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Created February 20, 2013 12:29
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small di written on coffeescript
class DI
constructor: ->
@container = di: @
register: (name, value) ->
@container[name] = value
fetch: (name) ->
value = @container[name]
if typeof value is "function"
value = @inject value
inject: (injectable) ->
params = @params injectable
class Injector extends injectable
constructor: (args...) ->
for param, i in params
if typeof param is "undefined"
params[i] = args.shift()
injectable.apply @, params
params: (injectable) ->
compiledInjectable = injectable.toString()
matches = /^function \w*\(([^)]*)\)/.exec compiledInjectable
params = matches[1].split ", "
for name, i in params
params[i] = @fetch name
createInstance = ->
new DI
module.exports = createInstance
module.exports.DI = DI
assert = require "assert"
di = require "./di"
describe "DI", ->
di = null
beforeEach ->
di = di()
it "should contain 'di'", ->
assert.equal di, di.fetch "di"
it "should inject right dependencies", (callback) ->
di.register "a", "a"
di.register "b", (a) ->
assert.equal "a", a
di.register "c", (a, b) ->
assert.equal "a", a
c = di.fetch "c"
it "should replace undefined dependencies by arguments", (callback) ->
di.register "b", "b"
di.register "c", (a, b) ->
assert.equal "a", a
assert.equal "b", b
c = di.fetch "c"
c "a"
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