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Last active January 1, 2018 14:51
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Insert csv data PostgreSQL database by Python
Firstly import below modules in Python file or Django file .
1. csv
2. psycopg2
Now Firstly create a connection with your database below way
conn_string="dbname='user database name' user='database user name' host='localhost' password='your user password'"
print ("Connecting to database\n->%s" % (conn_string))
conn = psycopg2.connect(conn_string)
print ("connection succeeded")
print ("no connection to db")
Hope if you insert correctly your database information. It should work.
Now go next step.
Now collect your data from csv file below way . I gave an example below
My CSV data Sctucture was below
Call 43,234234223,2017/08/08 06:47:21
Call 44,234234234,2017/08/08 06:47:26
Call 45,987654443,2017/08/08 06:47:30
Call 46,Ext.301,2017/08/08 07:01:34
with open("your file location", newline='') as csvfile:
spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|')
s = []
for row in spamreader:
s2 = filter(None, s)
ids = []
numbers = []
dateDtime = []
for i in s2:
if i[1] == 'Ext.301':
idnumber = [i.split(' ')[1] for i in ids]
date = [i.split(' ')[0] for i in dateDtime]
time = [i.split(' ')[1]for i in dateDtime]
t = tuple(zip(idnumber,numbers,date,time))
# check connection
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.executemany("INSERT INTO csv_data (id, call_numbers, call_date,call_time) VALUES (%s,%s, %s, %s)", t);
# Make the changes to the database persistent
# Close communication with the database
My tuple was look like below. If you try to above data , you must get tuple look like this.
(('43', '234234223', '2017/08/08', '06:47:21'), ('44', '234234234', '2017/08/08', '06:47:26'),('45', '987654443', '2017/08/08', '06:47:30'))
executemany means in a time it will execute many tuple data.
That's all . Thanks
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