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Last active November 15, 2022 02:08
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When a mobile client interacts with backend, api contracts are subject to change heavily during the development phase. With this custom serializer we can ensure that it is "okay" to break contracts. Properties can be added, removed and updated without the fear of "older clients" breaking.
class AlphaPropertySerializer<T>(
private val valueSerializer: KSerializer<T>
) : KSerializer<AlphaProperty<T>> {
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = valueSerializer.descriptor
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): AlphaProperty<T> {
decoder as JsonDecoder
val jsonElement: JsonElement = decoder.decodeJsonElement()
return try {
AlphaProperty.Known(decoder.json.decodeFromJsonElement(valueSerializer, jsonElement))
} catch (e: Exception) {
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: AlphaProperty<T>) {
when (value) {
AlphaProperty.Unknown -> throw SerializationException(
"Tried to serialize an optional property that had no value present."
is AlphaProperty.Known -> valueSerializer.serialize(encoder, value.value)
sealed class AlphaProperty<out T> {
object Unknown : AlphaProperty<Nothing>()
data class Known<T>(val value: T) : AlphaProperty<T>()
class AlphaPropertySerializerTest {
fun verifyParsingWhenJsonIsCorrect() {
val actual = json.decodeFromString(
deserializer = SampleWidget.serializer(),
string = """{"customerId" : "customer_id","tip" : {"amount": 3, "note" : "Thank you!"}}"""
tip = AlphaProperty.Known(Tip(3, "Thank you!")),
customerId = AlphaProperty.Known("customer_id")
fun verifyParsingWhenTipChangesToPrimitive() {
val actual = json.decodeFromString(
deserializer = SampleWidget.serializer(),
string = """{"tip" : 3}"""
customerId = null,
tip = AlphaProperty.Unknown
fun verifyParsingWhenCustomerIdChangesToObject() {
val actual = json.decodeFromString(
deserializer = SampleWidget.serializer(),
string = """{"customerId": { "uuid" : "uuid"}, "tip" : {"amount": 10, "note" : "Thank you!"}}"""
customerId = AlphaProperty.Unknown,
tip = AlphaProperty.Known(Tip(10, "Thank you!"))
private val json = Json(
builderAction = {
coerceInputValues = true
ignoreUnknownKeys = true
explicitNulls = false
this.isLenient = isLenient
this.encodeDefaults = false
data class Tip(val amount: Int, val note: String)
data class SampleWidget(
@Serializable(with = AlphaPropertySerializer::class)
val customerId: AlphaProperty<String>?,
@Serializable(with = AlphaPropertySerializer::class)
val tip: AlphaProperty<Tip>?,
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