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Last active August 26, 2015 11:33
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Frege cp. Haskell – strange data point in Mandelbrot Benchmark
Get Frege:
wget -O fregec.jar ''
alias frege="java -Xss4m -Xmx4G -cp fregec.jar:."
alias fregec="java -Xss4m -Xmx4G -jar fregec.jar"
Java: java -version
java version "1.8.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.45-b02, mixed mode)
Frege: fregec -version
runtime 0.23 wallclock seconds.
Compile with:
fregec -O
Run with:
frege MandelbrotGist 0.01 30000
{ startup: 51 ms, warmup: 62934 ms, total: 66255 ms, mean: 6625 ms }
runtime 129.403 wallclock seconds.
Mean runtime after ten runs is 6625 ms.
module MandelbrotGist where
{- --------- Benchmark Suite --------- -}
private nano = 1L
private micro = 1000L * nano
private milli = 1000L * micro
private seconds = 1000L * milli
private minute = 60L * seconds
--- Measures the time in milliseconds to evaluate 'a' and returns the Tuple of 'a' and the time measured.
benchmark a = do
start <- System.nanoTime ()
let !r = case a of
!_ -> a
end <- System.nanoTime ()
return (r, (end - start) `div` milli)
data BenchmarkResult = BenchmarkResult {
startup :: Long
, warmup :: Long
, total :: Long
, mean :: Long
instance Show BenchmarkResult where
show (BenchmarkResult a b c d) = "{ startup: " ++ show a ++ " ms, warmup: " ++ show b ++ " ms, total: " ++ show c ++ " ms, mean: " ++ show d ++ " ms }"
- So, benchmarking the steady-state performance requires something like:
- 1. Execute task once to load all classes.
- 2. Execute task enough times to ensure that its steady-state execution profile has emerged.
- 3. Execute task some more times to obtain an estimate of its execution time.
- 4. Use Step 3 to calculate n, the number of task executions whose cumulative execution time is sufficiently large.
- 5. Measure the overall execution time t of n more calls of task.
- 6. Estimate the execution time as t/n.
benchmark' startup warmup n g = do
(_, t_s) <- benchmark startup -- 1.
t_w <- loop n warmup 0L -- 2.
t_e <- loop n g 0L -- Steps 3 and 4 are not present; we use fixed sizes provided by the caller.
return $ BenchmarkResult t_s t_w t_e (t_e `div` n) -- 5. & 6.
loop 0 f !t = return t
loop !i f !t = do
(_, t') <- benchmark (f i)
loop (i - 1) f (t + t')
{- --------- Mandelbrot Benchmark --------- -}
infix 6 `:+`
infix 13 `plus`
infix 14 `mult`
type D = Double
data Complex = C {!re, !im :: D}
instance Show Complex where
show (C x y) = show x ++ " :+ " ++ show y
range :: Num α => α -> α -> α -> [α]
range from to step | from <= to = from : (range (from + step) to step)
| otherwise = []
x :+ y = C x y
imag = fst
real = snd
magnitude :: Complex -> D
magnitude (C x y) = x*x + y*y
plus (C x y) (C x' y') = (x+x') :+ (y+y')
mult (C x y) (C x' y') = ((x * x') - (y * y')) :+ ((x * y') + (y * x'))
start :: Complex
start = 0 :+ 0
next :: Complex -> Complex -> Complex
next c z = z `mult` z `plus` c
iter c !max = go start 0
where go !z !i | i < max && magnitude z < 4 = go (next c z) (i + 1)
| otherwise = (z, i)
genGrid :: (D, D, D) -> (D, D, D) -> [Complex]
genGrid (x_l, x_u, x_s) (y_l, y_u, y_s) =
[(C x y) | x <- range x_l x_u x_s, y <- range y_l y_u y_s]
pure native atod java.lang.Double.parseDouble :: String -> Double
main [step, iterations] = do
execute (atod step) (atoi iterations)
main _ = do
error "arguments needed"
execute step max = do
t <- benchmark' ((calc startup 1) 0) (warmup max) 10 (calc cs max)
println t
cs = genGrid ((-2.0), 1.0, step) ((-1.0), 1.0, step)
startup = genGrid (-1.0, 0.5, 0.1) (-0.5, 0.5, 0.1)
warmup max i = length $ filter (< max) $ map snd $ map (\c -> iter c max) g
where g = genGrid ((-2.0) + d, 1.0 + d, step) ((-1.0) + d, 1.0 + d, step)
d = 1 / i.double
calc grid max = \i -> length $ filter (< max) $ map snd $ map (\c -> iter c max) grid
GHC: ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.6.3
Compile with:
ghc -XBangPatterns -O2 -rtsopts MandelbrotGist.hs
Run with:
./MandelbrotGist 0.01 30000
For ten runs I get a mean runtime of 8008 ms.
module Main where
import System.Environment
import System.CPUTime
import Text.Printf
infixl 6 `plus`
infixl 7 `mult`
type D = Double
data Complex = !D :+ !D
deriving Show
--range :: Num α => α -> α -> α -> [α]
range from to step | from <= to = from : (range (from + step) to step)
| otherwise = []
imag (_ :+ x) = x
real (x :+ _) = x
magnitude :: Complex -> D
magnitude (x :+ y) = x*x + y*y
plus (x :+ y) (x' :+ y') = (x+x') :+ (y+y')
mult (x :+ y) (x' :+ y') = ((x * x') - (y * y')) :+ ((x * y') + (y * x'))
start :: Complex
start = 0 :+ 0
next :: Complex -> Complex -> Complex
next c z = z `mult` z `plus` c
iter c !max = go start 0
where go !z !i | i < max && magnitude z < 4 = go (next c z) (i + 1)
| otherwise = (z, i)
genGrid :: (D, D, D) -> (D, D, D) -> [Complex]
genGrid (x_l, x_u, x_s) (y_l, y_u, y_s) =
[(x :+ y) | x <- range x_l x_u x_s, y <- range y_l y_u y_s]
pico = 1
nano = pico * 1000
micro = nano * 1000
milli = micro * 1000
main = do
args <- getArgs
a1 = args !! 0
a2 = args !! 1
s :: Double
s = read a1
!cs = genGrid ((-2.0), 1.0, s) ((-1.0), 1.0, s)
calc :: [Complex] -> Int -> [(Complex, Int)]
calc grid max = map (\c -> iter c max) grid
max :: Int
max = read a2
start <- getCPUTime
let !l = length $ filter (< max) $ map snd $ calc cs max
end <- getCPUTime
print l
let diff = (fromIntegral (end - start)) / milli
printf "Computation time: %0f ms\n" (diff :: Double)
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