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Last active October 17, 2022 15:04
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# Quick and dirty config hack for mkdocs pages.
# Created by Viliam Simko (
# License: MIT
# Generates `pages:` section within `mkdocs.yml` file.
# The sections are ordered by filenames, however the section
# titles are taken either from the first H1 within a document
# or from the filename if H1 is missing.
# Limitations:
# - Using plain `sed` instead of a Markdown parser (only "# Section" syntax supported)
# - Inline markup (bold, italic, etc.) in headers not supported
# - Directories use their name as a sorting key as well as a section title.
# - Expects that the script is executed inside the project's root dir and the root dir contains `docs/` dir
# - Tested only on Linux Mint 18 (Ubuntu 16.04)
MKDOCSYML=$(realpath "$1")
[ -f "$MKDOCSYML" ] || {
echo "Warning: Using default mkdocs.yml file because the parameter was not explicitly specified" > /dev/stderr
# Note:
# - STDOUT inside this function goes to `mkdocs.yml`
# - if you need to print some messages, use: `echo message >&2`
get_new_pages_config() {
# These are all temporary files used in the transformation
# You can debug them by running `$ DEBUG=1 ./ mkdocs.yml`
TMP=`mktemp /tmp/mkdocs.tmp.XXXXX`
# TODO: make this as a CLI parameter
cd "$DOCS_DIR"
# get a list markdown files in form `./path/to/`
find . -name '*.md' |
# extract subdirs in form of `./path/to`
# at this point, there will be many subdirs duplicates
sed -e 's/^\(\.\/.*\)\/\([^\/]*\.md\)/\1\n\1\/\2/' |
# Section names need to be cleaned up
sed -r '/\.md$/! {s/[-_]+/ /g}' > "$TREE"
# extract H1 heading from files
grep -e '^#[^#].*' -m 1 --include='*.md' -r ./ > "$H1MAP"
# filenames `` are special and need to be on top
# trick: -> !!!
sed -i 's/\/\(\)/\/!!!\1/' "$TREE" "$H1MAP"
# we need to sort both file before joining
LC_ALL=C sort --ignore-case --unique --output="$TREE" "$TREE"
LC_ALL=C sort --ignore-case --unique --output="$H1MAP" "$H1MAP"
# this output goes directly to mkdocs.yml
echo "pages: # Generated using $0 on $(date)"
# joining on pathname (outer left join)
# we get `path:# H1` after this operation
join --ignore-case -a 1 -t: "$TREE" "$H1MAP" |
# convert back: !!! ->
sed 's/!!!//' |
# convert `path:# H1` to `# H1: path`
sed 's/\(.*\):\(#.*\)/\2: \1/' |
# convert lines without H1 to `file: path`
sed 's/^\([^#].*\)\/\(.*\).md/\2: \1\/\' |
# let's remove the # char because it is not needed anymore
sed 's/^#\s*//' > "$NAMEMAP"
# here we compute the indentation levels by using `/` characters
# the indentation is later prepended before every line
sed \
-e 's/[^/]//g' \
-e 's/\// /g' \
-e 's/$/-/' "$NAMEMAP" > "$INDENTATION"
# Here we normalize the section names
cat "$NAMEMAP" |
# Keeping only the filename from the whole path
sed 's/^\..*\/\([^\/]*\)$/\1:/' |
# First letter to uppercase
sed 's/^./\U&/' > "$NAMEMAP_NORM"
# now preprending indentation to every line
# clenup
if [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then
# clenup if not debuging
echo "$TMP"* | while read FNAME; do
# keeping tmp files for debugging
# you need to delete them manually
echo "$TREE" >&2
echo "$H1MAP" >&2
echo "$NAMEMAP" >&2
echo "$NAMEMAP_NORM" >&2
echo "$INDENTATION" >&2
# removing "pages:" section from the config file
sed -i -e '/^pages:/,/^[a-z_]*:/{/^[a-z_]*:/b;d;}' "$MKDOCSYML"
sed -i -e '/^pages:/d' "$MKDOCSYML"
# add new "pages:" section at the end
get_new_pages_config >> "$MKDOCSYML"
echo done.
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