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Last active July 10, 2018 23:21
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Smart scrolling hook dll for win2k - win7. Compile: cl XScrollHook.c /MD /LD /link User32.lib
#include <Windows.h>
BOOL WINAPI _DllMainCRTStartup(HINSTANCE hinstDLL,DWORD fdwReason,LPVOID lpReserved)
return 1;
LRESULT CALLBACK MouseXScrollHook(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) {
POINT cursorPosition = {0};
HWND desiredWindow = 0;
DWORD processId = 0;
if ( code >= 0 ) {
if ( lParam ) {
PMSG message = (PMSG)lParam;
if ( message->message == WM_MOUSEWHEEL ) {
desiredWindow = WindowFromPoint(cursorPosition);
if ( desiredWindow && message->hwnd != desiredWindow ) {
SendMessageA(desiredWindow, WM_MOUSEWHEEL, message->wParam, message->lParam);
message->message = WM_NULL;
message->wParam = 0;
message->lParam = 0;
return CallNextHookEx(NULL, code, wParam, lParam);
__declspec(dllexport) HHOOK __cdecl BindXScrollHook(HINSTANCE myInstance){
return SetWindowsHookExA(WH_GETMESSAGE, MouseXScrollHook, myInstance, 0);
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