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Last active February 20, 2023 03:59
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import os
import logging as log
from openvino.runtime import Core, PartialShape, serialize = print

def get_input_output_names(ports):
    return [port.any_name for port in ports]

def get_node_names(ports):
    return [port.node.friendly_name for port in ports]

def print_inputs_and_outputs_info(model):
    inputs = model.inputs
    input_names = get_input_output_names(inputs)
    for i in range(len(inputs)):"Model input  {i:2}: {input_names[i]:20}: precision {inputs[i].element_type.get_type_name()}, "
                                                    f"dimensions ({str(inputs[i].node.layout)}): "
                                                    f"{' '.join(str(x) for x in inputs[i].partial_shape)}")
    outputs = model.outputs
    output_names = get_input_output_names(outputs)
    for i in range(len(outputs)):"Model output {i:2}: {output_names[i]:20}: precision {outputs[i].element_type.get_type_name()}, "
                                        f"dimensions ({str(outputs[i].node.layout)}): "
                                        f"{' '.join(str(x) for x in  outputs[i].partial_shape)}")

def print_divider(label=None):
    dashed_line = '-'*100
    if label is not None:
        print(f"+ {label} " + "\n")

# this routine presumed BERT model or will work with input of 2 axes
def reshape_ir_by_input(ov_model, batch_size=1, shape=-1):
    new_iport_cfg = dict()
    for iport in ov_model.inputs:
        if shape == -1:
            new_iport_cfg[iport.any_name] = PartialShape([-1] * len(iport.partial_shape))
            new_iport_cfg[iport.any_name] = PartialShape([batch_size, shape])
    return ov_model

def write_model(ov_model, xml_name, output_dir):
    ir_xml = os.path.join(output_dir, xml_name)
    ir_bin = ir_xml.replace(".xml", ".bin")
    serialize(ov_model, ir_xml, ir_bin)

ir_xml = "/set/path/to/your/ir"

outdir = os.path.dirname(ir_xml)
xml_basename = os.path.basename(ir_xml)

core = Core()
ov_model = core.read_model(ir_xml)

print_divider("Original Model Shape")

def test_reshaping(ov_model, batch_size, length, xml_basename=None, outdir="./"):
    print_divider(f"Shape to {bs}x{length}")
    ov_model = reshape_ir_by_input(ov_model, batch_size=bs, shape=length)
    if xml_basename is not None:
        write_model(ov_model, f"{batch_size}x{length}_{xml_basename}", outdir)
    return ov_model

bs, length = 1, 384
ov_model = test_reshaping(ov_model, batch_size=bs, length=length, xml_basename=xml_basename, outdir=outdir)

bs, length = -1, -1
ov_model = test_reshaping(ov_model, batch_size=bs, length=length)

bs, length = 2, 256
ov_model = test_reshaping(ov_model, batch_size=bs, length=length)

bs, length = -1, -1
ov_model = test_reshaping(ov_model, batch_size=bs, length=length)

bs, length = 1, 89
ov_model = test_reshaping(ov_model, batch_size=bs, length=length, xml_basename=xml_basename, outdir=outdir)

bs, length = -1, -1
ov_model = test_reshaping(ov_model, batch_size=bs, length=length, xml_basename=xml_basename, outdir=outdir)

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