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Last active May 11, 2019 17:03
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An example of using the watchme psutils decorator to monitor resource usage of a function
"num_ctx_switches": {
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"cwd": "/home/vanessa/Documents/Dropbox/Code/Python/watchme/docs/_docs/examples",
"cpu_affinity": [
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"cmdline": [
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"saved": 1000
"terminal": "/dev/pts/19",
"nice": 0,
"exe": "/home/vanessa/anaconda3/bin/python3.6",
"name": "python",
"username": "vanessa"
"num_ctx_switches": {
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"ionice": {
"ioclass": "IOPRIO_CLASS_NONE",
"value": 4
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"status": "sleeping",
"cwd": "/home/vanessa/Documents/Dropbox/Code/Python/watchme/docs/_docs/examples",
"cpu_affinity": [
"num_threads": 1,
"cmdline": [
"gids": {
"real": 1000,
"effetive": 1000,
"saved": 1000
"io_counters": {
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"exe": "/home/vanessa/anaconda3/bin/python3.6",
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"username": "vanessa"
#!/usr/bin/env python
from watchme.watchers.psutils.decorators import monitor_resources
from time import sleep
# Here we create a decorator to monitor "my func." Specifically, we:
# - want to use the watcher "decorator" that already exists. If we want to
# create on the fly, we would set creat=True
# - will record metrics every 3 seconds
# - to have somewhat of an impact on system resources we make a long list
# - we test to ensure that something is returned ("Hello!")
@monitor_resources('decorator', seconds=3)
def myfunc(iters, pause):
long_list = []
print("Generating a long list, pause is %s and iters is %s" % (pause, iters))
for i in range(iters):
long_list = long_list + (i*10)*['pancakes']
print("i is %s, sleeping %s seconds" % (i, pause))
return len(long_list)
# ensure the function runs when the file is called
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("Calling myfunc with 2 iters")
result = myfunc(2, 2)
print("Result list has length %s" % result)
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