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Last active March 22, 2020 12:30
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Various functions to inspect and normalize value inputs
This module provides various functions to inspect and normalize value inputs.
__all__ = ["identity", "strnorm", "is_positive_integer", "as_positive_integer"]
import re
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, TypeVar, Union
#: Consecutive whitespace regex.
_RE_WHITESPACES = re.compile(r"\s+")
#: Consecutive digits which constitute a valid decimal number together.
_RE_DIGITS = re.compile(r"^[1-9][0-9]*$")
#: Defines a generic type variable.
_T = TypeVar("_T")
def identity(x: _T) -> _T:
Identity function.
>>> identity(None)
>>> identity(1)
>>> identity('a')
return x
def nonesafe(f: Callable[..., _T]) -> Callable[..., Optional[_T]]:
Provides a None-safety decorator.
:param f: Function to decorate.
:return: None-safe function.
>>> nonesafe(lambda x: x + 1)(None)
>>> nonesafe(lambda x: x + 1)(1)
>>> nonesafe(lambda x, y: x + y + 1)(None, 1)
>>> nonesafe(lambda x, y: x + y + 1)(1, 1)
def _f(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[_T]:
return None if args[0] is None else f(*args, **kwargs)
return _f
def asint(f: Callable[[int], _T]) -> Callable[[Union[int, str]], _T]:
Provides a decorator which ensures that the argument is an integer.
:param f: Function to decorate.
:return: New function with parameter to be integer.
:raises ValueError: In case that the string can not be cast to integer.
>>> asint(lambda x: x + 1)(1)
>>> asint(lambda x: x + 1)("1")
>>> asint(lambda x: x + 1)(" 1")
>>> asint(lambda x: x + 1)("1 ")
>>> asint(lambda x: x + 1)(" 1 ")
def _f(x: Union[int, str]) -> _T:
return f(x if isinstance(x, int) else int(x.strip()))
return _f
def strnorm(x: str, upper: bool = False) -> Optional[str]:
Normalizes a string by removing leading and trailing whitespace, reducing
consecutive whitespaces to a single space and optionally making the string
all uppercase.
:param x: String to normalize.
:param upper: Indicates if the resulting string should be in uppercase.
:return: Normalized string value if length is greater than 0, ``None`` otherwise.
>>> strnorm("")
>>> strnorm("a")
>>> strnorm(" a")
>>> strnorm("a ")
>>> strnorm(" a ")
>>> strnorm(" a ")
>>> strnorm("\r\n\ta\r\n\t")
>>> strnorm(" \r\r\n\n\t\ta \r\r\n\n\t\ta \r\r\n\n\t\ta \r\r\n\n\t\t")
'a a a'
>>> strnorm(" \r\r\n\n\t\ta \r\r\n\n\t\ta \r\r\n\n\t\ta \r\r\n\n\t\t", upper=True)
'A A A'
## Reduce whitespaces:
x = _RE_WHITESPACES.sub(" ", x.strip())
## Check, upper if required and return:
return x and (x.upper() if upper else x) or None
def is_positive_integer(x: Any) -> bool:
Checks if the value is a positive integer (no ``0``), or a string which represents a positive integer in digits
without leading zeros and leading and trailing spaces.
This is useful to deal with internal database identifiers.
:param x: Value to check.
:return: ``True`` if value is a positive integer representation.
>>> is_positive_integer(1)
>>> is_positive_integer(1.0)
>>> is_positive_integer(0)
>>> is_positive_integer("1")
>>> is_positive_integer(" 1 ")
>>> is_positive_integer(strnorm(" 1 "))
>>> is_positive_integer("01")
return (isinstance(x, int) and x > 0) or (isinstance(x, str) and bool(_RE_DIGITS.match(x)))
def as_positive_integer(x: Any, pre: Callable[[Any], Any] = identity) -> int:
Attempts to convert the value to a positive integer.
This is useful to deal with internal database identifiers.
:param x: Value to convert to a positive integer.
:param pre: Value transformation prior to conversion attempt.
:return: Positive integer.
:raises ValueError: In case that the value can not be converted to positive integer.
>>> as_positive_integer(0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Value does not represent a positive integer: 0
>>> as_positive_integer(-1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Value does not represent a positive integer: -1
>>> as_positive_integer(1)
>>> as_positive_integer("1")
>>> as_positive_integer(" 1")
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Value does not represent a positive integer: 1
>>> as_positive_integer(" 1 ", lambda x: strnorm(x))
x = pre(x)
if is_positive_integer(x):
return int(x)
raise ValueError(f"Value does not represent a positive integer: {x}")
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