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Created January 31, 2014 10:53
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Node.js examples
http = require "http"
https = require "https"
getJSON: REST get request returning JSON object(s)
@param options: http options object
@param callback: callback to pass the results JSON object(s) back
exports.getJSON = (options, onResult) ->
console.log "---> #{options.method} ~ #{}:#{options.port}#{options.path}"
prot = (if options.port is 443 then https else http)
req = prot.request(options, (res) ->
output = ""
console.log "<--- response code - #{res.statusCode}"
res.setEncoding "utf8"
res.on "data", (chunk) =>
output += chunk
res.on "end", =>
obj = JSON.parse output
catch e
console.error "Error during the JSON parsing, output: #{output}"
onResult res.statusCode, obj
req.on "error", (err) ->
console.error "Error during the rest call: #{err.message}"
# Node.js server-side script
# @author Luca Del Bianco <>
# This script will do the following things
# 1- Call a tastypie api and fetch the JSON results
# 2- Connect to a redis server
# 3- Open / Connect to 1 redis channel for each object in the response
# 4- Listen to new connections with socketio
# 5- Associate the socketio connections with the redis when a message is received in the redis channel
local_env = not process.env.PORT?
port = process.env.PORT or 8001
tastypie_host = if local_env then '' else ''
tastypie_port = if local_env then 8000 else 80
req = require './libs/getJSON'
express = require 'express'
http = require 'http'
redis = require 'redis'
url = require 'url'
app = express()
server = http.createServer app
io = require('').listen server, { log: false }
redis_url = url.parse(process.env.REDISCLOUD_URL) if process.env.REDISCLOUD_URL?
socketio_connections = {}
redis_private_channel = '2c17c6393771ee3048ae34d6b380c5fs'
# Starting the / express server
server.listen port
tastypie_request_options =
host : tastypie_host
port : tastypie_port
path : '/pos/pos/poslist/'
method : 'GET'
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
io.sockets.on 'connection', (socket) ->
console.log "<---> New client connected"
socket.on 'message', (message) ->
console.log "<--- Message from client [ID: #{@id}]: #{message}"
message = JSON.parse message
catch e
console.error "Error during the JSON parsing, message: #{message}"
# Initializing a new array of connections if
socketio_connections[message.pos_name] = {} if not socketio_connections[message.pos_name]?
socketio_connections[message.pos_name][@id] = @
@set 'pos_name', message.pos_name
socket.on 'disconnect', ->
console.log "---X Client disconnected [ID: #{@id}]"
@get 'pos_name', (err, pos_name) =>
delete socketio_connections[pos_name][@id]
subscribe_to_channel = (connection, channel) ->
# We usubscribe / subscribe just to be sure that we'll be subscribed to the channel once
connection.unsubscribe channel
connection.subscribe channel
console.log "<--- Subscribed to the channel #{channel}"
unsubscribe_to_channel = (connection, channel) ->
# We unsubscribe from the channel 'channel'
connection.unsubscribe channel
console.log "X--- Unsubscribed from the channel #{channel}"
# Calling the tastypie api to get the list of pos
req.getJSON tastypie_request_options, (status_code, result) ->
console.log "There are #{result.objects.length} registered pos instances"
if redis_url?
redis_client = redis.createClient redis_url.port, redis_url.hostname, {no_ready_check: true}
redis_client.auth redis_url.auth.split(":")[1]
redis_client = redis.createClient null, null, null, {no_ready_check: true}
console.log "---> Opening the redis connection ~ #{}:#{redis_client.port}..."
# Wait for connection to become established.
redis_client.on 'ready', =>
console.log "<--- Connected to the redis server"
redis_client.on 'message', (channel, message) ->
message = JSON.parse message
catch e
throw "There was an error during the parse of the message: #{message}"
if channel is redis_private_channel
switch message.action
when 'subscribe'
subscribe_to_channel redis_client,
when 'unsubscribe'
unsubscribe_to_channel redis_client,
# Redirects the messages to the correct connected clients
console.log "<--- Message received on channel #{channel} ~ action: #{message.action}"
if socketio_connections[channel]?
for socket_id of socketio_connections[channel]
socketio_connections[channel][socket_id].emit channel, message
console.log "---> Sent message to the client [ID: #{socket_id}]"
for pos in result.objects
subscribe_to_channel redis_client,
subscribe_to_channel redis_client, redis_private_channel
console.log "Successfully subscribed to #{result.objects.length} channels"
redis_client.on 'end', ->
console.log "---X Connection to the redis server closed"
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