262 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)>]
[marking 000002CFB61CC399 <JS Function intrp.Object (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032611)> for optimized recompilation, reason: not much type info but very hot, ICs with typeinfo: 8/18 (44%), generic ICs: 6/18 (33%)]
[compiling method 000002CFB61CC399 <JS Function intrp.Object (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032611)> using Crankshaft]
Run 1: 10017 ms
[optimizing 000002CFB61CC399 <JS Function intrp.Object (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032611)> - took 0.117, 0.227, 0.083 ms]
[completed optimizing 000002CFB61CC399 <JS Function intrp.Object (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032611)>]
[marking dependent code 0x26e97c41901 (opt #91) for deoptimization, reason: transition]
[deoptimize marked code in all contexts]
[deoptimizer unlinked: Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement / 2b66019a11]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (deoptimized code) for 0000002B66014369 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> (opt #104) @88, FP to SP delta: 88, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1672:33>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setProperty => node=749, args=5, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018ba9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; [fp + 48] 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4C69>
2: 0x29f3aa681f9 ; rax 0000029F3AA681F9 <JS Object>
3: 0x2edc90834f1 ; [fp - 32] 000002EDC90834F1 <String[6]: length>
4: 0x00000000 ; [fp + 24] 0
5: 0x2858737dea1 ; [fp + 16] 000002858737DEA1 <an Object with map 00000084EF9BEC11>
6: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc90822c1 ; [fp - 72] 000002EDC90822C1 <true>
10: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.setProperty => node=749, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 96] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D4C69> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 88] <- 0x29f3aa681f9 ; 0000029F3AA681F9 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90834f1 ; 000002EDC90834F1 <String[6]: length> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 72] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 64] <- 0x2858737dea1 ; 000002858737DEA1 <an Object with map 00000084EF9BEC11> (input #5)
0x0014e008: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97b8d2d8 ; caller's pc
0x0014e000: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e058 ; caller's fp
0x0014dff8: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #6)
0x0014dff0: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66018ba9 ; function 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> (input #0)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90822c1 ; 000002EDC90822C1 <true> (input #9)
0x0014dfd0: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #10)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> @88 => node=749, pc=0x26e97b8e3a9, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.147 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setProperty]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66011E89 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setProperty>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000027F2AD0AEE1 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> (opt #100) @2, FP to SP delta: 24, caller sp: 0x0014e010]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2287:18>, wrong map
reading input frame intrp.Array => node=4, args=2, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x27f2ad0aee1 ; [fp - 16] 0000027F2AD0AEE1 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)>
1: 0x29f3aa6d659 ; [fp + 24] 0000029F3AA6D659 <JS Object>
2: 0x29f3aa67c91 ; [fp + 16] 0000029F3AA67C91 <JS Object>
3: 0x29f3aa62eb9 ; rax 0000029F3AA62EB9 <FixedArray[5]>
translating frame intrp.Array => node=4, height=0
0x0014e008: [top + 40] <- 0x29f3aa6d659 ; 0000029F3AA6D659 <JS Object> (input #1)
0x0014e000: [top + 32] <- 0x29f3aa67c91 ; 0000029F3AA67C91 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dff8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97a08a4a ; caller's pc
0x0014dff0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e030 ; caller's fp
0x0014dfe8: [top + 8] <- 0x29f3aa62eb9 ; context 0000029F3AA62EB9 <FixedArray[5]> (input #3)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 0] <- 0x27f2ad0aee1 ; function 0000027F2AD0AEE1 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000027F2AD0AEE1 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> @2 => node=4, pc=0x26e97b94532, caller sp=0x0014e010, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.092 ms]
[removing optimized code for: intrp.Array]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66032BC1 <SharedFunctionInfo intrp.Array>]
[marking 000002858736EF79 <JS Function parseNew (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660219D1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 11/18 (61%), generic ICs: 0/18 (0%)]
[compiling method 000002858736EF79 <JS Function parseNew (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660219D1)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 000002858736F2A1 <JS Function checkLVal (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020C01)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 5/20 (25%), generic ICs: 0/20 (0%)]
[compiling method 000002858736F2A1 <JS Function checkLVal (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020C01)> using Crankshaft]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (opt #99) @57, FP to SP delta: 112, caller sp: 0x0014e0e0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1804:18>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, args=3, height=11; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018cc9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; rax 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D41>
2: 0xab50013401 ; [fp + 24] 000000AB50013401 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
3: 0x29f3aa67909 ; [fp + 16] 0000029F3AA67909 <JS Object>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
5: 0 ; (int) [fp - 112]
6: 0x28587368109 ; rbx 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)>
7: 0xab50013441 ; [fp - 96] 000000AB50013441 <JS Array[62]>
8: 0x2edc90fefd9 ; [fp - 88] 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 4) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0xab50013401 ; [fp + 24] 000000AB50013401 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
11: 0x84ef9c22b9 ; [fp - 56] 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
12: 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; [fp - 64] 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]>
13: 4 ; (int) [fp - 72]
14: 3 ; (int) [fp - 80]
translating frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, height=80
0x0014e0d8: [top + 128] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D41> (input #1)
0x0014e0d0: [top + 120] <- 0xab50013401 ; 000000AB50013401 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #2)
0x0014e0c8: [top + 112] <- 0x29f3aa67909 ; 0000029F3AA67909 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e0c0: [top + 104] <- 0x26e97ba0487 ; caller's pc
0x0014e0b8: [top + 96] <- 0x0014e108 ; caller's fp
0x0014e0b0: [top + 88] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014e0a8: [top + 80] <- 0x2b66018cc9 ; function 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (input #0)
0x0014e0a0: [top + 72] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #5)
0x0014e098: [top + 64] <- 0x28587368109 ; 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)> (input #6)
0x0014e090: [top + 56] <- 0xab50013441 ; 000000AB50013441 <JS Array[62]> (input #7)
0x0014e088: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90fefd9 ; 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body> (input #8)
0x0014e080: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014e078: [top + 32] <- 0xab50013401 ; 000000AB50013401 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #10)
0x0014e070: [top + 24] <- 0x84ef9c22b9 ; 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)> (input #11)
0x0014e068: [top + 16] <- 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]> (input #12)
0x0014e060: [top + 8] <- 0x400000000 ; 4 (input #13)
0x0014e058: [top + 0] <- 0x300000000 ; 3 (input #14)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> @57 => node=427, pc=0x26e97be5516, caller sp=0x0014e0e0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.195 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.populateScope_]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660121C9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.populateScope_>]
[compiling method 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> using TurboFan]
[optimizing 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> - took 0.451, 0.322, 0.045 ms]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT soft): begin 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (opt #109) @0, FP to SP delta: 16, caller sp: 0x0014e138]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:294:19>, Insufficient type feedback for generic named access
reading input frame => bytecode_offset=2, args=2, height=14; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018429 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; [fp + 24] 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D41>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 8] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
4: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
5: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 2) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
17: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating interpreted frame => bytecode_offset=2, height=112
0x0014e130: [top + 176] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D41> (input #1)
0x0014e128: [top + 168] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014e120: [top + 160] <- 0x26e97a06c5b ; caller's pc
0x0014e118: [top + 152] <- 0x0014e150 ; caller's fp
0x0014e110: [top + 144] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #3)
0x0014e108: [top + 136] <- 0x2b66018429 ; function 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (input #0)
0x0014e100: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014e0f8: [top + 120] <- 0x2f7b4e8b639 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8B639 <BytecodeArray[265]> (input #0)
0x0014e0f0: [top + 112] <- 0x3700000000 ; bytecode offset 55 (input #0)
0x0014e0e8: [top + 104] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #4)
0x0014e0e0: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #5)
0x0014e0d8: [top + 88] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014e0d0: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014e0c8: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #8)
0x0014e0c0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
0x0014e0b8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014e0b0: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #11)
0x0014e0a8: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014e0a0: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014e098: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014e090: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014e088: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #16)
0x0014e080: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; accumulator 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #17)
[deoptimizing (soft): end 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> @0 => node=2, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e138, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.332 ms]
[removing optimized code for:]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> (opt #97) @128, FP to SP delta: 80, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2666:18>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepCallExpression => bytecode_offset=381, args=4, height=23; inputs:
0: 0x2b660197d1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; r12 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D41>
2: 0xab50071a71 ; [fp + 32] 000000AB50071A71 <JS Array[3]>
3: 0xab50071c79 ; [fp + 24] 000000AB50071C79 <JS Object>
4: 0xab500135a1 ; [fp + 16] 000000AB500135A1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469>
5: 0xab50071d69 ; [fp - 24] 000000AB50071D69 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 2) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
17: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
18: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
19: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
20: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 8] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
21: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
22: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
23: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
24: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
25: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
26: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
27: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
28: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating interpreted frame Interpreter.stepCallExpression => bytecode_offset=381, height=184
0x0014e030: [top + 264] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D41> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 256] <- 0xab50071a71 ; 000000AB50071A71 <JS Array[3]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 248] <- 0xab50071c79 ; 000000AB50071C79 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 240] <- 0xab500135a1 ; 000000AB500135A1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 232] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 224] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 216] <- 0xab50071d69 ; context 000000AB50071D69 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 208] <- 0x2b660197d1 ; function 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 200] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 192] <- 0x2f7b4e8d049 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8D049 <BytecodeArray[2105]> (input #0)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 184] <- 0x1b200000000 ; bytecode offset 434 (input #0)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 176] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014dfd0: [top + 168] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014dfc8: [top + 160] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #8)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 152] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 144] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 136] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #11)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014dfa0: [top + 120] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014df98: [top + 112] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014df90: [top + 104] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014df88: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #16)
0x0014df80: [top + 88] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #17)
0x0014df78: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #18)
0x0014df70: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #19)
0x0014df68: [top + 64] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #20)
0x0014df60: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #21)
0x0014df58: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #22)
0x0014df50: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #23)
0x0014df48: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #24)
0x0014df40: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #25)
0x0014df38: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #26)
0x0014df30: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #27)
0x0014df28: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; accumulator 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #28)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> @128 => node=381, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.338 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepCallExpression]
[optimizing 000002858736EF79 <JS Function parseNew (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660219D1)> - took 1.591, 3.433, 1.058 ms]
[completed optimizing 000002858736EF79 <JS Function parseNew (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660219D1)>]
[optimizing 000002858736F2A1 <JS Function checkLVal (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020C01)> - took 0.163, 0.426, 0.048 ms]
[completed optimizing 000002858736F2A1 <JS Function checkLVal (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020C01)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> (opt #103) @11, FP to SP delta: 104, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3348:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration => node=79, args=4, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019fb1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; r11 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D41>
2: 0xab50071a71 ; [fp + 32] 000000AB50071A71 <JS Array[2]>
3: 0xab50071b79 ; rdi 000000AB50071B79 <JS Object>
4: 0xab50013471 ; rdx 000000AB50013471 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4259>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0xab500134d1 ; rcx 000000AB500134D1 <JS Array[1]>
7: 0x00000000 ; r8 0
8: 0xab50013501 ; rax 000000AB50013501 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C44C1>
translating frame Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration => node=79, height=24
0x0014e030: [top + 80] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D41> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 72] <- 0xab50071a71 ; 000000AB50071A71 <JS Array[2]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 64] <- 0xab50071b79 ; 000000AB50071B79 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 56] <- 0xab50013471 ; 000000AB50013471 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4259> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 40] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 32] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 24] <- 0x2b66019fb1 ; function 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 16] <- 0xab500134d1 ; 000000AB500134D1 <JS Array[1]> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 8] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 0] <- 0xab50013501 ; 000000AB50013501 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C44C1> (input #8)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> @11 => node=79, pc=0x26e97be703b, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.144 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660153A9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> (opt #86) @10, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3106:21>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepObjectExpression => node=72, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019ce1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; r8 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D41>
2: 0xab50071a71 ; [fp + 32] 000000AB50071A71 <JS Array[3]>
3: 0xab50075a29 ; rcx 000000AB50075A29 <JS Object>
4: 0xab50019f19 ; [fp + 16] 000000AB50019F19 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 4) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; rbx 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepObjectExpression => node=72, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D41> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0xab50071a71 ; 000000AB50071A71 <JS Array[3]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0xab50075a29 ; 000000AB50075A29 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0xab50019f19 ; 000000AB50019F19 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66019ce1 ; function 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> @10 => node=72, pc=0x26e97be7d23, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.141 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepObjectExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014B89 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepObjectExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (opt #90) @11, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3027:12>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019b79 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; r9 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D41>
2: 0xab50071a71 ; rdx 000000AB50071A71 <JS Array[4]>
3: 0xab50076381 ; r8 000000AB50076381 <JS Object>
4: 0xab5001a2b9 ; rcx 000000AB5001A2B9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0xab5001a259 ; rdi 000000AB5001A259 <String[6]: Object>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D41> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0xab50071a71 ; 000000AB50071A71 <JS Array[4]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0xab50076381 ; 000000AB50076381 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0xab5001a2b9 ; 000000AB5001A2B9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019b79 ; function 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0xab5001a259 ; 000000AB5001A259 <String[6]: Object> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> @11 => node=56, pc=0x26e97be9813, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.109 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepIdentifier]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014779 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepIdentifier>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> (opt #93) @31, FP to SP delta: 80, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2535:8>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression => node=347, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b660196b1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; rbx 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D41>
2: 0xab50071a71 ; [fp + 32] 000000AB50071A71 <JS Array[3]>
3: 0xab500762d1 ; [fp + 24] 000000AB500762D1 <JS Object>
4: 0xab5001a3c9 ; [fp + 16] 000000AB5001A3C9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4729>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 7) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 10) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x29f3aa69df9 ; rax 0000029F3AA69DF9 <JS Object>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 10) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating frame Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression => node=347, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D41> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0xab50071a71 ; 000000AB50071A71 <JS Array[3]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0xab500762d1 ; 000000AB500762D1 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0xab5001a3c9 ; 000000AB5001A3C9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4729> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b660196b1 ; function 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x29f3aa69df9 ; 0000029F3AA69DF9 <JS Object> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> @31 => node=347, pc=0x26e97be8f12, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.144 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660139A9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (opt #92) @8, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfd0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1883:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setValue => node=7, args=4, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018e01 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; r9 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D41>
2: 0x29f3aa67909 ; [fp + 32] 0000029F3AA67909 <JS Object>
3: 0xab500763d9 ; rax 000000AB500763D9 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x29f3aa69df9 ; [fp + 16] 0000029F3AA69DF9 <JS Object>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; r8 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.setValue => node=7, height=0
0x0014dfc8: [top + 56] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D41> (input #1)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0x29f3aa67909 ; 0000029F3AA67909 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0xab500763d9 ; 000000AB500763D9 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0x29f3aa69df9 ; 0000029F3AA69DF9 <JS Object> (input #4)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97be8f9f ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018e01 ; function 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> @8 => node=7, pc=0x26e97be9e9d, caller sp=0x0014dfd0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.084 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012509 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setValue>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (opt #94) @8, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dee0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1867:17>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.getValue => node=7, args=3, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018db9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; r9 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D99>
2: 0x29f3aa67909 ; [fp + 24] 0000029F3AA67909 <JS Object>
3: 0xab500768d9 ; rax 000000AB500768D9 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; r8 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.getValue => node=7, height=0
0x0014ded8: [top + 48] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D99> (input #1)
0x0014ded0: [top + 40] <- 0x29f3aa67909 ; 0000029F3AA67909 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dec8: [top + 32] <- 0xab500768d9 ; 000000AB500768D9 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dec0: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97ae238b ; caller's pc
0x0014deb8: [top + 16] <- 0x0014df20 ; caller's fp
0x0014deb0: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014dea8: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018db9 ; function 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> @8 => node=7, pc=0x26e97bea36d, caller sp=0x0014dee0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.080 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012439 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getValue>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> (opt #105) @8, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2481:20>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepArrayExpression => node=57, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019669 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; r8 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D99>
2: 0xab50071a71 ; [fp + 32] 000000AB50071A71 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0xab50078c89 ; rdx 000000AB50078C89 <JS Object>
4: 0xab5001b3b9 ; rax 000000AB5001B3B9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4939>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0xab5001b4e9 ; rbx 000000AB5001B4E9 <JS Array[15]>
7: 0x00000000 ; rcx 0
translating frame Interpreter.stepArrayExpression => node=57, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D99> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0xab50071a71 ; 000000AB50071A71 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0xab50078c89 ; 000000AB50078C89 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0xab5001b3b9 ; 000000AB5001B3B9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4939> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019669 ; function 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0xab5001b4e9 ; 000000AB5001B4E9 <JS Array[15]> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> @8 => node=57, pc=0x26e97bebc05, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.130 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepArrayExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660138D9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepArrayExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> (opt #81) @38, FP to SP delta: 32, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3095:40>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepMemberExpression => node=293, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019c99 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; r11 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D99>
2: 0xab50071a71 ; r8 000000AB50071A71 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0xab500799f1 ; rax 000000AB500799F1 <JS Object>
4: 0xab5001d299 ; rdx 000000AB5001D299 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4621>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; rbx 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0xab5001d279 ; rcx 000000AB5001D279 <String[6]: length>
7: 0xab50079869 ; r9 000000AB50079869 <JS Object>
translating frame Interpreter.stepMemberExpression => node=293, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D99> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0xab50071a71 ; 000000AB50071A71 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0xab500799f1 ; 000000AB500799F1 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0xab5001d299 ; 000000AB5001D299 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4621> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019c99 ; function 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0xab5001d279 ; 000000AB5001D279 <String[6]: length> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0xab50079869 ; 000000AB50079869 <JS Object> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> @38 => node=293, pc=0x26e97be95b8, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.116 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepMemberExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014AB9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepMemberExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> (opt #101) @13, FP to SP delta: 56, caller sp: 0x0014dfe0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1567:20>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.getProperty => node=116, args=3, height=2; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018b19 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; rdi 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D99>
2: 0xab50078ce1 ; [fp + 24] 000000AB50078CE1 <JS Object>
3: 0xab5001d279 ; [fp - 32] 000000AB5001D279 <String[6]: length>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.getProperty => node=116, height=8
0x0014dfd8: [top + 56] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D99> (input #1)
0x0014dfd0: [top + 48] <- 0xab50078ce1 ; 000000AB50078CE1 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfc8: [top + 40] <- 0xab5001d279 ; 000000AB5001D279 <String[6]: length> (input #3)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 32] <- 0x26e97be9620 ; caller's pc
0x0014dfb8: [top + 24] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014dfb0: [top + 16] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 8] <- 0x2b66018b19 ; function 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> (input #0)
0x0014dfa0: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> @13 => node=116, pc=0x26e97bea687, caller sp=0x0014dfe0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.102 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getProperty]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66011CE9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getProperty>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> (opt #96) @13, FP to SP delta: 104, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3324:27>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression => node=111, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019f69 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; rcx 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D99>
2: 0xab50071a71 ; [fp + 32] 000000AB50071A71 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0xab5007c109 ; rax 000000AB5007C109 <JS Object>
4: 0xab5001d3c9 ; rdx 000000AB5001D3C9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; rbx 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression => node=111, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D99> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0xab50071a71 ; 000000AB50071A71 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0xab5007c109 ; 000000AB5007C109 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0xab5001d3c9 ; 000000AB5001D3C9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66019f69 ; function 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> @13 => node=111, pc=0x26e97bedb9f, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.126 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660152D9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression>]
[marking 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 13/16 (81%), generic ICs: 1/16 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> - took 0.344, 0.792, 0.148 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>]
[marking 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 34/40 (85%), generic ICs: 2/40 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> - took 0.290, 0.894, 0.217 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> - took 0.235, 0.532, 0.095 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>]
[marking 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 11/13 (84%), generic ICs: 0/13 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/54 (61%), generic ICs: 3/54 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> - took 0.120, 0.373, 0.187 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)>]
[optimizing 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> - took 0.309, 1.106, 0.197 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)>]
[compiling method 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> using TurboFan OSR]
[optimizing 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> - took 1.339, 4.053, 0.238 ms]
[marking 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 130/215 (60%), generic ICs: 5/215 (2%)]
[compiling method 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> using TurboFan]
[optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> - took 0.261, 0.602, 0.146 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>]
[marking 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/48 (75%), generic ICs: 0/48 (0%)]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (opt #115) @23, FP to SP delta: 216, caller sp: 0x0014e138]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:313:23>, wrong map
reading input frame => bytecode_offset=2, args=2, height=14; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018429 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; rbx 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D99>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 152] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
4: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
5: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp - 184] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
17: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating interpreted frame => bytecode_offset=2, height=112
0x0014e130: [top + 176] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D99> (input #1)
0x0014e128: [top + 168] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014e120: [top + 160] <- 0x26e97a06c5b ; caller's pc
0x0014e118: [top + 152] <- 0x0014e150 ; caller's fp
0x0014e110: [top + 144] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #3)
0x0014e108: [top + 136] <- 0x2b66018429 ; function 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (input #0)
0x0014e100: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014e0f8: [top + 120] <- 0x2f7b4e8b639 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8B639 <BytecodeArray[265]> (input #0)
0x0014e0f0: [top + 112] <- 0x3700000000 ; bytecode offset 55 (input #0)
0x0014e0e8: [top + 104] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #4)
0x0014e0e0: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #5)
0x0014e0d8: [top + 88] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014e0d0: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014e0c8: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #8)
0x0014e0c0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
0x0014e0b8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014e0b0: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #11)
0x0014e0a8: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014e0a0: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014e098: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014e090: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014e088: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #16)
0x0014e080: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; accumulator 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #17)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> @23 => node=2, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e138, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.259 ms]
[compiling method 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> using TurboFan]
[optimizing 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> - took 0.654, 2.566, 0.203 ms]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (opt #118) @5, FP to SP delta: 80, caller sp: 0x0014e138]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:295:22>, wrong map
reading input frame => bytecode_offset=16, args=2, height=14; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018429 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; rdi 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D99>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 8] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
4: 0x00000000 ; rax 0
5: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp - 48] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
17: 0x00000000 ; (literal 3) 0
translating interpreted frame => bytecode_offset=16, height=112
0x0014e130: [top + 176] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D99> (input #1)
0x0014e128: [top + 168] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014e120: [top + 160] <- 0x26e97a06c5b ; caller's pc
0x0014e118: [top + 152] <- 0x0014e150 ; caller's fp
0x0014e110: [top + 144] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #3)
0x0014e108: [top + 136] <- 0x2b66018429 ; function 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (input #0)
0x0014e100: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014e0f8: [top + 120] <- 0x2f7b4e8b639 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8B639 <BytecodeArray[265]> (input #0)
0x0014e0f0: [top + 112] <- 0x4500000000 ; bytecode offset 69 (input #0)
0x0014e0e8: [top + 104] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #4)
0x0014e0e0: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #5)
0x0014e0d8: [top + 88] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014e0d0: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014e0c8: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #8)
0x0014e0c0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
0x0014e0b8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014e0b0: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #11)
0x0014e0a8: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014e0a0: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014e098: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014e090: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014e088: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #16)
0x0014e080: [top + 0] <- 0x00000000 ; accumulator 0 (input #17)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> @5 => node=16, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e138, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.246 ms]
[removing optimized code for:]
[marking 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/53 (62%), generic ICs: 8/53 (15%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> using Crankshaft]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000029F3AA6EA41 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> (opt #98) @3, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014dee0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:778:23>, wrong map
reading input frame wrapper => node=12, args=2, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x29f3aa6ea41 ; [fp - 16] 0000029F3AA6EA41 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)>
1: 0x2ff13808d71 ; r11 000002FF13808D71 <JS Object>
2: 0x100000000 ; [fp + 16] 1
3: 0x29f3aa6d619 ; [fp - 24] 0000029F3AA6D619 <FixedArray[6]>
4: 0 ; r12
5: argumets object #0 (length = 1)
0x100000000 ; [fp + 16] 1
translating frame wrapper => node=12, height=16
0x0014ded8: [top + 56] <- 0x2ff13808d71 ; 000002FF13808D71 <JS Object> (input #1)
0x0014ded0: [top + 48] <- 0x100000000 ; 1 (input #2)
0x0014dec8: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97af890b ; caller's pc
0x0014dec0: [top + 32] <- 0x0014df20 ; caller's fp
0x0014deb8: [top + 24] <- 0x29f3aa6d619 ; context 0000029F3AA6D619 <FixedArray[6]> (input #3)
0x0014deb0: [top + 16] <- 0x29f3aa6ea41 ; function 0000029F3AA6EA41 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> (input #0)
0x0014dea8: [top + 8] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #4)
0x0014dea0: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082631 ; 000002EDC9082631 <Odd Oddball: arguments_marker> (input #5)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000029F3AA6EA41 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> @3 => node=12, pc=0x26e97b94f3e, caller sp=0x0014dee0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.086 ms]
Materialization [0x0014dea0] <- 0x2ff1380aae9 ; 000002FF1380AAE9 <an Arguments with map 00000084EF98F8D9>
[removing optimized code for: wrapper]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B6603EA59 <SharedFunctionInfo wrapper>]
[optimizing 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> - took 2.553, 8.911, 0.583 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> (opt #113) @17, FP to SP delta: 24, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2887:9>, Smi
reading input frame Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement => node=70, args=4, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019a11 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; [fp + 40] 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D99>
2: 0x2ff13808049 ; [fp + 32] 000002FF13808049 <JS Array[8]>
3: 0x2ff1380a741 ; [fp + 24] 000002FF1380A741 <JS Object>
4: 0x2ff138069f1 ; [fp + 16] 000002FF138069F1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4781>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement => node=70, height=0
0x0014e030: [top + 56] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5D99> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 48] <- 0x2ff13808049 ; 000002FF13808049 <JS Array[8]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 40] <- 0x2ff1380a741 ; 000002FF1380A741 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 32] <- 0x2ff138069f1 ; 000002FF138069F1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4781> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66019a11 ; function 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> @17 => node=70, pc=0x26e97be8531, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.098 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014369 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (opt #110) @11, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3027:12>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019b79 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; r9 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5EA1>
2: 0x2ff13808049 ; rdx 000002FF13808049 <JS Array[11]>
3: 0x2ff1380b261 ; r8 000002FF1380B261 <JS Object>
4: 0x2ff13806de9 ; rcx 000002FF13806DE9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90b7589 ; rdi 000002EDC90B7589 <String[1]: a>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5EA1> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x2ff13808049 ; 000002FF13808049 <JS Array[11]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x2ff1380b261 ; 000002FF1380B261 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0x2ff13806de9 ; 000002FF13806DE9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019b79 ; function 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90b7589 ; 000002EDC90B7589 <String[1]: a> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> @11 => node=56, pc=0x26e97be9813, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.111 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepIdentifier]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014779 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepIdentifier>]
[optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> - took 0.424, 1.061, 0.233 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (opt #116) @12, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfd0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1880:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setValue => node=6, args=4, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018e01 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; rcx 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5EA1>
2: 0x2ff13809501 ; [fp + 32] 000002FF13809501 <JS Object>
3: 0x2ff1380b1c9 ; [fp + 24] 000002FF1380B1C9 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x200000000 ; [fp + 16] 2
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.setValue => node=6, height=0
0x0014dfc8: [top + 56] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5EA1> (input #1)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0x2ff13809501 ; 000002FF13809501 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0x2ff1380b1c9 ; 000002FF1380B1C9 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0x200000000 ; 2 (input #4)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97be8f9f ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018e01 ; function 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> @12 => node=6, pc=0x26e97be9e25, caller sp=0x0014dfd0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.117 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012509 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setValue>]
[compiling method 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> using Crankshaft]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (opt #112) @12, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfc8]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1864:17>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.getValue => node=6, args=3, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018db9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; rcx 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5EA1>
2: 0x2ff13809501 ; [fp + 24] 000002FF13809501 <JS Object>
3: 0x2ff1380c331 ; [fp + 16] 000002FF1380C331 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.getValue => node=6, height=0
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5EA1> (input #1)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0x2ff13809501 ; 000002FF13809501 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0x2ff1380c331 ; 000002FF1380C331 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97bedc2c ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018db9 ; function 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> @12 => node=6, pc=0x26e97bea2c5, caller sp=0x0014dfc8, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.087 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012439 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getValue>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> (opt #117) @10, FP to SP delta: 72, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2641:25>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepCallExpression => bytecode_offset=145, args=4, height=23; inputs:
0: 0x2b660197d1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; r14 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5EA1>
2: 0x2ff13808049 ; [fp + 32] 000002FF13808049 <JS Array[10]>
3: 0x2ff1380c539 ; [fp + 24] 000002FF1380C539 <JS Object>
4: 0x2ff13806b39 ; [fp + 16] 000002FF13806B39 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469>
5: 0x2ff1380c7e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002FF1380C7E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2ff1380c7a1 ; r11 000002FF1380C7A1 <JS Array[2]>
8: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 2) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
17: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
18: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
19: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
20: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 8] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
21: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
22: 0x2ff1380c539 ; r12 000002FF1380C539 <JS Object>
23: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
24: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
25: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
26: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
27: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
28: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating interpreted frame Interpreter.stepCallExpression => bytecode_offset=145, height=184
0x0014e030: [top + 264] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5EA1> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 256] <- 0x2ff13808049 ; 000002FF13808049 <JS Array[10]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 248] <- 0x2ff1380c539 ; 000002FF1380C539 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 240] <- 0x2ff13806b39 ; 000002FF13806B39 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 232] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 224] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 216] <- 0x2ff1380c7e1 ; context 000002FF1380C7E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 208] <- 0x2b660197d1 ; function 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 200] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 192] <- 0x2f7b4e8d049 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8D049 <BytecodeArray[2105]> (input #0)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 184] <- 0xc600000000 ; bytecode offset 198 (input #0)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 176] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014dfd0: [top + 168] <- 0x2ff1380c7a1 ; 000002FF1380C7A1 <JS Array[2]> (input #7)
0x0014dfc8: [top + 160] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #8)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 152] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 144] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 136] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #11)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014dfa0: [top + 120] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014df98: [top + 112] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014df90: [top + 104] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014df88: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #16)
0x0014df80: [top + 88] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #17)
0x0014df78: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #18)
0x0014df70: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #19)
0x0014df68: [top + 64] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #20)
0x0014df60: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #21)
0x0014df58: [top + 48] <- 0x2ff1380c539 ; 000002FF1380C539 <JS Object> (input #22)
0x0014df50: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #23)
0x0014df48: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #24)
0x0014df40: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #25)
0x0014df38: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #26)
0x0014df30: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #27)
0x0014df28: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; accumulator 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #28)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> @10 => node=145, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.406 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepCallExpression]
[marking 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 13/16 (81%), generic ICs: 1/16 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 11/13 (84%), generic ICs: 0/13 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> - took 0.813, 1.794, 0.352 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)>]
[optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> - took 0.301, 0.766, 0.128 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>]
[optimizing 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)> - took 0.129, 0.326, 0.091 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019A11 <JS Function Interpreter.stepExpressionStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014369)>]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[marking 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/72 (50%), generic ICs: 0/72 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> - took 0.232, 0.772, 0.111 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (opt #119) @57, FP to SP delta: 112, caller sp: 0x0014dee0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1804:18>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, args=3, height=11; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018cc9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>
1: 0x29f3aa62e19 ; rax 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5EA1>
2: 0x2ff13806019 ; [fp + 24] 000002FF13806019 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
3: 0x2ff1385bb49 ; [fp + 16] 000002FF1385BB49 <JS Object>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
5: 0 ; (int) [fp - 112]
6: 0x28587368109 ; rbx 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)>
7: 0x2ff13806059 ; [fp - 96] 000002FF13806059 <JS Array[2]>
8: 0x2edc90fefd9 ; [fp - 88] 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 4) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0x2ff13806019 ; [fp + 24] 000002FF13806019 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
11: 0x84ef9c22b9 ; [fp - 56] 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
12: 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; [fp - 64] 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]>
13: 4 ; (int) [fp - 72]
14: 3 ; (int) [fp - 80]
translating frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, height=80
0x0014ded8: [top + 128] <- 0x29f3aa62e19 ; 0000029F3AA62E19 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9D5EA1> (input #1)
0x0014ded0: [top + 120] <- 0x2ff13806019 ; 000002FF13806019 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #2)
0x0014dec8: [top + 112] <- 0x2ff1385bb49 ; 000002FF1385BB49 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014dec0: [top + 104] <- 0x26e97ae238b ; caller's pc
0x0014deb8: [top + 96] <- 0x0014df20 ; caller's fp
0x0014deb0: [top + 88] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014dea8: [top + 80] <- 0x2b66018cc9 ; function 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (input #0)
0x0014dea0: [top + 72] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #5)
0x0014de98: [top + 64] <- 0x28587368109 ; 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)> (input #6)
0x0014de90: [top + 56] <- 0x2ff13806059 ; 000002FF13806059 <JS Array[2]> (input #7)
0x0014de88: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90fefd9 ; 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body> (input #8)
0x0014de80: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014de78: [top + 32] <- 0x2ff13806019 ; 000002FF13806019 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #10)
0x0014de70: [top + 24] <- 0x84ef9c22b9 ; 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)> (input #11)
0x0014de68: [top + 16] <- 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]> (input #12)
0x0014de60: [top + 8] <- 0x400000000 ; 4 (input #13)
0x0014de58: [top + 0] <- 0x300000000 ; 3 (input #14)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> @57 => node=427, pc=0x26e97be5516, caller sp=0x0014dee0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.188 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.populateScope_]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660121C9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.populateScope_>]
[optimizing 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> - took 0.704, 1.671, 0.282 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)>]
[compiling method 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> using TurboFan OSR]
[optimizing 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> - took 1.368, 4.101, 0.247 ms]
[marking 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> - took 0.282, 0.534, 0.096 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>]
[marking 0000029F3AA6EA41 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/11 (90%), generic ICs: 1/11 (9%)]
[compiling method 0000029F3AA6EA41 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000029F3AA6EA41 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> - took 0.053, 0.153, 0.049 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000029F3AA6EA41 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)>]
[marking 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 130/215 (60%), generic ICs: 5/215 (2%)]
[compiling method 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> using TurboFan]
[optimizing 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> - took 2.602, 13.025, 0.660 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/53 (62%), generic ICs: 8/53 (15%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> - took 0.422, 1.035, 0.258 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>]
[marking 0000027F2AD0AEE1 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 6/7 (85%), generic ICs: 0/7 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000027F2AD0AEE1 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000027F2AD0AEE1 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> - took 0.119, 0.218, 0.100 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000027F2AD0AEE1 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)>]
[marking 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 14/38 (36%), generic ICs: 4/38 (10%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> - took 0.342, 0.784, 0.195 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)>]
[marking 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 27/32 (84%), generic ICs: 2/32 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> - took 0.494, 1.243, 0.277 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 51/149 (34%), generic ICs: 22/149 (14%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> - took 0.857, 4.222, 0.502 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)>]
[marking 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 31/37 (83%), generic ICs: 1/37 (2%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> using Crankshaft]
Run 2: 10144 ms
[optimizing 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> - took 0.391, 0.812, 0.256 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000010A8981AC31 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> (opt #130) @2, FP to SP delta: 24, caller sp: 0x0014e010]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2287:18>, wrong map
reading input frame intrp.Array => node=4, args=2, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x10a8981ac31 ; [fp - 16] 0000010A8981AC31 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)>
1: 0xddc104fcd1 ; [fp + 24] 000000DDC104FCD1 <JS Object>
2: 0xddc104a2b9 ; [fp + 16] 000000DDC104A2B9 <JS Object>
3: 0xddc10458f9 ; rax 000000DDC10458F9 <FixedArray[5]>
translating frame intrp.Array => node=4, height=0
0x0014e008: [top + 40] <- 0xddc104fcd1 ; 000000DDC104FCD1 <JS Object> (input #1)
0x0014e000: [top + 32] <- 0xddc104a2b9 ; 000000DDC104A2B9 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dff8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97a08a4a ; caller's pc
0x0014dff0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e030 ; caller's fp
0x0014dfe8: [top + 8] <- 0xddc10458f9 ; context 000000DDC10458F9 <FixedArray[5]> (input #3)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 0] <- 0x10a8981ac31 ; function 0000010A8981AC31 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000010A8981AC31 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> @2 => node=4, pc=0x26e97b94532, caller sp=0x0014e010, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.111 ms]
[removing optimized code for: intrp.Array]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66032BC1 <SharedFunctionInfo intrp.Array>]
[marking 000002858736F5E9 <JS Function canInsertSemicolon (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660208C1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 11/13 (84%), generic ICs: 0/13 (0%)]
[compiling method 000002858736F5E9 <JS Function canInsertSemicolon (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660208C1)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 000002858736EE09 <JS Function parseMaybeUnary (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021691)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 23/46 (50%), generic ICs: 2/46 (4%)]
[compiling method 000002858736EE09 <JS Function parseMaybeUnary (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021691)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 000002858736F5E9 <JS Function canInsertSemicolon (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660208C1)> - took 0.147, 0.246, 0.083 ms]
[completed optimizing 000002858736F5E9 <JS Function canInsertSemicolon (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660208C1)>]
[marking 000002858736F6C1 <JS Function parseParenExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020E71)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 3/6 (50%), generic ICs: 0/6 (0%)]
[compiling method 000002858736F6C1 <JS Function parseParenExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020E71)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 000002858736EE09 <JS Function parseMaybeUnary (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021691)> - took 0.983, 2.146, 0.473 ms]
[completed optimizing 000002858736EE09 <JS Function parseMaybeUnary (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021691)>]
[marking 000002858736F0E1 <JS Function isUseStrict (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020721)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 7/13 (53%), generic ICs: 0/13 (0%)]
[compiling method 000002858736F0E1 <JS Function isUseStrict (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020721)> using Crankshaft]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (opt #129) @57, FP to SP delta: 112, caller sp: 0x0014e0e0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1804:18>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, args=3, height=11; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018cc9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; rax 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F21>
2: 0xddc1073941 ; [fp + 24] 000000DDC1073941 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
3: 0xddc1049f31 ; [fp + 16] 000000DDC1049F31 <JS Object>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
5: 0 ; (int) [fp - 112]
6: 0x28587368109 ; rbx 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)>
7: 0xddc1073981 ; [fp - 96] 000000DDC1073981 <JS Array[62]>
8: 0x2edc90fefd9 ; [fp - 88] 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 4) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0xddc1073941 ; [fp + 24] 000000DDC1073941 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
11: 0x84ef9c22b9 ; [fp - 56] 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
12: 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; [fp - 64] 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]>
13: 4 ; (int) [fp - 72]
14: 3 ; (int) [fp - 80]
translating frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, height=80
0x0014e0d8: [top + 128] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F21> (input #1)
0x0014e0d0: [top + 120] <- 0xddc1073941 ; 000000DDC1073941 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #2)
0x0014e0c8: [top + 112] <- 0xddc1049f31 ; 000000DDC1049F31 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e0c0: [top + 104] <- 0x26e97ba0487 ; caller's pc
0x0014e0b8: [top + 96] <- 0x0014e108 ; caller's fp
0x0014e0b0: [top + 88] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014e0a8: [top + 80] <- 0x2b66018cc9 ; function 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (input #0)
0x0014e0a0: [top + 72] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #5)
0x0014e098: [top + 64] <- 0x28587368109 ; 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)> (input #6)
0x0014e090: [top + 56] <- 0xddc1073981 ; 000000DDC1073981 <JS Array[62]> (input #7)
0x0014e088: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90fefd9 ; 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body> (input #8)
0x0014e080: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014e078: [top + 32] <- 0xddc1073941 ; 000000DDC1073941 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #10)
0x0014e070: [top + 24] <- 0x84ef9c22b9 ; 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)> (input #11)
0x0014e068: [top + 16] <- 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]> (input #12)
0x0014e060: [top + 8] <- 0x400000000 ; 4 (input #13)
0x0014e058: [top + 0] <- 0x300000000 ; 3 (input #14)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> @57 => node=427, pc=0x26e97be5516, caller sp=0x0014e0e0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.191 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.populateScope_]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660121C9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.populateScope_>]
[compiling method 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> using TurboFan]
[optimizing 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> - took 0.444, 0.317, 0.038 ms]
[optimizing 000002858736F6C1 <JS Function parseParenExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020E71)> - took 1.347, 2.282, 0.830 ms]
[completed optimizing 000002858736F6C1 <JS Function parseParenExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020E71)>]
[optimizing 000002858736F0E1 <JS Function isUseStrict (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020721)> - took 0.113, 0.202, 0.045 ms]
[completed optimizing 000002858736F0E1 <JS Function isUseStrict (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020721)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT soft): begin 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (opt #139) @0, FP to SP delta: 16, caller sp: 0x0014e138]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:294:19>, Insufficient type feedback for generic named access
reading input frame => bytecode_offset=2, args=2, height=14; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018429 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; [fp + 24] 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F21>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 8] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
4: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
5: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 2) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
17: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating interpreted frame => bytecode_offset=2, height=112
0x0014e130: [top + 176] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F21> (input #1)
0x0014e128: [top + 168] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014e120: [top + 160] <- 0x26e97a06c5b ; caller's pc
0x0014e118: [top + 152] <- 0x0014e150 ; caller's fp
0x0014e110: [top + 144] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #3)
0x0014e108: [top + 136] <- 0x2b66018429 ; function 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (input #0)
0x0014e100: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014e0f8: [top + 120] <- 0x2f7b4e8b639 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8B639 <BytecodeArray[265]> (input #0)
0x0014e0f0: [top + 112] <- 0x3700000000 ; bytecode offset 55 (input #0)
0x0014e0e8: [top + 104] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #4)
0x0014e0e0: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #5)
0x0014e0d8: [top + 88] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014e0d0: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014e0c8: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #8)
0x0014e0c0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
0x0014e0b8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014e0b0: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #11)
0x0014e0a8: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014e0a0: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014e098: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014e090: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014e088: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #16)
0x0014e080: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; accumulator 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #17)
[deoptimizing (soft): end 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> @0 => node=2, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e138, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.273 ms]
[removing optimized code for:]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> (opt #128) @132, FP to SP delta: 80, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2666:18>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepCallExpression => bytecode_offset=381, args=4, height=23; inputs:
0: 0x2b660197d1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; r11 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F21>
2: 0x2d0f1b54d79 ; [fp + 32] 000002D0F1B54D79 <JS Array[3]>
3: 0x2d0f1b55eb1 ; [fp + 24] 000002D0F1B55EB1 <JS Object>
4: 0xddc1073ae1 ; [fp + 16] 000000DDC1073AE1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469>
5: 0x2d0f1b55fa1 ; [fp - 24] 000002D0F1B55FA1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 2) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
17: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
18: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
19: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
20: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 8] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
21: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
22: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
23: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
24: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
25: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
26: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
27: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
28: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating interpreted frame Interpreter.stepCallExpression => bytecode_offset=381, height=184
0x0014e030: [top + 264] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F21> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 256] <- 0x2d0f1b54d79 ; 000002D0F1B54D79 <JS Array[3]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 248] <- 0x2d0f1b55eb1 ; 000002D0F1B55EB1 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 240] <- 0xddc1073ae1 ; 000000DDC1073AE1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 232] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 224] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 216] <- 0x2d0f1b55fa1 ; context 000002D0F1B55FA1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 208] <- 0x2b660197d1 ; function 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 200] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 192] <- 0x2f7b4e8d049 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8D049 <BytecodeArray[2105]> (input #0)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 184] <- 0x1b200000000 ; bytecode offset 434 (input #0)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 176] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014dfd0: [top + 168] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014dfc8: [top + 160] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #8)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 152] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 144] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 136] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #11)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014dfa0: [top + 120] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014df98: [top + 112] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014df90: [top + 104] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014df88: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #16)
0x0014df80: [top + 88] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #17)
0x0014df78: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #18)
0x0014df70: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #19)
0x0014df68: [top + 64] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #20)
0x0014df60: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #21)
0x0014df58: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #22)
0x0014df50: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #23)
0x0014df48: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #24)
0x0014df40: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #25)
0x0014df38: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #26)
0x0014df30: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #27)
0x0014df28: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; accumulator 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #28)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> @132 => node=381, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.369 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepCallExpression]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> (opt #132) @11, FP to SP delta: 104, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3348:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration => node=79, args=4, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019fb1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; r11 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F21>
2: 0x2d0f1b54d79 ; [fp + 32] 000002D0F1B54D79 <JS Array[2]>
3: 0x2d0f1b55db1 ; rdi 000002D0F1B55DB1 <JS Object>
4: 0xddc10739b1 ; rdx 000000DDC10739B1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4259>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0xddc1073a11 ; rcx 000000DDC1073A11 <JS Array[1]>
7: 0x00000000 ; r8 0
8: 0xddc1073a41 ; rax 000000DDC1073A41 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C44C1>
translating frame Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration => node=79, height=24
0x0014e030: [top + 80] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F21> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 72] <- 0x2d0f1b54d79 ; 000002D0F1B54D79 <JS Array[2]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 64] <- 0x2d0f1b55db1 ; 000002D0F1B55DB1 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 56] <- 0xddc10739b1 ; 000000DDC10739B1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4259> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 40] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 32] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 24] <- 0x2b66019fb1 ; function 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 16] <- 0xddc1073a11 ; 000000DDC1073A11 <JS Array[1]> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 8] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 0] <- 0xddc1073a41 ; 000000DDC1073A41 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C44C1> (input #8)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> @11 => node=79, pc=0x26e97be703b, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.147 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660153A9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> (opt #114) @10, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3106:21>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepObjectExpression => node=72, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019ce1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; r8 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F21>
2: 0x2d0f1b54d79 ; [fp + 32] 000002D0F1B54D79 <JS Array[3]>
3: 0x2d0f1b59c61 ; rcx 000002D0F1B59C61 <JS Object>
4: 0xddc107a459 ; [fp + 16] 000000DDC107A459 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 4) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; rbx 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepObjectExpression => node=72, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F21> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0x2d0f1b54d79 ; 000002D0F1B54D79 <JS Array[3]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0x2d0f1b59c61 ; 000002D0F1B59C61 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0xddc107a459 ; 000000DDC107A459 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66019ce1 ; function 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> @10 => node=72, pc=0x26e97be7d23, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.153 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepObjectExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014B89 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepObjectExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (opt #121) @11, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3027:12>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019b79 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; r9 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F21>
2: 0x2d0f1b54d79 ; rdx 000002D0F1B54D79 <JS Array[4]>
3: 0x2d0f1b5a5b9 ; r8 000002D0F1B5A5B9 <JS Object>
4: 0xddc107a7f9 ; rcx 000000DDC107A7F9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0xddc107a799 ; rdi 000000DDC107A799 <String[6]: Object>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F21> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x2d0f1b54d79 ; 000002D0F1B54D79 <JS Array[4]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x2d0f1b5a5b9 ; 000002D0F1B5A5B9 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0xddc107a7f9 ; 000000DDC107A7F9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019b79 ; function 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0xddc107a799 ; 000000DDC107A799 <String[6]: Object> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> @11 => node=56, pc=0x26e97be9813, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.120 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepIdentifier]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014779 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepIdentifier>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> (opt #124) @31, FP to SP delta: 80, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2535:8>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression => node=347, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b660196b1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; rbx 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F21>
2: 0x2d0f1b54d79 ; [fp + 32] 000002D0F1B54D79 <JS Array[3]>
3: 0x2d0f1b5a509 ; [fp + 24] 000002D0F1B5A509 <JS Object>
4: 0xddc107a909 ; [fp + 16] 000000DDC107A909 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4729>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 7) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 10) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0xddc104c431 ; rax 000000DDC104C431 <JS Object>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 10) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating frame Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression => node=347, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F21> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0x2d0f1b54d79 ; 000002D0F1B54D79 <JS Array[3]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0x2d0f1b5a509 ; 000002D0F1B5A509 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0xddc107a909 ; 000000DDC107A909 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4729> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b660196b1 ; function 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0xddc104c431 ; 000000DDC104C431 <JS Object> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> @31 => node=347, pc=0x26e97be8f12, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.160 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660139A9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (opt #123) @8, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfd0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1883:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setValue => node=7, args=4, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018e01 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; r9 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F21>
2: 0xddc1049f31 ; [fp + 32] 000000DDC1049F31 <JS Object>
3: 0x2d0f1b5a611 ; rax 000002D0F1B5A611 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0xddc104c431 ; [fp + 16] 000000DDC104C431 <JS Object>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; r8 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.setValue => node=7, height=0
0x0014dfc8: [top + 56] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F21> (input #1)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0xddc1049f31 ; 000000DDC1049F31 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0x2d0f1b5a611 ; 000002D0F1B5A611 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0xddc104c431 ; 000000DDC104C431 <JS Object> (input #4)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97be8f9f ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018e01 ; function 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> @8 => node=7, pc=0x26e97be9e9d, caller sp=0x0014dfd0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.108 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012509 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setValue>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> (opt #133) @43, FP to SP delta: 88, caller sp: 0x0014df40]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1701:22>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setProperty => node=1079, args=5, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018ba9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; rax 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F21>
2: 0xddc104b049 ; [fp + 40] 000000DDC104B049 <JS Object>
3: 0xddc107a839 ; [fp - 32] 000000DDC107A839 <String[14]: defineProperty>
4: 0xddc104c431 ; [fp + 24] 000000DDC104C431 <JS Object>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
10: 0xddc104b049 ; [fp - 48] 000000DDC104B049 <JS Object>
translating frame Interpreter.setProperty => node=1079, height=32
0x0014df38: [top + 96] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F21> (input #1)
0x0014df30: [top + 88] <- 0xddc104b049 ; 000000DDC104B049 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014df28: [top + 80] <- 0xddc107a839 ; 000000DDC107A839 <String[14]: defineProperty> (input #3)
0x0014df20: [top + 72] <- 0xddc104c431 ; 000000DDC104C431 <JS Object> (input #4)
0x0014df18: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014df10: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97a06c5b ; caller's pc
0x0014df08: [top + 48] <- 0x0014df58 ; caller's fp
0x0014df00: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #6)
0x0014def8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66018ba9 ; function 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> (input #0)
0x0014def0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dee8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dee0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
0x0014ded8: [top + 0] <- 0xddc104b049 ; 000000DDC104B049 <JS Object> (input #10)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> @43 => node=1079, pc=0x26e97b8e8c5, caller sp=0x0014df40, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.141 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setProperty]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66011E89 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setProperty>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (opt #126) @8, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dee0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1867:17>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.getValue => node=7, args=3, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018db9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; r9 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F79>
2: 0xddc1049f31 ; [fp + 24] 000000DDC1049F31 <JS Object>
3: 0x2d0f1b5aab9 ; rax 000002D0F1B5AAB9 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; r8 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.getValue => node=7, height=0
0x0014ded8: [top + 48] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F79> (input #1)
0x0014ded0: [top + 40] <- 0xddc1049f31 ; 000000DDC1049F31 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dec8: [top + 32] <- 0x2d0f1b5aab9 ; 000002D0F1B5AAB9 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dec0: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97ae238b ; caller's pc
0x0014deb8: [top + 16] <- 0x0014df20 ; caller's fp
0x0014deb0: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014dea8: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018db9 ; function 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> @8 => node=7, pc=0x26e97bea36d, caller sp=0x0014dee0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.105 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012439 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getValue>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> (opt #134) @8, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2481:20>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepArrayExpression => node=57, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019669 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; r8 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F79>
2: 0x2d0f1b54d79 ; [fp + 32] 000002D0F1B54D79 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0x2d0f1b5cf31 ; rdx 000002D0F1B5CF31 <JS Object>
4: 0xddc107b8f9 ; rax 000000DDC107B8F9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4939>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0xddc107ba29 ; rbx 000000DDC107BA29 <JS Array[15]>
7: 0x00000000 ; rcx 0
translating frame Interpreter.stepArrayExpression => node=57, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F79> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x2d0f1b54d79 ; 000002D0F1B54D79 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x2d0f1b5cf31 ; 000002D0F1B5CF31 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0xddc107b8f9 ; 000000DDC107B8F9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4939> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019669 ; function 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0xddc107ba29 ; 000000DDC107BA29 <JS Array[15]> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> @8 => node=57, pc=0x26e97bebc05, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.123 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepArrayExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660138D9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepArrayExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> (opt #111) @38, FP to SP delta: 32, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3095:40>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepMemberExpression => node=293, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019c99 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; r11 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F79>
2: 0x2d0f1b54d79 ; r8 000002D0F1B54D79 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0x2d0f1b5dcc9 ; rax 000002D0F1B5DCC9 <JS Object>
4: 0xddc107d7d9 ; rdx 000000DDC107D7D9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4621>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; rbx 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0xddc107d7b9 ; rcx 000000DDC107D7B9 <String[6]: length>
7: 0x2d0f1b5db41 ; r9 000002D0F1B5DB41 <JS Object>
translating frame Interpreter.stepMemberExpression => node=293, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F79> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x2d0f1b54d79 ; 000002D0F1B54D79 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x2d0f1b5dcc9 ; 000002D0F1B5DCC9 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0xddc107d7d9 ; 000000DDC107D7D9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4621> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019c99 ; function 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0xddc107d7b9 ; 000000DDC107D7B9 <String[6]: length> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x2d0f1b5db41 ; 000002D0F1B5DB41 <JS Object> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> @38 => node=293, pc=0x26e97be95b8, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.148 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepMemberExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014AB9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepMemberExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> (opt #131) @13, FP to SP delta: 56, caller sp: 0x0014dfe0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1567:20>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.getProperty => node=116, args=3, height=2; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018b19 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; rdi 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F79>
2: 0x2d0f1b5cf89 ; [fp + 24] 000002D0F1B5CF89 <JS Object>
3: 0xddc107d7b9 ; [fp - 32] 000000DDC107D7B9 <String[6]: length>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.getProperty => node=116, height=8
0x0014dfd8: [top + 56] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F79> (input #1)
0x0014dfd0: [top + 48] <- 0x2d0f1b5cf89 ; 000002D0F1B5CF89 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfc8: [top + 40] <- 0xddc107d7b9 ; 000000DDC107D7B9 <String[6]: length> (input #3)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 32] <- 0x26e97be9620 ; caller's pc
0x0014dfb8: [top + 24] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014dfb0: [top + 16] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 8] <- 0x2b66018b19 ; function 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> (input #0)
0x0014dfa0: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> @13 => node=116, pc=0x26e97bea687, caller sp=0x0014dfe0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.095 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getProperty]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66011CE9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getProperty>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> (opt #120) @13, FP to SP delta: 104, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3324:27>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression => node=111, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019f69 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; rcx 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F79>
2: 0x2d0f1b54d79 ; [fp + 32] 000002D0F1B54D79 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0x2d0f1b60101 ; rax 000002D0F1B60101 <JS Object>
4: 0xddc107d909 ; rdx 000000DDC107D909 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; rbx 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression => node=111, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F79> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0x2d0f1b54d79 ; 000002D0F1B54D79 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0x2d0f1b60101 ; 000002D0F1B60101 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0xddc107d909 ; 000000DDC107D909 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66019f69 ; function 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> @13 => node=111, pc=0x26e97bedb9f, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.139 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660152D9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression>]
[marking 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 13/16 (81%), generic ICs: 1/16 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> - took 0.371, 0.812, 0.156 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>]
[marking 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 34/40 (85%), generic ICs: 2/40 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> - took 0.286, 0.890, 0.259 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> - took 0.207, 0.462, 0.079 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[marking 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/54 (61%), generic ICs: 3/54 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> - took 0.277, 1.091, 0.200 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)>]
[marking 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> - took 0.202, 0.526, 0.098 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>]
[compiling method 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> using TurboFan OSR]
[optimizing 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> - took 1.344, 3.981, 0.249 ms]
[marking 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 130/215 (60%), generic ICs: 5/215 (2%)]
[compiling method 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> using TurboFan]
[marking 0000002B66019D29 <JS Function Interpreter.stepProgram (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014C59)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 11/14 (78%), generic ICs: 1/14 (7%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019D29 <JS Function Interpreter.stepProgram (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014C59)> using Crankshaft]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (opt #145) @23, FP to SP delta: 216, caller sp: 0x0014e138]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:313:23>, wrong map
reading input frame => bytecode_offset=2, args=2, height=14; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018429 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; rbx 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F79>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 152] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
4: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
5: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp - 184] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
17: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating interpreted frame => bytecode_offset=2, height=112
0x0014e130: [top + 176] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F79> (input #1)
0x0014e128: [top + 168] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014e120: [top + 160] <- 0x26e97a06c5b ; caller's pc
0x0014e118: [top + 152] <- 0x0014e150 ; caller's fp
0x0014e110: [top + 144] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #3)
0x0014e108: [top + 136] <- 0x2b66018429 ; function 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (input #0)
0x0014e100: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014e0f8: [top + 120] <- 0x2f7b4e8b639 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8B639 <BytecodeArray[265]> (input #0)
0x0014e0f0: [top + 112] <- 0x3700000000 ; bytecode offset 55 (input #0)
0x0014e0e8: [top + 104] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #4)
0x0014e0e0: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #5)
0x0014e0d8: [top + 88] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014e0d0: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014e0c8: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #8)
0x0014e0c0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
0x0014e0b8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014e0b0: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #11)
0x0014e0a8: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014e0a0: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014e098: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014e090: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014e088: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #16)
0x0014e080: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; accumulator 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #17)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> @23 => node=2, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e138, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.240 ms]
[compiling method 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> using TurboFan]
[optimizing 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> - took 0.628, 2.300, 0.190 ms]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (opt #148) @5, FP to SP delta: 80, caller sp: 0x0014e138]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:295:22>, wrong map
reading input frame => bytecode_offset=16, args=2, height=14; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018429 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; rdi 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F79>
2: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
3: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 8] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
4: 0x00000000 ; rax 0
5: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp - 48] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
17: 0x00000000 ; (literal 3) 0
translating interpreted frame => bytecode_offset=16, height=112
0x0014e130: [top + 176] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9B5F79> (input #1)
0x0014e128: [top + 168] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #2)
0x0014e120: [top + 160] <- 0x26e97a06c5b ; caller's pc
0x0014e118: [top + 152] <- 0x0014e150 ; caller's fp
0x0014e110: [top + 144] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #3)
0x0014e108: [top + 136] <- 0x2b66018429 ; function 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> (input #0)
0x0014e100: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014e0f8: [top + 120] <- 0x2f7b4e8b639 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8B639 <BytecodeArray[265]> (input #0)
0x0014e0f0: [top + 112] <- 0x4500000000 ; bytecode offset 69 (input #0)
0x0014e0e8: [top + 104] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #4)
0x0014e0e0: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #5)
0x0014e0d8: [top + 88] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014e0d0: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014e0c8: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #8)
0x0014e0c0: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
0x0014e0b8: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014e0b0: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #11)
0x0014e0a8: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014e0a0: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014e098: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014e090: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014e088: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #16)
0x0014e080: [top + 0] <- 0x00000000 ; accumulator 0 (input #17)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> @5 => node=16, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e138, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.235 ms]
[removing optimized code for:]
[marking 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/53 (62%), generic ICs: 8/53 (15%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> using Crankshaft]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 000000DDC10510D9 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> (opt #127) @3, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014dee0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:778:23>, wrong map
reading input frame wrapper => node=12, args=2, height=3; inputs:
0: 0xddc10510d9 ; [fp - 16] 000000DDC10510D9 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)>
1: 0x35e2e467b91 ; r11 0000035E2E467B91 <JS Object>
2: 0x100000000 ; [fp + 16] 1
3: 0xddc104fc91 ; [fp - 24] 000000DDC104FC91 <FixedArray[6]>
4: 0 ; r12
5: argumets object #0 (length = 1)
0x100000000 ; [fp + 16] 1
translating frame wrapper => node=12, height=16
0x0014ded8: [top + 56] <- 0x35e2e467b91 ; 0000035E2E467B91 <JS Object> (input #1)
0x0014ded0: [top + 48] <- 0x100000000 ; 1 (input #2)
0x0014dec8: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97af890b ; caller's pc
0x0014dec0: [top + 32] <- 0x0014df20 ; caller's fp
0x0014deb8: [top + 24] <- 0xddc104fc91 ; context 000000DDC104FC91 <FixedArray[6]> (input #3)
0x0014deb0: [top + 16] <- 0xddc10510d9 ; function 000000DDC10510D9 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> (input #0)
0x0014dea8: [top + 8] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #4)
0x0014dea0: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082631 ; 000002EDC9082631 <Odd Oddball: arguments_marker> (input #5)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 000000DDC10510D9 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> @3 => node=12, pc=0x26e97b94f3e, caller sp=0x0014dee0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.097 ms]
Materialization [0x0014dea0] <- 0x35e2e469909 ; 0000035E2E469909 <an Arguments with map 00000084EF98F8D9>
[removing optimized code for: wrapper]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B6603EA59 <SharedFunctionInfo wrapper>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (opt #140) @11, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3027:12>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019b79 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; r9 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9AB869>
2: 0x35e2e466e69 ; rdx 0000035E2E466E69 <JS Array[11]>
3: 0x35e2e46a1d9 ; r8 0000035E2E46A1D9 <JS Object>
4: 0x35e2e465c69 ; rcx 0000035E2E465C69 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90b7589 ; rdi 000002EDC90B7589 <String[1]: a>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9AB869> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x35e2e466e69 ; 0000035E2E466E69 <JS Array[11]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x35e2e46a1d9 ; 0000035E2E46A1D9 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0x35e2e465c69 ; 0000035E2E465C69 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019b79 ; function 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90b7589 ; 000002EDC90B7589 <String[1]: a> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> @11 => node=56, pc=0x26e97be9813, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.112 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepIdentifier]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014779 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepIdentifier>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (opt #144) @12, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfd0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1880:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setValue => node=6, args=4, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018e01 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; rcx 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9AB869>
2: 0x35e2e468321 ; [fp + 32] 0000035E2E468321 <JS Object>
3: 0x35e2e46a141 ; [fp + 24] 0000035E2E46A141 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x200000000 ; [fp + 16] 2
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.setValue => node=6, height=0
0x0014dfc8: [top + 56] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9AB869> (input #1)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0x35e2e468321 ; 0000035E2E468321 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0x35e2e46a141 ; 0000035E2E46A141 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0x200000000 ; 2 (input #4)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97be8f9f ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018e01 ; function 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> @12 => node=6, pc=0x26e97be9e25, caller sp=0x0014dfd0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.084 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012509 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setValue>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (opt #142) @12, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfc8]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1864:17>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.getValue => node=6, args=3, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018db9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; rcx 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9AB869>
2: 0x35e2e468321 ; [fp + 24] 0000035E2E468321 <JS Object>
3: 0x35e2e46a709 ; [fp + 16] 0000035E2E46A709 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.getValue => node=6, height=0
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9AB869> (input #1)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0x35e2e468321 ; 0000035E2E468321 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0x35e2e46a709 ; 0000035E2E46A709 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97bedc2c ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018db9 ; function 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> @12 => node=6, pc=0x26e97bea2c5, caller sp=0x0014dfc8, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.078 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012439 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getValue>]
[marking 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> - took 2.466, 8.626, 0.597 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)>]
[optimizing 0000002B66019D29 <JS Function Interpreter.stepProgram (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014C59)> - took 0.245, 0.446, 0.132 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019D29 <JS Function Interpreter.stepProgram (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014C59)>]
[marking 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 13/16 (81%), generic ICs: 1/16 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> - took 0.238, 0.600, 0.131 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>]
[optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> - took 0.413, 1.869, 0.187 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> (opt #146) @10, FP to SP delta: 72, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2641:25>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepCallExpression => bytecode_offset=145, args=4, height=23; inputs:
0: 0x2b660197d1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; r14 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9AB869>
2: 0x35e2e466e69 ; [fp + 32] 0000035E2E466E69 <JS Array[10]>
3: 0x35e2e479a29 ; [fp + 24] 0000035E2E479A29 <JS Object>
4: 0x35e2e4659b9 ; [fp + 16] 0000035E2E4659B9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469>
5: 0x35e2e479cd1 ; [fp - 24] 0000035E2E479CD1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x35e2e479c91 ; r11 0000035E2E479C91 <JS Array[2]>
8: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 2) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
17: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
18: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
19: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
20: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 8] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
21: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
22: 0x35e2e479a29 ; r12 0000035E2E479A29 <JS Object>
23: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
24: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
25: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
26: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
27: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
28: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating interpreted frame Interpreter.stepCallExpression => bytecode_offset=145, height=184
0x0014e030: [top + 264] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9AB869> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 256] <- 0x35e2e466e69 ; 0000035E2E466E69 <JS Array[10]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 248] <- 0x35e2e479a29 ; 0000035E2E479A29 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 240] <- 0x35e2e4659b9 ; 0000035E2E4659B9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 232] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 224] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 216] <- 0x35e2e479cd1 ; context 0000035E2E479CD1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 208] <- 0x2b660197d1 ; function 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 200] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 192] <- 0x2f7b4e8d049 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8D049 <BytecodeArray[2105]> (input #0)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 184] <- 0xc600000000 ; bytecode offset 198 (input #0)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 176] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014dfd0: [top + 168] <- 0x35e2e479c91 ; 0000035E2E479C91 <JS Array[2]> (input #7)
0x0014dfc8: [top + 160] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #8)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 152] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 144] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 136] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #11)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014dfa0: [top + 120] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014df98: [top + 112] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014df90: [top + 104] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014df88: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #16)
0x0014df80: [top + 88] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #17)
0x0014df78: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #18)
0x0014df70: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #19)
0x0014df68: [top + 64] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #20)
0x0014df60: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #21)
0x0014df58: [top + 48] <- 0x35e2e479a29 ; 0000035E2E479A29 <JS Object> (input #22)
0x0014df50: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #23)
0x0014df48: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #24)
0x0014df40: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #25)
0x0014df38: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #26)
0x0014df30: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #27)
0x0014df28: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; accumulator 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #28)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> @10 => node=145, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.350 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepCallExpression]
[optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> - took 1.277, 0.798, 0.147 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>]
[marking 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> - took 0.235, 0.470, 0.079 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[marking 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/72 (50%), generic ICs: 0/72 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> using Crankshaft]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (opt #149) @57, FP to SP delta: 112, caller sp: 0x0014dee0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1804:18>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, args=3, height=11; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018cc9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>
1: 0xddc1045859 ; rax 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9AB869>
2: 0x35e2e464e99 ; [fp + 24] 0000035E2E464E99 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
3: 0x3b4ba6bc501 ; [fp + 16] 000003B4BA6BC501 <JS Object>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
5: 0 ; (int) [fp - 112]
6: 0x28587368109 ; rbx 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)>
7: 0x35e2e464ed9 ; [fp - 96] 0000035E2E464ED9 <JS Array[2]>
8: 0x2edc90fefd9 ; [fp - 88] 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 4) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0x35e2e464e99 ; [fp + 24] 0000035E2E464E99 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
11: 0x84ef9c22b9 ; [fp - 56] 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
12: 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; [fp - 64] 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]>
13: 4 ; (int) [fp - 72]
14: 3 ; (int) [fp - 80]
translating frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, height=80
0x0014ded8: [top + 128] <- 0xddc1045859 ; 000000DDC1045859 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9AB869> (input #1)
0x0014ded0: [top + 120] <- 0x35e2e464e99 ; 0000035E2E464E99 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #2)
0x0014dec8: [top + 112] <- 0x3b4ba6bc501 ; 000003B4BA6BC501 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014dec0: [top + 104] <- 0x26e97ae238b ; caller's pc
0x0014deb8: [top + 96] <- 0x0014df20 ; caller's fp
0x0014deb0: [top + 88] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014dea8: [top + 80] <- 0x2b66018cc9 ; function 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (input #0)
0x0014dea0: [top + 72] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #5)
0x0014de98: [top + 64] <- 0x28587368109 ; 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)> (input #6)
0x0014de90: [top + 56] <- 0x35e2e464ed9 ; 0000035E2E464ED9 <JS Array[2]> (input #7)
0x0014de88: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90fefd9 ; 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body> (input #8)
0x0014de80: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014de78: [top + 32] <- 0x35e2e464e99 ; 0000035E2E464E99 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #10)
0x0014de70: [top + 24] <- 0x84ef9c22b9 ; 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)> (input #11)
0x0014de68: [top + 16] <- 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]> (input #12)
0x0014de60: [top + 8] <- 0x400000000 ; 4 (input #13)
0x0014de58: [top + 0] <- 0x300000000 ; 3 (input #14)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> @57 => node=427, pc=0x26e97be5516, caller sp=0x0014dee0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.193 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.populateScope_]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660121C9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.populateScope_>]
[optimizing 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> - took 0.660, 1.668, 0.289 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)>]
[disabled optimization for 0000002B66010969 <SharedFunctionInfo>, reason: Deoptimized too many times]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for baseline recompilation, reason: hot enough for baseline, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[marking 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/48 (75%), generic ICs: 0/48 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for baseline recompilation, reason: hot enough for baseline, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[optimizing 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> - took 0.735, 1.808, 0.323 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)>]
[marking 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 130/215 (60%), generic ICs: 5/215 (2%)]
[compiling method 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> using TurboFan]
[optimizing 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> - took 2.797, 10.317, 0.693 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)>]
[marking 000000DDC10510D9 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/11 (90%), generic ICs: 1/11 (9%)]
[compiling method 000000DDC10510D9 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 000000DDC10510D9 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> - took 0.118, 0.206, 0.082 ms]
[completed optimizing 000000DDC10510D9 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)>]
[marking 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/53 (62%), generic ICs: 8/53 (15%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> - took 0.421, 0.972, 0.254 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>]
[marking 0000010A8981AC31 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 6/7 (85%), generic ICs: 0/7 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000010A8981AC31 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000010A8981AC31 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> - took 0.127, 0.244, 0.102 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000010A8981AC31 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)>]
[marking 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 14/38 (36%), generic ICs: 4/38 (10%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> - took 0.362, 0.854, 0.197 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)>]
[marking 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 27/32 (84%), generic ICs: 2/32 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> - took 0.484, 1.303, 0.268 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 51/149 (34%), generic ICs: 22/149 (14%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> - took 0.844, 2.934, 0.471 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)>]
[marking 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 31/37 (83%), generic ICs: 1/37 (2%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> using Crankshaft]
Run 3: 22176 ms
[optimizing 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> - took 0.332, 0.788, 0.229 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000032F5D4EEC01 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> (opt #159) @2, FP to SP delta: 24, caller sp: 0x0014e010]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2287:18>, wrong map
reading input frame intrp.Array => node=4, args=2, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x32f5d4eec01 ; [fp - 16] 0000032F5D4EEC01 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)>
1: 0x2ff1384c689 ; [fp + 24] 000002FF1384C689 <JS Object>
2: 0x2ff13846d31 ; [fp + 16] 000002FF13846D31 <JS Object>
3: 0x2ff13841f21 ; rax 000002FF13841F21 <FixedArray[5]>
translating frame intrp.Array => node=4, height=0
0x0014e008: [top + 40] <- 0x2ff1384c689 ; 000002FF1384C689 <JS Object> (input #1)
0x0014e000: [top + 32] <- 0x2ff13846d31 ; 000002FF13846D31 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dff8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97a08a4a ; caller's pc
0x0014dff0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e030 ; caller's fp
0x0014dfe8: [top + 8] <- 0x2ff13841f21 ; context 000002FF13841F21 <FixedArray[5]> (input #3)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 0] <- 0x32f5d4eec01 ; function 0000032F5D4EEC01 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000032F5D4EEC01 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> @2 => node=4, pc=0x26e97b94532, caller sp=0x0014e010, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.108 ms]
[removing optimized code for: intrp.Array]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66032BC1 <SharedFunctionInfo intrp.Array>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (opt #158) @57, FP to SP delta: 112, caller sp: 0x0014e0e0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1804:18>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, args=3, height=11; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018cc9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>
1: 0x2ff13841e81 ; rax 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996CB1>
2: 0x2ff13870329 ; [fp + 24] 000002FF13870329 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
3: 0x2ff138469a9 ; [fp + 16] 000002FF138469A9 <JS Object>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
5: 0 ; (int) [fp - 112]
6: 0x28587368109 ; rbx 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)>
7: 0x2ff13870369 ; [fp - 96] 000002FF13870369 <JS Array[62]>
8: 0x2edc90fefd9 ; [fp - 88] 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 4) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0x2ff13870329 ; [fp + 24] 000002FF13870329 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
11: 0x84ef9c22b9 ; [fp - 56] 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
12: 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; [fp - 64] 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]>
13: 4 ; (int) [fp - 72]
14: 3 ; (int) [fp - 80]
translating frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, height=80
0x0014e0d8: [top + 128] <- 0x2ff13841e81 ; 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996CB1> (input #1)
0x0014e0d0: [top + 120] <- 0x2ff13870329 ; 000002FF13870329 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #2)
0x0014e0c8: [top + 112] <- 0x2ff138469a9 ; 000002FF138469A9 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e0c0: [top + 104] <- 0x26e97ba0487 ; caller's pc
0x0014e0b8: [top + 96] <- 0x0014e108 ; caller's fp
0x0014e0b0: [top + 88] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014e0a8: [top + 80] <- 0x2b66018cc9 ; function 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (input #0)
0x0014e0a0: [top + 72] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #5)
0x0014e098: [top + 64] <- 0x28587368109 ; 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)> (input #6)
0x0014e090: [top + 56] <- 0x2ff13870369 ; 000002FF13870369 <JS Array[62]> (input #7)
0x0014e088: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90fefd9 ; 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body> (input #8)
0x0014e080: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014e078: [top + 32] <- 0x2ff13870329 ; 000002FF13870329 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #10)
0x0014e070: [top + 24] <- 0x84ef9c22b9 ; 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)> (input #11)
0x0014e068: [top + 16] <- 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]> (input #12)
0x0014e060: [top + 8] <- 0x400000000 ; 4 (input #13)
0x0014e058: [top + 0] <- 0x300000000 ; 3 (input #14)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> @57 => node=427, pc=0x26e97be5516, caller sp=0x0014e0e0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.206 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.populateScope_]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660121C9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.populateScope_>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> (opt #156) @132, FP to SP delta: 80, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2666:18>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepCallExpression => bytecode_offset=381, args=4, height=23; inputs:
0: 0x2b660197d1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)>
1: 0x2ff13841e81 ; r11 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996CB1>
2: 0x10984acf379 ; [fp + 32] 0000010984ACF379 <JS Array[3]>
3: 0x10984acf571 ; [fp + 24] 0000010984ACF571 <JS Object>
4: 0x2ff138704c9 ; [fp + 16] 000002FF138704C9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469>
5: 0x10984acf661 ; [fp - 24] 0000010984ACF661 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 2) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
17: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
18: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
19: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
20: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 8] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
21: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
22: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
23: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
24: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
25: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
26: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
27: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
28: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating interpreted frame Interpreter.stepCallExpression => bytecode_offset=381, height=184
0x0014e030: [top + 264] <- 0x2ff13841e81 ; 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996CB1> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 256] <- 0x10984acf379 ; 0000010984ACF379 <JS Array[3]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 248] <- 0x10984acf571 ; 0000010984ACF571 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 240] <- 0x2ff138704c9 ; 000002FF138704C9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 232] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 224] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 216] <- 0x10984acf661 ; context 0000010984ACF661 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 208] <- 0x2b660197d1 ; function 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 200] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 192] <- 0x2f7b4e8d049 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8D049 <BytecodeArray[2105]> (input #0)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 184] <- 0x1b200000000 ; bytecode offset 434 (input #0)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 176] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014dfd0: [top + 168] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014dfc8: [top + 160] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #8)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 152] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 144] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 136] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #11)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014dfa0: [top + 120] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014df98: [top + 112] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014df90: [top + 104] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014df88: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #16)
0x0014df80: [top + 88] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #17)
0x0014df78: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #18)
0x0014df70: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #19)
0x0014df68: [top + 64] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #20)
0x0014df60: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #21)
0x0014df58: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #22)
0x0014df50: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #23)
0x0014df48: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #24)
0x0014df40: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #25)
0x0014df38: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #26)
0x0014df30: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #27)
0x0014df28: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; accumulator 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #28)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> @132 => node=381, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.327 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepCallExpression]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> (opt #161) @11, FP to SP delta: 104, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3348:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration => node=79, args=4, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019fb1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)>
1: 0x2ff13841e81 ; r11 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996CB1>
2: 0x10984acf379 ; [fp + 32] 0000010984ACF379 <JS Array[2]>
3: 0x10984acf471 ; rdi 0000010984ACF471 <JS Object>
4: 0x2ff13870399 ; rdx 000002FF13870399 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4259>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2ff138703f9 ; rcx 000002FF138703F9 <JS Array[1]>
7: 0x00000000 ; r8 0
8: 0x2ff13870429 ; rax 000002FF13870429 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C44C1>
translating frame Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration => node=79, height=24
0x0014e030: [top + 80] <- 0x2ff13841e81 ; 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996CB1> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 72] <- 0x10984acf379 ; 0000010984ACF379 <JS Array[2]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 64] <- 0x10984acf471 ; 0000010984ACF471 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 56] <- 0x2ff13870399 ; 000002FF13870399 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4259> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 40] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 32] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 24] <- 0x2b66019fb1 ; function 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 16] <- 0x2ff138703f9 ; 000002FF138703F9 <JS Array[1]> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 8] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 0] <- 0x2ff13870429 ; 000002FF13870429 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C44C1> (input #8)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> @11 => node=79, pc=0x26e97be703b, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.134 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660153A9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> (opt #143) @10, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3106:21>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepObjectExpression => node=72, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019ce1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)>
1: 0x2ff13841e81 ; r8 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996CB1>
2: 0x10984acf379 ; [fp + 32] 0000010984ACF379 <JS Array[3]>
3: 0x10984ad3321 ; rcx 0000010984AD3321 <JS Object>
4: 0x2ff13876e41 ; [fp + 16] 000002FF13876E41 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 4) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; rbx 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepObjectExpression => node=72, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0x2ff13841e81 ; 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996CB1> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0x10984acf379 ; 0000010984ACF379 <JS Array[3]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0x10984ad3321 ; 0000010984AD3321 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0x2ff13876e41 ; 000002FF13876E41 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66019ce1 ; function 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> @10 => node=72, pc=0x26e97be7d23, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.142 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepObjectExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014B89 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepObjectExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (opt #151) @11, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3027:12>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019b79 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>
1: 0x2ff13841e81 ; r9 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996CB1>
2: 0x10984acf379 ; rdx 0000010984ACF379 <JS Array[4]>
3: 0x10984ad3c79 ; r8 0000010984AD3C79 <JS Object>
4: 0x2ff138771e1 ; rcx 000002FF138771E1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2ff13877181 ; rdi 000002FF13877181 <String[6]: Object>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0x2ff13841e81 ; 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996CB1> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x10984acf379 ; 0000010984ACF379 <JS Array[4]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x10984ad3c79 ; 0000010984AD3C79 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0x2ff138771e1 ; 000002FF138771E1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019b79 ; function 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0x2ff13877181 ; 000002FF13877181 <String[6]: Object> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> @11 => node=56, pc=0x26e97be9813, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.107 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepIdentifier]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014779 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepIdentifier>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> (opt #153) @31, FP to SP delta: 80, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2535:8>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression => node=347, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b660196b1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)>
1: 0x2ff13841e81 ; rbx 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996CB1>
2: 0x10984acf379 ; [fp + 32] 0000010984ACF379 <JS Array[3]>
3: 0x10984ad3bc9 ; [fp + 24] 0000010984AD3BC9 <JS Object>
4: 0x2ff138772f1 ; [fp + 16] 000002FF138772F1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4729>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 7) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 10) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x2ff13848da9 ; rax 000002FF13848DA9 <JS Object>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 10) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating frame Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression => node=347, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0x2ff13841e81 ; 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996CB1> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0x10984acf379 ; 0000010984ACF379 <JS Array[3]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0x10984ad3bc9 ; 0000010984AD3BC9 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0x2ff138772f1 ; 000002FF138772F1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4729> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b660196b1 ; function 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x2ff13848da9 ; 000002FF13848DA9 <JS Object> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> @31 => node=347, pc=0x26e97be8f12, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.145 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660139A9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (opt #150) @8, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfd0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1883:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setValue => node=7, args=4, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018e01 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>
1: 0x2ff13841e81 ; r9 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996CB1>
2: 0x2ff138469a9 ; [fp + 32] 000002FF138469A9 <JS Object>
3: 0x10984ad3cd1 ; rax 0000010984AD3CD1 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x2ff13848da9 ; [fp + 16] 000002FF13848DA9 <JS Object>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; r8 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.setValue => node=7, height=0
0x0014dfc8: [top + 56] <- 0x2ff13841e81 ; 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996CB1> (input #1)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0x2ff138469a9 ; 000002FF138469A9 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0x10984ad3cd1 ; 0000010984AD3CD1 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0x2ff13848da9 ; 000002FF13848DA9 <JS Object> (input #4)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97be8f9f ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018e01 ; function 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> @8 => node=7, pc=0x26e97be9e9d, caller sp=0x0014dfd0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.100 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012509 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setValue>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> (opt #162) @43, FP to SP delta: 88, caller sp: 0x0014df40]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1701:22>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setProperty => node=1079, args=5, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018ba9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)>
1: 0x2ff13841e81 ; rax 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996CB1>
2: 0x2ff13847a21 ; [fp + 40] 000002FF13847A21 <JS Object>
3: 0x2ff13877221 ; [fp - 32] 000002FF13877221 <String[14]: defineProperty>
4: 0x2ff13848da9 ; [fp + 24] 000002FF13848DA9 <JS Object>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
10: 0x2ff13847a21 ; [fp - 48] 000002FF13847A21 <JS Object>
translating frame Interpreter.setProperty => node=1079, height=32
0x0014df38: [top + 96] <- 0x2ff13841e81 ; 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996CB1> (input #1)
0x0014df30: [top + 88] <- 0x2ff13847a21 ; 000002FF13847A21 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014df28: [top + 80] <- 0x2ff13877221 ; 000002FF13877221 <String[14]: defineProperty> (input #3)
0x0014df20: [top + 72] <- 0x2ff13848da9 ; 000002FF13848DA9 <JS Object> (input #4)
0x0014df18: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014df10: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97a06c5b ; caller's pc
0x0014df08: [top + 48] <- 0x0014df58 ; caller's fp
0x0014df00: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #6)
0x0014def8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66018ba9 ; function 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> (input #0)
0x0014def0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dee8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dee0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
0x0014ded8: [top + 0] <- 0x2ff13847a21 ; 000002FF13847A21 <JS Object> (input #10)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> @43 => node=1079, pc=0x26e97b8e8c5, caller sp=0x0014df40, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.128 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setProperty]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66011E89 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setProperty>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (opt #152) @8, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dee0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1867:17>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.getValue => node=7, args=3, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018db9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>
1: 0x2ff13841e81 ; r9 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996D09>
2: 0x2ff138469a9 ; [fp + 24] 000002FF138469A9 <JS Object>
3: 0x10984ad4179 ; rax 0000010984AD4179 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; r8 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.getValue => node=7, height=0
0x0014ded8: [top + 48] <- 0x2ff13841e81 ; 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996D09> (input #1)
0x0014ded0: [top + 40] <- 0x2ff138469a9 ; 000002FF138469A9 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dec8: [top + 32] <- 0x10984ad4179 ; 0000010984AD4179 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dec0: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97ae238b ; caller's pc
0x0014deb8: [top + 16] <- 0x0014df20 ; caller's fp
0x0014deb0: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014dea8: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018db9 ; function 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> @8 => node=7, pc=0x26e97bea36d, caller sp=0x0014dee0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.181 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012439 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getValue>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> (opt #163) @8, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2481:20>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepArrayExpression => node=57, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019669 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)>
1: 0x2ff13841e81 ; r11 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996D09>
2: 0x10984acf379 ; [fp + 32] 0000010984ACF379 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0x10984ad6281 ; r8 0000010984AD6281 <JS Object>
4: 0x2ff138782e1 ; rbx 000002FF138782E1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4939>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2ff13878411 ; rcx 000002FF13878411 <JS Array[15]>
7: 0x00000000 ; r9 0
translating frame Interpreter.stepArrayExpression => node=57, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0x2ff13841e81 ; 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996D09> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x10984acf379 ; 0000010984ACF379 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x10984ad6281 ; 0000010984AD6281 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0x2ff138782e1 ; 000002FF138782E1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4939> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019669 ; function 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0x2ff13878411 ; 000002FF13878411 <JS Array[15]> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> @8 => node=57, pc=0x26e97bebc05, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.113 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepArrayExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660138D9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepArrayExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> (opt #141) @38, FP to SP delta: 32, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3095:40>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepMemberExpression => node=293, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019c99 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)>
1: 0x2ff13841e81 ; r11 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996D09>
2: 0x10984acf379 ; r8 0000010984ACF379 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0x10984ad6f29 ; rax 0000010984AD6F29 <JS Object>
4: 0x2ff1387a1c1 ; rdx 000002FF1387A1C1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4621>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; rbx 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2ff1387a1a1 ; rcx 000002FF1387A1A1 <String[6]: length>
7: 0x10984ad6da1 ; r9 0000010984AD6DA1 <JS Object>
translating frame Interpreter.stepMemberExpression => node=293, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0x2ff13841e81 ; 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996D09> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x10984acf379 ; 0000010984ACF379 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x10984ad6f29 ; 0000010984AD6F29 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0x2ff1387a1c1 ; 000002FF1387A1C1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4621> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019c99 ; function 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0x2ff1387a1a1 ; 000002FF1387A1A1 <String[6]: length> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x10984ad6da1 ; 0000010984AD6DA1 <JS Object> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> @38 => node=293, pc=0x26e97be95b8, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.136 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepMemberExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014AB9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepMemberExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> (opt #160) @13, FP to SP delta: 56, caller sp: 0x0014dfe0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1567:20>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.getProperty => node=116, args=3, height=2; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018b19 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)>
1: 0x2ff13841e81 ; rbx 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996D09>
2: 0x10984ad62d9 ; [fp + 24] 0000010984AD62D9 <JS Object>
3: 0x2ff1387a1a1 ; [fp - 32] 000002FF1387A1A1 <String[6]: length>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.getProperty => node=116, height=8
0x0014dfd8: [top + 56] <- 0x2ff13841e81 ; 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996D09> (input #1)
0x0014dfd0: [top + 48] <- 0x10984ad62d9 ; 0000010984AD62D9 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfc8: [top + 40] <- 0x2ff1387a1a1 ; 000002FF1387A1A1 <String[6]: length> (input #3)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 32] <- 0x26e97be9620 ; caller's pc
0x0014dfb8: [top + 24] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014dfb0: [top + 16] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 8] <- 0x2b66018b19 ; function 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> (input #0)
0x0014dfa0: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> @13 => node=116, pc=0x26e97bea687, caller sp=0x0014dfe0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.101 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getProperty]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66011CE9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getProperty>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> (opt #155) @13, FP to SP delta: 104, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3324:27>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression => node=111, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019f69 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)>
1: 0x2ff13841e81 ; rcx 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996D09>
2: 0x10984acf379 ; [fp + 32] 0000010984ACF379 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0x10984ad9311 ; rax 0000010984AD9311 <JS Object>
4: 0x2ff1387a2f1 ; rdx 000002FF1387A2F1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; rbx 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression => node=111, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0x2ff13841e81 ; 000002FF13841E81 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996D09> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0x10984acf379 ; 0000010984ACF379 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0x10984ad9311 ; 0000010984AD9311 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0x2ff1387a2f1 ; 000002FF1387A2F1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66019f69 ; function 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> @13 => node=111, pc=0x26e97bedb9f, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.126 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660152D9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression>]
[marking 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 13/16 (81%), generic ICs: 1/16 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> - took 0.358, 0.848, 0.184 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for baseline recompilation, reason: hot enough for baseline, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> - took 0.216, 0.574, 0.082 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>]
[marking 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 34/40 (85%), generic ICs: 2/40 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> - took 0.322, 0.969, 0.216 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for baseline recompilation, reason: hot enough for baseline, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[marking 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/54 (61%), generic ICs: 3/54 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> - took 0.318, 1.157, 0.222 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)>]
[marking 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> - took 0.276, 0.582, 0.149 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>]
[marking 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/48 (75%), generic ICs: 0/48 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> - took 0.805, 1.842, 0.346 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)>]
[marking 000002858736F481 <JS Function readNumber (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601FD61)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/64 (56%), generic ICs: 0/64 (0%)]
[compiling method 000002858736F481 <JS Function readNumber (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601FD61)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/53 (62%), generic ICs: 8/53 (15%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> - took 0.319, 0.878, 0.216 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000017032097961 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> (opt #157) @3, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014dee0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:778:23>, wrong map
reading input frame wrapper => node=12, args=2, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x17032097961 ; [fp - 16] 0000017032097961 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)>
1: 0x17017f5b981 ; r11 0000017017F5B981 <JS Object>
2: 0x100000000 ; [fp + 16] 1
3: 0x1703209a981 ; [fp - 24] 000001703209A981 <FixedArray[6]>
4: 0 ; r12
5: argumets object #0 (length = 1)
0x100000000 ; [fp + 16] 1
translating frame wrapper => node=12, height=16
0x0014ded8: [top + 56] <- 0x17017f5b981 ; 0000017017F5B981 <JS Object> (input #1)
0x0014ded0: [top + 48] <- 0x100000000 ; 1 (input #2)
0x0014dec8: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97af890b ; caller's pc
0x0014dec0: [top + 32] <- 0x0014df20 ; caller's fp
0x0014deb8: [top + 24] <- 0x1703209a981 ; context 000001703209A981 <FixedArray[6]> (input #3)
0x0014deb0: [top + 16] <- 0x17032097961 ; function 0000017032097961 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> (input #0)
0x0014dea8: [top + 8] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #4)
0x0014dea0: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082631 ; 000002EDC9082631 <Odd Oddball: arguments_marker> (input #5)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000017032097961 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> @3 => node=12, pc=0x26e97b94f3e, caller sp=0x0014dee0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.316 ms]
Materialization [0x0014dea0] <- 0x17017f5d6f9 ; 0000017017F5D6F9 <an Arguments with map 00000084EF98F8D9>
[removing optimized code for: wrapper]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B6603EA59 <SharedFunctionInfo wrapper>]
[optimizing 000002858736F481 <JS Function readNumber (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601FD61)> - took 1.060, 2.044, 0.415 ms]
[completed optimizing 000002858736F481 <JS Function readNumber (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6601FD61)>]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for baseline recompilation, reason: hot enough for baseline, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (opt #164) @11, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3027:12>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019b79 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>
1: 0x17032082329 ; r9 0000017032082329 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996B51>
2: 0x17017f5ac69 ; rdx 0000017017F5AC69 <JS Array[11]>
3: 0x17017f5de39 ; r8 0000017017F5DE39 <JS Object>
4: 0x17017f584c1 ; rcx 0000017017F584C1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90b7589 ; rdi 000002EDC90B7589 <String[1]: a>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0x17032082329 ; 0000017032082329 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996B51> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x17017f5ac69 ; 0000017017F5AC69 <JS Array[11]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x17017f5de39 ; 0000017017F5DE39 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0x17017f584c1 ; 0000017017F584C1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019b79 ; function 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90b7589 ; 000002EDC90B7589 <String[1]: a> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> @11 => node=56, pc=0x26e97be9813, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.159 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepIdentifier]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014779 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepIdentifier>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (opt #168) @12, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfd0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1880:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setValue => node=6, args=4, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018e01 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>
1: 0x17032082329 ; rcx 0000017032082329 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996B51>
2: 0x17017f5c111 ; [fp + 32] 0000017017F5C111 <JS Object>
3: 0x17017f5dda1 ; [fp + 24] 0000017017F5DDA1 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x200000000 ; [fp + 16] 2
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.setValue => node=6, height=0
0x0014dfc8: [top + 56] <- 0x17032082329 ; 0000017032082329 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996B51> (input #1)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0x17017f5c111 ; 0000017017F5C111 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0x17017f5dda1 ; 0000017017F5DDA1 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0x200000000 ; 2 (input #4)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97be8f9f ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018e01 ; function 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> @12 => node=6, pc=0x26e97be9e25, caller sp=0x0014dfd0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.085 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012509 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setValue>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> (opt #169) @13, FP to SP delta: 104, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3324:27>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression => node=111, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019f69 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)>
1: 0x17032082329 ; rcx 0000017032082329 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996B51>
2: 0x17017f5ac69 ; [fp + 32] 0000017017F5AC69 <JS Array[8]>
3: 0x17017f5e2b9 ; rax 0000017017F5E2B9 <JS Object>
4: 0x17017f57f69 ; rdx 0000017017F57F69 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; rbx 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression => node=111, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0x17032082329 ; 0000017032082329 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996B51> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0x17017f5ac69 ; 0000017017F5AC69 <JS Array[8]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0x17017f5e2b9 ; 0000017017F5E2B9 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0x17017f57f69 ; 0000017017F57F69 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66019f69 ; function 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> @13 => node=111, pc=0x26e97bedb9f, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.141 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660152D9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (opt #165) @12, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfc8]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1864:17>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.getValue => node=6, args=3, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018db9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>
1: 0x17032082329 ; rcx 0000017032082329 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996B51>
2: 0x17017f5c111 ; [fp + 24] 0000017017F5C111 <JS Object>
3: 0x17017f5e369 ; [fp + 16] 0000017017F5E369 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.getValue => node=6, height=0
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0x17032082329 ; 0000017032082329 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996B51> (input #1)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0x17017f5c111 ; 0000017017F5C111 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0x17017f5e369 ; 0000017017F5E369 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97bedc2c ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018db9 ; function 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> @12 => node=6, pc=0x26e97bea2c5, caller sp=0x0014dfc8, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.075 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012439 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getValue>]
[marking 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 13/16 (81%), generic ICs: 1/16 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for baseline recompilation, reason: hot enough for baseline, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> - took 0.326, 0.767, 0.142 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>]
[marking 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/72 (50%), generic ICs: 0/72 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> - took 0.657, 1.653, 0.292 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)>]
[optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> - took 0.232, 0.514, 0.094 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>]
[marking 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> - took 0.249, 0.465, 0.076 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (opt #171) @57, FP to SP delta: 112, caller sp: 0x0014dee0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1804:18>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, args=3, height=11; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018cc9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>
1: 0x17032082329 ; rax 0000017032082329 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996B51>
2: 0x17017f576f1 ; [fp + 24] 0000017017F576F1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
3: 0xf6771ad319 ; [fp + 16] 000000F6771AD319 <JS Object>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
5: 0 ; (int) [fp - 112]
6: 0x28587368109 ; rbx 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)>
7: 0x17017f57731 ; [fp - 96] 0000017017F57731 <JS Array[2]>
8: 0x2edc90fefd9 ; [fp - 88] 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 4) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0x17017f576f1 ; [fp + 24] 0000017017F576F1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
11: 0x84ef9c22b9 ; [fp - 56] 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
12: 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; [fp - 64] 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]>
13: 4 ; (int) [fp - 72]
14: 3 ; (int) [fp - 80]
translating frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, height=80
0x0014ded8: [top + 128] <- 0x17032082329 ; 0000017032082329 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF996B51> (input #1)
0x0014ded0: [top + 120] <- 0x17017f576f1 ; 0000017017F576F1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #2)
0x0014dec8: [top + 112] <- 0xf6771ad319 ; 000000F6771AD319 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014dec0: [top + 104] <- 0x26e97ae238b ; caller's pc
0x0014deb8: [top + 96] <- 0x0014df20 ; caller's fp
0x0014deb0: [top + 88] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014dea8: [top + 80] <- 0x2b66018cc9 ; function 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (input #0)
0x0014dea0: [top + 72] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #5)
0x0014de98: [top + 64] <- 0x28587368109 ; 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)> (input #6)
0x0014de90: [top + 56] <- 0x17017f57731 ; 0000017017F57731 <JS Array[2]> (input #7)
0x0014de88: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90fefd9 ; 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body> (input #8)
0x0014de80: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014de78: [top + 32] <- 0x17017f576f1 ; 0000017017F576F1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #10)
0x0014de70: [top + 24] <- 0x84ef9c22b9 ; 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)> (input #11)
0x0014de68: [top + 16] <- 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]> (input #12)
0x0014de60: [top + 8] <- 0x400000000 ; 4 (input #13)
0x0014de58: [top + 0] <- 0x300000000 ; 3 (input #14)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> @57 => node=427, pc=0x26e97be5516, caller sp=0x0014dee0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.180 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.populateScope_]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660121C9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.populateScope_>]
[marking 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/48 (75%), generic ICs: 0/48 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> - took 0.742, 1.788, 0.331 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)>]
[marking 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 130/215 (60%), generic ICs: 9/215 (4%)]
[compiling method 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> using TurboFan]
[optimizing 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> - took 2.539, 10.865, 0.698 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/53 (62%), generic ICs: 8/53 (15%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> - took 0.426, 0.977, 0.246 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>]
[marking 0000032F5D4EEC01 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 5/7 (71%), generic ICs: 1/7 (14%)]
[compiling method 0000032F5D4EEC01 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000032F5D4EEC01 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> - took 0.105, 0.190, 0.077 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000032F5D4EEC01 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)>]
[marking 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 13/38 (34%), generic ICs: 5/38 (13%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> - took 0.363, 0.856, 0.181 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)>]
[marking 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 27/32 (84%), generic ICs: 2/32 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> - took 0.486, 1.268, 0.269 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 49/149 (32%), generic ICs: 24/149 (16%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> - took 0.843, 2.934, 0.494 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)>]
[marking 0000032F5D4B8A41 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> for optimized recompilation, reason: not much type info but very hot, ICs with typeinfo: 5/11 (45%), generic ICs: 6/11 (54%)]
[compiling method 0000032F5D4B8A41 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000032F5D4B8A41 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)> - took 0.108, 0.263, 0.092 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000032F5D4B8A41 <JS Function wrapper (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B6603EA59)>]
[marking 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 30/37 (81%), generic ICs: 2/37 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> using Crankshaft]
Run 4: 22753 ms
[optimizing 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> - took 0.317, 0.725, 0.222 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 000001F6B1805D39 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> (opt #179) @2, FP to SP delta: 24, caller sp: 0x0014e010]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2287:18>, wrong map
reading input frame intrp.Array => node=4, args=2, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x1f6b1805d39 ; [fp - 16] 000001F6B1805D39 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)>
1: 0x29f3aa5f079 ; [fp + 24] 0000029F3AA5F079 <JS Object>
2: 0x29f3aa59861 ; [fp + 16] 0000029F3AA59861 <JS Object>
3: 0x29f3aa54919 ; rax 0000029F3AA54919 <FixedArray[5]>
translating frame intrp.Array => node=4, height=0
0x0014e008: [top + 40] <- 0x29f3aa5f079 ; 0000029F3AA5F079 <JS Object> (input #1)
0x0014e000: [top + 32] <- 0x29f3aa59861 ; 0000029F3AA59861 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dff8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97a08a4a ; caller's pc
0x0014dff0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e030 ; caller's fp
0x0014dfe8: [top + 8] <- 0x29f3aa54919 ; context 0000029F3AA54919 <FixedArray[5]> (input #3)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 0] <- 0x1f6b1805d39 ; function 000001F6B1805D39 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 000001F6B1805D39 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> @2 => node=4, pc=0x26e97b94532, caller sp=0x0014e010, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.105 ms]
[removing optimized code for: intrp.Array]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66032BC1 <SharedFunctionInfo intrp.Array>]
[marking 000002858736F1A9 <JS Function parseObj (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021AA1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 27/99 (27%), generic ICs: 0/99 (0%)]
[compiling method 000002858736F1A9 <JS Function parseObj (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021AA1)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 000002858736EA51 <JS Function parseStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020DA1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 104/387 (26%), generic ICs: 1/387 (0%)]
[compiling method 000002858736EA51 <JS Function parseStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020DA1)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 000002858736F1A9 <JS Function parseObj (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021AA1)> - took 1.959, 5.520, 1.285 ms]
[completed optimizing 000002858736F1A9 <JS Function parseObj (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021AA1)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (opt #178) @57, FP to SP delta: 112, caller sp: 0x0014e0e0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1804:18>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, args=3, height=11; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018cc9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>
1: 0x29f3aa54879 ; rax 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9933F9>
2: 0xab50004c99 ; [fp + 24] 000000AB50004C99 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
3: 0x29f3aa594d9 ; [fp + 16] 0000029F3AA594D9 <JS Object>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
5: 0 ; (int) [fp - 112]
6: 0x28587368109 ; rbx 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)>
7: 0xab50004cd9 ; [fp - 96] 000000AB50004CD9 <JS Array[62]>
8: 0x2edc90fefd9 ; [fp - 88] 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 4) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0xab50004c99 ; [fp + 24] 000000AB50004C99 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
11: 0x84ef9c22b9 ; [fp - 56] 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
12: 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; [fp - 64] 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]>
13: 4 ; (int) [fp - 72]
14: 3 ; (int) [fp - 80]
translating frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, height=80
0x0014e0d8: [top + 128] <- 0x29f3aa54879 ; 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9933F9> (input #1)
0x0014e0d0: [top + 120] <- 0xab50004c99 ; 000000AB50004C99 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #2)
0x0014e0c8: [top + 112] <- 0x29f3aa594d9 ; 0000029F3AA594D9 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e0c0: [top + 104] <- 0x26e97ba0487 ; caller's pc
0x0014e0b8: [top + 96] <- 0x0014e108 ; caller's fp
0x0014e0b0: [top + 88] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014e0a8: [top + 80] <- 0x2b66018cc9 ; function 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (input #0)
0x0014e0a0: [top + 72] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #5)
0x0014e098: [top + 64] <- 0x28587368109 ; 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)> (input #6)
0x0014e090: [top + 56] <- 0xab50004cd9 ; 000000AB50004CD9 <JS Array[62]> (input #7)
0x0014e088: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90fefd9 ; 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body> (input #8)
0x0014e080: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014e078: [top + 32] <- 0xab50004c99 ; 000000AB50004C99 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #10)
0x0014e070: [top + 24] <- 0x84ef9c22b9 ; 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)> (input #11)
0x0014e068: [top + 16] <- 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]> (input #12)
0x0014e060: [top + 8] <- 0x400000000 ; 4 (input #13)
0x0014e058: [top + 0] <- 0x300000000 ; 3 (input #14)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> @57 => node=427, pc=0x26e97be5516, caller sp=0x0014e0e0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.200 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.populateScope_]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660121C9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.populateScope_>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> (opt #177) @142, FP to SP delta: 80, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2666:18>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepCallExpression => bytecode_offset=381, args=4, height=23; inputs:
0: 0x2b660197d1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)>
1: 0x29f3aa54879 ; r11 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9933F9>
2: 0xab50066669 ; [fp + 32] 000000AB50066669 <JS Array[3]>
3: 0xab50066861 ; [fp + 24] 000000AB50066861 <JS Object>
4: 0xab50004e39 ; [fp + 16] 000000AB50004E39 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469>
5: 0xab50066951 ; [fp - 24] 000000AB50066951 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 2) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
17: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
18: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
19: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
20: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 8] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
21: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
22: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
23: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
24: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
25: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
26: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
27: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
28: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating interpreted frame Interpreter.stepCallExpression => bytecode_offset=381, height=184
0x0014e030: [top + 264] <- 0x29f3aa54879 ; 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9933F9> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 256] <- 0xab50066669 ; 000000AB50066669 <JS Array[3]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 248] <- 0xab50066861 ; 000000AB50066861 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 240] <- 0xab50004e39 ; 000000AB50004E39 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 232] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 224] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 216] <- 0xab50066951 ; context 000000AB50066951 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 208] <- 0x2b660197d1 ; function 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 200] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 192] <- 0x2f7b4e8d049 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8D049 <BytecodeArray[2105]> (input #0)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 184] <- 0x1b200000000 ; bytecode offset 434 (input #0)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 176] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014dfd0: [top + 168] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014dfc8: [top + 160] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #8)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 152] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 144] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 136] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #11)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014dfa0: [top + 120] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014df98: [top + 112] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014df90: [top + 104] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014df88: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #16)
0x0014df80: [top + 88] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #17)
0x0014df78: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #18)
0x0014df70: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #19)
0x0014df68: [top + 64] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #20)
0x0014df60: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #21)
0x0014df58: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #22)
0x0014df50: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #23)
0x0014df48: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #24)
0x0014df40: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #25)
0x0014df38: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #26)
0x0014df30: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #27)
0x0014df28: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; accumulator 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #28)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> @142 => node=381, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.382 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepCallExpression]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> (opt #181) @11, FP to SP delta: 104, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3348:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration => node=79, args=4, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019fb1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)>
1: 0x29f3aa54879 ; r11 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9933F9>
2: 0xab50066669 ; [fp + 32] 000000AB50066669 <JS Array[2]>
3: 0xab50066761 ; rdi 000000AB50066761 <JS Object>
4: 0xab50004d09 ; rdx 000000AB50004D09 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4259>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0xab50004d69 ; rcx 000000AB50004D69 <JS Array[1]>
7: 0x00000000 ; r8 0
8: 0xab50004d99 ; rax 000000AB50004D99 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C44C1>
translating frame Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration => node=79, height=24
0x0014e030: [top + 80] <- 0x29f3aa54879 ; 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9933F9> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 72] <- 0xab50066669 ; 000000AB50066669 <JS Array[2]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 64] <- 0xab50066761 ; 000000AB50066761 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 56] <- 0xab50004d09 ; 000000AB50004D09 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4259> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 40] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 32] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 24] <- 0x2b66019fb1 ; function 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 16] <- 0xab50004d69 ; 000000AB50004D69 <JS Array[1]> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 8] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 0] <- 0xab50004d99 ; 000000AB50004D99 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C44C1> (input #8)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> @11 => node=79, pc=0x26e97be703b, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.137 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660153A9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> (opt #167) @10, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3106:21>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepObjectExpression => node=72, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019ce1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)>
1: 0x29f3aa54879 ; r8 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9933F9>
2: 0xab50066669 ; [fp + 32] 000000AB50066669 <JS Array[3]>
3: 0xab5006a611 ; rcx 000000AB5006A611 <JS Object>
4: 0xab5000b7b1 ; [fp + 16] 000000AB5000B7B1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 4) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; rbx 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepObjectExpression => node=72, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0x29f3aa54879 ; 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9933F9> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0xab50066669 ; 000000AB50066669 <JS Array[3]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0xab5006a611 ; 000000AB5006A611 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0xab5000b7b1 ; 000000AB5000B7B1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66019ce1 ; function 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> @10 => node=72, pc=0x26e97be7d23, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.126 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepObjectExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014B89 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepObjectExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (opt #172) @11, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3027:12>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019b79 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>
1: 0x29f3aa54879 ; r9 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9933F9>
2: 0xab50066669 ; rdx 000000AB50066669 <JS Array[4]>
3: 0xab5006af69 ; r8 000000AB5006AF69 <JS Object>
4: 0xab5000bb51 ; rcx 000000AB5000BB51 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0xab5000baf1 ; rdi 000000AB5000BAF1 <String[6]: Object>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0x29f3aa54879 ; 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9933F9> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0xab50066669 ; 000000AB50066669 <JS Array[4]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0xab5006af69 ; 000000AB5006AF69 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0xab5000bb51 ; 000000AB5000BB51 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019b79 ; function 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0xab5000baf1 ; 000000AB5000BAF1 <String[6]: Object> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> @11 => node=56, pc=0x26e97be9813, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.129 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepIdentifier]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014779 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepIdentifier>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> (opt #173) @31, FP to SP delta: 80, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2535:8>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression => node=347, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b660196b1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)>
1: 0x29f3aa54879 ; rbx 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9933F9>
2: 0xab50066669 ; [fp + 32] 000000AB50066669 <JS Array[3]>
3: 0xab5006aeb9 ; [fp + 24] 000000AB5006AEB9 <JS Object>
4: 0xab5000bc61 ; [fp + 16] 000000AB5000BC61 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4729>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 7) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 10) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x29f3aa5b8d9 ; rax 0000029F3AA5B8D9 <JS Object>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 10) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating frame Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression => node=347, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0x29f3aa54879 ; 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9933F9> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0xab50066669 ; 000000AB50066669 <JS Array[3]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0xab5006aeb9 ; 000000AB5006AEB9 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0xab5000bc61 ; 000000AB5000BC61 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4729> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b660196b1 ; function 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x29f3aa5b8d9 ; 0000029F3AA5B8D9 <JS Object> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> @31 => node=347, pc=0x26e97be8f12, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.149 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660139A9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (opt #174) @8, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfd0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1883:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setValue => node=7, args=4, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018e01 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>
1: 0x29f3aa54879 ; r9 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9933F9>
2: 0x29f3aa594d9 ; [fp + 32] 0000029F3AA594D9 <JS Object>
3: 0xab5006afc1 ; rax 000000AB5006AFC1 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x29f3aa5b8d9 ; [fp + 16] 0000029F3AA5B8D9 <JS Object>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; r8 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.setValue => node=7, height=0
0x0014dfc8: [top + 56] <- 0x29f3aa54879 ; 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9933F9> (input #1)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0x29f3aa594d9 ; 0000029F3AA594D9 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0xab5006afc1 ; 000000AB5006AFC1 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0x29f3aa5b8d9 ; 0000029F3AA5B8D9 <JS Object> (input #4)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97be8f9f ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018e01 ; function 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> @8 => node=7, pc=0x26e97be9e9d, caller sp=0x0014dfd0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.086 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012509 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setValue>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> (opt #182) @43, FP to SP delta: 88, caller sp: 0x0014df40]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1701:22>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setProperty => node=1079, args=5, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018ba9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)>
1: 0x29f3aa54879 ; rax 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9933F9>
2: 0x29f3aa5a551 ; [fp + 40] 0000029F3AA5A551 <JS Object>
3: 0xab5000bb91 ; [fp - 32] 000000AB5000BB91 <String[14]: defineProperty>
4: 0x29f3aa5b8d9 ; [fp + 24] 0000029F3AA5B8D9 <JS Object>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
10: 0x29f3aa5a551 ; [fp - 48] 0000029F3AA5A551 <JS Object>
translating frame Interpreter.setProperty => node=1079, height=32
0x0014df38: [top + 96] <- 0x29f3aa54879 ; 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF9933F9> (input #1)
0x0014df30: [top + 88] <- 0x29f3aa5a551 ; 0000029F3AA5A551 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014df28: [top + 80] <- 0xab5000bb91 ; 000000AB5000BB91 <String[14]: defineProperty> (input #3)
0x0014df20: [top + 72] <- 0x29f3aa5b8d9 ; 0000029F3AA5B8D9 <JS Object> (input #4)
0x0014df18: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014df10: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97a06c5b ; caller's pc
0x0014df08: [top + 48] <- 0x0014df58 ; caller's fp
0x0014df00: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #6)
0x0014def8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66018ba9 ; function 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> (input #0)
0x0014def0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dee8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dee0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
0x0014ded8: [top + 0] <- 0x29f3aa5a551 ; 0000029F3AA5A551 <JS Object> (input #10)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> @43 => node=1079, pc=0x26e97b8e8c5, caller sp=0x0014df40, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.273 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setProperty]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66011E89 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setProperty>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (opt #175) @8, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dee0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1867:17>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.getValue => node=7, args=3, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018db9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>
1: 0x29f3aa54879 ; r9 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992DC9>
2: 0x29f3aa594d9 ; [fp + 24] 0000029F3AA594D9 <JS Object>
3: 0xab5006b4f1 ; rax 000000AB5006B4F1 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; r8 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.getValue => node=7, height=0
0x0014ded8: [top + 48] <- 0x29f3aa54879 ; 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992DC9> (input #1)
0x0014ded0: [top + 40] <- 0x29f3aa594d9 ; 0000029F3AA594D9 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dec8: [top + 32] <- 0xab5006b4f1 ; 000000AB5006B4F1 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dec0: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97ae238b ; caller's pc
0x0014deb8: [top + 16] <- 0x0014df20 ; caller's fp
0x0014deb0: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014dea8: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018db9 ; function 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> @8 => node=7, pc=0x26e97bea36d, caller sp=0x0014dee0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.082 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012439 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getValue>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> (opt #184) @8, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2481:20>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepArrayExpression => node=57, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019669 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)>
1: 0x29f3aa54879 ; r11 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992DC9>
2: 0xab50066669 ; [fp + 32] 000000AB50066669 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0xab5006d5f9 ; r8 000000AB5006D5F9 <JS Object>
4: 0xab5000cc51 ; rbx 000000AB5000CC51 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4939>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0xab5000cd81 ; rcx 000000AB5000CD81 <JS Array[15]>
7: 0x00000000 ; r9 0
translating frame Interpreter.stepArrayExpression => node=57, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0x29f3aa54879 ; 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992DC9> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0xab50066669 ; 000000AB50066669 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0xab5006d5f9 ; 000000AB5006D5F9 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0xab5000cc51 ; 000000AB5000CC51 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4939> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019669 ; function 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0xab5000cd81 ; 000000AB5000CD81 <JS Array[15]> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> @8 => node=57, pc=0x26e97bebc05, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.145 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepArrayExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660138D9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepArrayExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> (opt #166) @38, FP to SP delta: 32, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3095:40>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepMemberExpression => node=293, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019c99 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)>
1: 0x29f3aa54879 ; r11 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992DC9>
2: 0xab50066669 ; r8 000000AB50066669 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0xab5006e2a1 ; rax 000000AB5006E2A1 <JS Object>
4: 0xab5000eb41 ; rdx 000000AB5000EB41 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4621>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; rbx 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0xab5000eb21 ; rcx 000000AB5000EB21 <String[6]: length>
7: 0xab5006e119 ; r9 000000AB5006E119 <JS Object>
translating frame Interpreter.stepMemberExpression => node=293, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0x29f3aa54879 ; 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992DC9> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0xab50066669 ; 000000AB50066669 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0xab5006e2a1 ; 000000AB5006E2A1 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0xab5000eb41 ; 000000AB5000EB41 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4621> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019c99 ; function 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0xab5000eb21 ; 000000AB5000EB21 <String[6]: length> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0xab5006e119 ; 000000AB5006E119 <JS Object> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> @38 => node=293, pc=0x26e97be95b8, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.134 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepMemberExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014AB9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepMemberExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> (opt #180) @13, FP to SP delta: 56, caller sp: 0x0014dfe0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1567:20>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.getProperty => node=116, args=3, height=2; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018b19 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)>
1: 0x29f3aa54879 ; rbx 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992DC9>
2: 0xab5006d651 ; [fp + 24] 000000AB5006D651 <JS Object>
3: 0xab5000eb21 ; [fp - 32] 000000AB5000EB21 <String[6]: length>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.getProperty => node=116, height=8
0x0014dfd8: [top + 56] <- 0x29f3aa54879 ; 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992DC9> (input #1)
0x0014dfd0: [top + 48] <- 0xab5006d651 ; 000000AB5006D651 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfc8: [top + 40] <- 0xab5000eb21 ; 000000AB5000EB21 <String[6]: length> (input #3)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 32] <- 0x26e97be9620 ; caller's pc
0x0014dfb8: [top + 24] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014dfb0: [top + 16] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 8] <- 0x2b66018b19 ; function 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> (input #0)
0x0014dfa0: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> @13 => node=116, pc=0x26e97bea687, caller sp=0x0014dfe0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.087 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getProperty]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66011CE9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getProperty>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> (opt #176) @13, FP to SP delta: 104, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3324:27>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression => node=111, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019f69 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)>
1: 0x29f3aa54879 ; rcx 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992DC9>
2: 0xab50066669 ; [fp + 32] 000000AB50066669 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0xab50070689 ; rax 000000AB50070689 <JS Object>
4: 0xab5000ec71 ; rdx 000000AB5000EC71 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; rbx 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression => node=111, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0x29f3aa54879 ; 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992DC9> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0xab50066669 ; 000000AB50066669 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0xab50070689 ; 000000AB50070689 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0xab5000ec71 ; 000000AB5000EC71 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66019f69 ; function 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> @13 => node=111, pc=0x26e97bedb9f, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.148 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660152D9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression>]
[marking 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 13/16 (81%), generic ICs: 1/16 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for baseline recompilation, reason: hot enough for baseline, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> - took 0.388, 0.846, 0.263 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for baseline recompilation, reason: hot enough for baseline, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[marking 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 000002858736EA51 <JS Function parseStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020DA1)> - took 3.422, 10.621, 2.525 ms]
[completed optimizing 000002858736EA51 <JS Function parseStatement (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020DA1)>]
[optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> - took 0.325, 0.602, 0.112 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>]
[marking 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 34/40 (85%), generic ICs: 2/40 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> - took 0.369, 1.049, 0.211 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> - took 0.223, 0.519, 0.080 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>]
[marking 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/54 (61%), generic ICs: 3/54 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> - took 0.277, 1.164, 0.220 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)>]
[marking 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/48 (75%), generic ICs: 0/48 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> - took 0.836, 1.955, 0.384 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/53 (62%), generic ICs: 8/53 (15%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> using Crankshaft]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (opt #187) @11, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3027:12>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019b79 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>
1: 0x29f3aa54879 ; r9 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992F29>
2: 0x149ec7f7d49 ; rdx 00000149EC7F7D49 <JS Array[10]>
3: 0x149ec7fb331 ; r8 00000149EC7FB331 <JS Object>
4: 0x149ec7f6c99 ; rcx 00000149EC7F6C99 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90b75a9 ; rdi 000002EDC90B75A9 <String[1]: b>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0x29f3aa54879 ; 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992F29> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x149ec7f7d49 ; 00000149EC7F7D49 <JS Array[10]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x149ec7fb331 ; 00000149EC7FB331 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0x149ec7f6c99 ; 00000149EC7F6C99 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019b79 ; function 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90b75a9 ; 000002EDC90B75A9 <String[1]: b> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> @11 => node=56, pc=0x26e97be9813, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.128 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepIdentifier]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014779 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepIdentifier>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (opt #188) @12, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfd0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1880:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setValue => node=6, args=4, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018e01 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>
1: 0x29f3aa54879 ; rcx 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992F29>
2: 0x149ec7f91f1 ; [fp + 32] 00000149EC7F91F1 <JS Object>
3: 0x149ec7fb2f1 ; [fp + 24] 00000149EC7FB2F1 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x100000000 ; [fp + 16] 1
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.setValue => node=6, height=0
0x0014dfc8: [top + 56] <- 0x29f3aa54879 ; 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992F29> (input #1)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0x149ec7f91f1 ; 00000149EC7F91F1 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0x149ec7fb2f1 ; 00000149EC7FB2F1 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0x100000000 ; 1 (input #4)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97be8f9f ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018e01 ; function 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> @12 => node=6, pc=0x26e97be9e25, caller sp=0x0014dfd0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.103 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012509 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setValue>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> (opt #192) @13, FP to SP delta: 104, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3324:27>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression => node=111, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019f69 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)>
1: 0x29f3aa54879 ; rcx 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992F29>
2: 0x149ec7f7d49 ; [fp + 32] 00000149EC7F7D49 <JS Array[8]>
3: 0x149ec7fb7d1 ; rax 00000149EC7FB7D1 <JS Object>
4: 0x149ec7f6571 ; rdx 00000149EC7F6571 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; rbx 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 11) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression => node=111, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0x29f3aa54879 ; 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992F29> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0x149ec7f7d49 ; 00000149EC7F7D49 <JS Array[8]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0x149ec7fb7d1 ; 00000149EC7FB7D1 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0x149ec7f6571 ; 00000149EC7F6571 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66019f69 ; function 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> @13 => node=111, pc=0x26e97bedb9f, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.120 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660152D9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (opt #190) @12, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfc8]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1864:17>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.getValue => node=6, args=3, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018db9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>
1: 0x29f3aa54879 ; rcx 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992F29>
2: 0x149ec7f91f1 ; [fp + 24] 00000149EC7F91F1 <JS Object>
3: 0x149ec7fb881 ; [fp + 16] 00000149EC7FB881 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.getValue => node=6, height=0
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0x29f3aa54879 ; 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992F29> (input #1)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0x149ec7f91f1 ; 00000149EC7F91F1 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0x149ec7fb881 ; 00000149EC7FB881 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97bedc2c ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018db9 ; function 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> @12 => node=6, pc=0x26e97bea2c5, caller sp=0x0014dfc8, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.093 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012439 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getValue>]
[optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> - took 0.334, 0.981, 0.224 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[disabled optimization for 0000002B66012509 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setValue>, reason: Deoptimized too many times]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for baseline recompilation, reason: hot enough for baseline, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[marking 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 13/16 (81%), generic ICs: 1/16 (6%)]
[disabled optimization for 0000002B66014779 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepIdentifier>, reason: Deoptimized too many times]
[marking 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/72 (50%), generic ICs: 0/72 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for baseline recompilation, reason: hot enough for baseline, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[marking 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[disabled optimization for 0000002B66012439 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getValue>, reason: Deoptimized too many times]
[optimizing 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> - took 0.415, 1.115, 0.193 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (opt #193) @59, FP to SP delta: 112, caller sp: 0x0014dee0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1804:18>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, args=3, height=11; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018cc9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>
1: 0x29f3aa54879 ; rax 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992F29>
2: 0x149ec7f5cc9 ; [fp + 24] 00000149EC7F5CC9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
3: 0x2ff1384aea1 ; [fp + 16] 000002FF1384AEA1 <JS Object>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
5: 0 ; (int) [fp - 112]
6: 0x28587368109 ; rbx 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)>
7: 0x149ec7f5d09 ; [fp - 96] 00000149EC7F5D09 <JS Array[2]>
8: 0x2edc90fefd9 ; [fp - 88] 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 4) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0x149ec7f5cc9 ; [fp + 24] 00000149EC7F5CC9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
11: 0x84ef9c22b9 ; [fp - 56] 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
12: 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; [fp - 64] 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]>
13: 4 ; (int) [fp - 72]
14: 3 ; (int) [fp - 80]
translating frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, height=80
0x0014ded8: [top + 128] <- 0x29f3aa54879 ; 0000029F3AA54879 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF992F29> (input #1)
0x0014ded0: [top + 120] <- 0x149ec7f5cc9 ; 00000149EC7F5CC9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #2)
0x0014dec8: [top + 112] <- 0x2ff1384aea1 ; 000002FF1384AEA1 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014dec0: [top + 104] <- 0x26e97ae238b ; caller's pc
0x0014deb8: [top + 96] <- 0x0014df20 ; caller's fp
0x0014deb0: [top + 88] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014dea8: [top + 80] <- 0x2b66018cc9 ; function 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (input #0)
0x0014dea0: [top + 72] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #5)
0x0014de98: [top + 64] <- 0x28587368109 ; 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)> (input #6)
0x0014de90: [top + 56] <- 0x149ec7f5d09 ; 00000149EC7F5D09 <JS Array[2]> (input #7)
0x0014de88: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90fefd9 ; 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body> (input #8)
0x0014de80: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014de78: [top + 32] <- 0x149ec7f5cc9 ; 00000149EC7F5CC9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #10)
0x0014de70: [top + 24] <- 0x84ef9c22b9 ; 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)> (input #11)
0x0014de68: [top + 16] <- 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]> (input #12)
0x0014de60: [top + 8] <- 0x400000000 ; 4 (input #13)
0x0014de58: [top + 0] <- 0x300000000 ; 3 (input #14)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> @59 => node=427, pc=0x26e97be5516, caller sp=0x0014dee0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.175 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.populateScope_]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660121C9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.populateScope_>]
[marking 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/48 (75%), generic ICs: 0/48 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> - took 0.259, 0.743, 0.162 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)>]
[marking 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 130/215 (60%), generic ICs: 9/215 (4%)]
[compiling method 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> using TurboFan]
[optimizing 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> - took 2.546, 14.488, 0.658 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/53 (62%), generic ICs: 8/53 (15%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> - took 0.427, 1.048, 0.262 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 13/38 (34%), generic ICs: 5/38 (13%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> - took 0.369, 0.796, 0.177 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)>]
[marking 000001F6B1805D39 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 5/7 (71%), generic ICs: 1/7 (14%)]
[compiling method 000001F6B1805D39 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 000001F6B1805D39 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> - took 0.092, 0.194, 0.075 ms]
[completed optimizing 000001F6B1805D39 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)>]
[marking 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 27/32 (84%), generic ICs: 2/32 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> - took 0.503, 1.287, 0.266 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)>]
[marking 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 13/16 (81%), generic ICs: 1/16 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> - took 0.395, 0.871, 0.182 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>]
[marking 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 49/149 (32%), generic ICs: 24/149 (16%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> - took 0.918, 2.936, 0.578 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)>]
[marking 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> - took 0.378, 0.848, 0.147 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>]
[marking 0000002B66018BF1 <JS Function Interpreter.getValueFromScope (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011F59)> for optimized recompilation, reason: not much type info but very hot, ICs with typeinfo: 5/23 (21%), generic ICs: 1/23 (4%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018BF1 <JS Function Interpreter.getValueFromScope (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011F59)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018BF1 <JS Function Interpreter.getValueFromScope (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011F59)> - took 0.685, 0.653, 0.108 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018BF1 <JS Function Interpreter.getValueFromScope (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011F59)>]
[marking 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 30/37 (81%), generic ICs: 2/37 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> - took 0.483, 1.253, 0.333 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> using Crankshaft]
Run 5: 23759 ms
[optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> - took 0.326, 0.577, 0.127 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>]
[marking dependent code 0x26e97c374c1 (opt #77) for deoptimization, reason: allocation-site-tenuring-changed]
[marking dependent code 0x26e97c4dbe1 (opt #107) for deoptimization, reason: allocation-site-tenuring-changed]
[deoptimize marked code in all contexts]
[deoptimizer unlinked: parseNew / 2858736ef79]
[deoptimizer unlinked: parseExprList / 2858736f319]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (deoptimized code) for 0000002B660219D1 <SharedFunctionInfo parseNew>]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (deoptimized code) for 0000002B66021D11 <SharedFunctionInfo parseExprList>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000022237588481 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> (opt #202) @2, FP to SP delta: 24, caller sp: 0x0014e010]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2287:18>, wrong map
reading input frame intrp.Array => node=4, args=2, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x22237588481 ; [fp - 16] 0000022237588481 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)>
1: 0xac63ae09a1 ; [fp + 24] 000000AC63AE09A1 <JS Object>
2: 0xac63adb189 ; [fp + 16] 000000AC63ADB189 <JS Object>
3: 0xac63ad60d1 ; rax 000000AC63AD60D1 <FixedArray[5]>
translating frame intrp.Array => node=4, height=0
0x0014e008: [top + 40] <- 0xac63ae09a1 ; 000000AC63AE09A1 <JS Object> (input #1)
0x0014e000: [top + 32] <- 0xac63adb189 ; 000000AC63ADB189 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dff8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97a08a4a ; caller's pc
0x0014dff0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e030 ; caller's fp
0x0014dfe8: [top + 8] <- 0xac63ad60d1 ; context 000000AC63AD60D1 <FixedArray[5]> (input #3)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 0] <- 0x22237588481 ; function 0000022237588481 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000022237588481 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> @2 => node=4, pc=0x26e97b94532, caller sp=0x0014e010, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.102 ms]
[removing optimized code for: intrp.Array]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66032BC1 <SharedFunctionInfo intrp.Array>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (opt #200) @59, FP to SP delta: 112, caller sp: 0x0014e0e0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1804:18>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, args=3, height=11; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018cc9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)>
1: 0xac63ad6031 ; rax 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E909>
2: 0x29f3aa066b1 ; [fp + 24] 0000029F3AA066B1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
3: 0xac63adae01 ; [fp + 16] 000000AC63ADAE01 <JS Object>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
5: 0 ; (int) [fp - 112]
6: 0x28587368109 ; rbx 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)>
7: 0x29f3aa066f1 ; [fp - 96] 0000029F3AA066F1 <JS Array[62]>
8: 0x2edc90fefd9 ; [fp - 88] 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 4) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0x29f3aa066b1 ; [fp + 24] 0000029F3AA066B1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9>
11: 0x84ef9c22b9 ; [fp - 56] 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
12: 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; [fp - 64] 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]>
13: 4 ; (int) [fp - 72]
14: 3 ; (int) [fp - 80]
translating frame Interpreter.populateScope_ => node=427, height=80
0x0014e0d8: [top + 128] <- 0xac63ad6031 ; 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E909> (input #1)
0x0014e0d0: [top + 120] <- 0x29f3aa066b1 ; 0000029F3AA066B1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #2)
0x0014e0c8: [top + 112] <- 0xac63adae01 ; 000000AC63ADAE01 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e0c0: [top + 104] <- 0x26e97ba0487 ; caller's pc
0x0014e0b8: [top + 96] <- 0x0014e108 ; caller's fp
0x0014e0b0: [top + 88] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014e0a8: [top + 80] <- 0x2b66018cc9 ; function 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> (input #0)
0x0014e0a0: [top + 72] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #5)
0x0014e098: [top + 64] <- 0x28587368109 ; 0000028587368109 <JS Function node_t (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66020311)> (input #6)
0x0014e090: [top + 56] <- 0x29f3aa066f1 ; 0000029F3AA066F1 <JS Array[62]> (input #7)
0x0014e088: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90fefd9 ; 000002EDC90FEFD9 <String[4]: body> (input #8)
0x0014e080: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014e078: [top + 32] <- 0x29f3aa066b1 ; 0000029F3AA066B1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C22B9> (input #10)
0x0014e070: [top + 24] <- 0x84ef9c22b9 ; 00000084EF9C22B9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)> (input #11)
0x0014e068: [top + 16] <- 0x32f5d4fd4c9 ; 0000032F5D4FD4C9 <FixedArray[4]> (input #12)
0x0014e060: [top + 8] <- 0x400000000 ; 4 (input #13)
0x0014e058: [top + 0] <- 0x300000000 ; 3 (input #14)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> @59 => node=427, pc=0x26e97be5516, caller sp=0x0014e0e0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.209 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.populateScope_]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660121C9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.populateScope_>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> (opt #199) @142, FP to SP delta: 80, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2666:18>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepCallExpression => bytecode_offset=381, args=4, height=23; inputs:
0: 0x2b660197d1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)>
1: 0xac63ad6031 ; r11 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E909>
2: 0x29f3aa62d71 ; [fp + 32] 0000029F3AA62D71 <JS Array[3]>
3: 0x29f3aa62f69 ; [fp + 24] 0000029F3AA62F69 <JS Object>
4: 0x29f3aa06851 ; [fp + 16] 0000029F3AA06851 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469>
5: 0x29f3aa63059 ; [fp - 24] 0000029F3AA63059 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
11: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
12: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
13: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
14: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
15: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
16: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 2) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
17: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
18: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
19: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
20: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 8] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
21: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
22: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
23: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
24: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
25: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
26: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
27: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
28: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 1) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating interpreted frame Interpreter.stepCallExpression => bytecode_offset=381, height=184
0x0014e030: [top + 264] <- 0xac63ad6031 ; 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E909> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 256] <- 0x29f3aa62d71 ; 0000029F3AA62D71 <JS Array[3]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 248] <- 0x29f3aa62f69 ; 0000029F3AA62F69 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 240] <- 0x29f3aa06851 ; 0000029F3AA06851 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4469> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 232] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 224] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 216] <- 0x29f3aa63059 ; context 0000029F3AA63059 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 208] <- 0x2b660197d1 ; function 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 200] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; new_target 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #0)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 192] <- 0x2f7b4e8d049 ; bytecode array 000002F7B4E8D049 <BytecodeArray[2105]> (input #0)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 184] <- 0x1b200000000 ; bytecode offset 434 (input #0)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 176] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014dfd0: [top + 168] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014dfc8: [top + 160] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #8)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 152] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 144] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #10)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 136] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #11)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 128] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #12)
0x0014dfa0: [top + 120] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #13)
0x0014df98: [top + 112] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #14)
0x0014df90: [top + 104] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #15)
0x0014df88: [top + 96] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #16)
0x0014df80: [top + 88] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #17)
0x0014df78: [top + 80] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #18)
0x0014df70: [top + 72] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #19)
0x0014df68: [top + 64] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #20)
0x0014df60: [top + 56] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #21)
0x0014df58: [top + 48] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #22)
0x0014df50: [top + 40] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #23)
0x0014df48: [top + 32] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #24)
0x0014df40: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #25)
0x0014df38: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #26)
0x0014df30: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #27)
0x0014df28: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; accumulator 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #28)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> @142 => node=381, pc=0x26e97a14de0, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=TOS_REGISTER, took 0.338 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepCallExpression]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> (opt #203) @11, FP to SP delta: 104, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3348:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration => node=79, args=4, height=4; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019fb1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)>
1: 0xac63ad6031 ; r11 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E909>
2: 0x29f3aa62d71 ; [fp + 32] 0000029F3AA62D71 <JS Array[2]>
3: 0x29f3aa62e69 ; rdi 0000029F3AA62E69 <JS Object>
4: 0x29f3aa06721 ; rdx 0000029F3AA06721 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4259>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x29f3aa06781 ; rcx 0000029F3AA06781 <JS Array[1]>
7: 0x00000000 ; r8 0
8: 0x29f3aa067b1 ; rax 0000029F3AA067B1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C44C1>
translating frame Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration => node=79, height=24
0x0014e030: [top + 80] <- 0xac63ad6031 ; 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E909> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 72] <- 0x29f3aa62d71 ; 0000029F3AA62D71 <JS Array[2]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 64] <- 0x29f3aa62e69 ; 0000029F3AA62E69 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 56] <- 0x29f3aa06721 ; 0000029F3AA06721 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4259> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 48] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 40] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 32] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 24] <- 0x2b66019fb1 ; function 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 16] <- 0x29f3aa06781 ; 0000029F3AA06781 <JS Array[1]> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 8] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 0] <- 0x29f3aa067b1 ; 0000029F3AA067B1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C44C1> (input #8)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> @11 => node=79, pc=0x26e97be703b, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.118 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660153A9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> (opt #191) @10, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3106:21>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepObjectExpression => node=72, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019ce1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)>
1: 0xac63ad6031 ; r8 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E909>
2: 0x29f3aa62d71 ; [fp + 32] 0000029F3AA62D71 <JS Array[3]>
3: 0x29f3aa66d19 ; rcx 0000029F3AA66D19 <JS Object>
4: 0x29f3aa0d1c9 ; [fp + 16] 0000029F3AA0D1C9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 4) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; rbx 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepObjectExpression => node=72, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0xac63ad6031 ; 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E909> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0x29f3aa62d71 ; 0000029F3AA62D71 <JS Array[3]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0x29f3aa66d19 ; 0000029F3AA66D19 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0x29f3aa0d1c9 ; 0000029F3AA0D1C9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66019ce1 ; function 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> @10 => node=72, pc=0x26e97be7d23, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.143 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepObjectExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014B89 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepObjectExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (opt #204) @11, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3027:12>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019b79 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>
1: 0xac63ad6031 ; r9 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E909>
2: 0x29f3aa62d71 ; rdx 0000029F3AA62D71 <JS Array[4]>
3: 0x29f3aa67671 ; r8 0000029F3AA67671 <JS Object>
4: 0x29f3aa0d549 ; rcx 0000029F3AA0D549 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x29f3aa0d4e9 ; rdi 0000029F3AA0D4E9 <String[6]: Object>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0xac63ad6031 ; 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E909> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x29f3aa62d71 ; 0000029F3AA62D71 <JS Array[4]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x29f3aa67671 ; 0000029F3AA67671 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0x29f3aa0d549 ; 0000029F3AA0D549 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019b79 ; function 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0x29f3aa0d4e9 ; 0000029F3AA0D4E9 <String[6]: Object> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> @11 => node=56, pc=0x26e97be9813, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.110 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepIdentifier]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014779 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepIdentifier>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> (opt #196) @31, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2535:8>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression => node=347, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b660196b1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)>
1: 0xac63ad6031 ; rbx 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E909>
2: 0x29f3aa62d71 ; [fp + 32] 0000029F3AA62D71 <JS Array[3]>
3: 0x29f3aa675c1 ; [fp + 24] 0000029F3AA675C1 <JS Object>
4: 0x29f3aa0d659 ; [fp + 16] 0000029F3AA0D659 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4729>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
7: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 6) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
8: 0xac63add201 ; rax 000000AC63ADD201 <JS Object>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 6) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
translating frame Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression => node=347, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0xac63ad6031 ; 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E909> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0x29f3aa62d71 ; 0000029F3AA62D71 <JS Array[3]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0x29f3aa675c1 ; 0000029F3AA675C1 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0x29f3aa0d659 ; 0000029F3AA0D659 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4729> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b660196b1 ; function 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0xac63add201 ; 000000AC63ADD201 <JS Object> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> @31 => node=347, pc=0x26e97be8f12, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.130 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660139A9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (opt #206) @8, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfd0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1883:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setValue => node=7, args=4, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018e01 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>
1: 0xac63ad6031 ; r9 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E909>
2: 0xac63adae01 ; [fp + 32] 000000AC63ADAE01 <JS Object>
3: 0x29f3aa676c9 ; rax 0000029F3AA676C9 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0xac63add201 ; [fp + 16] 000000AC63ADD201 <JS Object>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; r8 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.setValue => node=7, height=0
0x0014dfc8: [top + 56] <- 0xac63ad6031 ; 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E909> (input #1)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0xac63adae01 ; 000000AC63ADAE01 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0x29f3aa676c9 ; 0000029F3AA676C9 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0xac63add201 ; 000000AC63ADD201 <JS Object> (input #4)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97be8f9f ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018e01 ; function 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> @8 => node=7, pc=0x26e97be9e9d, caller sp=0x0014dfd0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.191 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012509 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setValue>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> (opt #205) @43, FP to SP delta: 88, caller sp: 0x0014df40]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1701:22>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setProperty => node=1079, args=5, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018ba9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)>
1: 0xac63ad6031 ; rax 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E909>
2: 0xac63adbe79 ; [fp + 40] 000000AC63ADBE79 <JS Object>
3: 0x29f3aa0d589 ; [fp - 32] 0000029F3AA0D589 <String[14]: defineProperty>
4: 0xac63add201 ; [fp + 24] 000000AC63ADD201 <JS Object>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; [fp + 16] 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
6: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 5) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
10: 0xac63adbe79 ; [fp - 48] 000000AC63ADBE79 <JS Object>
translating frame Interpreter.setProperty => node=1079, height=32
0x0014df38: [top + 96] <- 0xac63ad6031 ; 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E909> (input #1)
0x0014df30: [top + 88] <- 0xac63adbe79 ; 000000AC63ADBE79 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014df28: [top + 80] <- 0x29f3aa0d589 ; 0000029F3AA0D589 <String[14]: defineProperty> (input #3)
0x0014df20: [top + 72] <- 0xac63add201 ; 000000AC63ADD201 <JS Object> (input #4)
0x0014df18: [top + 64] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
0x0014df10: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97a06c5b ; caller's pc
0x0014df08: [top + 48] <- 0x0014df58 ; caller's fp
0x0014df00: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #6)
0x0014def8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66018ba9 ; function 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> (input #0)
0x0014def0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dee8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dee0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
0x0014ded8: [top + 0] <- 0xac63adbe79 ; 000000AC63ADBE79 <JS Object> (input #10)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> @43 => node=1079, pc=0x26e97b8e8c5, caller sp=0x0014df40, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.132 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setProperty]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66011E89 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setProperty>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (opt #209) @8, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dee0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1867:17>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.getValue => node=7, args=3, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018db9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>
1: 0xac63ad6031 ; r9 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E961>
2: 0xac63adae01 ; [fp + 24] 000000AC63ADAE01 <JS Object>
3: 0x29f3aa67b71 ; rax 0000029F3AA67B71 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; r8 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.getValue => node=7, height=0
0x0014ded8: [top + 48] <- 0xac63ad6031 ; 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E961> (input #1)
0x0014ded0: [top + 40] <- 0xac63adae01 ; 000000AC63ADAE01 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dec8: [top + 32] <- 0x29f3aa67b71 ; 0000029F3AA67B71 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dec0: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97ae238b ; caller's pc
0x0014deb8: [top + 16] <- 0x0014df20 ; caller's fp
0x0014deb0: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014dea8: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018db9 ; function 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> @8 => node=7, pc=0x26e97bea36d, caller sp=0x0014dee0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.081 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012439 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getValue>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> (opt #208) @8, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2481:20>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepArrayExpression => node=57, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019669 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)>
1: 0xac63ad6031 ; r11 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E961>
2: 0x29f3aa62d71 ; [fp + 32] 0000029F3AA62D71 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0x29f3aa69c79 ; r8 0000029F3AA69C79 <JS Object>
4: 0x29f3aa0e639 ; rbx 0000029F3AA0E639 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4939>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x29f3aa0e769 ; rcx 0000029F3AA0E769 <JS Array[15]>
7: 0x00000000 ; r9 0
translating frame Interpreter.stepArrayExpression => node=57, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0xac63ad6031 ; 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E961> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x29f3aa62d71 ; 0000029F3AA62D71 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x29f3aa69c79 ; 0000029F3AA69C79 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0x29f3aa0e639 ; 0000029F3AA0E639 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4939> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019669 ; function 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0x29f3aa0e769 ; 0000029F3AA0E769 <JS Array[15]> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> @8 => node=57, pc=0x26e97bebc05, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.112 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepArrayExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660138D9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepArrayExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> (opt #189) @38, FP to SP delta: 32, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3095:40>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepMemberExpression => node=293, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019c99 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)>
1: 0xac63ad6031 ; r11 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E961>
2: 0x29f3aa62d71 ; r8 0000029F3AA62D71 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0x29f3aa6a921 ; rax 0000029F3AA6A921 <JS Object>
4: 0x29f3aa10539 ; rdx 0000029F3AA10539 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4621>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; rbx 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x29f3aa10519 ; rcx 0000029F3AA10519 <String[6]: length>
7: 0x29f3aa6a799 ; r9 0000029F3AA6A799 <JS Object>
translating frame Interpreter.stepMemberExpression => node=293, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0xac63ad6031 ; 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E961> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x29f3aa62d71 ; 0000029F3AA62D71 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x29f3aa6a921 ; 0000029F3AA6A921 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0x29f3aa10539 ; 0000029F3AA10539 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4621> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019c99 ; function 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0x29f3aa10519 ; 0000029F3AA10519 <String[6]: length> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x29f3aa6a799 ; 0000029F3AA6A799 <JS Object> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> @38 => node=293, pc=0x26e97be95b8, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.117 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepMemberExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014AB9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepMemberExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> (opt #201) @13, FP to SP delta: 56, caller sp: 0x0014dfe0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1567:20>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.getProperty => node=116, args=3, height=2; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018b19 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)>
1: 0xac63ad6031 ; rbx 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E961>
2: 0x29f3aa69cd1 ; [fp + 24] 0000029F3AA69CD1 <JS Object>
3: 0x29f3aa10519 ; [fp - 32] 0000029F3AA10519 <String[6]: length>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
5: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.getProperty => node=116, height=8
0x0014dfd8: [top + 56] <- 0xac63ad6031 ; 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E961> (input #1)
0x0014dfd0: [top + 48] <- 0x29f3aa69cd1 ; 0000029F3AA69CD1 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfc8: [top + 40] <- 0x29f3aa10519 ; 0000029F3AA10519 <String[6]: length> (input #3)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 32] <- 0x26e97be9620 ; caller's pc
0x0014dfb8: [top + 24] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014dfb0: [top + 16] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 8] <- 0x2b66018b19 ; function 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> (input #0)
0x0014dfa0: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #5)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> @13 => node=116, pc=0x26e97bea687, caller sp=0x0014dfe0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.104 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getProperty]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66011CE9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getProperty>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> (opt #198) @13, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3324:27>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression => node=111, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019f69 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)>
1: 0xac63ad6031 ; rcx 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E961>
2: 0x29f3aa62d71 ; [fp + 32] 0000029F3AA62D71 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0x29f3aa6cd09 ; rax 0000029F3AA6CD09 <JS Object>
4: 0x29f3aa10669 ; rdx 0000029F3AA10669 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; rbx 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression => node=111, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0xac63ad6031 ; 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98E961> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0x29f3aa62d71 ; 0000029F3AA62D71 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0x29f3aa6cd09 ; 0000029F3AA6CD09 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0x29f3aa10669 ; 0000029F3AA10669 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4C51> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66019f69 ; function 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> @13 => node=111, pc=0x26e97bedb9f, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.128 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B660152D9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression>]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for baseline recompilation, reason: hot enough for baseline, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[marking 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 13/16 (81%), generic ICs: 1/16 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> - took 0.428, 0.841, 0.191 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for baseline recompilation, reason: hot enough for baseline, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[marking 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 34/40 (85%), generic ICs: 2/40 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> - took 0.309, 0.956, 0.221 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)>]
[optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> - took 0.224, 0.466, 0.074 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>]
[marking 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/54 (61%), generic ICs: 3/54 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> - took 0.347, 1.062, 0.205 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)>]
[marking 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> - took 0.212, 0.532, 0.103 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>]
[marking 0000002B66018CC9 <JS Function Interpreter.populateScope_ (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660121C9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/53 (62%), generic ICs: 8/53 (15%)]
[disabled optimization for 0000002B660121C9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.populateScope_>, reason: Deoptimized too many times]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (opt #210) @11, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3027:12>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019b79 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>
1: 0xac63ad6031 ; r9 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98EAC1>
2: 0x1f6931f3589 ; rdx 000001F6931F3589 <JS Array[10]>
3: 0x1f6931f6591 ; r8 000001F6931F6591 <JS Object>
4: 0x1f6931f24b9 ; rcx 000001F6931F24B9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90b75a9 ; rdi 000002EDC90B75A9 <String[1]: b>
7: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepIdentifier => node=56, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0xac63ad6031 ; 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98EAC1> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x1f6931f3589 ; 000001F6931F3589 <JS Array[10]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x1f6931f6591 ; 000001F6931F6591 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0x1f6931f24b9 ; 000001F6931F24B9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C42B1> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019b79 ; function 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90b75a9 ; 000002EDC90B75A9 <String[1]: b> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> @11 => node=56, pc=0x26e97be9813, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.131 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepIdentifier]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014779 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepIdentifier>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (opt #214) @12, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfd0]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1880:10>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.setValue => node=6, args=4, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018e01 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>
1: 0xac63ad6031 ; rcx 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98EAC1>
2: 0x1f6931f4a31 ; [fp + 32] 000001F6931F4A31 <JS Object>
3: 0x1f6931f6551 ; [fp + 24] 000001F6931F6551 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x100000000 ; [fp + 16] 1
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.setValue => node=6, height=0
0x0014dfc8: [top + 56] <- 0xac63ad6031 ; 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98EAC1> (input #1)
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0x1f6931f4a31 ; 000001F6931F4A31 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0x1f6931f6551 ; 000001F6931F6551 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0x100000000 ; 1 (input #4)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97be8f9f ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018e01 ; function 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> @12 => node=6, pc=0x26e97be9e25, caller sp=0x0014dfd0, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.118 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.setValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012509 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.setValue>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (opt #212) @12, FP to SP delta: 40, caller sp: 0x0014dfc8]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:1864:17>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.getValue => node=6, args=3, height=1; inputs:
0: 0x2b66018db9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>
1: 0xac63ad6031 ; rcx 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98EAC1>
2: 0x1f6931f4a31 ; [fp + 24] 000001F6931F4A31 <JS Object>
3: 0x1f6931f6ae1 ; [fp + 16] 000001F6931F6AE1 <JS Array[2]>
4: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
translating frame Interpreter.getValue => node=6, height=0
0x0014dfc0: [top + 48] <- 0xac63ad6031 ; 000000AC63AD6031 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98EAC1> (input #1)
0x0014dfb8: [top + 40] <- 0x1f6931f4a31 ; 000001F6931F4A31 <JS Object> (input #2)
0x0014dfb0: [top + 32] <- 0x1f6931f6ae1 ; 000001F6931F6AE1 <JS Array[2]> (input #3)
0x0014dfa8: [top + 24] <- 0x26e97bedc2c ; caller's pc
0x0014dfa0: [top + 16] <- 0x0014e008 ; caller's fp
0x0014df98: [top + 8] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #4)
0x0014df90: [top + 0] <- 0x2b66018db9 ; function 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> (input #0)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> @12 => node=6, pc=0x26e97bea2c5, caller sp=0x0014dfc8, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.078 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.getValue]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66012439 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.getValue>]
[marking 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 13/16 (81%), generic ICs: 1/16 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)> - took 0.341, 0.846, 0.182 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019B79 <JS Function Interpreter.stepIdentifier (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014779)>]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for baseline recompilation, reason: hot enough for baseline, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for baseline recompilation, reason: hot enough for baseline, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[marking 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/72 (50%), generic ICs: 0/72 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)> - took 0.209, 0.594, 0.098 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018E01 <JS Function Interpreter.setValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012509)>]
[optimizing 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)> - took 0.425, 1.000, 0.185 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660196B1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepAssignmentExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660139A9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 10/12 (83%), generic ICs: 0/12 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)> - took 0.234, 0.465, 0.078 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018DB9 <JS Function Interpreter.getValue (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66012439)>]
[marking 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 36/48 (75%), generic ICs: 0/48 (0%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)> - took 0.260, 0.668, 0.161 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019F69 <JS Function Interpreter.stepUpdateExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660152D9)>]
[marking 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 130/215 (60%), generic ICs: 9/215 (4%)]
[compiling method 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> using TurboFan]
[optimizing 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)> - took 2.548, 10.581, 0.703 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660197D1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepCallExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013CE9)>]
[deoptimize marked code in all contexts]
[marking 0000022237588481 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 5/7 (71%), generic ICs: 1/7 (14%)]
[compiling method 0000022237588481 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000022237588481 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)> - took 0.113, 0.189, 0.079 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000022237588481 <JS Function intrp.Array (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66032BC1)>]
[marking 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 13/38 (34%), generic ICs: 5/38 (13%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)> - took 0.363, 0.776, 0.176 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018B19 <JS Function Interpreter.getProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011CE9)>]
[marking 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 27/32 (84%), generic ICs: 2/32 (6%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)> - took 0.491, 1.219, 0.268 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019FB1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepVariableDeclaration (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660153A9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 49/149 (32%), generic ICs: 24/149 (16%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)> - took 0.849, 2.784, 0.451 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018BA9 <JS Function Interpreter.setProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011E89)>]
[marking 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 30/37 (81%), generic ICs: 2/37 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> using Crankshaft]
Run 6: 22735 ms
[optimizing 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)> - took 0.329, 0.753, 0.223 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019669 <JS Function Interpreter.stepArrayExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B660138D9)>]
[marking 000002858736F319 <JS Function parseExprList (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021D11)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 14/22 (63%), generic ICs: 0/22 (0%)]
[compiling method 000002858736F319 <JS Function parseExprList (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021D11)> using Crankshaft]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> (opt #213) @10, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3106:21>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepObjectExpression => node=72, args=4, height=5; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019ce1 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)>
1: 0x34f5f1eae11 ; r8 0000034F5F1EAE11 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98EAC1>
2: 0x36aaa178549 ; [fp + 32] 0000036AAA178549 <JS Array[4]>
3: 0x36aaa17c091 ; rcx 0000036AAA17C091 <JS Object>
4: 0x36aaa1224e9 ; [fp + 16] 0000036AAA1224E9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 4) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
7: 0x36aaa122571 ; rbx 0000036AAA122571 <an Object with map 00000084EF9C4889>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
translating frame Interpreter.stepObjectExpression => node=72, height=32
0x0014e030: [top + 88] <- 0x34f5f1eae11 ; 0000034F5F1EAE11 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98EAC1> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 80] <- 0x36aaa178549 ; 0000036AAA178549 <JS Array[4]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 72] <- 0x36aaa17c091 ; 0000036AAA17C091 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 64] <- 0x36aaa1224e9 ; 0000036AAA1224E9 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4519> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 56] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 48] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 40] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 32] <- 0x2b66019ce1 ; function 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 24] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 16] <- 0x36aaa122571 ; 0000036AAA122571 <an Object with map 00000084EF9C4889> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 0] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #9)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> @10 => node=72, pc=0x26e97be7d23, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.171 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepObjectExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014B89 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepObjectExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> (opt #211) @38, FP to SP delta: 32, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:3095:40>, wrong map
reading input frame Interpreter.stepMemberExpression => node=293, args=4, height=3; inputs:
0: 0x2b66019c99 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)>
1: 0x34f5f1eae11 ; r11 0000034F5F1EAE11 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98EAC1>
2: 0x36aaa178549 ; r8 0000036AAA178549 <JS Array[6]>
3: 0x36aaa17ec41 ; rax 0000036AAA17EC41 <JS Object>
4: 0x36aaa124891 ; rdx 0000036AAA124891 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4621>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; rbx 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x36aaa124871 ; rcx 0000036AAA124871 <String[6]: length>
7: 0x36aaa17eb91 ; r9 0000036AAA17EB91 <JS Object>
translating frame Interpreter.stepMemberExpression => node=293, height=16
0x0014e030: [top + 72] <- 0x34f5f1eae11 ; 0000034F5F1EAE11 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98EAC1> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 64] <- 0x36aaa178549 ; 0000036AAA178549 <JS Array[6]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 56] <- 0x36aaa17ec41 ; 0000036AAA17EC41 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 48] <- 0x36aaa124891 ; 0000036AAA124891 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4621> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 40] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 32] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 24] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 16] <- 0x2b66019c99 ; function 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 8] <- 0x36aaa124871 ; 0000036AAA124871 <String[6]: length> (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 0] <- 0x36aaa17eb91 ; 0000036AAA17EB91 <JS Object> (input #7)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> @38 => node=293, pc=0x26e97be95b8, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.167 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepMemberExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66014AB9 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepMemberExpression>]
[deoptimizing (DEOPT eager): begin 0000002B660196F9 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013A79)> (opt #61) @41, FP to SP delta: 48, caller sp: 0x0014e038]
;;; deoptimize at <j:\temp\nodeperf\interpreter.js:2561:35>, not a Smi
reading input frame Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression => node=245, args=4, height=6; inputs:
0: 0x2b660196f9 ; [fp - 16] 0000002B660196F9 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013A79)>
1: 0x34f5f1eae11 ; [fp + 40] 0000034F5F1EAE11 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98EAC1>
2: 0x36aaa178549 ; [fp + 32] 0000036AAA178549 <JS Array[5]>
3: 0x36aaa17eb91 ; [fp + 24] 0000036AAA17EB91 <JS Object>
4: 0x36aaa1247d1 ; [fp + 16] 0000036AAA1247D1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4B49>
5: 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; [fp - 24] 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]>
6: 0x00000000 ; [fp - 32] 0
7: 0x36aaa17ecf1 ; [fp - 40] 0000036AAA17ECF1 <Number: 15>
8: 0x2edc9082241 ; (literal 3) 000002EDC9082241 <undefined>
9: 0x2edc90827a9 ; (literal 6) 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out>
10: 0x2f7b4ef67b1 ; [fp - 48] 000002F7B4EF67B1 <String[1]: <>
translating frame Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression => node=245, height=40
0x0014e030: [top + 96] <- 0x34f5f1eae11 ; 0000034F5F1EAE11 <an Interpreter with map 00000084EF98EAC1> (input #1)
0x0014e028: [top + 88] <- 0x36aaa178549 ; 0000036AAA178549 <JS Array[5]> (input #2)
0x0014e020: [top + 80] <- 0x36aaa17eb91 ; 0000036AAA17EB91 <JS Object> (input #3)
0x0014e018: [top + 72] <- 0x36aaa1247d1 ; 0000036AAA1247D1 <a node_t with map 00000084EF9C4B49> (input #4)
0x0014e010: [top + 64] <- 0x26e97ae2735 ; caller's pc
0x0014e008: [top + 56] <- 0x0014e078 ; caller's fp
0x0014e000: [top + 48] <- 0x2f7b4ef58e1 ; context 000002F7B4EF58E1 <FixedArray[6]> (input #5)
0x0014dff8: [top + 40] <- 0x2b660196f9 ; function 0000002B660196F9 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013A79)> (input #0)
0x0014dff0: [top + 32] <- 0x00000000 ; 0 (input #6)
0x0014dfe8: [top + 24] <- 0x36aaa17ecf1 ; 0000036AAA17ECF1 <Number: 15> (input #7)
0x0014dfe0: [top + 16] <- 0x2edc9082241 ; 000002EDC9082241 <undefined> (input #8)
0x0014dfd8: [top + 8] <- 0x2edc90827a9 ; 000002EDC90827A9 <Odd Oddball: optimized_out> (input #9)
0x0014dfd0: [top + 0] <- 0x2f7b4ef67b1 ; 000002F7B4EF67B1 <String[1]: <> (input #10)
[deoptimizing (eager): end 0000002B660196F9 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013A79)> @41 => node=245, pc=0x26e97becdb7, caller sp=0x0014e038, state=NO_REGISTERS, took 0.142 ms]
[removing optimized code for: Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression]
[evicting entry from optimizing code map (notify deoptimized) for 0000002B66013A79 <SharedFunctionInfo Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression>]
[optimizing 000002858736F319 <JS Function parseExprList (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021D11)> - took 1.492, 3.077, 0.963 ms]
[completed optimizing 000002858736F319 <JS Function parseExprList (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66021D11)>]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for baseline recompilation, reason: hot enough for baseline, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for baseline recompilation, reason: hot enough for baseline, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[marking 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 34/40 (85%), generic ICs: 2/40 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> using Crankshaft]
[marking 0000002B660196F9 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013A79)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 34/91 (37%), generic ICs: 3/91 (3%)]
[compiling method 0000002B660196F9 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013A79)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)> - took 0.385, 1.027, 0.292 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019C99 <JS Function Interpreter.stepMemberExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014AB9)>]
[marking 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> for optimized recompilation, reason: hot and stable, ICs with typeinfo: 33/54 (61%), generic ICs: 3/54 (5%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> using Crankshaft]
[optimizing 0000002B660196F9 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013A79)> - took 0.533, 1.790, 0.266 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B660196F9 <JS Function Interpreter.stepBinaryExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66013A79)>]
[optimizing 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)> - took 0.374, 1.149, 0.215 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66019CE1 <JS Function Interpreter.stepObjectExpression (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66014B89)>]
[marking 0000002B66018B61 <JS Function Interpreter.hasProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011DB9)> for optimized recompilation, reason: small function, ICs with typeinfo: 9/14 (64%), generic ICs: 2/14 (14%)]
[compiling method 0000002B66018B61 <JS Function Interpreter.hasProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011DB9)> using Crankshaft]
Run 7: 22439 ms
[optimizing 0000002B66018B61 <JS Function Interpreter.hasProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011DB9)> - took 0.189, 0.332, 0.083 ms]
[completed optimizing 0000002B66018B61 <JS Function Interpreter.hasProperty (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66011DB9)>]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for baseline recompilation, reason: hot enough for baseline, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[marking 0000002B66018429 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000002B66010969)> for baseline recompilation, reason: hot enough for baseline, ICs with typeinfo: 30/32 (93%), generic ICs: 4/32 (12%)]
[deoptimize marked code in all contexts]
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