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Last active September 11, 2023 05:27
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pip install transformers torch
git clone # depends on git-lfs 

Run following as python script

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, pipeline

model_dir=<path to cloned model>
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_dir)
generator_pipe = pipeline('text-generation', model=model_dir, tokenizer=tokenizer)
output = generator_pipe("I love the Avengers", max_length=30, num_return_sequences=1)

For large model, the pytorch checkpoint will be split into multiple files during cloning, Running a pipeline using it will decompress them into one single pytorch_model.bin

Loading weight (python)

import torch


# Number of parameters by layer
for k, v in sd.items():
    print(f'{v.numel():10} | {k}')
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vuiseng9 commented Jun 29, 2023

8-bit quantized LLAMA

git clone see model list here and change accordingly. , official+paper.

3/4-bit quantized LLM torch checkpoint

git clone see model list here, official+paper
The cloned files are the optimized quantization hyperparameters of respective model,.
To realize the weight quantization, follow step 3 of the usage section.

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vuiseng9 commented Jul 6, 2023

Weight Distribution Plot (Histogram)

# assuming weight_tensor of torch is defined

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

hist = torch.histc(weight_tensor, bins=nbin, min=weight_tensor.min(), max=weight_tensor.max())

x = range(nbin), hist, align='center')

do play with bins, min, max to get to the viz you like :)

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vuiseng9 commented Jul 7, 2023

better way to plot

because x axis shows actual value

counts, bins= torch.histogram(weight_tensor, bins=100)
plt.hist(bins[:-1], bins, weights=counts)
# or
plt.stairs(counts, bins)

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quantization function

def quantize(tensor, precision: int = 8, return_numpy = True):
    # per tensor symmetric quantization with full dynamic range
    if not isinstance(precision, int):
        raise ValueError("precision must be of type integer")
    n_step = 2 ** (precision - 1) - 1
    if isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor):
        range_min = tensor.min()
        range_max = tensor.max()
        scale = torch.max(range_min.abs(), range_max.abs()) / n_step
        qtensor = (tensor/scale).to(
        raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported tensor type")
    if return_numpy is True:
        return qtensor.numpy()
    return qtensor
quantized_tensor = quantize(weight_tensor)
# print(weight_tensor)
# >> tensor([0.9448, 0.9710, 0.8911,  ..., 0.8735, 0.9124, 0.9592])
# print(quantized_tensor)
# >> array([116, 120, 110, ..., 108, 112, 118], dtype=int32)

quantize(weight_tensor, precision=4)
# >> array([6, 6, 6, ..., 5, 6, 6], dtype=int32)

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pip install transformers
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url

Snippet to retrieve SmoothQuant-ed Weights

import torch
from collections import OrderedDict
from glob import glob

model_dir = "/data1/vchua/hf-model/opt-13b-smoothquant"

sd = dict()

# large models would have sharded binary
ptbins = sorted(glob(f"{model_dir}/pytorch_model*.bin"))
for ptbin in ptbins:
    sd.update(torch.load(ptbin, map_location=torch.device('cpu')))

for k, tensor in sd.items():
    if "weight" in k and "layer_norm" not in k:
        # tensor is weight tensor of interest

SmoothQuant Models
├── opt-13b-smoothquant
├── opt-30b-smoothquant
├── opt-66b-smoothquant
└── opt-6.7b-smoothquant

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