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New files for Trog Discord Bot
// Troglodytes Discord-Server Configuration File
// The username and token given by the bot.
// Troglodytes-Discord Server IP
// This is the IP to connect to for the Troglodytes discord integration
// Troglodytes-Discord Server Port
discord_port: 7851
// The discord channels and RO channels to link
// can go up to 5 channels
// discord_channelX is the ID of the channel
// ro_channelX must match the name in channels.conf
//discord_channel0: 467936171763433475
//ro_channel0: #main
//discord_channel1: 467936182169370624
//ro_channel1: #trade
// The discord channel id that requests are sent to
//discord_request_channel: 467936182169370632
// [Premium Only]
// discord_request_category: 467936182169370173
import: conf/import/discord_conf.txt
#include "disif.hpp"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <ctime>
#include <regex>
#include "../common/cbasetypes.hpp"
#include "../common/socket.hpp"
#include "../common/timer.hpp"
#include "../common/malloc.hpp"
#include "../common/showmsg.hpp"
#include "../common/strlib.hpp"
#include "../common/utils.hpp"
#include "../common/conf.hpp"
#include "clif.hpp"
#include "channel.hpp"
#include "pc.hpp"
struct mmo_dis_server discord{};
static TIMER_FUNC(check_connect_discord_server);
static TIMER_FUNC(check_accept_discord_server);
static std::string parse_item_link(const std::string &msg);
// Received packet Lengths from discord-server
int dis_recv_packet_length[] = {
0, 43, 3, -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 2, -1, -1, 10, 4, 0, 0, 0, //0D00
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //0D10
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //0D20
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 //0D30
// says whether the discord server is connected or not
int disif_isconnected(void) {
return (session_isValid(discord.fd) && discord.state == DiscordState::connected);
* Map-serv request to login into discord-server
* @param fd : discord-server fd to log into
* @return 0:request sent
* 0D01 <server_id>.Q <token>.24B (DZ_CONNECT)
int disif_connect(int fd) {
ShowStatus("Logging in to discord server...\n");
WFIFOHEAD(fd, 50);
WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0xd01;
WFIFOQ(fd,2) = discord.server_id;
memcpy(WFIFOP(fd,10), discord.token, TOKEN_LENGTH);
WFIFOSET(fd, 43);
return 0;
* Parse discord server login attempt ack
* @param fd : file descriptor to parse, (link to discord)
* 0D02 <error code>.B
int disif_parse_loginack(int fd) {
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 3)
return 0;
char error = RFIFOB(fd, 2);
if (error) {
ShowError("Discord server rejected connection, contact nitrous for the reason\n");
discord.state = DiscordState::stopped;
return 1;
ShowInfo("Discord server has connected\n");
discord.connect_seconds = 10;
return 0;
* Send keepalive to discord server
void disif_keepalive(int fd) {
WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0xd07;
* Parse keepalive ack from discord server
int disif_parse_keepaliveack(int fd) {
session[fd]-> = 0;
return 1;
* Parse discord server message and send to chat channel
* @param fd : file descriptor to parse
* 0D03 <packet len>.W <channel id>.Q <user name>.24B <message>.?B
int disif_parse_message_from_disc(int fd) {
int len;
struct Channel * channel = nullptr;
char username[NAME_LENGTH];
char msg[CHAT_SIZE_MAX];
char output[CHAT_SIZE_MAX];
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 4)
return 0;
len = RFIFOW(fd, 2);
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < len)
return 0;
auto channel_id = RFIFOQ(fd, 4);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++) {
auto &chn = discord.channels[i];
if (chn.disc_channel_id == channel_id) {
channel =;
if (channel == nullptr) {
ShowWarning("Discord server sending to non-existing channel %llu, REPORT THIS!\n", channel_id);
return 1;
safestrncpy(username, RFIFOCP(fd, 12), NAME_LENGTH);
safestrncpy(msg, RFIFOCP(fd, 36), CHAT_SIZE_MAX - 4 - strlen(channel->alias) - strlen(username));
safesnprintf(output, CHAT_SIZE_MAX, "%s %s : %s", channel->alias, username, msg);
clif_channel_msg(channel, output, channel->color);
return 1;
* Send channel message to discord server
* @param channel : channel that sent the message
* @param msg : message that was sent
* 0D04 <packet len>.W <channel id>.Q <message>.?B
int disif_send_message_to_disc(struct Channel *channel, char *msg) {
unsigned short msg_len = 0, len = 0;
if (!channel || !msg || discord.fd == -1 || discord.state != DiscordState::connected)
return 0;
auto newmsg = parse_item_link(msg);
msg_len = (unsigned short)(newmsg.length() + 1);
return disif_send_message_tochan(channel->discord_id, newmsg.c_str(), msg_len);
* Send a message to discord to the request category/channel from a player
* Either 0D04 packet or 0D09
int disif_send_request_to_disc(const map_session_data& sd, const char * message) {
if (!message || discord.fd == -1 || discord.state != DiscordState::connected)
return 0;
char output[CHAT_SIZE_MAX + NAME_LENGTH + 3];
auto msg_len = safesnprintf(output, sizeof(output), "%s : %s",, message) + 1;
if (!discord.request_category_id) {
// we're not premium, use normal message
return disif_send_message_tochan(discord.request_channel_id, output, msg_len);
WFIFOHEAD(discord.fd, 8 + msg_len);
WFIFOW(discord.fd, 0) = 0xD09;
WFIFOW(discord.fd, 2) = 8 + msg_len;
WFIFOL(discord.fd, 4) = sd.status.account_id;
safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(discord.fd, 8), output, msg_len);
WFIFOSET(discord.fd, 8 + msg_len);
return 1;
* Send a whisper to the user from a discord channel
* 0d0a <packet len>.W <account id>.L <message>.?B
int disif_parse_send_message_toplayer(int fd) {
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 4)
return 0;
int len = RFIFOW(fd, 2);
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < len)
return 0;
int accid = RFIFOL(fd, 4);
char *msg = RFIFOCP(fd, 8);
map_session_data *sd = map_id2sd(accid);
if (!sd) {
return 1;
clif_wis_message(sd, "@discord", msg, strlen(msg) + 1, 99);
return 1;
int disif_send_message_tochan(uint64 cid, const char *msg, uint16 len) {
if (discord.fd == -1 || discord.state != DiscordState::connected)
return 0;
WFIFOHEAD(discord.fd, len + 12);
WFIFOW(discord.fd, 0) = 0xD04;
WFIFOW(discord.fd, 2) = len + 12;
WFIFOQ(discord.fd, 4) = cid;
safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(discord.fd, 12), msg, len);
WFIFOSET(discord.fd, len + 12);
return 0;
* Send the channels to listen to
* 0D05 <packet len>.W <count>.W {<channel id>.Q}*count
int disif_send_conf() {
if (discord.fd == -1 || discord.state != DiscordState::connected)
return 0;
uint16 count = 0;
WFIFOHEAD(discord.fd, 6 + (MAX_CHANNELS + 1) * 8);
WFIFOW(discord.fd, 0) = 0xD05;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++) {
auto &chn = discord.channels[i];
if (chn.disc_channel_id && {
WFIFOQ(discord.fd, 6 + count * 8) = chn.disc_channel_id;
if (discord.request_channel_id) {
WFIFOQ(discord.fd, 6 + count * 8) = discord.request_channel_id;
WFIFOW(discord.fd, 2) = 6 + count * 8;
WFIFOW(discord.fd, 4) = count;
WFIFOSET(discord.fd, 6 + count * 8);
return 1;
* List of channels that have errors
* If count is 0, no errors!
* 0D06 <packet len>.W <count>.W {<channel id>.Q}*count
int disif_parse_conf_ack(int fd) {
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 4)
return 0;
int len = RFIFOW(fd, 2);
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < len)
return 0;
int count = RFIFOW(fd, 4);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
auto id = RFIFOQ(fd, 6 + i * 8);
for (int j = 0; j < MAX_CHANNELS; j++) {
auto &chn = discord.channels[j];
if (id == chn.disc_channel_id) {
ShowError("Discord channel with id [%llu](%s) does not exist, ignoring\n", id,>name);
chn.disc_channel_id = 0;>discord_id = 0; = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++) {
auto & chn = discord.channels[i];
if (!chn.disc_channel_id || !
continue;>discord_id = chn.disc_channel_id;
if (discord.request_category_id) {
return 1;
* Send the request category to discord
* 0D0B <packet len>.W <category id>.Q
int disif_send_request_category(uint64 cid) {
if (discord.fd == -1 || discord.state != DiscordState::connected)
return 0;
WFIFOHEAD(discord.fd, 10);
WFIFOW(discord.fd, 0) = 0xD0B;
WFIFOQ(discord.fd, 2) = cid;
WFIFOSET(discord.fd, 10);
return 1;
* Parse the request category ack
* 0 - ok
* 1 - chn doesn't exist
* 2 - chn not in guild
* 3 - chn not a category
* 4 - we don't have manage channel permissions
* 5 - you aint premium
* 0D0C <error code>.W
int disif_parse_request_category_ack(int fd) {
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 4)
return 0;
uint16 err = RFIFOW(fd, 2);
switch(err) {
case 0:
ShowInfo("Discord request category set\n");
return 1;
case 1:
ShowWarning("Discord request category does not exist\n");
case 2:
ShowWarning("Discord request category not in guild\n");
case 3:
ShowWarning("Discord request category is not a category\n");
case 4:
ShowWarning("Discord request category we don't have manage channel permissions\n");
case 5:
ShowWarning("Discord request category is a premium feature\n");
ShowWarning("Unknown Error for Discord Request Category, please report %hu\n", err);
// if we got here, there must have been an error, so unset it
discord.request_category_id = 0;
return 1;
// sets map-server's username for discord
void disif_setserverid(char *id) {
discord.server_id = strtoull(id, nullptr, 10);
// sets map-server's token for discord
void disif_settoken(char *pwd) {
memcpy(discord.token, pwd, TOKEN_LENGTH);
/** Returns the length of the next complete packet to process,
* or 0 if no complete packet exists in the queue.
* @param length The minimum allowed length, or -1 for dynamic lookup
int dis_check_length(int fd, int length)
if (length == -1)
{// variable-length packet
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 4)
return 0;
length = RFIFOW(fd, 2);
if ((int)RFIFOREST(fd) < length)
return 0;
return length;
const char base62_dictionary[] = {
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f',
'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v',
'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L',
'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'};
uint32 base62_decode(const std::string &msg) {
uint32 result = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < msg.length(); i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < 62; j++) {
if (msg[i] == base62_dictionary[j]) {
result = result * 62 + j;
return result;
* Parse an item link string
static std::string parse_item_link(const std::string &msg) {
#if PACKETVER >= 20160113
const std::string start_tag = R"(<ITEML>)";
const std::string closing_tag = R"(</ITEML>)";
#else // PACKETVER >= 20151104
const std::string start_tag = "<ITEM>";
const std::string closing_tag = "</ITEM>";
static std::regex item_regex(start_tag + R"!(((\w{5})(\d)(\w+)[^<]*))!" + closing_tag);
std::smatch match;
std::string retstr = msg;
while (std::regex_search(retstr, match, item_regex)) {
auto itemdb = item_db.find(base62_decode(match[4].str()));
if (!itemdb) {
ShowError("Tried to parse itemlink for unknown item %s.\n", match[4].str().c_str());
return msg;
retstr = std::regex_replace(retstr, item_regex, "!<!<" + match[1].str() + ">!>![" + itemdb->name + "]",
return retstr;
* Entry point from discord server to map-server.
* Function that checks incoming command, then splits it to the correct handler.
* If not found any hander here transmis packet to inter
* @param fd: file descriptor to parse, (link to discord server)
* @return 0=invalid server,marked for disconnection,unknow packet; 1=success
int disif_parse(int fd) {
if (discord.fd != fd) {
ShowDebug("disif_parse: Disconnecting invalid session #%d (is not a discord-server)\n", fd);
return 0;
if (session[fd]->flag.eof)
discord.fd = -1;
return 0;
} else if (session[fd]-> {
if (DIFF_TICK(last_tick, session[fd]->rdata_tick) > (stall_time * 2)) {
return 0;
} else if (session[fd]-> != 2) {
session[fd]-> = 2;
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 2)
return 0;
int cmd;
int len = 0;
cmd = RFIFOW(fd, 0);
// Check is valid packet entry
if (cmd < 0x0D00 || cmd >= 0x0D00 + ARRAYLENGTH(dis_recv_packet_length) || dis_recv_packet_length[cmd - 0x0D00] == 0) {
//invalid cmd, just close it
ShowError("Unknown packet 0x%04x from discord server, disconnecting.\n", RFIFOW(fd, 0));
return 0;
while (RFIFOREST(fd) >= 2) {
int next = 1;
// Check packet length
if ((len = dis_check_length(fd, dis_recv_packet_length[cmd - 0x0D00])) == 0) {
//invalid cmd, just close it
ShowError("Unknown packet 0x%04x from discord server, disconnecting.\n", RFIFOW(fd, 0));
return 0;
if (len == -1) { // variable-length packet
if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 4)
return 0;
len = RFIFOW(fd, 2);
if (len < 4 || len > 32768) {
ShowWarning("disif_parse: Received packet 0x%04x specifies invalid packet_len (%d), disconnecting discord server #%d.\n", cmd, len, fd);
ShowDump(RFIFOP(fd, 0), RFIFOREST(fd));
return 0;
if ((int)RFIFOREST(fd) < len)
return 0; // not enough data received to form the packet
switch (RFIFOW(fd, 0)) {
case 0x0d02: next = disif_parse_loginack(fd); return 0;
case 0x0d03: next = disif_parse_message_from_disc(fd); break;
case 0x0d06: next = disif_parse_conf_ack(fd); break;
case 0x0d08: next = disif_parse_keepaliveack(fd); break;
case 0x0d0a: next = disif_parse_send_message_toplayer(fd); break;
case 0x0d0c: next = disif_parse_request_category_ack(fd); break;
ShowError("Unknown packet 0x%04x from discord server, disconnecting.\n", RFIFOW(fd, 0));
return 0;
if (next == 0) return 0; //avoid processing rest of packet
RFIFOSKIP(fd, len);
return 1;
int disif_setip(const char* ip) {
char ip_str[16];
if (!(discord.ip = host2ip(ip))) {
ShowWarning("Failed to Resolve Discord Server Address! (%s)\n", ip);
return 0;
ShowInfo("Discord Server IP Address : '" CL_WHITE "%s" CL_RESET "' -> '" CL_WHITE "%s" CL_RESET "'.\n", ip, ip2str(discord.ip, ip_str));
return 1;
void disif_setport(uint16 port) {
discord.port = port;
void disif_setenabled(const char *opt) {
if (!config_switch(opt))
discord.state = DiscordState::stopped;
int disif_setdiscchannel(const char * w1, const char * w2) {
w1 = w1 + strlen("discord_channel");
int n = strtoul(w1, nullptr, 10);
uint64 id = strtoull(w2, nullptr, 10);
return 0;
discord.channels[n].disc_channel_id = id;
ShowInfo("Set channel #%d to id %llu\n", n, id);
return 1;
int disif_setrochannel(const char * w1, const char * w2) {
w1 = w1 + strlen("ro_channel");
int n = strtoul(w1, nullptr, 10);
if (n >= MAX_CHANNELS)
return 0;
char channel_name[CHAN_NAME_LENGTH];
safestrncpy(channel_name, w2, sizeof(channel_name));
auto * channel = channel_name2channel(channel_name, nullptr, 0);
if (!channel) {
ShowError("Channel with name %s does not exist, ignoring for discord\n", w2);
return 0;
discord.channels[n].channel = channel;
ShowInfo("Set channel #%d to name %s\n", n, channel_name);
return 1;
int disif_setrequestchannel(const char * w2) {
uint64 id = strtoull(w2, nullptr, 10);
discord.request_channel_id = id;
ShowInfo("Set request channel to id %llu\n", id);
return 1;
int disif_setrequestcategory(const char * w2) {
uint64 id = strtoull(w2, nullptr, 10);
discord.request_category_id = id;
ShowInfo("Set request category to id %llu\n", id);
return 1;
* A player PMed @discord, send the message to discord request category
* Premium only
int disif_discord_wis(const map_session_data &sd, const char *target, const char *msg) {
if (!msg || !*msg || !discord.request_category_id)
return 0;
return disif_send_request_to_disc(sd, msg);
* Called when the connection to discord Server is disconnected.
void disif_on_disconnect() {
ShowStatus("Discord-server has disconnected.\n");
if (discord.connect_timer)
delete_timer(discord.connect_timer, check_connect_discord_server);
if (discord.state == DiscordState::stopped)
discord.connect_timer =
add_timer(gettick() + (discord.connect_seconds * 1000), check_connect_discord_server, 0, 0);
#ifdef WIN32
#define sErrno WSAGetLastError()
#define sFD_SET(fd, set) FD_SET(fd2sock_ext(fd), set)
#define sErrno errno
#define sFD_SET(fd, set) FD_SET(fd, set)
* timerFunction
* Chk the connection to discord server, (if it down)
static TIMER_FUNC(check_connect_discord_server){
discord.connect_timer = 0;
discord.connect_seconds += 5;
if (discord.state == DiscordState::stopped)
return 0;
if (discord.fd <= 0 || session[discord.fd] == NULL) {
ShowStatus("Attempting to connect to Discord Server. Please wait.\n");
if (discord.state == DiscordState::connencting) {
// after 10 seconds, just close
ShowError("10 seconds waiting for accept from discord server, restarting connection\n");
delete_timer(discord.accept_timer, check_accept_discord_server);
discord.state = DiscordState::disconnected;
discord.connect_timer = add_timer(gettick() + 1000, check_connect_discord_server, 0, 0);
return 0;
discord.fd = make_connection(discord.ip, discord.port, false, 10, true);
if (discord.fd == -1) { // Attempt to connect later. [Skotlex]
ShowInfo("make_connection failed, will retry in %s seconds\n", discord.connect_seconds);
discord.connect_timer = add_timer(gettick() + (discord.connect_seconds * 1000), check_connect_discord_server, 0, 0);
return 0;
discord.state = DiscordState::connencting;
discord.accept_timer = add_timer(gettick() + 1000, check_accept_discord_server, 0, 0);
return 0;
* Use a non-blocking select to check if discord fd is connected
static TIMER_FUNC(check_accept_discord_server) {
discord.accept_timer = 0;
if (discord.fd <= 0) {
ShowError("Discord Server fd invalid, can't accept\n");
return 0;
fd_set dfd;
sFD_SET(discord.fd, &dfd);
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
auto ret = select(discord.fd + 1, nullptr, &dfd, nullptr, &tv);
if (ret < 0) {
ShowError("Discord select failed [%d], retrying in %d seconds\n", sErrno, discord.connect_seconds);
discord.fd = 0;
discord.state = DiscordState::disconnected;
if (!discord.connect_timer) {
discord.connect_timer = add_timer(gettick() + (discord.connect_seconds * 1000), check_connect_discord_server, 0, 0);
return 0;
} else if (ret == 0) {
// ShowInfo("Still haven't connected to discord server, will retry in 1s\n");
discord.accept_timer = add_timer(gettick() + 1000, check_accept_discord_server, 0, 0);
return 0;
#ifdef WIN32
int err = 0;
int err_len = sizeof(err);
if (getsockopt(fd2sock_ext(discord.fd), SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *)&err, &err_len)) {
ShowError("getsockopt failed!?\n");
int err = 0;
socklen_t err_len = sizeof(err);
if (getsockopt(discord.fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &err, &err_len)) {
ShowError("getsockopt failed!?\n");
if (err) {
ShowError("Discord connect failed, retrying in %d seconds\n", discord.connect_seconds);
discord.fd = 0;
discord.state = DiscordState::disconnected;
if (!discord.connect_timer) {
discord.connect_timer = add_timer(gettick() + (discord.connect_seconds * 1000), check_connect_discord_server, 0, 0);
return 0;
ShowInfo("Discord server connection was accepted!\n");
add_readfd(discord.fd, discord.ip);
discord.state = DiscordState::connected;
session[discord.fd]->func_parse = disif_parse;
session[discord.fd]->flag.server = 1;
if (discord.connect_timer) {
delete_timer(discord.connect_timer, check_connect_discord_server);
discord.connect_timer = 0;
// only do this when we ack
// discord.connect_seconds = 10;
return 0;
* Read discord server configuration files (conf/discord_athena.conf...)
int discord_config_read(const char *cfgName)
char line[1024], w1[32], w2[1024];
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen(cfgName,"r");
if(fp == NULL) {
ShowError("Discord configuration file not found at: %s\n", cfgName);
return 1;
while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) {
char* ptr;
if( line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/' )
if( (ptr = strstr(line, "//")) != NULL )
*ptr = '\n'; //Strip comments
if( sscanf(line, "%31[^:]: %1023[^\t\r\n]", w1, w2) < 2 )
//Strip trailing spaces
ptr = w2 + strlen(w2);
while (--ptr >= w2 && *ptr == ' ');
*ptr = '\0';
if (strcmpi(w1, "server_id") == 0) {
else if (strcmpi(w1, "token") == 0) {
else if (strcmpi(w1, "discord_ip") == 0)
else if (strcmpi(w1, "discord_port") == 0)
else if (strncmpi(w1, "discord_channel", strlen("discord_channel")) == 0)
disif_setdiscchannel(w1, w2);
else if (strncmpi(w1, "ro_channel", strlen("ro_channel")) == 0)
disif_setrochannel(w1, w2);
else if (strcmpi(w1, "import") == 0)
else if (strcmpi(w1, "enable") == 0)
else if (strcmpi(w1, "discord_request_channel") == 0)
else if (strcmpi(w1, "discord_request_category") == 0)
ShowWarning("Unknown setting '%s' in file %s\n", w1, cfgName);
return 0;
void do_init_disif(void) {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++) {
auto &chn = discord.channels[i];
if (!chn.disc_channel_id || ! {
chn.disc_channel_id = 0; = nullptr;
add_timer_func_list(check_connect_discord_server, "check_connect_discord_server");
add_timer_func_list(check_accept_discord_server, "check_accept_discord_server");
// establish map-discord connection if not present
discord.connect_timer = add_timer(gettick() + 1000, check_connect_discord_server, 0, 0);
discord.connect_seconds = 10;
void do_final_disif(void) {
void reload_disif(void) {
if (discord.connect_timer) {
delete_timer(discord.connect_timer, check_connect_discord_server);
discord.connect_timer = 0;
if (discord.accept_timer) {
delete_timer(discord.accept_timer, check_accept_discord_server);
discord.accept_timer = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++) {
auto &chn = discord.channels[i];
if (!chn.disc_channel_id || ! {
chn.disc_channel_id = 0; = nullptr;
discord.state = DiscordState::disconnected;
// establish map-discord connection if not present
discord.connect_timer = add_timer(gettick() + 10000, check_connect_discord_server, 0, 0);
void stop_disif(void) {
discord.state = DiscordState::stopped;
#pragma once
#include "../config/core.hpp"
#include "../common/core.hpp" // CORE_ST_LAST
#include "../common/msg_conf.hpp"
#include "../common/mmo.hpp"
#include "channel.hpp"
#define TOKEN_LENGTH 32 + 1
enum class DiscordState {
// must be below 10
#define MAX_CHANNELS 5
struct discord_channel {
uint64 disc_channel_id;
Channel *channel;
struct mmo_dis_server {
int fd;
uint32 ip;
uint16 port;
uint64 server_id;
char token[TOKEN_LENGTH];
DiscordState state{DiscordState::disconnected};
int connect_timer;
// the amount of seconds to wait before next connect attempt
int connect_seconds;
int accept_timer;
struct discord_channel channels[MAX_CHANNELS];
uint64 request_channel_id;
uint64 request_category_id;
int disif_parse_loginack(int fd);
int disif_parse_message_from_disc(int fd);
int disif_send_message_to_disc(struct Channel *channel, char *msg);
int disif_send_request_to_disc(const map_session_data &sd, const char *message);
int disif_send_message_tochan(uint64 cid, const char *msg, uint16 len);
int disif_send_conf();
int disif_send_request_category(uint64 cid);
int disif_setdiscchannel(const char * w1, const char * w2);
int disif_setrochannel(const char * w1, const char * w2);
int disif_setrequestchannel(const char * w2);
int disif_discord_wis(const map_session_data &sd, const char *target, const char *msg);
void do_init_disif(void);
void do_final_disif(void);
int disif_parse(int fd);
void disif_on_disconnect();
void reload_disif(void);
void stop_disif(void);
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