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Created November 17, 2014 00:14
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Imaging Scientist Avatar Scoring
domain total_points earned_points
domain expertise, source 4 2
domain expertise,value 4 2
domain expertise, impact 4 1
programming, breadth 5 4
programming, depth 5 4
programming, software 7 5
methods, implementation 5 3
methods,understanding 7 4
communication, verbal 6 4
communication, written 9 6
communication, visual 8 5
# Read in data file with domain categories, total points, and earned points
data = read.csv("imaging_scientist_scores.txt",sep="\t",head=TRUE)
# We want the categories to be the rows
rownames(data) = data$domain
data = data[,-1]
# Now we want to summarize as percents! Let's normalize each to be
# a percentage between 0 and 100. For fun, let's write a function that we
# can apply to the matrix to return the matrix to plot!
unecessary_function_for_score = function(row) {
possible = row[1]
earned = row[2]
total = possible + earned
possible_perc = possible / total
earned_perc = earned / total
# Apply it to our matrix!
score = apply(data,1,unecessary_function_for_score)
# Oops, let's transpose it so it's more easy to read
score =
# We want to sort the rows from least to greatest achievment
score = score[with(score, order(-earned_points)), ]
# We need to make our margins a little bigger for the text
# Get some nice "colours"!
colors = sample(colours(),2)
# One more flip, and as a matrix for the barplot function...
barplot(as.matrix(t(score)), col = colors, main = "Vanessa Graduate Student Avatar Progress!",ylab="progress",xlab="",width=2,las=2)
legend(20,.8, inset = c(-0.25, 0), fill = colors, legend = c( "accomplished","to go"),bg="white")
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