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Last active February 8, 2022 15:54
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#Azure CLI cmd of the day - January 2022:
#1 List existing subscriptions, select one to work with, list default:
az account list -o table
az account set -s '<Subscription Name>'
az account list --query "[?isDefault]" -o table
#2 List MGs, show subs inside, export sub names:
az account management-group list
az account management-group show -n '<MG Name>' -e -r --query 'children'
az account management-group show -n '<MG Name>' -e -r --query 'children[].displayName' -o tsv
#3 List Resource Group Names, list RGs with specific Tag and value:
az group list --query [].name --out tsv
az group list --query "[?tags.Environment == 'Prod']" -o table
#4 AZ CLI login interactive and non-interactive:
az login
az login -u <UserName> -p <Password>
az login --service-principal -u <app-id> -p <pwd-or-cert> --tenant <tenant>
az login --identity --username <resource_id>
#5 Get locations, get Resource Groups in specific Location and Subscription
az account list-locations -o table
az group list --subscription '<sub-name>' --query "[?location=='<location>']"
#6 Show RG details, list resources in RG, find by Tag:
az group show -n <rg-name>
az resource list --resource-group <rg-name> -o table
az group list --tag 'Key=Value'
az group list --tag 'Key'
az resource list --tag 'Key'
#7 Create RG if not exist:
if ((az group exists -n <rg-name>) -eq "false") {az group create -l <location> -n <rg-name> --tags Key=Value 'Key2=Long Value'} else {write "Group already exists"}
#'az group create' will update existing RG without asking
#8 Define default RG, export RG template, list deployments, delete RG:
az configure --defaults group=<rg-name>
az group export -g <rg-name>
az deployment group list -g <rg-name> -o table
az group delete -n <rg-name> --no-wait --yes
#9 List, crate, modify, delete Resource Locks for RGs:
az group lock list -g <rg-name>
az group lock create --lock-type ReadOnly -n <name> -g <rg-name>
az group lock delete --name <name> -g <rg-name>
az group lock update --name <name> -g <rg-name> --lock-type CanNotDelete
#10 Get resources with tag, convert output to PwSh JSON object:
$Resources = az resource list --tag 'Key' -o json | ConvertFrom-Json
Remove tag from all resources:
$Resources | % { az tag update --resource-id $ --operation delete --tags 'Key'}
#11 List resources of specific type in RG:
az resource list --resource-group RGname --query "[? contains (type,'virtualMachines')]"
#12 Show resource details:
az resource show --ids <resource-id>
az resource show -g <rg> -n <name> --resource-type '<resource-type>'
az resource show -g <rg> -n <name> --namespace <name-space> --parent <virtual-network-name> --resource-type subnets
#13 Show VM details, show details only for specific VMs:
az vm list -d -o table
az vm list -d --query "[?powerState=='VM running']" -o table
#14 Show specific fields with custom names for properties:
az vm show -g '<rg-name>' -n '<vm-name>' --query '{VMName:name, ComputerName:osProfile.computerName, LocalAdmin:osProfile.adminUsername, OSVersion:storageProfile.imageReference.sku}' -o table
#15 Start (stop) vm in non default sub, no wait :
az vm start -n '<vm-name>' -g '<rg-name>' --subscription '<sub-name>' --no-wait
#16 List Az VM Images, List Azure Locations, List Az VM sizes:
az vm image list --all -o table
az account list-locations -o table
az vm list-sizes -l <location> -o table
#17 Simple VM create:
az vm create -g <rg-name> -n <name> --image <image> -l <location> --admin-username <user>
#18 Create a VM from a custom managed image:
az vm create -g <rg-name> -n <vm-name> --image <image>
#19 Create a VM by attaching to a managed operating system disk:
az vm create -g <rg-name> -n <vm-name> --attach-os-disk <os-disk-name> --os-type Windows
#20 Create Ubuntu VM with default SSH authentication:
az vm create -n <vm-name> -g <rg-name> --image UbuntuLTS
#21 New Ubuntu with PIP, DNS, 2 data disks(50,20GB), generate ssh key pairs:
az vm create -n <vm-name> -g <rg-name> --public-ip-address-dns-name <my-dns-name> --image ubuntults --data-disk-sizes-gb 50 20 --size Standard_DS2_v2 --generate-ssh-keys
#22 Create multiple VMs:
az vm create -n <vm-name> -g <rg-name> --image <image> --count 5
#23 Convert VM (one and all in RG) to use managed disk:
az vm convert -g <rg-name> -n <vm-name>
az vm convert --ids $(az vm list -g <rg-name> --query "[].id" -o tsv)
#24 Deallocate, generalize, and capture multiple stopped VMs:
vms_ids=$(az vm list -g <rg-name> --query "[].id" -o tsv)
az vm deallocate --ids ${vms_ids}
az vm generalize --ids ${vms_ids}
az vm capture --ids ${vms_ids} --vhd-name-prefix <my-prefix>
#25 Export Public IPs to CSV:
((az network public-ip list --query "[].{name: name, address: ipAddress}") | ConvertFrom-Json) | Export-Csv -path "c:\ips.csv" -NoTypeInformation
#26 Create run command that can be executed remotely:
az vm run-command create -g <rg-name> --parameters arg1=param1 --script "Write-Host Azure Is Fun!" --timeout-in-seconds 30 --run-command-name <cmd-name> --vm-name <vm-name>
#27 List commands, invoke in-line script remotely:
az vm run-command list -l <location>
az vm run-command invoke -g <rg> -n <vm-name> --command-id RunShellScript --parameters 'file=test' --scripts 'param([string]$file)' 'New-Item C:\Temp\$file.txt'
#28 Run PowerShell script file remotely via CLI:
az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name <vm-name> -g <rg-name> --scripts @script.ps1 --parameters "name=vuki" "cloud=azure"
#29 Create #Azure Key Vault:
az keyvault create --name <unique-keyvault-name> --resource-group <rg-name> --location <location>
#30 Create #Azure Key Vaut certificate for VM:
az keyvault certificate create --vault-name vaultname -n cert1 -p "$(az keyvault certificate get-default-policy)"
#31 Create #Azure Key Vaut secret for VM. Create a Debian VM using Key Vault secrets:
secrets=$(az keyvault secret list-versions --vault-name <kv-name> -n cert1 --query "[?attributes.enabled].id" -o tsv)
vm_secrets=$(az vm secret format -s "$secrets")
az vm create -g <rg-name> -n <vm-name> --admin-username <admin> --image debian --secrets "$vm_secrets"
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