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Created January 12, 2015 11:18
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Retrieves the message Item when sending an email with GroupWise
// *SOURCE_FILE****************************************************************
// Copyright (C) 2005 Novell Corp., All Rights Reserved
// The sample code is provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind.
// Novell, Inc. further disclaims all implied warranties including
// without limitation any implied warranties of any merchantability
// or of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out
// of the use or performance of the software and documentation
// remains with you.
// To the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event shall Novell,
// Inc. or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including
// without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business
// interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary
// loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this Novell, Inc.
// product, even if Novell, Inc. has been advised of the possibility
// of such damages. Because some states/jurisdictions do not
// allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or
// incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.
// *END************************************************************************
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using C3POTypeLibrary;
using System.Threading;
using System.Timers;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;
using GroupwareTypeLibrary;
namespace MailSendEvent
// ****************************************************************************
// Class Name: GWCommand
// Description: This object defines an instance of a GroupwWise command
// *END************************************************************************
[Guid(Guids.gwCommandGuid), ProgId("MailSendEvent.GWCommand")]
public class GWCommand : IGWCommand
// Member variables to hold private data
private object m_objBaseCmd;
private string m_sLongPrompt;
private string m_sToolTip;
private int m_PersistentID;
// ***********************************************************
// Name: Constructor
// ***********************************************************
public GWCommand (int id)
m_PersistentID = id;
// = new GroupwareTypeLibrary.Application();
// ***********************************************************
// Name: Get/Set BaseCmd
// Description: Returns/Save the Base GWCommand
// In: none/Object Base GWCommand GroupWise Client functionality
// Out: Object - Base GWCommand/none
// Comments:
// ************************************************************
public object BaseCmd
return m_objBaseCmd;
m_objBaseCmd = value;
public string LongPrompt
return m_sLongPrompt;
m_sLongPrompt = value;
public object Parameters
return null;
public string PersistentID
return null;
public string ToolTip
return m_sToolTip;
m_sToolTip = value;
public void Execute()
switch (m_PersistentID)
case MailSendEvent.GWCOMMAND00:
//C3PO WIZARD Put execute command code here for GW.MESSAGE.MAIL eGW_CMDID_SEND
/* send the message */
IGWCommand baseCmd = (IGWCommand)MailSendEvent.g_C3POManager.CreateGWCommand(m_objBaseCmd);
/* get client and sent items */
GroupwareTypeLibrary.Application gw = new GroupwareTypeLibrary.Application();
GroupwareTypeLibrary.Account acc = gw.Login();
/* convert acc to Account9 for SentItems property access */
GroupwareTypeLibrary.Account9 acc9 = (GroupwareTypeLibrary.Account9)acc;
GroupwareTypeLibrary.Folder sentFolder = acc9.SentItems;
/* get the last sent mail */
GroupwareTypeLibrary.Message sentMessage = sentFolder.Messages.Item(sentFolder.Messages.Count);
}catch(Exception e)
MessageBox.Show("Unsupported Case", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
//A way to get the GroupWise client state with newest interface
//C3POTypeLibrary.IGWClientState6 myCL = (C3POTypeLibrary.IGWClientState6)MailSendEvent.g_C3POManager.ClientState;
//uncomment the code below to unblock the base command
//IGWCommand baseCmd = (IGWCommand)MailSendEvent.g_C3POManager.CreateGWCommand(m_objBaseCmd);
catch (Exception e)
MessageBox.Show("Error Executing GWCommand: " + m_PersistentID.ToString() + " Error: " + e.Message);
// ***********************************************************
// Name: Help
// Description: Reserved for future use.
// In: none
// Out: none
// Comments:
// ************************************************************
public void Help()
// ***********************************************************
// Name: UnDo
// Description: Reserved for future use.
// In: none
// Out: none
// Comments:
// ************************************************************
public void Undo()
// ***********************************************************
// Name: Validate
// Description: This interface is called to determine the state of a C3po
// command. Determining the state is termed the validation.
// The command is assumed by default to be in an enabled, unchecked,
// visible state. The C3po provider can then modify that assumption
// by returning flags. The available flags are:
// eGW_CMDVAL_CHECKED - The command has a check mark.
// eGW_CMDVAL_DISABLED - The command is disabled.
// In: none
// Out: Long - Setting command Checked or Disabled
// Comments: Validate applies only to commands put onto the toolbar or menu by the
// C3po server. Predifined commands do not cause this method to be involked.
// ************************************************************
public int Validate()
return 0;
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