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Save vsubhash/d211ab73ca68b8bf8233fc9198c827d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AutoPlayVideoAutoStopper - Pauses auto-playing videos. Excludes YouTube (has its own autostopper script; Supports Firefox-based browser up to Version 36. Newer versions should use a UserAgent (UA) spoofer add-on. YouTube loads a lighter version of the YouTube page for older browsers. This script will r…
// ==UserScript==
// @name AutoPlayVideoAutoStopper
// @namespace com.vsubhash.js.autoplay-video-auto-stopper
// @description Pauses auto-playing videos. Excludes YouTube (has its own autostopper script; Supports Firefox-based browser up to Version 36. Newer versions should use a UserAgent (UA) spoofer add-on. YouTube loads a lighter version of the YouTube page for older browsers. This script will require the GreaseMonkey add-on to run the script inside a browser.
// @exclude*
// @version 2019.02
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
document.addEventListener("readystatechange", handle_DOMLoad, false);
function handle_DOMLoad() {
console.log("VideoAutoStopper: Readystatechange.");
if ((document.readyState == "interactive") || (document.readyState == "complete")) {
console.log("VideoAutoStopper: Document iteractive/complete.");
window.setTimeout(pauseAllVideos, 1*1000);
window.setTimeout(pauseAllVideos, 5*1000);
window.setTimeout(pauseAllVideos, 20*1000);
window.setTimeout(pauseAllVideos, 30*1000);
function pauseAllVideos() {
console.log("VideoAutoStopper: Parsing video tags...");
try {
var arVideos = document.getElementsByTagName("video");
for (var i = 0; i < arVideos.length; i++) {
console.log("VideoAutoStopper: Paused a video - " + (i+1));
arVideos[i].muted = true; // custom controls may not update
arVideos[i].setAttribute("preload", "none");
} catch(e) {
console.error("VideoAutoStopper: Error - " + e);
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