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Created June 30, 2018 00:07
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Pull a container with wine

$ singularity pull shub://katakombi/dolmades
Progress |===================================| 100.0% 
Done. Container is at: /home/vanessa/katakombi-dolmades-master-latest.simg

Shell inside

$ singularity shell katakombi-dolmades-master-latest.simg 
Singularity: Invoking an interactive shell within container...

Do we have wine?

Singularity katakombi-dolmades-master-latest.simg:~> which wine

Here I'm downloading an example file:

~> wget

Make a directory to dump stuff

mkdir -p /tmp/garbage

Run wine, click "Install" for all the Gecko / other dependencies, and "Continue" when you have the option:

wine VideoOPGA6_XP_A00_setup

When you get to the screen to where to extract the files, typo in /tmp/garbage. Then click Extract. After extraction, the install executable (GUI) will start to run, just exit it.

 ls /tmp/garbage/
Bin  Bin64  Config  Images  MUP.xml  Packages  Setup.exe  mfc100u.dll  msvcp100.dll  msvcr100.dll

There you go! No need for Windows!

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