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Last active June 22, 2021 01:09
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Parallel text processing ++
Three things :
1. Processing text file via memory-mapped generator ... two birds with one stone
- great for large files
- great if file is used in multiple processes
2. Process lazily iterator, range or list in CHUNKS, you can use this to pass the data in chunks
3. Use (1) and RAY to process files asyncrously in Parallel
I use this to compare every line of one file with every other line of the same file.
The outer loop is the main process the inner loop is N actors simultaneously open the same file N-times.
#MMapped file iterator
def file_iter(file, upto=5, display_steps=None):
with open(file,'r+b') as f :
mm = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, flags=mmap.MAP_SHARED)
for i,bin_line in enumerate(iter(mm.readline,b'')) :
if display_steps is not None and i % display_steps == 0 : print(f'> {i} ', end="\n")
if upto is not None and i > upto : break
line = bin_line.decode("utf-8").strip()
yield line
#returns lazily an iterator,range,list in chunks
def chunker(it,size):
rv = []
for i,el in enumerate(it,1) :
if i % size == 0 :
yield rv
rv = []
if rv : yield rv
import ray
from ray.util import ActorPool
if not ray.is_initialized() : ray.init()
#create the pool of actors, for map
a1, a2 = Actor.remote(), Actor.remote()
pool = ActorPool([a1, a2])
res = pool.map_unordered(
#specify the actor method to call
lambda a,line: a.actor_method.remote(line),
#pass the lines of the file one by one to the waiting actors
for x in res :
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